Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave2: Quick mid-day stop in!

Not much happening today. Work is work...shuffling a few papers around here and there.

I am having a heck of a time finding any N95's here. I wanted to have them for our trip to Florida - especially for the plane. We can't get on the plane home without a negative test - OR if you test positive while down there, you have to wait 10 days until you can fly home. Driving home from Florida is NOT an option for us. I don't care about testing positive while there - I could think of a worse place to isolate, but work wise...Dh will need to be home. We are taking his laptop to be safe just incase, as he could remote work if he really needed to. It would not be easy for him as he gets many phone calls a day to organize or trouble shoot his guys through.

I am glad you found a bright spot about your situation. I read back a few pages to see what had happened. :hug: Sending you many hugs to get through that ugly situation.

I miss the days when work would come to me in the mornings. When our boys were small, I did the stay at home daycare thing. Horrible roads are NOT fun. Our roads here right now are terrible. People on FB are angry that the city hasn't been doing their job. Just soooooo icy and now compacted/ridge filled roads. Salt doesn't work when it's this cold, but they are usually out doing the sand/salt mixture to help keep the glare icey roads from compacted snow. Sigh. Good thing for winter tires and big coats ::yes::

It's great that life is slowly starting to come back. It's great you were able to have tea with a friend! Your dinner sounds delicious. We are having chicken pot pie for dinner/supper tonight. I have challenged myself to clean out my fridge freezer and use up those items to get into better order.

Well, I should go shuffle a few more papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!

I think testing will slowly change going forward. From Friday at 4am we in the UK now don`t need to have a PCR when we come home, back to antigen which will save larger families a lot of money, and pre deperature from the UK tests will be scrapped. We would still need to test within 24 hours of leaving the US and have a negative test. But, changes are certainly afoot which is excellent for travel.

I love chicken pie too, don`t make it too often but again, we`d have puff pastry on top usually, but we do like pies with shortcrust pastry too. I always make my own shortcrust pastry as it is easy.

Hope you had a good one too.....

Good evening. Another fun day trying to get caught up at work. Normally it wouldn't be so bad, but I have a lot that needs to get done because of the new year. I may go in on Friday (usually off) to get caught up.

Definitely true for southerners too. I got a new coat for Christmas a couple of years ago, but have only had to wear it once or twice.

He has such an incredible range. I actually watched a few episodes of Duck Tales just to hear him as Scrooge McDuck.

I think they are calling for a coating to an inch here. We could get anything from nothing to 6 inches.

I wouldn't want to drive to my home from FL. I can't imagine trying to drive to yours.

Dh wants to watch Boba Fett. I'm having difficulty getting in to this series.

He does have a good range, I`ve never seen Duck Tales, but the name Scrooge McDuck reminded me of trying to convince an American we were talking to once in a bar that he was Scottish, they didn`t know. I told them to Google and that was the only way they believed us.

Hope you get caught up and your weather isn`t too bad.

We have -5 as a real feel for us this morning, so yep.....not going out today but do have plans for the whole day so will be kept busy with one thing and another, and I always take about an hour every day to just sit and internet, real books.

It is always nice to switch off devices, although I don`t know anyone who`d sit on them all day unless it`s for work...couldn`t imagine having the Dis open all day for too busy for that.

Another good old chicken casserole tonight, homely and warming and it`ll simmer away for most of the day with all the usual herbs and flavourings, going to make dumplings too that`ll go in about 25 minutes before serving. Not calorie friendly but absolutely delicious.

Breakfast is mixed fruit with some continental meats, simple but nice.




Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍸

Sending big hugs to all that need one ((( :hug: )))​
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Ah yes, thirsty Thursday is here. Yay, as that means tomorrow is Friday. Woot! But I’m glad to be home on Friday, as bulk of storm to start in the late evening and to be making a snowy messy commute tomorrow. Cold day for us too, a clear sky, with a degree below freezing, And very dark out. That tiniest sliver of moon we saw in the pink and soft purple evening sky last night, had no brightening in the cloudy sky. Even with the clouds gone, still oh so black looking out. And snow. Sigh. As weather guy said this morning, cold enough for snow, as the high temp does not get out us of the 30’s.

