Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy BL8D BIRTHDAY C!!! :love:
Sorry I missed the party...(we were sidetracked filling sandbags ahead of Hurricane Nicholas!) Just kidding..well...sota kidding...we were CONTEMPLATING sandbags but it was just a wimpy little storm for the most part. o_O

We're still booked for an October 17th trip to Mouse World...with the possibility of a day or two at Uni on the front end...or back end...still weighing our options. :snail:
How y'all doin' SANS folks? :)

Thanks buckeev.......always good to see you post and glad you had no damage from the storm.

And a trip coming up too.......fabulous!! Keep well and don`t be a stranger.... :wave2:

Hi everybody :wave2:

Doing all the pre vacation cleaning today since I have to work for the next 3 days until we leave on Saturday.

Wow....only 4 days to go! :cool1:

Hope to see some of you soon.

Hi buckeev ...good to see you post. Glad the storm was a wimp.

Time to mop the floors now...catch ya later.

Have a great night all pixiedust:

I`m excited for you Vicki.......Saturday will fly around!!

Thanks Son and Keisha. I don’t get them often, but when I do, not fun. Will be my nighttime ready time soon, so hoping sleep will make me refreshed. Am taking more pain medicine. That would help me sleep too.

Glad you`re doing better.

Schumi I admit I love the beach! Probably due to my misspent youth living on the beach lol. My family spent summers at the beach house since I was little. They said I swam before I walked!

Oh I love the beach, I was incredibly lucky to grow up in a home that was about a 3 minute walk to be on the beach and have always lived next to the sea apart from a short time when we lived away from the UK.....we are less than a 10 minute walk down to the beach from where we live now, we love it, but the thought of spending all day just sitting in the sun sunbathing........bores me to tears.

I do know people who go for two weeks to beach places in Europe and that`s all they do.....nope, prefer to be doing something all the time.

I`m sure I will find the dvd somewhere, otherwise I`ll need to go buy`s one of many we watch faithfully every year.

Rain seems to have stopped although it`s very damp outside. Still too dark to see what kind of sky we have this morning, but regardless we`ll be back out this morning walking.

Then need to go into town, I have a jumper I chose to take back, it`s too big so want to see if they have the smaller size and maybe something else too......

No idea what we`ll do the rest of the day.

Firecracker chicken tonight......I have some scotch bonnet chillies to use up off the plant, I need to buy another plant as this one has been quite a success, they are hotter than even I remember them though.

Blueberry muffins and fruit for breakfast. And despite all day yesterday feeling like a Sunday, have to remind myself it`s Wednesday.




Have a wonderful Wednesday :thumbsup2
i’ve got more than a few of them started, weird idiosyncrasy I have. Hate to finish off the really good ones. :rolleyes1

i tried to get thru the movie when it came out, Richard Gere, filmed not far away in WV. know several people who just love that story.

lol....I love boks, but yes, I`ve read books before where I don`t want it to end it`s so good.

It`s an odd story for sure. I didn`t really enjoy the movie, except for the last parts with the bridge, but the story in general is very interesting.

Ah, it is Wednesday, and Camel certainly wants to get in the party mode and says a happy birthday to Schumi, even if a bit late. Or yes, her birthday celebrations should last all week.

And oh joy, my power went out. Ugh. I hope I don’t loose what I was working on. Bad part when needing electricity to connect to your stuff.

And so, at least I got my tea before the lights went out. Hope they go on soon. Grrrr. Well, at least the house feels cool, as will be a sticky day. Must have been a mechanical issue, as no weather I can see. Looks like from a check on power website, there‘a a large swatch of us in the no power outline.

Oh well. Nothing like quiet in the morning.

That wonderful Wednesday homies.

Ooh ticker for Tink, MonyK and I are now in the one hand ticker countdowns. Yay! Yay!
Quick good morning. I am leaving soon to get that scan I was supposed to have almost 2 weeks ago.

