Something About Nothing............ #14


Another beautiful day forecast here. Search is on to seek out novel presents for weeks for the Mr & DS’s upcoming BDs.

Ordered a hand blown large paperweight of sorts for the kiddo complete with a free-standing light base. Thot he’d enjoy since working from home. Hope it’s as nice as it looks online. Thus far have only ordered a new ’medium duty cordless trimmer’ for the mr. No, had no idea that was a thing. It will join the large gas powdered and at least two others that are in the shed. :). Least he doesn’t collect cars.

mac....can I bring my own dinner to Charade`s? I don`t eat any kind of bean.....not a fan at all!
Oh girl, beans are a blank slate, I love most varieties except black ones. All but one member my family turns their nose up when beans are on the menu. Can i tempt you with a pineapple version? ;)
Camping....hmm....yes, I told Tom when I met him the only stars I would sleep under were 5 he agreed too!! It does look fun and many tell wonderful family stories about camping days, but no, fills me with dread even thinking about it.
Haha love that line. I just smile when people tell me they are campers then go on to describe their $100,000 RV. That’s a rolling hotel in my book
I also think (dumb I know) the name puts me off it. Considering I like every other fish I was surprised, can`t remember if Tom liked it or not, it was a good few years ago.
Perfect sense, it can be a little thing to trigger that mindset. Not uncommon at all for people to love a certain food, then wind up getting sick after eating it (true association or not) and it then morphs forever into revolting category. if they could bottle that would be a supreme weight loss aid!
Scrambled eggs on an English muffin this morning. And going to make cornbread later to go with pulled pork for dinner,
curious as to availability of english muffins are generally available there. Always thought options rather lacking here. Have never seen fresh offered in a bakery. Just in the grocery, all prepackaged, Thomas’ or store brand. No appreciable difference between them as I can determine. Look as though they’ve been sitting on the shelf for years, hard & crumbly lumps that perk up just a bit in the toaster.
Yeah, never saw those in a bakery either Keisha. I used to buy them every so often, but haven’t been in our kitchen for quite some time. Agree, they never seem to be fresh tasting and crumble easily. Hoping foot is feeling better today.

Ooh sun is still shining and so bright out. And kids are still not awake. I guess that pool time will be around lunchtime timeframe. And if they take my car, they’d better stop at the gas station first.

Another yay for Charade’s 2 countdown.
Yeah, never saw those in a bakery either Keisha. I used to buy them every so often, but haven’t been in our kitchen for quite some time. Agree, they never seem to be fresh tasting and crumble easily. Hoping foot is feeling better today.
I’m hanging, thanks :). Going to skip GD softball game tonight, just too long of a trek from the car over a bit of uneven Gravel path, even a narrow, wooden footbridge.

Jogged my mind after you posted you do ride commuter trains often...what’s your take on FL’s high speed train they are building?

Limited amtrak routes here, take 5+ hours more than driving to DC or NYC via convoluted schedule...have never ridden on one.

Do you think it will be a viable option from MCO to WDW/DS or getting to FLL/MIA area in reverse as for cruising in the future?

Once the car rates started to increased, thot crossed my mind to look into driving the 6 hours to Lorton & take the auto train if we ever do try wintering in FL down the road. Don’t know anyone who has used it though.
Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday Schumi.

Ah yes, a day to be thirsty for sure. All ready 59 degrees out. And while a beautiful sunny start, that full day of sun will not be. Clouds will be around to make it your choice, partly cloudy (the right choice) or partly sunny. And the weather heat pump is on. 86 degrees it will be this afternoon. And so, with both kids having no work today, both will be at the pool. Sister said it’s up to 71 degrees, on Monday, so with her pool’s solar cover, it should be at least that temp by mid day. Eh, even with a cooler dip, I’m sure you won’t be shivering too much when you get out.

And so oatmeal breakfast, as no cookies left. And yeah, tea even iced it as feels warm enough inside, a hotter drink not as interesting.

A terrific Thirsty Thursday homies. And yay 2 day countdown for Charade. Woot to leaving at the end of this week!

Thanks Lynne......been an alright day so far.

Glad your weather is decent.......should be nice for your walk.

Another quick good morning. Today is my last day of work until June.

I haven't eaten catfish in literally decades. I didn't like it as a kid, but haven't tried it again since becoming an adult.

I ordered some from Amazon that should arrive on Friday. Fingers crossed.

When I visited NYC I wanted to go to Tiffany and stare in the window like Audrey Hepburn. Unfortunately I never made it over there.

No camping for me either. I have to have electricity and indoor plumbing.

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When you get back to NY, you`ll do it`s everything you want in such a store.

lol.....yes, the thought of no basic amenities fills me with horror. I do hear folks talk of a shared amenity block which fills me even more with dread......I`d never survive the aftermath of an apocalypse :rotfl:

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Another beautiful day forecast here. Search is on to seek out novel presents for weeks for the Mr & DS’s upcoming BDs.

Ordered a hand blown large paperweight of sorts for the kiddo complete with a free-standing light base. Thot he’d enjoy since working from home. Hope it’s as nice as it looks online. Thus far have only ordered a new ’medium duty cordless trimmer’ for the mr. No, had no idea that was a thing. It will join the large gas powdered and at least two others that are in the shed. :). Least he doesn’t collect cars.

Oh girl, beans are a blank slate, I love most varieties except black ones. All but one member my family turns their nose up when beans are on the menu. Can i tempt you with a pineapple version? ;)

Haha love that line. I just smile when people tell me they are campers then go on to describe their $100,000 RV. That’s a rolling hotel in my book

Perfect sense, it can be a little thing to trigger that mindset. Not uncommon at all for people to love a certain food, then wind up getting sick after eating it (true association or not) and it then morphs forever into revolting category. if they could bottle that would be a supreme weight loss aid!

curious as to availability of english muffins are generally available there. Always thought options rather lacking here. Have never seen fresh offered in a bakery. Just in the grocery, all prepackaged, Thomas’ or store brand. No appreciable difference between them as I can determine. Look as though they’ve been sitting on the shelf for years, hard & crumbly lumps that perk up just a bit in the toaster.

