Josh Duggar's Trial Begins Today... GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!

An update from yesterday:

The Defense called Michele Bush(D#1), a digital forensics expert, to testify what she found when she conducted a forensic examination of the devices at issue. She confirmed that the Linux partition on the desktop computer had been installed May 13, 2019. Bush cast question towards the account name, "DELL_ONE," due to the presence of an underscore confusing the system. There was some discussion of the uTorrent and Transmission apps and whether they were or could be used to watch video files on the partition. Bush contradicted the Government's expert and claimed that a remote user could have accessed the computer and downloaded files without being physically present in the car lot office.

Anna, Derick, Austin, Joy, Jason, James, and Jessa were present. Joy and her husband were pictured leaving court --- that man had rage in his eyes.

Let's see what happens today!
Random thought after reading some of the posts here. I worked in a maximum security prison for about 15 years, and a forensic mental hospital for the last few years. Some of the things I've heard and read during the course of my job are so much worse than any of the details I've seen any place regarding this case. I forget sometimes that not everyone has had that same experience or has the personality to handle hearing/reading these kinds of things. So I wanted to apologize if I came across harsly in some of my prior posts here.
Random thought after reading some of the posts here. I worked in a maximum security prison for about 15 years, and a forensic mental hospital for the last few years. Some of the things I've heard and read during the course of my job are so much worse than any of the details I've seen any place regarding this case. I forget sometimes that not everyone has had that same experience or has the personality to handle hearing/reading these kinds of things. So I wanted to apologize if I came across harsly in some of my prior posts here.
I don't have quiet the experience you do, but I have done a small amount of criminal law for over 30 years also
KNWA in northwest Arkansas has a reporter named C.C. McCandless who's been doing a lot of solid reporting on the trial. He posted on Twitter this morning, "There's a brief morning recess in the Josh Duggar trial. Defense expert witness Michele Bush has been cross-examined by the government for 90 minutes. They have been chipping away at her credibility. She has never taken a Linux-specific course."
KNWA in northwest Arkansas has a reporter named C.C. McCandless who's been doing a lot of solid reporting on the trial. He posted on Twitter this morning, "There's a brief morning recess in the Josh Duggar trial. Defense expert witness Michele Bush has been cross-examined by the government for 90 minutes. They have been chipping away at her credibility. She has never taken a Linux-specific course."
The cross examination blew a lot of holes in her testimony...
Random thought after reading some of the posts here. I worked in a maximum security prison for about 15 years, and a forensic mental hospital for the last few years. Some of the things I've heard and read during the course of my job are so much worse than any of the details I've seen any place regarding this case. I forget sometimes that not everyone has had that same experience or has the personality to handle hearing/reading these kinds of things. So I wanted to apologize if I came across harsly in some of my prior posts here.
Maybe you just haven’t seen some of the details that others have. The federal agent who has made a career out of investigating this stuff said one of the videos in Josh’s possession, that I believe he downloaded twice, was one of the top five worst the agent had ever encountered. That it was the kind of material most pedophiles won’t watch because even they think it’s too sick. The content was so extreme that for many years it was thought to be an urban legend until it was discovered to be real. The person who made this video is so notorious a documentary was made about him.

I, accidentally and regrettably, read a vague, non-detailed three sentence description of what’s contained in the video* when this case first hit the news and it messed me up for days. It wasn’t a matter of the material being worse than I imagined, it was that I could have never imagined it in the first place. I’m not a naive person but this was a level of depravity that I didn’t know existed in the world. Like, truly, never in my wildest thoughts had it ever occurred to me that something like this happened anywhere on the face of the earth. I don’t think it’s so much a case of people being sensitive to these things or not having the personality to handle it, it’s that it’s some of the most extreme abuse material in existence and almost no one could not be affected by hearing about it. The stuff Josh is into is horrifically violent and beyond sick. It’s terrifying that’s he’s allowed to have access to children.

