Best Time to Shop for Christmas?

I started shopping a couple months ago. With the different summer sales starting and my kids having pretty specific wants at this point I haven't been worried about them not wanting things when Christmas gets closer. We actually had a local dive shop clearance out and I was able to buy both kids their own scuba gear I might not have gotten them otherwise. Pretty excited about that present.
Last month I ordered some pieces from the AIW 70th Anniversary collection. I was worried there wouldn't be any thing left close to Christmas.
I just picked up the big item I had in mind for DD. Prices on Amazon and other sites had been climbing like crazy the last month or so, when I could even find the sort of thing I wanted in stock in the right size, and I found a good price at Walmart. It is a basic furniture piece, and furniture seems to have been hard hit by pandemic shipping issues so I was concerned about waiting any longer. Since Walmart has a 90 day return policy from date of delivery, and the estimate delivery date is the beginning of October, I should be OK on the return front if need be.

I still have a list of smaller items to get: some candy for hostess gifts (See's candy - needs to be fresh so I get this at the last minute), a few more stocking stuffers for DD21 and her boyfriend, a gag gift for sibling exchange (haven't drawn names yet), a little something for my nephews in addition to the cash I give them, and a couple of Amazon items for DD that I'm just waiting for Oct 1 for the extended return policy to kick in to get (it was announced this was the start date again this year this week:

And of course, I always fall victim to the "oh my gosh that's a good deal - let me grab one more gift for xxx" mindset when Black Friday hits. But I really am trying to go smaller this year, and I can't think of much **right now** that tends to go on sale during Black Friday that I would be tempted to get - well, for anyone other than myself that is :)
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I bought my first Christmas gift yesterday at Costco; some baking sheets for my Mom. Last year I bought myself a set of Nordic Ware baking sheets at Costco and they are the best baking sheets I've ever had and when I went back to get a set for my Mom, they were already sold out, so when I saw them yesterday, I bought them.
I bought my first Christmas gift yesterday at Costco; some baking sheets for my Mom. Last year I bought myself a set of Nordic Ware baking sheets at Costco and they are the best baking sheets I've ever had and when I went back to get a set for my Mom, they were already sold out, so when I saw them yesterday, I bought them.
We've bought baking sheets from Costco before and were pleased with the quality of them. I can't remember the brand though (and I'm too lazy to go looking lol). I do know Nordic Ware is a good brand though.
I saw on the news today that there are around 75 ships anchored outside the port of Long Beach, waiting to offload (although I suspect that number is actually Port of Long Beach and Port of Los Angeles combined). Usually there are 1 or 2. Reports are shipping companies are having to cancel sailings because of the delay turning around ships.
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I have no issues buying anytime from January till November or so (I try to be done in time to wrap and enjoy December without the headache of shopping). My main issue is I rarely browse in stores anymore so I have trouble spotting things that look like a good gift. Occasionally I'll spot something online or a Deals type facebook page. We only have one child, almost 11, and her wants still change too frequently to buy too far ahead. Nephews on my side are 18 and 21 as of this year, and mostly get an Under Armor shirt and giftcard or something along those lines - stuff that rarely goes on sale. Nephews on DH's side are going to Disney in January and parents have asked for Disney giftcards if we are looking for ideas.

After that its mainly just our parents left to buy for and those are hard anytime of the year for us. THey are all retired and comfortable financially so it's hard to find things they truly want or need.
I use Camelizer for Amazon and buy when my price targets are hit.

