Mini TR for another Boston Road Trip - updated Nov 22

I really wonder lol! I'm just glad that where it took us was within viewing distance of the route to Niagara Falls that I knew...otherwise...not sure we ever would have found the bridge lol
Kathy, after circling Ontario for hours, finally pulls into a gas station and asks "Is the US border crossing nearby?"
"Lady, this is Wawa!"
I was. I am nervous about border crossings on a good day...probably from the good ole days of cross border day trip shopping while wearing several pairs of underwear and multiple sweatshirts on the way back...hmm no, nothing to declare...
Yeah...only with less lanes and more trucks...gah...
Erk. Nope!
Ha!! Yeah...I (really!) don't watch that much trash TV at home, but there's something about hotels that makes me watch whatever is on...also channels that I don't get at home are always fun
Sounds like a successful journey! You did well navigating that Boston traffic! Hope C has a fantastic year! :)
Continuing on with this oh so exciting TR ....

Thursday Sept 2 - We lounged around the room in the morning a bit. I went and picked up some caffeine and pastries for us for breakfast from Cafe Nero. I am in love with this coffee chain...the coffee is good, and the atmosphere is a cut above the rest. But....because...covid...I didn't dine in...I got our breakfast to go and headed back to our hotel room. I suppose for me anyway, one positive to travelling during a pandemic...the pace is a little more relaxed. We didn't dine in restaurants as much, we did a lot more lounging around...and didn't do as many touristy things as I would normally pack into a trip like this....trying to make the best of it lol

After breakfast we ended up wandering around and checking out some of the Suffolk University buildings in the area to see where my son would have most of his classes and probably be hanging out a lot. At his school they have this account called RAM account which is a flexible account - that is loaded on the same card as your meal plan, and then can be funded for use on things like books, laundry, printing, and it's also accepted at some nearby CVS, Whole Foods and some restaurants in the area. The one thing my son is really excited about is that it's accepted on Grub Hub. My kid LOVES food delivery. We opted to get him the lowest meal plan and then load the extra funds on this RAM account so he can indulge once in a while. But I told him if he blows through that there is no reloading until after holidays because he has a meal plan that won't let him starve! make a long story longer...we wanted to load money onto his RAM account. On first glance, this seemed like a simple matter of anyone being able to enter a credit card into the RAM loading portal and adding funds...however....when you are a Canadian going to school in the US....and have a Canadian billing address for your credit card...nothing is ever simple. I learned this several times while my son was in boarding school in the US but for some reason I had hoped that Suffolk being quite a diverse school with lots of international students....would not have the same issues...sigh. So after realizing that loading funds may not be a simple matter, we walked over to the bursar's office to see if there were any alternatives for loading funds onto said RAM account. The bursar was a super nice guy, but after much discussion...the only viable alternative seemed to or a money order. Ugh. I hated the idea of taking out a bunch of US cash and then carrying it back to the bursar's office and lining up etc again. But while that would have been a pain, the bigger issue is that I would not have been able to load funds on his account remotely once I was no longer with him in Boston, in case of emergency of course! Anyway...we headed over to the post office to try to get a money order...and that failed as well - turns out to get a US money order at a post have to have an American mailing address. We tried CVS...where we could have gotten a money order...but only with cash!! Ugh...So just as we were literally entering the foyer of a bank to go withdraw a bunch of US son's phone rings and it was the lovely guy from the Bursar's office!! He said he was determined to figure this out because we can't be the only ones with this issue. He was able to figure out that if we leave the address field's blank when entering the credit card info online for the RAM works!!!

We thanked him profusely and we were so lucky that he called at just the right time!! We headed back to the hotel since I had my laptop with me, and gave it a try, and it worked!! So now my son has enough on there for his books and a few orders on grub hub, and will hopefully use it for laundry once in a while too!!