Hola everyone again! I did graduate finally (whoop whoop) and currently looking for work, while also working part time.
Congrats on graduation.

first off, I’m impressed you know how to put air in ur tires.
It's a fairly simple process for my car. The machines at Sheetz are automated, so it makes it very easy,

I’m guessing it’s subconscious concerns re upcoming solo trip. That will be $500 lol. No idea what the pro’s get, have a feeling it’s probably more than that Lol
I'm not sure what you mean about subconscious. My boss charges $90 for a 1 hour session and I think she is one of the lowest priced therapists in town.

Need to put on my detective hat and figure out a couple of mysteries on the paperwork. Hopefully we can figure it out.
Sounds like my job.

We're still booked for an October 17th trip to Mouse World..
I'm envious. I wanted to go during the 50th celebration, but things just didn't work out.

Wow....only 4 days to go!
Ooh I’ll be in my way the day after Tink.
And I will get there eventually, I think I have 16 more days.

And yay! I got my new Nexus card in the mail today!
What is a Nexus card?

but the thought of spending all day just sitting in the sun sunbathing........bores me to tears.
Same here, but I have never cared much for the beach. I actually prefer the beach at night.

Time to go. I've decided to go ahead with the scan even though I haven't had any problems in over 2 weeks.
Good Wednesday morning Sans family :wave2:

Saw this hack other day. Haven’t tried it yet

Thank you for the info on the pineapple. I will try that.

Just wanted to share, GD first paying gig…she’s an extra on one of the movies currently being filmed here

She is so cute. I’am sure she was excited to be a movie extra. Tell us what movie it is so we can watch for her when it’s done.

Many moons ago one of the ladies that was in my Nursing class was an extra in “A league of Their own” she sang the national anthem.

My older sister reminded me last night at dinner that she and 3 of her children were in League of the their own also as extras. I had forgotten.

She pulled up the pictures. They were cute.

Absolutely devastated. My best friend - who we had a long weekend with in Yorkshire last week - has lost her husband suddenly today. Can’t get my head round it at all. She had only been out for an hour and returned to a silent house and found him on the floor. We are truly shocked and bewildered. Charles was so kind and Kev’s best friend. Please hold her in your thoughts she is bereft.

I’am so sorry to hear of your friends husbands passing. I will remember her and her family in my prayers.

Started my fall smelling wax melts. Mmmmm. Fall, sort of. I will start the HHN candle about 2 weeks before we go.

What scents do you use in your Fall wax melts.

Unfortunately, 9/11 wasn't new for me. We knew people killed/injured in the Murrah bombing in Oklahoma City. My mom used to work in the building when she worked for the IRS. Our bank was still in the building. The scope of 9/11 was much worse. However, Oklahoma City was always much harder to take since so many children died or were injured. I also felt angrier, since the crimes were committed by other Americans.

So very sad the acts of senseless violence. It is devastating when anyone dies for sure that way, but little babies and children make it exponentially worse.

Well best laid weekend plans-wanted to go to lake for last boat ride-Boy woke me up early saturday "not feeling good". Was going to start his covid vax this weekend... not now. Sore throat, fever, now just tired with cough today. Had a couple OTC rapid antigen tests on hand so checked just in case-neg for covid so just a cold. He's been sicker WITH masks than any other year. Plus we have wildfire smoke passing overhead-my breathing isn't great either right now. Took dog for walk yesterday cuz he was a pest but needed inhalers after. Last semester he only made it half the day in a mask with stuffy nose-hubs out of town so I can't be an hour+ away-if he goes tomorrow.
Think I will work from home tomorrow..

So sorry to hear your son is sick, but glad to hear it’s not Covid.

Couple of pics from tonight…….

What lovely pictures of your birthday evening. Your food looks delicious.

A day late doesn`t matter......thank you Robbie.......I love the memes!! And glad you popped in.......hope you are having the most wonderful time on your trip.

I’am having a very nice time thank you.

Hola everyone again! I did graduate finally (whoop whoop) and currently looking for work, while also working part time.