Did a Target drive up, yesterday afternoon and got there just at the right time, as was only me and another car. But as little one was with me, after our order placed in our car, she thought we needed more. Okay then, parked and a run we did. By the time we exited, the huge number of drive up spots were almost all taken.

And so, no reason for us to go out today, unless I’ll do my lunchtime walk. Maybe, as if the sun is still shiny bright out, sunglasses. Yeah, and a hat and gloves. The winds chill is making it feel even colder.

So from a tea drinking homies, and a week day routine one, will be wishing all to have that terrific Thirsty Thursday. Have a drink. With the flu and all sorts of colds now making their rounds, staying hydrated is a good thing, And some hugs for those homies that need some. :hug:

Stopped off to make some lunch and noticed it is actually snowing.......just a little though, it won`t lay. But colder than they said.

Being beside the sea we are usually milder than inland, but not today.....I`m not going out at all.....but it`s so dark with the heavy cloud outside.

Sweet chilli chicken wraps for lunch, hot and spicy.......😈
Good morning. Cat woke me up very early today. I decided that since I was up I would call Disney and see if I was eligible for the new discounts that just came out. Unfortunately not, but since we are staying at a value resort the discount wasn't very high. On Wednesday I can make ADRs.

I feel like I could go back to sleep and have a nice nap now, but I must get ready for work.
Good morning. Cat woke me up very early today. I decided that since I was up I would call Disney and see if I was eligible for the new discounts that just came out. Unfortunately not, but since we are staying at a value resort the discount wasn't very high. On Wednesday I can make ADRs.

I feel like I could go back to sleep and have a nice nap now, but I must get ready for work.

Have a great day Charade.......hope you get what you want on Wednesday...
:cold: :rolleyes2 downright cold morning stop in!!!'s cold again today. -42 ish with the windchill. Just tired of the cold now. It's been 3 weeks with nothing warmer than -20 ish. The forecast for next week is a couple of days with above freezing temps with no snow - which is rare for when it warms up. Hoping the rain stays away as well with warm temps like that in winter. That would just be glorious right now :scared: :laughing:

Not much doing today. Have an appointment for my nails today. Time to get rid of the xmas ones I have. As much as I loved the little reindeer on a couple of my nails, it's time for just a nice clean french tip nail!

I have been told to wash clothes and pack a bag tonight, tell my manager I'm leaving early tomorrow for the weekend!!! Not sure what the family has planned, but I guess I will find out!!!! We are heading to the city this weekend. I thought we weren't going to the city until next weekend for gd's birthday. Since we missed her first birthday, I am NOT missing her second birthday!

N95 is what DS and I wear on planes and movie theaters. He's wearing them at school now too. DH likes over the ear, so he wears KN95 on planes. I have only found them on Amazon. If you are getting actual N95, check the CDC website to make sure that the manufacturer is authorized and it's a valid part number. There are a lot of fakes out there. It doesn't guarantee that someone isn't just putting another maker's info on the mask, but it weeds out the lazy fakers.
That is part of the problem. I actually called our supplier where we buy our safety materials and other items from and asked if they had the 3M ones I was looking for. They did! So I have a number of them waiting for me to buy personally. I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier :confused: But I found some. That's all that matters.
I think testing will slowly change going forward. From Friday at 4am we in the UK now don`t need to have a PCR when we come home, back to antigen which will save larger families a lot of money, and pre deperature from the UK tests will be scrapped. We would still need to test within 24 hours of leaving the US and have a negative test. But, changes are certainly afoot which is excellent for travel.
I don't think the powers that be here will lift those testing requirements before spring. I will stop now or a rant and a ban will follow :rotfl:
Sweet chilli chicken wraps for lunch, hot and spicy.......😈
YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! Those sound delicious! Now I want that for lunch too lol

Well, I should start to shuffle some papers around now and fill out some spreadsheets. My butt is really dragging for some
:cold: :rolleyes2 downright cold morning stop in!!!'s cold again today. -42 ish with the windchill. Just tired of the cold now. It's been 3 weeks with nothing warmer than -20 ish. The forecast for next week is a couple of days with above freezing temps with no snow - which is rare for when it warms up. Hoping the rain stays away as well with warm temps like that in winter. That would just be glorious right now :scared: :laughing:

Not much doing today. Have an appointment for my nails today. Time to get rid of the xmas ones I have. As much as I loved the little reindeer on a couple of my nails, it's time for just a nice clean french tip nail!