*I’m not talking about the video with the 3 month old infant that was discussed recently, although that was upsetting as well.
Maybe you just haven’t seen some of the details that others have. The federal agent who has made a career out of investigating this stuff said one of the videos in Josh’s possession, that I believe he downloaded twice, was one of the top five worst the agent had ever encountered. That it was the kind of material most pedophiles won’t watch because even they think it’s too sick. The content was so extreme that for many years it was thought to be an urban legend until it was discovered to be real. The person who made this video is so notorious a documentary was made about him.

I, accidentally and regrettably, read a vague, non-detailed three sentence description of what’s contained in the video* when this case first hit the news and it messed me up for days. It wasn’t a matter of the material being worse than I imagined, it was that I could have never imagined it in the first place. I’m not a naive person but this was a level of depravity that I didn’t know existed in the world. Like, truly, never in my wildest thoughts had it ever occurred to me that something like this happened anywhere on the face of the earth. I don’t think it’s so much a case of people being sensitive to these things or not having the personality to handle it, it’s that it’s some of the most extreme abuse material in existence and almost no one could not be affected by hearing about it. The stuff Josh is into is horrifically violent and beyond sick. It’s terrifying that’s he’s allowed to have access to children.

*I’m not talking about the video with the 3 month old infant that was discussed recently, although that was upsetting as well.
No... I've read it. I've just read much worse. I've had inmates on my case load with 1300 years on child molestation/abuse charges, Something like 300 counts and was sentenced to consecutive sentences. I've often told my husband that I know monsters are real because those kinds of people sit across my desk from me on a daily basis. I am just lucky enough to know that they are monsters, because those same people are also next to you on the bus or in the booth behind you at denny's. you just don't know they are monsters. I am not saying I am NOT affected by it, I am, just differently than others may be. If this is your 1st experience with something truely horrifying like this, then yeah, it's going to be harder than someone who's done it multiple times. The fact that you really didn't imagine these things happen anywhere vs the fact that I KNOW they do because I've read it.... I know people are monsters. And yeah, it does take a certain type of person to be able to work with that and I know lots of people can't do it. But if you think this is the worst thing that anyone has ever done, you are wrong.

Adding, that yes, those things are absoultely horrific, and the people that did them are monsters. I am not doubting that. I'm just saying that I've read worse and that worse things happen. That doesn't take away from the horrificness of this in any way.
KNWA in northwest Arkansas has a reporter named C.C. McCandless who's been doing a lot of solid reporting on the trial. He posted on Twitter this morning, "There's a brief morning recess in the Josh Duggar trial. Defense expert witness Michele Bush has been cross-examined by the government for 90 minutes. They have been chipping away at her credibility. She has never taken a Linux-specific course."
I didn't know that you had to take a course in Linux to know how to use it. I work in IT and there are a lot of things that you pick up on the job, or, if you're interested in a topic, you can learn how to do it on your own, without a course.

I started my career in IT a LONG time ago with a degree in Marketing and no IT experience. I built and ran the entire IT department at a large, regional bank for many years, because I learned what I needed to learn as I needed to learn it.
No... I've read it. I've just read much worse. I've had inmates on my case load with 1300 years on child molestation/abuse charges, Something like 300 counts and was sentenced to consecutive sentences. I've often told my husband that I know monsters are real because those kinds of people sit across my desk from me on a daily basis. I am just lucky enough to know that they are monsters, because those same people are also next to you on the bus or in the booth behind you at denny's. you just don't know they are monsters. I am not saying I am NOT affected by it, I am, just differently than others may be. If this is your 1st experience with something truely horrifying like this, then yeah, it's going to be harder than someone who's done it multiple times. The fact that you really didn't imagine these things happen anywhere vs the fact that I KNOW they do because I've read it.... I know people are monsters. And yeah, it does take a certain type of person to be able to work with that and I know lots of people can't do it. But if you think this is the worst thing that anyone has ever done, you are wrong.