Congratulations on your graduation. Hope you find your dream job.

How y'all doin' SANS folks? :)

Howdy buckeev :wave: Hope you don’t need the Sans bags.

Doing all the pre vacation cleaning today since I have to work for the next 3 days until we leave on Saturday.

Wow....only 4 days to go! :cool1:

Yeah!!!!!! Tink your trip is almost here.

Quick good morning. I am leaving soon to get that scan I was supposed to have almost 2 weeks ago.

Hope the scan goes well Charade.

Metro West noticed your new avatar. Cool

Resting in for a little while this morning. My niece is still asleep.

Our RIP tour is tonight so not going to do much today. I want to save the legs and back. My back is not 100% since issues few short weeks ago so don’t want to have issues. . Maybe some pool time and lunch at CityWalk.

I woke with headache this morning. Suspect either the cocktails or the steak seasoning. We had dinner at Ruth Chris steak house yesterday evening. Meal was good, but the time spent with niece and older sister was even better.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
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Yes Lynne.....birthday celebrations are continuing.....kind of.

Hope you got your power back on.......

Charade.....good luck with the scan, hope you get some good results. And yes, the beach at night is glorious.....

Robbie.......glad to see you pop in while on your trip......sorry you had a bit of a headache this morning. Yes, some nice relaxing time today will set you up nicely for tonight.

Thank you, we did have a lovely evening, and hope tonight is a lot of fun.......

Turned out to be a gorgeous day despite the forecast of a dull day ahead......don`t mind when it`s wrong that way. We enjoyed back walking today and managed to do 7 miles then a couple we are friendly with asked to meet us for lunch, so after we got showered and changed, we popped into town to change the jumper and managed to pick up a new dress too. One more for the cooler temps coming up....loving the new autumn styles coming in, they`re almost gypsy like dresses.

Met friends for lunch and they said it was their treat as we didn`t see them for my birthday......I do like celebrating more than one day......lunch was good though, we went to a local restaurant we all like, I ended up with lamb, the others all had steak no cooking tonight for me.

Gorgeous afternoon so I have some laundry on the line drying nicely in the sunshine, won`t be long till it`s too cold to hang them out, so making the most of it while I can.

Definitely time for a pot of tea, although I think my lovely husband is snoozing!
checking flight info this AM, noticed the 2nd NS flight dropped into my budget range on SWA. Credits involved, need to speak to CSR. Waiting for that callback flicked on the tv. Obviously, enjoy a good horror flick but, 10 AM strikes me as a bit too early to see the original Friday the 13th playing out lol

Trying out new salon today since my ‘new’ girl up & moved to the Midwest for true love

Thanks Son and Keisha. I don’t get them often, but when I do, not fun. Will be my nighttime ready time soon, so hoping sleep will make me refreshed. Am taking more pain medicine. That would help me sleep too.
migraines can be so difficult to treat. My youngest DS, relatively newly diagnosed, has yet to find the right Rx. Hasn’t really looked too hard lol
Remember when gas stations checked it for you?
& checked the fluids too!
Tomorrow have to take dogos to vet for annual check up. Then walking around a local lake trail with friend. Supposed to be sunnier tomorrow.
is he relatively good with that trip?
we are less than a 10 minute walk down to the beach from where we live now, we love it, but the thought of spending all day just sitting in the sun sunbathing........bores me to tears.

I do know people who go for two weeks to beach places in Europe and that`s all they do.....nope, prefer to be doing something all the time.
oh, I’m a flopper lol. If snorkeling etc will indulge but, otherwise it’s my zen place. i do need dinner out & evening activities tho when on vacation or I’d probably go bonkers that week.
Blueberry muffins and fruit for breakfast. And despite all day yesterday feeling like a Sunday, have to remind myself it`s Wednesday.
yum. I found 2 large bags of frozen blueberries in the deep freeze yesterday, buried treasure. need to figure out what to do with them sooner vs later.
I'm not sure what you mean about subconscious. My boss charges $90 for a 1 hour session and I think she is one of the lowest priced therapists in town.
that rate is unheard of here! There’s a real shortage of therapists here since Covid. So many just doing online. sadly, have heard multiple accounts where it doesn’t appear to be productive for many. Same with AA, everything is video. Feel for those who are used to group support systems helping them cope.

those sort of dreams usually represent a concern for some sort or another for things going on in my life. The nagging little things I tend to tamp down while I carry on in life. My DH just laughs when I tell him some of my doozies and tells me sometimes a dream can just be ‘a dream’. lol, to each their own.