Pineapple bean??? Pineapple anything works for me.....but, er not sure about that! Yes, a name can evoke all sorts of images.....although if they came up with a bad name for wine, I think I`d be able to ignore that name.......haha...

Yes a fancy RV would be my idea of

Proper muffins are common in grocery stores prepacked and honestly, never tried them, but never heard anyone complain about them. I avoided them for years thinking I didn`t like them, then when we moved here, someone told me the local baker made them and were wonderful. They were right.....I don`t buy them very often as they`re not my favourite thing, I prefer pancakes, but I do enjoy one now and again. Essential for Eggs Benedict though.......::yes::

Decided to go shopping this morning instead of a walk as foot was rebelling a little this morning......I should do as I`m told and content myself a little longer......:rolleyes1

Rain is bouncing down this afternoon here and possible high winds.......I`m fed up with rain now, although being at home it`s nice to look out at it from inside.

Pork is in the slow cooker simmering away and bbq sauce is made, about to make cornbread and no one wants potato wedges, so won`t bother with them and do some salad for the side.

Time for a pot of tea first though........
2bd shot done and so far little soreness in arm. So nice to be outside and no need for mask in 2 weeks. We are looking forward to our mini NYC trip. Interestingly, Amtrak said they are going to have full trains by the end of this month, and if you needed to change train as too crowded for ya, can do 1 time. Percentage our train is full? 10 percent as of now. We are not worried, as train has 2 seats per side. So no one will be seated next to us. Maybe across the aisle from us, at the most.

Pumpkin, glad to hear no snow, and hope headache is no more.

Keisha, ack, the foot, and eh, not a fan of that food. Not a fan of most that comes from water.
I'd like to go to NYC again sometime. Had 2 wonderful trips, both much too long ago.

Thanks Lynne....doing much better today. Weather sounds lovely, and your NY trip is just around the corner too.

Charade.....countdown gets better every day! Those temps look great to me, but can understand your concern with headaches and so on.

mac....can I bring my own dinner to Charade`s? I don`t eat any kind of bean.....not a fan at all!

Your weather will have us all jealous before too long.....yours is hard to beat!

Pumpkin.......glad the snow didn`t come to anything for you.......and yes, I`ll take it easy.....thank you.....:)

Janet....that looks like something I`d enjoy very much!!! Anything with seafood in works for me........And agree about okra.....what the heck is that all about!!

I didn`t tell you how Kyle hurt his back?? Yes, landed on fresh er, yes, we did walk today......wasn`t planned, but it was so I have the bug as I can walk not too duct tape may be needed as Kyle was reminding me to not to walk too far! I think I am a bad do want to go back out

Oh PT starts next week? Meantime take it easy too....... :thumbsup2

Lori......oh yes, I can`t wait to see what you order!! I would definitely drive up to Scotland if you were going and be part tour guide for you......what a blast!!

Glad the condo`s are all sorted now, you`ll be glad to get that all finalised and guests will appreciate the work you`ve put in to make sure their bookings are still intact. Good luck with the eye checks.....yes, no contacts for any of us either......couldn`t do it, happy to stick with glasses.

Oh nothing wrong with being emotional. And that is a perfect reason to be so I think.....she`ll be so beautiful.

Yes, it was a stunningly beautiful morning here, so instead of just sitting looking at the sea, we drove down and parked and I managed to walk about 40 minutes. I did have on my "posh crocs" not ideal for long walks, but did ok as it didn`t touch the dressing still on. It was warm and sunny and could have walked longer but think Tom was thinking I`d done enough....he was probably right.

After lunch went to a friends house for the afternoon but poor doggies had to be kept away as they would have been on my foot. Bless them, they looked a little bewildered. But two of them love sitting on folks bare feet, so they had to stay away. Nice afternoon though sitting outside......

Dinner was late, but very nice as we made balsamic honey chicken together, went down well.

Now watching final 2 episodes of a tv show called The Pact. It`s very good, set in Wales and very atmospheric.
Buying some chicken thighs today....making something similar, yum!!

I can’t even comprehend snow this time of year.

Not yet. I’m a last minute packer.

Hoping for quick healing.

We don’t have those. Do you know if WDW sells them? I don’t know if I can find them locally before we leave.

Hoping that’s the only side effect

I’m last minute.

That’s exactly where it is from.


I miss wearing contacts. I stopped wearing them several years ago when my eyes started getting dry.

I need to do a little laundry before we leave. I think we have everything we need for the trip. I also want to make sure the house is clean when we get home.
Thank you!

Good Wednesday evening Sans family :wave:

Sitting in my favorite spot looking out the window and glancing at the Dis.

Thank you.

Thank you Mac for your lovely wishes for granddaughters upcoming wedding in June.

I enjoyed doing the shower and decorations.

Thank you Carole. Mariah and I have always enjoyed visiting Tiffany at Mall at Millenia for a few trinkets on our vacations to Universal. You actually played a big part in that you know. You shared your information on your trip report about Mall at Millenia and we have been going there every since. We do so enjoy shopping at the Mall there. They have the nicest shops, but Tiffany is our favorite.

She is such a sweetheart and very thoughtful. Thank you for your lovely comments about her.

So good Kyle enjoys cooking. He sounds like he is such a wonderful son. I bet his friends enjoyed coming there for all your goodies. You are a great cook. You always talk about the yummy food you prepare.

Thank you. She really liked her shower.

Sending lots of get well wishes to your daughter. At least you know what the damage is and now it’s time to allow the healing to begin.

I do like a small piece of chocolate now and then. I always like to see how some people come up with creative ways to use it in desserts.

Great to hear they have opened again. You have a countdown to your upcoming trip also.

Snow...............a dirty 4 letter weather word especially in May. We have had a very cool May here. idea of roughing it is a walk in the woods then returning to a 4 to 5 star hotel for a hot shower and a good meal.