I have been told to wash clothes and pack a bag tonight, tell my manager I'm leaving early tomorrow for the weekend!!! Not sure what the family has planned, but I guess I will find out!!!! We are heading to the city this weekend. I thought we weren't going to the city until next weekend for gd's birthday. Since we missed her first birthday, I am NOT missing her second birthday!

That is part of the problem. I actually called our supplier where we buy our safety materials and other items from and asked if they had the 3M ones I was looking for. They did! So I have a number of them waiting for me to buy personally. I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier :confused: But I found some. That's all that matters.

I don't think the powers that be here will lift those testing requirements before spring. I will stop now or a rant and a ban will follow :rotfl:

YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! Those sound delicious! Now I want that for lunch too lol

Well, I should start to shuffle some papers around now and fill out some spreadsheets. My butt is really dragging for some

I remember you missing her 1st birthday, don`t blame you for making sure you don`t miss another.

That is cold!! Seriously cold......

No,I`m surprised too that they`re stopping some of the testing as they make so much money out of them, but folks are angry and fed up, I do wonder what prompted the decision.

Lunch was was a store bought sweet chilli sauce, but still lovely and freshly seared chicken is the secret with the freshest of salad stuffed in too, never breaded tenders......bleurgh.

Have the best weekend ahead pumpkin.....hope you have a lovely time and what a lovely surprise for you........and you still have next weekends fabulous little birthday celebration to look forward to also......

Well, the snow today lasted about the length of time it took me to post about it.....then it went off. After that it was rain, high winds and freezing cold, that bitter cold that goes right through you, thankfully we never left the house today and it was lovely and cosy in here.

Lamps were on around 2.30 this afternoon around the house, we were in the kitchen most of the day back and forward, we really could live in there as the sofas are very comfy, Tom has his tv and I have my ovens and huge table......happy mix!

Chicken casserole was delicious, but I added something that wasn`t quite right and I can`t pinpoint it.....but, didin`t stop us having empty plates. And last nights naan breads were still a little stodgy and dense, in comparison the dumplings I made tonight were light and fluffy as they should be. I only add chives or rosemary to the suet mix usually. Tasty and stick to your bones food.

About to have a cup of tea as we`ve just been talking about that on the TR, so will choose something different tonight for a change.......

Hoping it`s not as cold tomorrow as we do need to go out in the morning.....not looking forward to that!
Quiet day today. I don't really have anything interesting to post about. Well, I did have one odd thing happen. I had a client email me about an upcoming marriage counseling appointment. He had copied his wife on the email. Her email address used what I guess is her maiden name. She has the same name as my problem aunt, just a spelling difference of one letter. (Like Hanna instead of Hannah)

have been told to wash clothes and pack a bag tonight, tell my manager I'm leaving early tomorrow for the weekend!!! Not sure what the family has planned, but I guess I will find out!!!! We are heading to the city this weekend. I thought we weren't going to the city until next weekend for gd's birthday. Since we missed her first birthday, I am NOT missing her second birthday!
Oooh, I hope it's a really cool, fun surprise.

Hoping it`s not as cold tomorrow as we do need to go out in the morning.....not looking forward to that!
I'm hoping for minimal snow. I was planning to go into work and try to get caught up. Last I heard was an estimate of 1-3 inches.

The snow is supposed to start in a little over an hour.
Me too Charade. Saying starting between 11 pm to 2 am, with heaviest falling time 3 am to 6 am, with an overnight low temp of 28, so that snow will stick. Our streets are already white with the salt brine placed on readiness of the snow. No matter, I’m glad I’m not going to do that early morning commute. We have the salt bucket and shovel in front of the garage now, outside of it, as took it out after dinner tonight. Checked our front door closet, and winter items all ready too. I’m not looking forward to it, littke one is excited for snow. Guess someone has to be. Thankfully, we don’t get as cold as Pumpkin. That is cold weather.