There are so many books out there on dream interpretation. My mom was very spot on/in tune with in that sort of thing, probably why I’ve picked up a mild interest in it.
Same here, but I have never cared much for the beach. I actually prefer the beach at night.
oh, I am decidedly wary of beach at night. Always waiting for something to come slithering out as we are walking the shoreline. One too many scary movies
We have power back. No reason why happened, but was annoying.

Robo, hope headache is gone now. I don’t get headaches very often, but they are usually migraines. No fun at all. Hope you were able to have some quiet and coffee. And yes, rest back, as no need to do anything on vacation, but relax. Pool time sounds perfect.

Charade, I hope they find out why you had pain, though hope you have nothing wrong.

Ooh, joining tea drinking with Schumi.

And yay, Keisha, get those blueberries out and make a smoothie. Or alcoholic drink? Pie maybe?

I’m ready for lunch now. Grr. But lunchtime walk will be warm. Again, until that cold front comes along late in the evening, and thunderstorms with it, the hot weather, with should feel like in the 90’s is today. And so, looking forward to a enjoyable sunglasses worn lunchtime walk.
:wave2:Quick morning stop in - mid paper shuffling lol. I can't seem to focus today :rolleyes:

Quiet evening last night. Did lots of phone calls last night. It as one of those nights. Helped youngest ds with his resume. Now to get him to apply to a few jobs. I do have a " friend" that is I will get ds to apply to that one as well...and let the friend know when his application is submitted. It's a great place to get some work experience - which is what he needs.

we were CONTEMPLATING sandbags but it was just a wimpy little storm for the most part. o_O
Glad to hear another trip is on the horizon. I'm glad the storm was not nearly as bad as they predicted. It was even mentioned on our local radio news - in a small city in northern Canada :laughing:
Wow....only 4 days to go! :cool1:
Yay!!!!!! Love the single digit dance, and the " going away cleaning" Enjoy your trip. I'm a little envious right now. Dh and I have been saying how much we need a little get away.
Had a migraine that started out around lunchtime, made me toss up what was not much, but did make me feel a bit better. After that, took medicine, and thankfully just a duller feeing head now. A good night sleep should hopeful get that pain out of my head.
Those migraines are NOT fun. I hate when I wake up in the middle of the night with them. I hope it's better and that the medication keeps it at bay. Yay to your countdown as well!!!!!!
And yay! I got my new Nexus card in the mail today! I had lost it at MCO during the last trip returning home. A day after we got home I went online to report it stolen and asked for replacement. I was hoping it would come before I leave for this trip!
That's great! I have mentioned to dh that with the amount of travelling we want to do in the next few years, we should get the nexus card as well. We will see what happens in the next 6 months with covid. This 4th wave and covid :eek: :scared1: :headache: Some days I really hate being bunched into the group of redneck Albertans ⭕(
.we are less than a 10 minute walk down to the beach from where we live now, we love it, but the thought of spending all day just sitting in the sun sunbathing........bores me to tears.
I would love that!!! I love spending some time on the beach...but I couldn't do it for long periods of time. I love a few days while on holidays. My soul LOVES being near and on the warm sand and clear water. It is grounding for me.
Resting in for a little while this morning. My niece is still asleep.

Our RIP tour is tonight so not going to do much today. I want to save the legs and back. My back is not 100% since issues few short weeks ago so don’t want to have issues. . Maybe some pool time and lunch at CityWalk.
I hope the headache goes away. It's great your taking care to not overdo things with your back. Back issues are not to be taken lightly. Enjoy the parks!!!!!!!!