That being said I will fully admit I have visited my younger sisters camp sites a few times and had a wonderful time.

Awesome. It’s almost here.

Sounds like you have what we call around here “barometric brain.” A shift in the barometric pressure can play havoc. The pollen has been terrible here this Spring too.

Stress fracture? They are painful for sure. Hope it feels better soon.

Thank you.

Congratulations on the condos selling and the parking space. That is so very nice of you to follow through on the reservations already booked. I’am sure the renters will be happy to know you are taking care of them.

I remember many years ago my sister and I were at the Ophthalmologist and I tried putting contacts in and it was hysterical. I just couldn’t do it. It was pretty comical. I gave up.

The day here started out cloudy and it rained a little and then the sun came out and it warmed up nicely into the 70’s.

I did my errands yesterday so all caught up with those. I had a letter and a few cards to post so that’s done too. Feels nice when things get done.

I found some catfish fillets at the store yesterday and made those this evening with some homemade tartar sauce, potato logs, salad and crescent rolls. It was a nice change. We haven’t had catfish for awhile.

Hope everyone has a good rest of the evening.
Yes, I always planned on helping with the transition of guests. It's just the right thing to do.

Nice evening sitting out at softball game. Buggy tho, seems early for that here already

That sounds acceptable NYC coming back to life -yea!

Did u get a one finger’d discount? JK

That went fast, nice it all worked out so smoothly

No, now two here laid low by a mechanical bull. What are those odds? I can just imagine you hearing he was hurt and trying to process the odd circumstances

Was cut off earlier but your family really needs to duct tape you to a chair for some rest lol All kidding aside, great to hear you felt well enough to take a walk

They do but bit pricey, cute as I saw blue ones with with Mickey ears. Have also seen at various drug stores, Dicks sporting & WM in the past. I grabbed mine on Amazon. Have had them deliver stuff to WDW hotels same day delivery the few times we didn’t rent a car & via reg service

Not sure, I was so taken aback never thot to have her expand on it. Same foot has had multiple issues over the years. She said this is not unexpected development. Should heal up in 6 weeks, if not an MRI next step. my brain shut down then lalala I can’t hear you

the pandemic has made it difficult in not being able to have a support person in exam room. Good to have that extra set of ears at times Things still very tight here in medical facilities as to limited people in waiting rooms etc

Does seem odd to be doing PT while it’s still in the boot healing. Going to ask the therapist next week to expand on the rationale there

Did u fry them? I’ve never had catfish. Grew up where when if they were caught in river, the ugly things were cut lose. River too polluted then to eat any bottom feeders. It has just stuck with me over the years even tho I know they are sold farmed. one day I’ll get brave & try it
I should have had the nail tech paint one toe, lol!!!

I love Mall at Millenia, and yes Tiffany is one of the nicest stores. I have to say even the one in NY was as friendly when we went to that one when it was my birthday/anniversary trip.......they do look after you. But, I`m glad to hear you have enjoyed going there too. And again, the shower looked stunning.

Yes, having a family who cook is one of the many reasons I`ll never be slim!! But, didn`t want him to grow up not being able to cook properly and only throwing frozen food in the oven for dinner.

Camping....hmm....yes, I told Tom when I met him the only stars I would sleep under were 5 he agreed too!! It does look fun and many tell wonderful family stories about camping days, but no, fills me with dread even thinking about it. I could do one of those huge static chalet type places that have all conveniences including full bathroom..but apparently that`s not camping...:duck:

I`m glad you`re having some time to relax now, and letter writing is nice. So many don`t do it today. I only have a couple of aunts and uncles that I write to, and they are diminishing sadly, but it`s going to be a lost art soon.

lol.....might not need that duct tape today, rain and high winds forecast for this afternoon, although we could get out this morning........:duck:We probably will manage a similar walk today as no adverse reaction last night apart from a slightly painful hip where I`m compensating with weight bearing.....that`ll pass too.

Yes, it was the weirdest way to injure yourself. His physio couldn`t work out why he wasn`t getting better, so sent him for an MRI and that`s where they say he needed surgery. Most nerve wracking time of our lives, and all just weeks before he started his first year at University. He`s completely fine though.

I tried catfish once.......not for me. I also think (dumb I know) the name puts me off it. Considering I like every other fish I was surprised, can`t remember if Tom liked it or not, it was a good few years ago.

Take it easy on your foot too......::yes::

Hard to imagine the rain is forecast as it`s gorgeous out there this morning. I went out to put some phat bombs in the bird feeder closest to the house and it was warm-ish for 6am.

So, grocery shop day. I`m considering whether to go with Tom despite my worries of someone accidentally hitting my foot. But if I pushed the trolley (cart) I`d avoid that. Or do we leave it and go for a walk before the rain hits.....that`s my big decision for this morning. We don`t really need a lot today apart from fresh veg and salad that we`ll pick up from the big farm place nearby.

Scrambled eggs on an English muffin this morning. And going to make cornbread later to go with pulled pork for dinner, we all love that dish with a few potato wedges and salad.....carb overload here, although ot many wedges are ever eaten as the cornbread is always demolished! One of the nicest cornbreads I have ever eaten was at 4Rivers bbq place in Winter Park......goodness I could have eaten just 4 portions of that!

But, time to get ready and decide what we`re doing today.....

Thursday again........





Have a wonderful Thursday :flower1:
In Alabama, they call carts (trolleys) "buggies". I had a good laugh first time I heard that one!

Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday Schumi.

Ah yes, a day to be thirsty for sure. All ready 59 degrees out. And while a beautiful sunny start, that full day of sun will not be. Clouds will be around to make it your choice, partly cloudy (the right choice) or partly sunny. And the weather heat pump is on. 86 degrees it will be this afternoon. And so, with both kids having no work today, both will be at the pool. Sister said it’s up to 71 degrees, on Monday, so with her pool’s solar cover, it should be at least that temp by mid day. Eh, even with a cooler dip, I’m sure you won’t be shivering too much when you get out.