Adding, that yes, those things are absoultely horrific, and the people that did them are monsters. I am not doubting that. I'm just saying that I've read worse and that worse things happen. That doesn't take away from the horrificness of this in any way.
I don’t think the act of downloading the material is the worst crime anyone has ever committed, but when a federal agent who has spent his career investigating CSAM says this particular video is in the top five worst, then I’ll take his word for it that what Josh was looking at is some of the most extreme material out there.
I don’t think the act of downloading the material is the worst crime anyone has ever committed, but when a federal agent who has spent his career investigating CSAM says this particular video is in the top five worst, then I’ll take his word for it that what Josh was looking at is some of the most extreme material out there.
I wasnt saying that downloading it is the worst crime. I'm saying the act it's self, while certianly heinous and horrific isn't the worst that mankind has to offer. I'm not in any way saying it isn't horrible. I am simply saying that when you have spent a career seeing those kinds of things, yes it gets to you still. But not in the same way it would just a "normal" person. Josh certainly is a horrible person if he knowingly downloaded that video, knowing what it contained and watched it and enjoyed watching it, there is no doubt of that. If he did in fact do that, there is a special place for him.
Desensitized. Thats perhaps the term I'm getting at. If you've spent a career dealing with monsters, then you are perhaps less sensitive to it than someone who never even imagined that things like this happened. You'd have a less visceral reaction to it. And yeah, when you still say thats in the top 5 of the worst I've ever seen, it's pretty bad, I don't doubt that.
I didn't know that you had to take a course in Linux to know how to use it. I work in IT and there are a lot of things that you pick up on the job, or, if you're interested in a topic, you can learn how to do it on your own, without a course.

I started my career in IT a LONG time ago with a degree in Marketing and no IT experience. I built and ran the entire IT department at a large, regional bank for many years, because I learned what I needed to learn as I needed to learn it.

True. But you’re probably not being touted as an expert witness about Linux in court.
No... I've read it. I've just read much worse. I've had inmates on my case load with 1300 years on child molestation/abuse charges, Something like 300 counts and was sentenced to consecutive sentences. I've often told my husband that I know monsters are real because those kinds of people sit across my desk from me on a daily basis. I am just lucky enough to know that they are monsters, because those same people are also next to you on the bus or in the booth behind you at denny's. you just don't know they are monsters. I am not saying I am NOT affected by it, I am, just differently than others may be. If this is your 1st experience with something truely horrifying like this, then yeah, it's going to be harder than someone who's done it multiple times. The fact that you really didn't imagine these things happen anywhere vs the fact that I KNOW they do because I've read it.... I know people are monsters. And yeah, it does take a certain type of person to be able to work with that and I know lots of people can't do it. But if you think this is the worst thing that anyone has ever done, you are wrong.

Adding, that yes, those things are absoultely horrific, and the people that did them are monsters. I am not doubting that. I'm just saying that I've read worse and that worse things happen. That doesn't take away from the horrificness of this in any way.
Desensitized …
Don’t know how you do it, but glad there are people that Can do those type jobs.
I'm young (30) but she graduated in 2015. I don't see how she could possibly be an "expert" with that few years experience, especially for federal court!
Oh, my.

Though, kids start young into computers, so there could be an 18 yo, or younger who understands Linux inside and out. My point is that she didn't need to take a course to learn Linux well. Plus, it's open source, so she wouldn't have had to even pay for it to learn it.

@VandVsmama, you're right. I wouldn't want to be an expert witness in a courtroom.
I didn't know that you had to take a course in Linux to know how to use it. I work in IT and there are a lot of things that you pick up on the job, or, if you're interested in a topic, you can learn how to do it on your own, without a course.

I started my career in IT a LONG time ago with a degree in Marketing and no IT experience. I built and ran the entire IT department at a large, regional bank for many years, because I learned what I needed to learn as I needed to learn it.
You are correct, except she is testifying as an expert witness. And you need credentials (classes) to be an expert. I wouldn't let my PCP perform kidney surgery on me just because she was familiar with how kidneys work. She isn't an expert in kidneys.
You are correct, except she is testifying as an expert witness. And you need credentials (classes) to be an expert. I wouldn't let my PCP perform kidney surgery on me just because she was familiar with how kidneys work. She isn't an expert in kidneys.

I'd expect that somebody who's claiming to be a computer security expert witness on a trial that involves the illegal data being on a Linux system, that the expert witness at least has a Linux certification.

When comparing the experience and credentials of the defense's expert computer witness to the FBI's equivalent witness, the FBI's witness wins this one hands down.


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