Well, I should probably finish this stack of papers on my desk. I will still need to put on my detective hat. We have part of the problem to do some constructive " talks" with a newer employee about what happened. UGH....I hate those convos.

Have a great day everyone!!!! Stay safe - wherever you are
I’m caught up at work and now I am bored. Thankfully just 30 minutes left for me.

Many moons ago one of the ladies that was in my Nursing class was an extra in “A league of Their own” she sang the national anthem.

My older sister reminded me last night at dinner that she and 3 of her children were in League of the their own also as extras. I had forgotten.
How cool. I love that movie.

that rate is unheard of here! There’s a real shortage of therapists here since Covid. So many just doing online. sadly, have heard multiple accounts where it doesn’t appear to be productive for many. Same with AA, everything is video. Feel for those who are used to group support systems helping them cope.
We are having the same problem here. Everyone has a waitlist. My office will see people in person if vaccinated. If not, the therapists will only do online sessions.

those sort of dreams usually represent a concern for some sort or another for things going on in my life. The nagging little things I tend to tamp down while I carry on in life. My DH just laughs when I tell him some of my doozies and tells me sometimes a dream can just be ‘a dream’. lol, to each their own.
I guess that’s where you lost me. I didn’t post about a dream. I posted about a real creep in the parking lot. My dreams almost never make sense.

25 more minutes to kill.
View attachment 604990
checking flight info this AM, noticed the 2nd NS flight dropped into my budget range on SWA. Credits involved, need to speak to CSR. Waiting for that callback flicked on the tv. Obviously, enjoy a good horror flick but, 10 AM strikes me as a bit too early to see the original Friday the 13th playing out lol

Trying out new salon today since my ‘new’ girl up & moved to the Midwest for true love

migraines can be so difficult to treat. My youngest DS, relatively newly diagnosed, has yet to find the right Rx. Hasn’t really looked too hard lol

& checked the fluids too!

is he relatively good with that trip?

oh, I’m a flopper lol. If snorkeling etc will indulge but, otherwise it’s my zen place. i do need dinner out & evening activities tho when on vacation or I’d probably go bonkers that week.

yum. I found 2 large bags of frozen blueberries in the deep freeze yesterday, buried treasure. need to figure out what to do with them sooner vs later.

that rate is unheard of here! There’s a real shortage of therapists here since Covid. So many just doing online. sadly, have heard multiple accounts where it doesn’t appear to be productive for many. Same with AA, everything is video. Feel for those who are used to group support systems helping them cope.

those sort of dreams usually represent a concern for some sort or another for things going on in my life. The nagging little things I tend to tamp down while I carry on in life. My DH just laughs when I tell him some of my doozies and tells me sometimes a dream can just be ‘a dream’. lol, to each their own.

There are so many books out there on dream interpretation. My mom was very spot on/in tune with in that sort of thing, probably why I’ve picked up a mild interest in it.

oh, I am decidedly wary of beach at night. Always waiting for something to come slithering out as we are walking the shoreline. One too many scary movies

Love that meme!!!

Oh goodness yes.....when we go to any beach in Florida, it`s a short visit and usually a walk along it for a couple of hours....then definitely food!

Yes, beaches at night, a bit like dark forests take you straight to scary movies when you`re there......

We have power back. No reason why happened, but was annoying.

Robo, hope headache is gone now. I don’t get headaches very often, but they are usually migraines. No fun at all. Hope you were able to have some quiet and coffee. And yes, rest back, as no need to do anything on vacation, but relax. Pool time sounds perfect.

Charade, I hope they find out why you had pain, though hope you have nothing wrong.

Ooh, joining tea drinking with Schumi.

And yay, Keisha, get those blueberries out and make a smoothie. Or alcoholic drink? Pie maybe?