And so oatmeal breakfast, as no cookies left. And yeah, tea even iced it as feels warm enough inside, a hotter drink not as interesting.

A terrific Thirsty Thursday homies. And yay 2 day countdown for Charade. Woot to leaving at the end of this week!
A pool day sounds perfect!

Another quick good morning. Today is my last day of work until June.

I haven't eaten catfish in literally decades. I didn't like it as a kid, but haven't tried it again since becoming an adult.

I ordered some from Amazon that should arrive on Friday. Fingers crossed.

When I visited NYC I wanted to go to Tiffany and stare in the window like Audrey Hepburn. Unfortunately I never made it over there.

No camping for me either. I have to have electricity and indoor plumbing.

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Two days! Your countdown seems to have evaporated rather quickly!

Eye doctor appointment went well. No puff of air! But 2 sets of drops, which I don't enjoy...but more tolerable than the dreaded puff.

Cloudy morning, with probable rain this afternoon. I'll get the dogs walked this morning to be safe.

And a happy thirsty Thursday to all!

I'd like to go to NYC again sometime. Had 2 wonderful trips, both much too long ago.

Buying some chicken thighs today....making something similar, yum!!

Thank you!

Yes, I always planned on helping with the transition of guests. It's just the right thing to do.

I should have had the nail tech paint one toe, lol!!!

In Alabama, they call carts (trolleys) "buggies". I had a good laugh first time I heard that one!

A pool day sounds perfect!

Two days! Your countdown seems to have evaporated rather quickly!

Eye doctor appointment went well. No puff of air! But 2 sets of drops, which I don't enjoy...but more tolerable than the dreaded puff.

Cloudy morning, with probable rain this afternoon. I'll get the dogs walked this morning to be safe.

And a happy thirsty Thursday to all!

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Some folks call kiddie pushchairs "buggies" over here. Usually for toddlers. I always love the differences we have in our languages.

Glad eye appointment went well......

I love NYC, but also fell completely in love with Long Island. The visit we stayed for two weeks, we saw parts of LI that I honestly could move to tomorrow if they`d let us......and after 5 visits, I haven`t got fed up yet. We will go back one day, certainly if only to visit my cousins and family out there.

NYC is everything I hate, it`s loud, busy, brash and is like that one person who never stops talking about herself.....constantly on...........but I love it. First time I went I knew I`d go back several times.......we should try and co-ordinate a trip......that would be fun!!!

Enjoy your walk with the doggies......
Ooh tea pot at Schumi’s. I’d be there enjoying tea with her. I enjoy tea drinking.

Never took auto train Keisha. Though did drive down and back one time. Not something I ever want to do again. And haven’t. Not sure about that FLA train. Will see if will be a good deal and go where I want to, rather than drive my rental car. I have driven a rental car from Orlando to Miami and back. Not a bad drive. Why I have had a Sun Pass for years now. I guess I am lucky, two local train stations within a 5 minute drive, and 25 or so minutes local train ride to connect in same station to get onto Amtrak train. We could drive to the station to catch the Amtrak train, but driving into the City where that station is at, is a pain in the neck, and right now, all around it, is street construction, with the highway we’d go on to get there, the exit where we’d have to get off, is closed due to that construction. So easier, less stressful and not that expensive to take local train. And so we do. For business, have taken Amtrak more times than I can count. So train riding is fine with me.

Funny, little one likes the hustle and bustle of NYC. Why she also enjoyed her City dorm room. The ever not stopping road noise never bothered her. We do like the NYC hotel we have stated at, as is mostly very quiet, so that makes me happy. Will be taking my waking shoes, though. We walk miles there.

Paris, glad to hear eye exam went well. Yeah don’t like that blow into eye and looking like a cat at night. Enjoy that dog waking.

Ack, the problem with up before the sun. Is it lunchtime yet? That oatmeal apparently was not filling. But like Schumi, ready for more tea.

Ooh, the sounds of lawn mowing. Yeah, once we see rain next week, a rainy Monday (of course!) predicted. A week of increasing heat, and yay an almost record high 96 degrees is Sunday’s predicted high. At least starting next week right. And yeah, that stupid rain will drop the temps 20 degrees. In other words, will feel refreshing, that temp and the rain on Monday.
It has been very slow at work today. I have actually run out of things to do. I could leave early, but I need to wait for the mail delivery. We are supposed to have a re-delivery of something that needs to be signed for.

And all of a sudden I can’t quote. The site says I need to accept cookies. I have accepted the cookies every time I have been asked. Don’t k is what the problem is.

Keisha - no black beans? I used to think they were gross until I moved to Miami and was introduced to Cuban food.

Schumi - I would like to visit NYC again but this time on my own schedule. Last time was on a Girl Scout trip. I bet the Tiffany employees get tired of people just staring into their window.

Paris - Southern English can be amusing at times. I grew up in the south but have always said shopping cart.

Schumi - I think a push chair is what we call a stroller? I once watched a funny video of an American woman and her British husband discussing the differences in words. The funniest part was when her talked about his vest and she called it a wife beater.

I’m bored, but will try to enjoy being bored for the next few hours.
Carole it’s strange, u can’t taste the crushed pineapple in those baked beans
I should have had the nail tech paint one toe, lol!!!
Haha start a trend. I’ve been seeing a lot of the individually different painted pastel nails this season. Cute look, especially on short nails
Eye doctor appointment went well. No puff of air! But 2 sets of drops, which I don't enjoy...but more tolerable than the dreaded puff.
Why I have had a Sun Pass for years now. I guess I am lucky, two local train stations within a 5 minute drive, and 25 or so minutes local train ride to connect in same station to get onto Amtrak train.
I left my sunpass in last rental. trip before a pair of the mr rx sunglasses. They never showed up Figure somebody just had lenses recut. A pox on them. Lol

Reported the ezpass but will call it a loss come Saturday, figuring two weeks plenty of time for it to show up.