Yay, hope Pumpkin has fun this weekend. Those kind of surprises are the sweet fun kind. And 2 years old, yay for being able to celebrate with her next weekend.

I guess I needed it, but crap on tv and I watched quite a bit of it with my eyes closed. Missed dinner, but had such a late lunch, I’m just going to heat up some soup, and get ready for bed. Last day of routine up early is tomorrow for this week. Yay!

And hope all have a peaceful and good night’s sleep.
Charade........hope you don`t get too much of the cold stuff........

Still in the minuses for real feel this morning, but doesn`t feel as bad as it has been last few days, anything warmer will be an improvement. Next week is looking better I`m glad to say, above freezing is better.

Slept like a top last night again, not much happening today apart from going out this morning to pick up a few things we need and drop into a friends for a cup of tea as we`re over that way, will take her some baking as she never has time herself but loves home baked cakes.

No idea for dinner tonight, might be seafood of some kind.

Time for a cup of English Breakfast Tea........




Have a happy Friday ☺​
We have snow. Looks about two to three inches. Seems at least one neighbor has left, as there is tire lines in our street. Will be that way until the plow comes along, probably later this morning. We are not on a main street. 28 out, and when I peeked outside the door, some flurries around too, but I think the snow is almost done. If I had to go in today, at least it announced that no one to enter before 9 am. That makes sense, as I’m sure they need to plow the parking lots. And they hire out, the maintenance does not have plows. And so, I doubt we are on the early list. I did hear shoveling, so at least someone around me is getting ready in this early hour.

I must be odd with the sleep. Since I did that early evening nap, woke up around 2, then 4 am. Though my alarm does not go off until 1/2 after that, I could not get back to sleep. And so, very long hot shower, then placed some clothes in the wash. And like Schumi, having tea this morning.

And yeah:
0D9AEBC6-B810-4CCC-A352-38364E7E6212.gif ::yes::



Woot! Woot!
Braced the chill today and headed out to pick up some wasn`t as bad as we thought, but jeez still too cold for this hothouse plant!

Got all the cards and gifts I need for this month and next, and Kyle`s birthday gifts too. We`ve changed his birthday meal out to next Saturday as he is going out with friends from work on Friday now, so we had to change restaurants as they couldn`t accomodate us for the of my friends says we`ll prefer the other place as she much prefers it too. Looking forward to the new place now. It`s in the same village as the other place we usually go and always wanted to try it.

Ended up getting some filets for tonight, will sear them on the griddle as you`d need to be crazy to go out to the outdoor grill tonight, it`s such a damp cold we have here, not fun. Got some shrimps coated in spices on skewers too so we can call it surf and turf and a lovely bottle of red wine for later.

Even though we are both happily early retired.....there is still something nice about a Friday night and the weekend ahead.........🍷
decided to take a ‘me’ day yesterday, @ home facial, the foot peel bags (anyone else use them, love!) & mask on hair. Cracked open some of the new ‘fancy’ tea bags the mr gave me for Christmas. Ahhh
as i told one of my kids, it’s all smoke & mirrors but, enjoyed the process
wait, they told you you just weren`t lucky!!!! Crikey.......and this is Disney?? Yes, that would never happen at Universal........:duck:
Hmmph, I‘LL have disney know i get lucky quite often :rolleyes1