That took up the majority of the morning. We wandered over to Quincy Market to look for some lunch. Of all the delectable things on son went with a hot dog from this place called "the Doghouse". It was starting to get busy and I didn't want to line up twice so I ended up with...a cheese dog lol. Not my finest hour but it was a pretty good cheese dog and hit the spot actually. We had plans to meet up with some family in the afternoon so we headed back to the hotel for a bit after looking around the area a bit and watching some street performers.
I went and picked up some caffeine and pastries
What you need is caffeine in the pastries.
At his school they have this account called RAM account which is a flexible account - that is loaded on the same card as your meal plan, and then can be funded for use on things like books, laundry, printing, and it's also accepted at some nearby CVS, Whole Foods and some restaurants in the area.
Huh. Convenient... and dangerous! :laughing:
We opted to get him the lowest meal plan and then load the extra funds on this RAM account so he can indulge once in a while. But I told him if he blows through that there is no reloading until after holidays
I'll be curious to hear how he did.
when you are a Canadian going to school in the US....and have a Canadian billing address for your credit card...nothing is ever simple.
Oh, don't I know it. :sad2:
turns out to get a US money order at a post have to have an American mailing address
Yeah... and try putting gas in your car. I hate having to go in and pay in advance. How do I know how much I need? I haven't filled it yet!
He was able to figure out that if we leave the address field's blank when entering the credit card info online for the RAM works!!!
What you need is caffeine in the pastries.

Oooh there's a brilliant idea!! Maybe chocolate croissant with an extra shot of espresso lol?

Yeah... and try putting gas in your car. I hate having to go in and pay in advance. How do I know how much I need? I haven't filled it yet!

OMG yes this is the worst, especially when you are in a rental car and have no idea what it takes because it is nothing like the car you have at home? Ugh. There is this trick that sometimes works where you put in 00 and then the three numbers in your postal code...or sometimes you put the zeros at the end? I have used that in desperation, especially during covid when I did not want to go into tiny, enclosed gas station booths with no masks in sight...this sometimes works...
Oooh there's a brilliant idea!! Maybe chocolate croissant with an extra shot of espresso lol?
See? Definitely do-able!
There is this trick that sometimes works where you put in 00 and then the three numbers in your postal code...or sometimes you put the zeros at the end? I have used that in desperation, especially during covid when I did not want to go into tiny, enclosed gas station booths with no masks in sight...this sometimes works...
I've tried those. Including all zeroes. It never works. :sad2:
That took up the majority of the morning. We wandered over to Quincy Market to look for some lunch. Of all the delectable things on son went with a hot dog from this place called "the Doghouse". It was starting to get busy and I didn't want to line up twice so I ended up with...a cheese dog lol. Not my finest hour but it was a pretty good cheese dog and hit the spot actually. We had plans to meet up with some family in the afternoon so we headed back to the hotel for a bit after looking around the area a bit and watching some street performers.
That was quite the ordeal with getting the card loaded! So glad the burser was able to figure things out for you. I have not been to Boston in years but I absolutely love Quincy market! Such a cool place to hang around. :)
Moving on for anyone still here...and because I will forget if I don't write this down...continuing on with this riveting TR....

Friday Sept 3 - This was the day before my son was due to move into his dorm. We had some minor errands to do but also wanted to do some more touristing. My son likes to sleep in...being 18...but I woke up early and wanted to get moving! I asked my mom, who was also up, if she wanted to venture out and she said yes, so off we went. We wandered around the area and went back to Cafe Nero for baked goods and caffeine, and then we hit up Primark for some shopping! This place is Irish hair stylist had told me about it and it was worth the hype. The prices were great, my mom and I both got several sweaters and pants and the total was $130 for both of us. We were happy, and also, both picked up sweaters because we had a patio dinner planned and knew it may get chilly!!