PW protected, was affixed to window; no idea why anyone would keep it. Oh well. Only $25 tohave another shipped. do have ezpass for needs back home. Too confusing to figure out while FL toll roads exclude it

mr always in such a rush hustling me out of car at airport. Will take my sweet time going forward :rolleyes1

wow, local train service too? We are lucky to have port authority buses. Some trolleys downtown into southern burbs
Keisha - no black beans? I used to think they were gross until I moved to Miami and was introduced to Cuban food.
I just can’t get into them. Think it’s textural, too crunchy? Same as garbanzos/chick peas
What you do on a day off:

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Slacker! LoL
Oh yeah, land shark alert
Woot! So close now Charade.

Warm night, as hear my AC still cranking.

And ack, my bath drain not working right, and have to move my very heavy large bureau. Will call my brother to help DH as, of course, to get to pipes are behind that bureau. Never fails. A tomorrow moving and hope to fix not expensive. At least we have another bathroom we can use, kids will have to share a few days, hopefully, just a day.
Ooh tea pot at Schumi’s. I’d be there enjoying tea with her. I enjoy tea drinking.

Never took auto train Keisha. Though did drive down and back one time. Not something I ever want to do again. And haven’t. Not sure about that FLA train. Will see if will be a good deal and go where I want to, rather than drive my rental car. I have driven a rental car from Orlando to Miami and back. Not a bad drive. Why I have had a Sun Pass for years now. I guess I am lucky, two local train stations within a 5 minute drive, and 25 or so minutes local train ride to connect in same station to get onto Amtrak train. We could drive to the station to catch the Amtrak train, but driving into the City where that station is at, is a pain in the neck, and right now, all around it, is street construction, with the highway we’d go on to get there, the exit where we’d have to get off, is closed due to that construction. So easier, less stressful and not that expensive to take local train. And so we do. For business, have taken Amtrak more times than I can count. So train riding is fine with me.

Funny, little one likes the hustle and bustle of NYC. Why she also enjoyed her City dorm room. The ever not stopping road noise never bothered her. We do like the NYC hotel we have stated at, as is mostly very quiet, so that makes me happy. Will be taking my waking shoes, though. We walk miles there.

Paris, glad to hear eye exam went well. Yeah don’t like that blow into eye and looking like a cat at night. Enjoy that dog waking.

Ack, the problem with up before the sun. Is it lunchtime yet? That oatmeal apparently was not filling. But like Schumi, ready for more tea.

Ooh, the sounds of lawn mowing. Yeah, once we see rain next week, a rainy Monday (of course!) predicted. A week of increasing heat, and yay an almost record high 96 degrees is Sunday’s predicted high. At least starting next week right. And yeah, that stupid rain will drop the temps 20 degrees. In other words, will feel refreshing, that temp and the rain on Monday.

Ended up with a milky coffee instead which was lovely, all creamy milk and no water, delicious but not something I have very often.

Love the smell of cut grass........and my goodness yes, we walked miles every day in NYC. But, you don`t realise just how far you walk at the time.

It has been very slow at work today. I have actually run out of things to do. I could leave early, but I need to wait for the mail delivery. We are supposed to have a re-delivery of something that needs to be signed for.

And all of a sudden I can’t quote. The site says I need to accept cookies. I have accepted the cookies every time I have been asked. Don’t k is what the problem is.

Keisha - no black beans? I used to think they were gross until I moved to Miami and was introduced to Cuban food.

Schumi - I would like to visit NYC again but this time on my own schedule. Last time was on a Girl Scout trip. I bet the Tiffany employees get tired of people just staring into their window.

Paris - Southern English can be amusing at times. I grew up in the south but have always said shopping cart.

Schumi - I think a push chair is what we call a stroller? I once watched a funny video of an American woman and her British husband discussing the differences in words. The funniest part was when her talked about his vest and she called it a wife beater.

I’m bored, but will try to enjoy being bored for the next few hours.

Yes, stroller isn`t a common word over her for pushchair....never heard the term wife beater in respect of a vest before? That`s a new one.......

We did get pictures outside the main door and the side doors of Tiffany, and so many were taking pictures inside, I think the staff are used to people just looking around and yes, there were a lot of folks with Audrey Hepburn look around.

Enjoy that last minute packing........

Carole it’s strange, u can’t taste the crushed pineapple in those baked beans

Haha start a trend. I’ve been seeing a lot of the individually different painted pastel nails this season. Cute look, especially on short nails


I left my sunpass in last rental. trip before a pair of the mr rx sunglasses. They never showed up Figure somebody just had lenses recut. A pox on them. Lol

Reported the ezpass but will call it a loss come Saturday, figuring two weeks plenty of time for it to show up.

PW protected, was affixed to window; no idea why anyone would keep it. Oh well. Only $25 tohave another shipped. do have ezpass for needs back home. Too confusing to figure out while FL toll roads exclude it

mr always in such a rush hustling me out of car at airport. Will take my sweet time going forward :rolleyes1

wow, local train service too? We are lucky to have port authority buses. Some trolleys downtown into southern burbs

I just can’t get into them. Think it’s textural, too crunchy? Same as garbanzos/chick peas

Oh yeah, land shark alert

I cannot envisage that mix......and I can put pineapple with most been a fan of any bean in any form. When we visited family in Italy about a million years ago, they made us dinner one evening and it was a white bean casserole with extra beans and a side of beans with more beans.......I had the bread and salad! But, I do trust your judgement on that.......

I do like a nice falafel despite hating chick peas though, especially if it`s spicy......Tom loves most beans but hates

Rain and high winds today. No walking especially in an open sandal.

Might go pick up some bits in our village for the weekend, we need a bacon top up and maybe a leg of lamb for Sunday.

We`ve been asked out for dinner tomorrow night, but as I can`t wear a dress shoe yet, turned it down and said we`ll catch up another time. It`s too nice a restaurant to go in with old crocs on my we`ll have Thai take out here instead.

Will buy some Brioche buns for dinner tonight and finish up the pulled pork...everyone likes those and will make up some American style onion. Bacon for breakfast this`ll smell the aroma mac......🥓🥓




Have a lovely Friday :flower1:
Aw, hope you are having a lovely Friday too Schumi.