I don't get this shopping early for Halloween and Christmas this year. Are they going to kill the turkeys early this year too?
i was at the mall yesterday-first time since january of 2020. i couldn't believe how low the stock is of even very basic items (pillow cases-nothing fancy, any color would do but none to be found. men's cargo pants-nothing in multiple stores or available from their online counterparts). it was a slow day at the mall and i ended up in a conversation with a merchant who owns a year-round business there. i remarked to him about the lack of stock i was seeing at both the smaller and large scale retailers to which he said that after last christmas (his biggest sales period of the year) he 'saw the writing on the wall' and advance ordered all his christmas 2021 invantory immediately for fear of unavailability and shipment delays. despite doing so he's only received 60% of what he normally has on hand for holiday shopping periods, and of that 60%-a full 80% has already sold out. he questions if he will have any inventory to remain open beyond mid october.

i told my adult kids to write their letters to santa a.s.a.p. b/c as soon as 10/1 hits and amazon's return period starts i'm going to try and get what shopping i can done.
It sounds like we will need to finish the Christmas shopping earlier than expected. I keep hearing about shipping delays and manufacturing problems. The only thing I have ordered so far are Lego sets that I was concerned would sell out.
Take this as you want but my dad is a truck driver( hauls building materials so doesn't really effect him) but there is talk among the drivers of an upcoming trucker strike.

We took a short cruise from Port Canaveral in late August and saw an insane amount of lumber at the port. We've sailed from there so many times so I know how it normally looks and this was far from normal. We were shocked. Everyone who is waiting for your home improvement/construction projects to begin, this is where your lumber is sitting. I will look for my pictures.

Oh yeah, to answer to original question, we are giving our kids money for the first time. They were having a hard time coming up with a list last year so it ended up being half gifts, half $. This year, I've been dealing a lot with my dad's health issues and also trying to make a photo slideshow for his 80th birthday this winter which hasn't gotten enough attention lately, all while working FT at my insanely busy job. I've accepted the fact I don't own a red cape and with kids in their early 20s, they can buy whatever they like or just save it. They are excellent savers, way better than I was at their age.
Is anyone else noticing some crazy price jumps on Amazon items actually sold by Amazon? Several items I thankfully purchased earlier and/or elsewhere I still have saved in my cart, and I see many of them increasing in price - one item has almost doubled in price from $25ish to $47ish! :scared: I got it on eBay last week as an open box item for $16 - I had been watching eBay for awhile, hoping something cheaper would pop up and when it did, boy did I jump!! It even included an extra item that I had purchased separately for $10, so I get to return that making the net cost in my mind just $6. Much better than $47 :)

Thankfully the large item I bought for DD21 came in yesterday and is in good shape, has all the parts for assembly, etc. - I got it at Walmart 30% cheaper than Amazon or anyone else has it right now (IF they have it in stock), and Walmart went out of stock on it just a day or two after I purchased. The deal was so much better than anywhere else I was afraid there was a listing error and I was going to get a lower quality item from the same manufacturer, or I would get an order cancelled email, but the right item arrived. Relief!

Because of the price changes I see happening, and things going in and out of stock so much, I purchased a couple more items today wrapping up DD21, her boyfriend and my nephews. Only things I have left are some candy for stockings/hostess gifts and my sibling gag gift exchange item - for that, I have ideas for everyone saved in my Amazon cart, I just need to know whose name I get.

So.....almost done! Which I'm happy about - I've got a trip to Vegas in November that I want to kick back and enjoy (and not stress about losing money I should be saving for gifts LOL), and I hate shopping for gifts between Thanksgiving and Christmas - the stores are too crowded (it's actually the parking lots that get to me more) and the shipping issues never fails to stress me out. I may pick up a few things for myself during Black Friday, but if those don't ship on time, no big deal.
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We’ve decided that anything that is a “must have” for Christmas is getting purchased ASAP. I’m not willing to risk waiting for Black Friday or any big sales.

Worst case scenario I just return the item I have now if I see a better price for it.
I’m just not willing to run around looking for stock and shopping in large crowds this year so I’ll order now and be done with it.
Holiday return periods started today on Amazon and Target so definitely making some of my bigger purchases this weekend.

be forewarned-amazon has NOT posted this policy on their website. i just spent time on chat with one of their reps who would only commit to the traditional 30 day window b/c the only extended return language on the site only speaks to 2020. target's website DOES speak to the extended period so anything i'm set on getting and don't want to chance waiting for i'll turn to target.


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