After that we wandered a bit more in the Downtown Crossing area of Boston which was just coming to life. I love cities in the morning before they get busy..especially during covid times!! We then headed back to the hotel to see if sleepyhead was up yet. He was not lol. We lounged around a bit more, and then we headed across the street from our hotel to the Beantown Pub which had a great patio and got some lunch. My mom and I shared a lobster roll and a BLT, both were good. My mom got the baked beans as a side because, Boston. But they weren't that great. I did not comment because I'm not a fan of baked beans on a good day, but my mom didn't know if they were good baked beans or she just didn't like them...anyway...she didn't like them much lol.

When we were finished lunch, we called an Uber. My DS and I were headed to the aquarium and my mom was going to take the Duck Tour around Boston (you know the ones that drive around and then drive right into the water?) It took us a while to get the Uber and figure out where it would pick us up, but soon we were on our way. Thanks to Boston traffic...we probably could have walked there faster...but my mom is getting up there and doesn't do well with much walking so. We found my mom her tour spot and then we walked around the harbour area a bit before heading in for our timed ticket to the aquarium. I had fond memories from 2014 when we visited last and hoped it would not be a let down. It wasn't. While the aquarium isn't that big...I just love the way they have the penguins. You can see them so well and from all angles and it just feels like they are so close!


Everyone was masked and trying to be distanced but...yeah it was still a bit more people-y than I would have liked, but not much we could do about that. It made me wonder how busy it would have been without the timed ticket entry....

Anyway...we had our fill of watching the penguins and wandering around looking at other awesome marine life. My mom was still on her duck tour, so my DS and I decided to walk back to the hotel. We caught some street performers on the way back, which my son loves. They were entertaining but kept asking everyone to "gather closer" which I was really not comfortable with!! I know they just don't want everyone running off before they have a chance to drop money in the guitar made me a bit nervous!! We also stopped at Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream which did not disappoint. I think I got some mixed berry thing and my son got his usual standard fare of cookie dough.

We made our way back to the hotel and lounged around and watched TV for a bit until my mom got back. She really loved her tour - though because of choppy weather in the river they didn't do the water portion so she got half her ticket price back. But she still learned a lot on the tour! She ended up taking another Trolley tour the next day because she liked it so much.

We had showers and got cleaned up for dinner. We had reservations for a patio dinner at Boston Chops which had great reviews but was mostly chosen because of the ability to get a reservation for our group on the patio. We met up with my mom's brother and his wife in the lobby of our hotel and then attempted to get a giant Uber to take us all to the restaurant. That was a bit of an ordeal...getting everyone in the car and masked and ready to go lol....but finally we managed it and were on our way. We got a bit of a tour of some areas we hadn't seen yet on the way to the restaurant which was fun.

If you are looking for a nice celebration meal in Boston...Boston Chops was fantastic. The patio was lovely and had heaters ready which will be good soon!! Also, they serve popovers instead of bread and I could have made a meal of these things alone...everyone loved them. We had a great dinner and caught up with family that we had not seen since pre-covid days which was very nice, and also nice knowing that everyone had been tested before travel so we were being as safe as possible!!

After dinner, getting another Uber was a little quicker than before but the first one that showed wasn't big enough for us even though it was listed as being able to take 5 clearly could we had to wait a few mins for a bigger one.

My son likes to sleep in...being 18...
I can totally relate.
I never saw DD20 before noon all summer long.
we hit up Primark for some shopping! This place is Irish hair stylist had told me about it and it was worth the hype. The prices were great, my mom and I both got several sweaters and pants and the total was $130 for both of us.
So... is it like a Walmart?
I love cities in the morning before they get busy..especially during covid times!!
Hate Covid. Loved the Covid traffic... or lack thereof.
We then headed back to the hotel to see if sleepyhead was up yet. He was not lol.
Not surprised!
My mom and I shared a lobster roll and a BLT,
mmmm... lobster roll...
My mom got the baked beans as a side because, Boston.
Makes sense. And I might as well.
But like you, I'm not a fan.
mom was going to take the Duck Tour around Boston (you know the ones that drive around and then drive right into the water?)
Thanks to Boston traffic...we probably could have walked there faster
See comment above re: traffic.
While the aquarium isn't that big...I just love the way they have the penguins. You can see them so well and from all angles and it just feels like they are so close!
Who doesn't love penguins?
They were entertaining but kept asking everyone to "gather closer" which I was really not comfortable with!!
"Gather closer... six feet apart."
my mom got back. She really loved her tour
Also, they serve popovers instead of bread and I could have made a meal of these things alone...everyone loved them.
So... is it like a Walmart?