Keisha, not sure what it is, but need to open access to see what. Old bathroom, so may have to replace a pipe or two. Already had to replace those in the sink. So I guess the bath was just a matter of time. Just annoying, and lucky to have two bathrooms.

A beautiful sunrise it was. DH went to bed early, and so we were both were up early, like just before the alarm would have gone off. I turned it off, as we didn’t need it. Grr. But another yellow sky as now a very early sunrise. And glorious sunshine already streaming through my window. Another partly cloudy day, but hey, enough sun to have 88 degrees the high. But as a clear sky in the wee hours, 54 says the thermometer now. So maybe a bit cool out, but shorts still being worn. It will be warmer soon, with that bright sunny skies also now.

Ooh time for tea. May make eggs, as any left over the men will finish. Made burgers last night, and had cut off a piece of sharp cheddar from a cheese block we had. Only one who did not have a cheeseburger was little one. But as have a bit of cheese still left, will chop the rest of the leftover cheese in smaller pieces and toss with the eggs. Little one won’t eat my scrambled eggs, and the rest of us don’t care if it is cheesy eggs. So cheesy eggs it will be.

A Fabulous Friday homies. And a happy and good morning to you.

Big Woot! A number of one will be Charade’s countdown. Safe travels tomorrow, and hope lots of park fun.
Good Friday morning Sans family :wave:

The sun is shinning this morning :sunny: high today is supposed to be 84. I was really surprised when we hit 85 yesterday. I will take it.

Did u fry them? I’ve never had catfish. Grew up where when if they were caught in river, the ugly things were cut lose. River too polluted then to eat any bottom feeders. It has just stuck with me over the years even tho I know they are sold farmed. one day I’ll get brave & try it

We used to catch Blue catfish, Channel catfish, Striped bass and Sauger at the Lake. The fresh Catfish we caught right out of the Lake was delicious. I liked the Striped Bass a lot to.

Hubby would Skin and gut the fish and cut filets off the Catfish. I never cooked them skinned and gutted whole on the bone. Some folks do and they call them Catfish Fiddlers.

I found these Catfish fillets at The store and decided to give it a try. I dip them in egg and milk mix then dredge in Kentucky Kernel seasoned flour mixed with Panko and fry them. They were very good.

There are Catfish restaurants In Kentucky by the Lake.

Schumi I have never been to the Tiffany in New York. Will have to have a look at it if I ever get to New York again. Sounds nice.

Happy packing Charade you will be on your way before you know it.

Lynne hope they are able to fix your bathroom pipe.

We had the sprinkler repairman out yesterday. I accidentally nicked a sprinkler line when I was reworking some landscaping in the back yard.
All fixed now so yard will get a good watering.

Going to New Harmony today for a walk and lunch with younger Sis and her grandson (my little great-nephew that I watch sometime). It’s a quaint little town on the Wabash River. They have a restaurant there called the Red Geranium that has good food.

There is a Roofless Church there that’s beautiful to walk around in and a few other nice things to visit.

Weather looks like it will be nice to be out.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.


Good morning and happy Friday. I have had a busy morning. I had to get up early for a medical appointment. After that I stopped by the bank to get some cash for tips. Then to Kroger to get a graduation card and Amazon gift card for my niece. Poor kid is finally graduating high school. She got held back a year because she missed so many days due to illnesses.

Today's agenda is finish packing and clean the house. I'm also waiting for one of B's former teacher to stop by with some coffee. He daughter was selling it as a fundraiser for the high school lacrosse team. I bought 2 bags for dh.

charade -looks like you have that nesting (vacation) cleaning gene too. Funny how it works its dreadful to come home to things out of place
I just hate the thought of having to clean when we get back. When B was born I went into labor shortly after having dinner, so dished were left int he sink. When I cam home from the hospital 3 days later the dishes were still there. I was furious with dh.

never heard the term wife beater in respect of a vest before? That`s a new one.......
I used to think it cam from the show COPS because it seemed like every time they arrested a man for domestic violence he was wearing a white, tank top undershirt. Apparently it actually goes back to a murder case from the 1940's.

not sure what it is, but need to open access to see what. Old bathroom, so may have to replace a pipe or two. Already had to replace those in the sink. So I guess the bath was just a matter of time. Just annoying, and lucky to have two bathrooms.
Hoping it's not too serious or too expensive.

Happy to post today's countdown picture.

55195F6E-0276-4B9C-BC95-31BCE8247E15.jpegI plan on making like this Husky and crawling into my pool today...will call it water aerobics

8DE05BCB-55E5-448F-A37A-AC36F41123CC.jpegI’m hoping for a quiet lot across the street once they start demo again. Stopped two weeks ago due to finding asbestos. Have been watching at least 5 of these little guys living there. Know we know where the two raccoons we rehomed last year were living.

Just annoying, and lucky to have two bathrooms.

found these Catfish fillets at The store and decided to give it a try. I dip them in egg and milk mix then dredge in Kentucky Kernel seasoned flour mixed with Panko and fry them. They were very good.

Not familiar with that seasoned flour but that does sound good
There is a Roofless Church there that’s beautiful to walk around in and a few other nice things to visit.
A roofless church? Another thing
I just hate the thought of having to clean when we get back. When B was born I went into labor shortly after having dinner, so dished were left int he sink. When I cam home from the hospital 3 days later the dishes were still there. I was furious with dh.
That nesting instinct is a weird phenom. Most of my friends experienced it. Sure fire way to let me know to get that overnight bag ready, baby was right around the corner

Dr Strange is right up there for me. Have a wonderful trip, try to stay cool!