I’m ready for lunch now. Grr. But lunchtime walk will be warm. Again, until that cold front comes along late in the evening, and thunderstorms with it, the hot weather, with should feel like in the 90’s is today. And so, looking forward to a enjoyable sunglasses worn lunchtime walk.

Hope you enjoyed your tea.......

:wave2:Quick morning stop in - mid paper shuffling lol. I can't seem to focus today :rolleyes:

Quiet evening last night. Did lots of phone calls last night. It as one of those nights. Helped youngest ds with his resume. Now to get him to apply to a few jobs. I do have a " friend" that is I will get ds to apply to that one as well...and let the friend know when his application is submitted. It's a great place to get some work experience - which is what he needs.

Glad to hear another trip is on the horizon. I'm glad the storm was not nearly as bad as they predicted. It was even mentioned on our local radio news - in a small city in northern Canada :laughing:

Yay!!!!!! Love the single digit dance, and the " going away cleaning" Enjoy your trip. I'm a little envious right now. Dh and I have been saying how much we need a little get away.

Those migraines are NOT fun. I hate when I wake up in the middle of the night with them. I hope it's better and that the medication keeps it at bay. Yay to your countdown as well!!!!!!

That's great! I have mentioned to dh that with the amount of travelling we want to do in the next few years, we should get the nexus card as well. We will see what happens in the next 6 months with covid. This 4th wave and covid :eek: :scared1: :headache: Some days I really hate being bunched into the group of redneck Albertans ⭕(

I would love that!!! I love spending some time on the beach...but I couldn't do it for long periods of time. I love a few days while on holidays. My soul LOVES being near and on the warm sand and clear water. It is grounding for me.

I hope the headache goes away. It's great your taking care to not overdo things with your back. Back issues are not to be taken lightly. Enjoy the parks!!!!!!!!

Well, I should probably finish this stack of papers on my desk. I will still need to put on my detective hat. We have part of the problem to do some constructive " talks" with a newer employee about what happened. UGH....I hate those convos.

Have a great day everyone!!!! Stay safe - wherever you are

Oh good luck to your son, hope he gets some good work experience, it can make a big difference to them.

Yes, there`s something incredibly peaceful about walking along the beach. Even when the swell is loud and angry, there is something calming listening to it when we`re falling asleep at night. One of my favourite sounds. And we are very lucky to live so close and can walk every day on the promenade or the beach itself.

Just stopping by before heading to lunch. Hope everyone is doing well today. :)

Hope lunch was good and yes, doing good here, hope you are too.

Watched the Schumacher documentary made with the full support of his family tonight and they spoke so lovingly of him. Very emotional, they did a really good job of it. Lots of footage from so many races we were at and enjoyed very much back in the day. Will watch it again.

No walking tomorrow as we have a busy-ish day, well, morning anyway.

Doubt we`ll be late in bed tonight, and it`s still warmish, but that light autumn chill has arrived for sure.
It was a beautiful morning here: a little humid with temps in the high 70s F. Had to get out of the house for a couple of hours while the cleaners were here. Even though I am not working, my husband wants them to come; otherwise, I get OCD and spend hours cleaning the entire house with a toothbrush, vinegar, and baking soda :rotfl2: I was going to go kayaking near son's school (rowing dock across the street) after dropping him off, but my rash guard is a bit tight right now. Bought a new one and swim top/bottoms last night online for when they come again in 2 weeks. Husband dropped him off instead, so I went for a 4 mile hike in the greenbelt behind our house. Went down to the small falls, but it's too dry for enough water in the creek. Got a lot done today. I even got to read my latest Disney D23 magazine, which I rarely get to read. I should be picking up the kiddo right now, but he decided to stay after school for a new robot club.

What scents do you use in your Fall wax melts.

I am melting the Autumn on Main Street scent from Magic Candle Co. I have an HHN candle that I will start burning in a couple of weeks, in time for our trip. I like to burn a candle for the HHN scent, because the flame gives it that extra feeling of fire at UO.

Hope your trip is going well and that you feel better soon.