Hmm not really. Prices were good so Walmart-like in that way lol...but they didn't have everything, just clothes, and for some reason the fact that it's Irish and the ambiance and decor made it that much classier lol

Hate Covid. Loved the Covid traffic... or lack thereof.

OMG me too. Sadly here in Toronto now traffic seems to be back to pre-covid levels if not even worse because who wants to ride public transit in a pandemic...ugh.

"Gather closer... six feet apart."

Right? I wish they had phrased it more like that...sadly...they did not...and people in the US are just...over it...which, I get...I'm over it too isn't over!
Hmm not really. Prices were good so Walmart-like in that way lol...but they didn't have everything, just clothes, and for some reason the fact that it's Irish and the ambiance and decor made it that much classier lol
Men's clothes too? Or just woman's?
OMG me too. Sadly here in Toronto now traffic seems to be back to pre-covid levels if not even worse because who wants to ride public transit in a pandemic...ugh.
Of course! Hadn't thought of that.
Right? I wish they had phrased it more like that...sadly...they did not...and people in the US are just...over it...which, I get...I'm over it too isn't over!
I don't think there's a person alive who isn't "over it". :sad2:
Anyway...we had our fill of watching the penguins and wandering around looking at other awesome marine life. My mom was still on her duck tour, so my DS and I decided to walk back to the hotel. We caught some street performers on the way back, which my son loves. They were entertaining but kept asking everyone to "gather closer" which I was really not comfortable with!! I know they just don't want everyone running off before they have a chance to drop money in the guitar made me a bit nervous!! We also stopped at Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream which did not disappoint. I think I got some mixed berry thing and my son got his usual standard fare of cookie dough.
Sounds like an awesome time in Boston. I love that city and have not been in so long. Jamie really wants to go there so maybe we'll do a trip together.
Men's clothes too? Or just woman's?

They do have mens clothing too!! Although as usual the selection is pretty sparse compared to the womens section lol!

Sounds like an awesome time in Boston. I love that city and have not been in so long. Jamie really wants to go there so maybe we'll do a trip together.

It really is a great city, I recommend!!
Not an update on the TR per se but...I have a rant...

*** USA extending land border closure until Oct 21 (at least)...ugh!! Canada is doing SO much better covid-wise than the US....why why why!! I would gladly provide proof of vaccination, covid test...even that I purchased travel insurance??? Cuba used to do that to make sure tourists didn't stick them with medical bills (I think they still have this in effect...) so whyyyyyyy!!

I'm just frustrated!! REALLY wanted to be able to drive to Boston in October for starters, but my parents wanted to get back to being snowbirds this winter too..Yes there are all kinds of alternatives and they will make it work...but it just makes NO sense!! Now if I want to visit my will be expensive and logistically so much more difficult than if I could just drive!! ugh.

I am well aware that the pandemic is not nearly over and they are trying to limit the spread...but the logic they are using ...well it doesn't really seem like that has anything to do with covid at annoying!!

OK rant over...
They do have mens clothing too!! Although as usual the selection is pretty sparse compared to the womens section lol!
Got it!
USA extending land border closure until Oct 21 (at least)...ugh!! Canada is doing SO much better covid-wise than the US....why why why!!
You just answered your question. Because they aren’t doing well, they can’t afford more strain on their medical system.

But looking like things will change in November.
All caught up, Kathy. You've gotten some good travel stuff in since I've last visited here. Glad the border crossing, while stressful, was successful! Boston sure sounded fun! Love a good aquarium.