Carole - LOL re your description of the bean entree, with the side of beans...what, no ditalini pasta thrown into the mix? I do enjoy a good peasant style bowl of beans, said pasta & greens flavored with sausage or some prosciutto now & again.
Aww, little one took me out to late breakfast or brunch at First Watch. Oh my, very large dinner plate pancakes. All was delicious, with leftovers, that I surely will want. Hot feeling out already. Got gas for almost empty car gas tank, then a Starbucks stop, and home we came. Lovely Friday morning. We will do that lunchtime walk, as still full from stuffing ourselves.

Ack to seeing that raccoon. Yeah, they are pests here too, Keisha. Quiet neighbors indeed. Hope the construction stops soon.

Robo, good to hear from you, and glad to hear busy, with family lunch and walk, as food place sounds nice, and pretty area to walk around with roofless church.
Ooh tea pot at Schumi’s. I’d be there enjoying tea with her. I enjoy tea drinking.

Never took auto train Keisha. Though did drive down and back one time. Not something I ever want to do again. And haven’t. Not sure about that FLA train. Will see if will be a good deal and go where I want to, rather than drive my rental car. I have driven a rental car from Orlando to Miami and back. Not a bad drive. Why I have had a Sun Pass for years now. I guess I am lucky, two local train stations within a 5 minute drive, and 25 or so minutes local train ride to connect in same station to get onto Amtrak train. We could drive to the station to catch the Amtrak train, but driving into the City where that station is at, is a pain in the neck, and right now, all around it, is street construction, with the highway we’d go on to get there, the exit where we’d have to get off, is closed due to that construction. So easier, less stressful and not that expensive to take local train. And so we do. For business, have taken Amtrak more times than I can count. So train riding is fine with me.

Funny, little one likes the hustle and bustle of NYC. Why she also enjoyed her City dorm room. The ever not stopping road noise never bothered her. We do like the NYC hotel we have stated at, as is mostly very quiet, so that makes me happy. Will be taking my waking shoes, though. We walk miles there.

Paris, glad to hear eye exam went well. Yeah don’t like that blow into eye and looking like a cat at night. Enjoy that dog waking.

Ack, the problem with up before the sun. Is it lunchtime yet? That oatmeal apparently was not filling. But like Schumi, ready for more tea.

Ooh, the sounds of lawn mowing. Yeah, once we see rain next week, a rainy Monday (of course!) predicted. A week of increasing heat, and yay an almost record high 96 degrees is Sunday’s predicted high. At least starting next week right. And yeah, that stupid rain will drop the temps 20 degrees. In other words, will feel refreshing, that temp and the rain on Monday.
I've only taken the Amtrak from Milwaukee to Chicago. Easy and quick, and it sure beats driving in downtown Chicago. I've heard overnight parking can be more than $60 per night...yikes that's high!

What you do on a day off:

View attachment 576479

Slacker! LoL
Looks very relaxing!
Love how the shark reminds me of Bruce at Universal!

Carole it’s strange, u can’t taste the crushed pineapple in those baked beans

Haha start a trend. I’ve been seeing a lot of the individually different painted pastel nails this season. Cute look, especially on short nails


I left my sunpass in last rental. trip before a pair of the mr rx sunglasses. They never showed up Figure somebody just had lenses recut. A pox on them. Lol

Reported the ezpass but will call it a loss come Saturday, figuring two weeks plenty of time for it to show up.

PW protected, was affixed to window; no idea why anyone would keep it. Oh well. Only $25 tohave another shipped. do have ezpass for needs back home. Too confusing to figure out while FL toll roads exclude it

mr always in such a rush hustling me out of car at airport. Will take my sweet time going forward :rolleyes1

wow, local train service too? We are lucky to have port authority buses. Some trolleys downtown into southern burbs

I just can’t get into them. Think it’s textural, too crunchy? Same as garbanzos/chick peas

Oh yeah, land shark alert
Had all 10 toes done this morning. A very lovely shade of pink!

Ended up with a milky coffee instead which was lovely, all creamy milk and no water, delicious but not something I have very often.

Love the smell of cut grass........and my goodness yes, we walked miles every day in NYC. But, you don`t realise just how far you walk at the time.

Yes, stroller isn`t a common word over her for pushchair....never heard the term wife beater in respect of a vest before? That`s a new one.......

We did get pictures outside the main door and the side doors of Tiffany, and so many were taking pictures inside, I think the staff are used to people just looking around and yes, there were a lot of folks with Audrey Hepburn look around.

Enjoy that last minute packing........

I cannot envisage that mix......and I can put pineapple with most been a fan of any bean in any form. When we visited family in Italy about a million years ago, they made us dinner one evening and it was a white bean casserole with extra beans and a side of beans with more beans.......I had the bread and salad! But, I do trust your judgement on that.......

I do like a nice falafel despite hating chick peas though, especially if it`s spicy......Tom loves most beans but hates

Rain and high winds today. No walking especially in an open sandal.

Might go pick up some bits in our village for the weekend, we need a bacon top up and maybe a leg of lamb for Sunday.

We`ve been asked out for dinner tomorrow night, but as I can`t wear a dress shoe yet, turned it down and said we`ll catch up another time. It`s too nice a restaurant to go in with old crocs on my we`ll have Thai take out here instead.

Will buy some Brioche buns for dinner tonight and finish up the pulled pork...everyone likes those and will make up some American style onion. Bacon for breakfast this`ll smell the aroma mac......🥓🥓




Have a lovely Friday :flower1:
Soon you'll get those shoes on, and soon you and Tom can dine out with friends!!!!

Aw, hope you are having a lovely Friday too Schumi.

Keisha, not sure what it is, but need to open access to see what. Old bathroom, so may have to replace a pipe or two. Already had to replace those in the sink. So I guess the bath was just a matter of time. Just annoying, and lucky to have two bathrooms.

A beautiful sunrise it was. DH went to bed early, and so we were both were up early, like just before the alarm would have gone off. I turned it off, as we didn’t need it. Grr. But another yellow sky as now a very early sunrise. And glorious sunshine already streaming through my window. Another partly cloudy day, but hey, enough sun to have 88 degrees the high. But as a clear sky in the wee hours, 54 says the thermometer now. So maybe a bit cool out, but shorts still being worn. It will be warmer soon, with that bright sunny skies also now.

