Land Border Opening?

Another Ontario day of more resolved cases (1,733) than new (733), meaning active cases dropping (by 1,000!). Thankfully vaccines & great outdoors are mitigating any impact of people getting together over long weekend.

I know not everyone agrees with the decision to keep in-person schools closed for what little is left of the school year, but I think this cements our trajectory. I'd still put money on a land border reopening by Jul 1-4 (question to me is whether it's before or after the dual holidays).
Yes, numbers are doing great right now. We likely will have surpassed the UK for partially vaccinated people by the end of today. Might have happened yesterday but I don't see the numbers for UK yet. A lot of our daily vaccinations are starting to be second doses now so we're on a great roll right now.
Another Ontario day of more resolved cases (1,733) than new (733), meaning active cases dropping (by 1,000!). Thankfully vaccines & great outdoors are mitigating any impact of people getting together over long weekend.

I know not everyone agrees with the decision to keep in-person schools closed for what little is left of the school year, but I think this cements our trajectory. I'd still put money on a land border reopening by Jul 1-4 (question to me is whether it's before or after the dual holidays).
I agree with the decision. As a teacher those last three weeks would mostly be spent re-establishing group norms, rules and routines—especially at the elementary level. Academically, it’s probably better to remain online and continue in that groove. I realise though that that is probably little comfort to working parents trying to juggle so much.
Another Ontario day of more resolved cases (1,733) than new (733), meaning active cases dropping (by 1,000!). Thankfully vaccines & great outdoors are mitigating any impact of people getting together over long weekend.

I know not everyone agrees with the decision to keep in-person schools closed for what little is left of the school year, but I think this cements our trajectory. I'd still put money on a land border reopening by Jul 1-4 (question to me is whether it's before or after the dual holidays).
Also agree. I believe we’ve come too far to risk it now. We know children don’t have the serious illness and outcomes from Covid that adults do, but it’s still thought they are spreading it, even when asymptomatic . To me , it makes sense to get as many people vaccinated as possible before sending them back. I may feel different if it were back in January with months of school left but it’s almost done now .
Another Ontario day of more resolved cases (1,733) than new (733), meaning active cases dropping (by 1,000!). Thankfully vaccines & great outdoors are mitigating any impact of people getting together over long weekend.

I know not everyone agrees with the decision to keep in-person schools closed for what little is left of the school year, but I think this cements our trajectory. I'd still put money on a land border reopening by Jul 1-4 (question to me is whether it's before or after the dual holidays).
I am a kindergarten educator and while I would have loved to see my class in person again, three weeks in the classroom is just not the best idea. It would be September 3.0 with getting them all settled back in to the class routines. Throw in the increasing temperatures, elementary schools with no air conditioning and the fact that we are not allowed to use fans due to Covid, it would be really hard. They also released info today that schools were the primary driver of cases in April. Add the news of the Indian variant into that mix and I think we would really see a rise in cases if we were back in class.

I hope we stay on the positive trajectory we are on......we are so close to the end. The more people that get vaccinated, the better our chances of a return to travel. How great would that be. :goodvibes
Things here in BC are looking up. The people who planned on getting vaccine most likely have had it. I think we have 70% vaccine rate. We’re working on roll out for 2nd vaccine. All except my youngest dd (31) have an appt for second jab in my family. Yippee! And for the first time in awhile our BC Covid numbers have dropped below 200 daily count.
Time for our govt to start working on a border reopening for fully vaccinated people. Without having to quarantine. Tired of hearing it’s not time yet.
The Govt just raised the fine from $3,000 to $5,000 for skipping the hotel quarantine! These guys are insane and won't take the advice of their own expert panel LOL
I am so upset and frustrated by this decision. Those quarantine hotels are a terrible idea and really do nothing to keep Covid cases down. You could test negative by day three because your levels aren't high enough but you could still be positive.
As a Windsorite(ish) I stumbled upon this somewhat shocking quote from the mayor:

Dilkens said the need for second doses is also important because it’s becoming increasingly clear the U.S./Canada border will reopen in some form around June 22, and getting across will be much easier for people with two doses.
woah so many questions about this rather bizarre suggestion IMHO... who will be doing the injections? Will the chair be on our side of the border line and only the arm stuck over into the states? Who will be responsible for the post shot care? Will these shot get included in the ontario numbers as we work towards the percentage immunized?

hope everyone realizes my post is in jest, I'm giggling here with the image of someone sitting in a golf cart leaning over a painted line in the middle of a tunnel under the Detroit River 😄
I am so upset and frustrated by this decision. Those quarantine hotels are a terrible idea and really do nothing to keep Covid cases down. You could test negative by day three because your levels aren't high enough but you could still be positive.
Could they be leaving it in place for those that want to travel unvaccinated and upping the fines for those who refuse to comply as even more of a deterrent?
I don’t love the quarantine hotels but it’s easy to forget the someone in our province was basically blaming flights coming in and out of Pearson for all of our Covid trouble and really pushed that in the media. This was the direct answer to that in Ontario .
What’s the alternative ?
Things here in BC are looking up. The people who planned on getting vaccine most likely have had it. I think we have 70% vaccine rate. We’re working on roll out for 2nd vaccine. All except my youngest dd (31) have an appt for second jab in my family. Yippee! And for the first time in awhile our BC Covid numbers have dropped below 200 daily count.
Time for our govt to start working on a border reopening for fully vaccinated people. Without having to quarantine. Tired of hearing it’s not time yet.
Us too! All of us adults will be fully vaccinated by the end of June and DD12 is booked for her first dose in a couple of weeks so 'should be' fully vaccinated by the end of August. Such a relief! I agree on opening the border for fully vaccinated people. I have hotel in California booked for end of August and mid October so fingers crossed the one of them will work out.
Hoping they take the 14 day quarantine away, even making it something like 3 day until negative test or whatever for those with 1 dose, but Im wondering what the case will be for kiddos not able to be vaccinated..if we are vaccinated butt he kids arent would the kids just need to quarantine at home for 14 days, or would the parents also have to abide by the same rule as their child regardless of vaccination status? Regardless I hope we get some sort of plan soon!


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