I do have to wonder if our government really does care about Covid and the spread and disagree that's the reason they keep it closed; if it was, wouldn't it stand to reason the SOUTHERN border would be too? I mean technically maybe it is, maybe, (a very good case could be made for it really not being so) but with the current narrative and NON-action against the thousands crossing it, I have a seriously hard time believing the "Covid reason" for our Northern Border closure. I've heard from all sides of the spectrum, in various publications, that it would simply be "embarrassing" for them to open it(the Canadian border) given the BS going on to our south. Just my two cents and only one opinion. (and since you asked ;) )
Hey thanks for stopping by!!

All caught up, Kathy. You've gotten some good travel stuff in since I've last visited here. Glad the border crossing, while stressful, was successful! Boston sure sounded fun! Love a good aquarium.

Yes I love me a good aquarium too! I think that may be a regular occurrence each time I'm back in Boston...even if just to visit the penguins! It was a great trip indeed and looking forward to seeing my son (and Boston) again soon!

I have a seriously hard time believing the "Covid reason" for our Northern Border closure. I've heard from all sides of the spectrum, in various publications, that it would simply be "embarrassing" for them to open it(the Canadian border) given the BS going on to our south. Just my two cents and only one opinion. (and since you asked ;) )

Yeah I'm with you there. The "covid" logic does not make any sense at all. I would have no objection to being asked to show my vax status, insurance info and anything else they wanna see if they'd let us drive into the just doesn't make any sense at all. Seems like just an excuse almost to avoid dealing with the actual problems! In any case I do have a feeling that they plan to open land borders perhaps in November when they seem to be opening to other international travellers? I can at least hope for that. Not that I plan to drive to Boston in the winter....those roads were terrifying enough in clear way I'm doing that in snow!! least in the spring I can look forward to being hopefully able to drive to bring my son home with all the crap from his room!! And yes...I did ask for opinions lol because it is mind boggling!
Continuing on with this exciting non-Disney TR....

Saturday Sept 4 - this was move in day at my son's dorm. But our assigned time was not until afternoon, so I let my son sleep in while I went out to look for breakfast. Apparently Cannolis are a thing in Boston that must be had so I went in search of those. I found out that there is a big contest over whose Cannolis are better but the two places that keep coming up are Mike's and Modern Pastry. I found Mike's first so I decided to go there. Unfortunately, these cannoli places seem to only take cash...not good in a pandemic...and also because I almost never have any I had to go find an ATM first...luckily...there was one not too far away. Cash in hand I went back, there was a bit of a line but not too bad. Mike's had 18 flavours of Cannolis!! So I had to get a few to bring back for my son and mom...and wanted to try some myself. I ended up getting a peanut butter and chocolate one for myself, a lemon one for my mom, a plain vanilla with some chocolate drizzle for my son, and a chocolate one for whoever wanted it. They were all delish...607719

After our Cannoli feast, we had some time to lounge around a bit before it was time to gather all my son's stuff and head over to the dorm for move in. Luckily the car was not too far and we didn't have to drive far to the dorm..because as I may have mentioned...downtown Boston driving is terrifying...

We had to schedule a 2 hour window for move in and we had very limited time to be able to stop the car in front of the building in downtown Boston! This was the part where I was VERY happy that my mom had decided to join us for this trip because she drove us over, and then my son and I were able to unload the car, and then once done, she could drive the car back to our hotel and park, and I could go up to my son's room with him and get started on helping him unpack without eating up all our time window trying to find a place to park!

The university had these big rolling carts and volunteers to help unload cars so that process was very quick. In just a few minutes we were up in his room and ready to start unpacking! My son's roommate was already there, along with his family, so I was lucky enough to get to meet them, (and get contact info for his mom as well!) They seem nice! My son had wanted the bed that was not lofted and we were lucky because his roommate chose the high up bed on his own so my son didn't even have to ask for the other one!! It was perfect, just high enough to put some drawers under and all his luggage and stuff, but still easy enough to get in and out of.