Ooh time for tea. May make eggs, as any left over the men will finish. Made burgers last night, and had cut off a piece of sharp cheddar from a cheese block we had. Only one who did not have a cheeseburger was little one. But as have a bit of cheese still left, will chop the rest of the leftover cheese in smaller pieces and toss with the eggs. Little one won’t eat my scrambled eggs, and the rest of us don’t care if it is cheesy eggs. So cheesy eggs it will be.

A Fabulous Friday homies. And a happy and good morning to you.

Big Woot! A number of one will be Charade’s countdown. Safe travels tomorrow, and hope lots of park fun.
The only time I ever get up to watch sunrise was at the beach. Nothing beats the beauty of that! Biggest thing I will miss about the condos for sure....

Good Friday morning Sans family :wave:

The sun is shinning this morning :sunny: high today is supposed to be 84. I was really surprised when we hit 85 yesterday. I will take it.

We used to catch Blue catfish, Channel catfish, Striped bass and Sauger at the Lake. The fresh Catfish we caught right out of the Lake was delicious. I liked the Striped Bass a lot to.

Hubby would Skin and gut the fish and cut filets off the Catfish. I never cooked them skinned and gutted whole on the bone. Some folks do and they call them Catfish Fiddlers.

I found these Catfish fillets at The store and decided to give it a try. I dip them in egg and milk mix then dredge in Kentucky Kernel seasoned flour mixed with Panko and fry them. They were very good.

There are Catfish restaurants In Kentucky by the Lake.

Schumi I have never been to the Tiffany in New York. Will have to have a look at it if I ever get to New York again. Sounds nice.

Happy packing Charade you will be on your way before you know it.

Lynne hope they are able to fix your bathroom pipe.

We had the sprinkler repairman out yesterday. I accidentally nicked a sprinkler line when I was reworking some landscaping in the back yard.
All fixed now so yard will get a good watering.

Going to New Harmony today for a walk and lunch with younger Sis and her grandson (my little great-nephew that I watch sometime). It’s a quaint little town on the Wabash River. They have a restaurant there called the Red Geranium that has good food.

There is a Roofless Church there that’s beautiful to walk around in and a few other nice things to visit.

Weather looks like it will be nice to be out.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.

View attachment 576626

View attachment 576627
Sounds like a very enjoyable day planned!
And I need to show your 'recipe' to DH. He will get a good chuckle!!

Good morning and happy Friday. I have had a busy morning. I had to get up early for a medical appointment. After that I stopped by the bank to get some cash for tips. Then to Kroger to get a graduation card and Amazon gift card for my niece. Poor kid is finally graduating high school. She got held back a year because she missed so many days due to illnesses.

Today's agenda is finish packing and clean the house. I'm also waiting for one of B's former teacher to stop by with some coffee. He daughter was selling it as a fundraiser for the high school lacrosse team. I bought 2 bags for dh.

I just hate the thought of having to clean when we get back. When B was born I went into labor shortly after having dinner, so dished were left int he sink. When I cam home from the hospital 3 days later the dishes were still there. I was furious with dh.

I used to think it cam from the show COPS because it seemed like every time they arrested a man for domestic violence he was wearing a white, tank top undershirt. Apparently it actually goes back to a murder case from the 1940's.

Hoping it's not too serious or too expensive.

Happy to post today's countdown picture.

View attachment 576636
Everything is falling into place for your departure!
ONE MORE DAY!!! I hope you and your family have the best time!!

View attachment 576641I plan on making like this Husky and crawling into my pool today...will call it water aerobics

View attachment 576640I’m hoping for a quiet lot across the street once they start demo again. Stopped two weeks ago due to finding asbestos. Have been watching at least 5 of these little guys living there. Know we know where the two raccoons we rehomed last year were living.
View attachment 576644


Not familiar with that seasoned flour but that does sound good

A roofless church? Another thing

That nesting instinct is a weird phenom. Most of my friends experienced it. Sure fire way to let me know to get that overnight bag ready, baby was right around the corner

Dr Strange is right up there for me. Have a wonderful trip, try to stay cool!

Carole - LOL re your description of the bean entree, with the side of beans...what, no ditalini pasta thrown into the mix? I do enjoy a good peasant style bowl of beans, said pasta & greens flavored with sausage or some prosciutto now & again.
A nice soak may be therapeutic for your foot. Enjoy the pool time!

Aww, little one took me out to late breakfast or brunch at First Watch. Oh my, very large dinner plate pancakes. All was delicious, with leftovers, that I surely will want. Hot feeling out already. Got gas for almost empty car gas tank, then a Starbucks stop, and home we came. Lovely Friday morning. We will do that lunchtime walk, as still full from stuffing ourselves.

Ack to seeing that raccoon. Yeah, they are pests here too, Keisha. Quiet neighbors indeed. Hope the construction stops soon.

Robo, good to hear from you, and glad to hear busy, with family lunch and walk, as food place sounds nice, and pretty area to walk around with roofless church.
How nice your DD took you to brunch!! Pancakes are always a winner!
Enjoy your day off!

Finger nails done on Wednesday, toes done this morning, and a root touch up at 3pm today. I will be all glammed up for this weekend, lol!

I stopped at a Vietnamese restaurant after having my toes done late this morning. I ordered beef Pho for the first time ever....not spicy of course. It was very good! The broth had such a unique flavor. I couldn't even guess half the spices used, but I'm sure I tasted cinnamon. Which was kinda weird, but very fitting to the flavor...

DH picked up more from DDs apartment this morning, and ran it to our house quickly. A couple of book cases, a table, her golf clubs, and a few large plastic tubs. Every bit will help lessen the workload on final move out day next week.
We will need to take apart her queen size bed, move 2 large couches, a coffee table, and her desk. Those are the last of the big items. DD kept her cleaning supplies, so we can go through for a good clean once the apartment is empty.

10 days until our Universal trip! Will be doing the single digit dance tomorrow!


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