Watched the Schumacher documentary made with the full support of his family tonight and they spoke so lovingly of him. Very emotional, they did a really good job of it. Lots of footage from so many races we were at and enjoyed very much back in the day. Will watch it again.

We need to watch that. Is it on Amazon?
Slow day shuffling papers. No more papers to shuffle.

Ordered dh's cake for his birthday. I could make this myself really....but if I want to surprise him...I will have to have someone else make it for me. Ordered a cake topper and a custom hanging sign that both say " Holy **** Dh's name is 50! " lol.

Cleaned the kitchen at work here :sad2: Some days I hate being the only female in the building. It is annoying that they can't clean up after themselves. Stepping off before I get too frustrated with them...ugh.

Working another shift tonight. Hopefully it won't drag on like my last shift. Sigh...but we know things are gearing up for the christmas season. Things will start to arrive here in the next week or two :eek: :scared1: to find something else to do.

Have a great evening everyone!!!!
And yay, Keisha, get those blueberries out and make a smoothie. Or alcoholic drink? Pie maybe?
Probably muffins, eventually. Tossing them still frozen into a smoothie a good idea

I’d love to replicate the previous Blueberry porkchop from mythos. Last one was an abomination

got back from Salon rockin 80s big hair. The mr was thrilled lol.
So nice to have ham ready to go for a quick meal
Yes, beaches at night, a bit like dark forests take you straight to scary movies when you`re there......
creepshow, something to tide you over

Watched the Schumacher documentary made with the full support of his family tonight and they spoke so lovingly of him. Very emotional, they did a really good job of it. Lots of footage from so many races we were at and enjoyed very much back in the day. Will watch it again.
Sounds like a nice tribute
am melting the Autumn on Main Street scent from Magic Candle Co.
I’m in distinct minority but, not a fan of their wax melts strengths. Just too weak, well, other than the haunted mansion variety. Am using full-size scentsy warmer & 2 cubes. Maybe ive gone nose blind lol
Cleaned the kitchen at work here :sad2: Some days I hate being the only female in the building. It is annoying that they can't clean up after themselves. Stepping off before I get too frustrated with them...ugh.
Can’t or won’t? You’re a better woman than me. I’d let the pigs wallow in their own filth Site manager would get the message soon enough lol
I’m in distinct minority but, not a fan of their wax melts strengths. Just too weak, well, other than the haunted mansion variety. Am using full-size scentsy warmer & 2 cubes. Maybe ive gone nose blind lol

Some of their wax melts are definitely too weak. However, I have noticed that I get used to the smell while at home and then it hits me when I walk in the door after leaving. I have the Tiki guy warmer. I only use 1 cube at first and then add another after a couple of days. I have found with more than 2 cubes the scent isn't as strong. Maybe it can't warm 2 well. Have you tried just one cube?
Some of their wax melts are definitely too weak. However, I have noticed that I get used to the smell while at home and then it hits me when I walk in the door after leaving. I have the Tiki guy warmer. I only use 1 cube at first and then add another after a couple of days. I have found with more than 2 cubes the scent isn't as strong. Maybe it can't warm 2 well. Have you tried just one cube?
Yes, then contacted company who suggested to
Add 2.

They trashed scentsy warmers, pushing their own. Rationale was their’s are stronger. Called them out on that as both run off same bulb. To their credit they did send me a free box without me asking

I am curious re the ET & HHN scents
Yes, then contacted company who suggested to
Add 2.

They trashed scentsy warmers, pushing their own. Rationale was their’s are stronger. Called them out on that as both run off same bulb. To their credit they did send me a free box without me asking

I am curious re the ET & HHN scents

I haven't tried their ET, but I have heard the Park Scents ET is better. I don't use the wax melts for their HHN. I want that to be very strong and overpowering, so I buy a candle. Plus, I can leave the remnants of the candle that won't burn in my closet to make it smell like HHN all year. I also like their air fresheners for closets. I always take one of the air fresheners with us on vacation to add atmosphere to the hotel room.


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