First order as a mom was to get my son's bed made up. Got all the suggested bed bug protector, mattress pad and foam topper that is supposed to make these super thin plastic covered mattresses comfortable, and got it all on there, along with some sheets and blankets! Once that was done, I helped my son throw everything out of its baggage and into drawers and unpacked all his bathroom stuff...funnily enough he called me a week in to ask me where I put his laundry detergent least I know he was planning to do some laundry!! I helped him get as settled as I could and then the RA's were running around gathering everyone for a floor meeting so it was time for me to say goodbye for the night, and possibly for the last time on the trip...since I was not sure if I'd see him again even though I'd still be in Boston for another day, we weren't sure how busy he would be with orientation activities....or if he'd be at all interested in seeing his old mom! So we quickly said our goodbyes and I left...trying not to shed any tears on the way down the stairs!

My son's dorm is in such a great location. One of the deans said in her speech to all the freshmen "enjoy living here because you will likely never be able to afford to live in this location again" nice lol. But likely true.


This is the view from my son's room. When it's clear you can see planes taking off at Logan airport and the water...super cool!


This is my son's dorm building. I was very impressed, it's an old hotel.

Anyway...after we said our goodbyes and I left, it was soon time to head over to the Welcome Convocation. The students all gathered (in masks) in a big hall, and the parents had an outdoor seating area where we could watch the event on a big screen. They had the dean and some other university admins talking and welcoming the students, it was pretty cool. Unfortunately Canadian covid scarred self felt that it was a little too was outdoors yes social distancing in sight....that made me kinda nervous. I kept my mask on. There were refreshments after too but I declined...

But...other than that...the welcome ceremony did make me feel good about my son's choice to attend this school (Suffolk University) They seem to really care about the kids and do a lot for them. Hopefully that's not all an act lol. During the sessions I chatted with some other parents and ended up meeting a really nice mom from Vermont. We ended up having a drink at the hotel and then going out for a (patio) dinner together which was really nice. We had a lot in common and it was nice to meet a fellow parent. After that we called it a night!
Apparently Cannolis are a thing in Boston that must be had so I went in search of those.
mmmmmm... cannolis...
Haven't had one in ages.
Unfortunately, these cannoli places seem to only take cash...not good in a pandemic...
Pretty rare even without a pandemic!
and also because I almost never have any cash
Because... that. I don't carry any either.
Mike's had 18 flavours of Cannolis!!
I ended up getting a peanut butter and chocolate one for myself, a lemon one for my mom, a plain vanilla with some chocolate drizzle for my son, and a chocolate one for whoever wanted it.
OMG. That sounds good!
Looks good too!
as I may have mentioned...downtown Boston driving is terrifying...
You might have. :rolleyes:
This was the part where I was VERY happy that my mom had decided to join us for this trip because she drove us over, and then my son and I were able to unload the car, and then once done, she could drive the car back to our hotel and park, and I could go up to my son's room with him and get started on helping him unpack without eating up all our time window trying to find a place to park!
That worked out well. Is that why she drove? Or did it just turn out that way?
My son had wanted the bed that was not lofted and we were lucky because his roommate chose the high up bed on his own so my son didn't even have to ask for the other one!!
That worked out. :)
funnily enough he called me a week in to ask me where I put his laundry detergent least I know he was planning to do some laundry!!
So we quickly said our goodbyes and I left...trying not to shed any tears on the way down the stairs!
My son's dorm is in such a great location. One of the deans said in her speech to all the freshmen "enjoy living here because you will likely never be able to afford to live in this location again" nice lol. But likely true.
That seems odd... but... probably entirely accurate!
This is the view from my son's room. When it's clear you can see planes taking off at Logan airport and the water...super cool!
the welcome ceremony did make me feel good about my son's choice to attend this school (Suffolk University) They seem to really care about the kids and do a lot for them. Hopefully that's not all an act lol.
It sounds good... hope it turns out to be, too. :)


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