did hit one powerball number, worth a whopping $4
Good luck going out in that cold weather, Keisha. Yeah, I guess some are sick. 12 of our football team are out due to virus. Shocking.
wow, that spread quickly
Need to go buy a new chilli plant this year, the Birds Eye plant I had from last couple of years didn`t make it through Christmas, so will get to the garden centre closest to us I know had them this time last year, so hopefully pick one up, if not will wait till spring if I have to.
got the mr hydroponic system. i assume he will dive into setting it up soon. I’m hoping for some lettuce. he has a full set up in basement with grow lights to start all his seedlings for the garden. Once he has everything planted, plan is to use for spices.
Good evening everyone. Stressful day back at work today. No one checked my email while I was gone, I had 7 saved voice mail messages waiting for me to deal with, and several people wanting to schedule as new clients.
seriously, talk about a stinky welcome back.
I have never seen the old movie or even read the book, so I don't know how close to to book this series is. I saw a Disney version with Jackie Chan. I don't really remember too much about the movie and it wasn't that long ago.
apologies to mr Chan but, that movie couldn’t hold a candle to the original
We are hearing rumors of possible snow again on Thursday.
i pretreated the hard surfaces late last afternoon, appears to be approx 3 inches standing. Nice, light fluffy stuff. Don’t even think I’ll bother taking out the leaf blower.

did have to have the mr clear off the DTV dish When he got home from work late last night…priorities :)
I am going very budget for my next trip. We are staying at All Star Music. I am trying to find out if there is any advantage to doing early online check in.
same here. Music our fav value as to the pool & overall theming. I still wouldn’t categorize it as ’cheap’ by any means.
Seen this and giggled a little lol. But it's definitely true. We pull out the big coats.
happy to report my down jacket is still hanging in closet.
If you are getting actual N95, check the CDC website to make sure that the manufacturer is authorized and it's a valid part number.
absolutely. was disappointing to feel compelled to place yet another of the jik sort of order for more this week. Surprised to see they have a bit of a delay in shipping
I actually watched a few episodes of Duck Tales just to hear him as Scrooge McDuck.
one of my guilty pleasures. disappointing they cancelled it.
But as little one was with me, after our order placed in our car, she thought we needed more.
more than a few times have done the same there & other places. Always do at Sams club just have them plop those 36 cans of pop & bags of pet food in the trunk . I tend to buy them in multiples. My back thanks me :)
Being beside the sea we are usually milder than inland, but not today.....I`m not going out at all.....but it`s so dark with the heavy cloud outside.
by the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea…you are truly living the life.

I believe Robbie should be migrating south soon
Unfortunately not, but since we are staying at a value resort the discount wasn't very high. On Wednesday I can make ADRs.
yea! Turned out only thing available our dates was at sports (my least fav for several reasons), not worth upgrading to premium there to save less than $5 a day.

nothing exciting for other dates I checked, including early July either.

As much as I loved the little reindeer on a couple of my nails, it's time for just a nice clean french tip nail!
No,I`m surprised too that they`re stopping some of the testing as they make so much money out of them, but folks are angry and fed up, I do wonder what prompted the decision.
if you could find them, our government was offering online purchase of at home covid tests thru various retailers until earlier this month For $14.

now, they are even scarcer & double the price. The mr asked that I order a few (thru amazon) to have on hand JIK we or the kids need them.

supposedly, next month they will be ‘free’ online to US citizens. Not going to hold my breath there. My youngest DS needed one after exposure to guest over Thanksgiving. Took me hours to find a rapid testing site appointment near him the first weekend in December. From what I understand, it’s even more difficult now No drive up mass testing clinics in our area either.
:wave2: Friday morning stop in!!!

Finally it's Friday, and I'm only working half a day then off to head out for a birthday celebration weekend in the city :cheer2: Bag is packed, just have to toss in my toiletries then we can head out. It is lightly snowing here again, ,even though it's still way below normal temperatures. But gauging the way my head feels, we are in for another weather front to start moving in. Hoping the forecast is right...and I will have warmer weather on my actual birthday. It's usually -400000000. The joys of having a January birthday.

I got to my nail appointment. Nails are looking nice and polished again. I also colored the sparkles in my hair last night. I feel like a new lady today. I am NOT ready to embrace those pesky sparkles that are in there now. I would probably look like Frank off of " Shamelss" :rotfl:

We have light snow falling right now.
I hope you didn't get too much. Even those little skiffs make driving conditions treacherous.
I must be odd with the sleep. Since I did that early evening nap, woke up around 2, then 4 am. Though my alarm does not go off until 1/2 after that, I could not get back to sleep. And so, very long hot shower, then placed some clothes in the wash. And like Schumi, having tea this morning.
I was up several times last night as well. I laid in bed as long as I could - waiting for the Advil to kick in. It still hasn't...might have to pull out the migraine meds to start to feel human again.
Ended up getting some filets for tonight, will sear them on the griddle as you`d need to be crazy to go out to the outdoor grill tonight, it`s such a damp cold we have here, not fun. Got some shrimps coated in spices on skewers too so we can call it surf and turf and a lovely bottle of red wine for later.
That sounds delicious!!! I am starting to really love a surf and turf meal! I'll replace the wine with a ceasar - Canadian version of a bloody mary. I can't drink wine. The heartburn, headaches and honestly, my whole body aches after drinking it. It causes too much inflammation in my system. I would love to drink it, but my body just doesn't like it. Even the low nitrate ones.
got the mr hydroponic system. i assume he will dive into setting it up soon. I’m hoping for some lettuce. he has a full set up in basement with grow lights to start all his seedlings for the garden. Once he has everything planted, plan is to use for spices.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of those. I have zero room in my tiny house for one. Enjoy it!!! I have one gf who has one, and she posts all the items she grows in it. And here in winter when produce is extremely expensive - I would love to be able to cut out at least a little bit of what I purchase.

Well, I should attack this pile of papers, and get the sorted and spreadsheet completed.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!
decided to take a ‘me’ day yesterday, @ home facial, the foot peel bags (anyone else use them, love!) & mask on hair. Cracked open some of the new ‘fancy’ tea bags the mr gave me for Christmas. Ahhh
View attachment 636718
as i told one of my kids, it’s all smoke & mirrors but, enjoyed the process
View attachment 636719

Hmmph, I‘LL have disney know i get lucky quite often :rolleyes1

did hit one powerball number, worth a whopping $4

wow, that spread quickly

got the mr hydroponic system. i assume he will dive into setting it up soon. I’m hoping for some lettuce. he has a full set up in basement with grow lights to start all his seedlings for the garden. Once he has everything planted, plan is to use for spices.

seriously, talk about a stinky welcome back.

apologies to mr Chan but, that movie couldn’t hold a candle to the original

i pretreated the hard surfaces late last afternoon, appears to be approx 3 inches standing. Nice, light fluffy stuff. Don’t even think I’ll bother taking out the leaf blower.

did have to have the mr clear off the DTV dish When he got home from work late last night…priorities :)

same here. Music our fav value as to the pool & overall theming. I still wouldn’t categorize it as ’cheap’ by any means.

happy to report my down jacket is still hanging in closet.

absolutely. was disappointing to feel compelled to place yet another of the jik sort of order for more this week. Surprised to see they have a bit of a delay in shipping

one of my guilty pleasures. disappointing they cancelled it.

more than a few times have done the same there & other places. Always do at Sams club just have them plop those 36 cans of pop & bags of pet food in the trunk . I tend to buy them in multiples. My back thanks me :)

by the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea…you are truly living the life.

I believe Robbie should be migrating south soon

yea! Turned out only thing available our dates was at sports (my least fav for several reasons), not worth upgrading to premium there to save less than $5 a day.

nothing exciting for other dates I checked, including early July either.


if you could find them, our government was offering online purchase of at home covid tests thru various retailers until earlier this month For $14.

now, they are even scarcer & double the price. The mr asked that I order a few (thru amazon) to have on hand JIK we or the kids need them.

supposedly, next month they will be ‘free’ online to US citizens. Not going to hold my breath there. My youngest DS needed one after exposure to guest over Thanksgiving. Took me hours to find a rapid testing site appointment near him the first weekend in December. From what I understand, it’s even more difficult now No drive up mass testing clinics in our area either.

Oh I`ll join you in a a good`s not Liptons is it :duck::rotfl:

Your day sounds quite lovely Janet.......and never heard of the foot thingy.....and love the sound of the hydro system.....hope he enjoys that, I`ll bet he will.

The tests have always been free here.....unless......and here`s the bite, if you want them for travel....then they`ve gotcha! But, should be changing soon. Hope you can get them soon........

yep, love living by the sea........too bloomin cold right now though!!!

Enjoy the rest of your lovely day.......

:wave2: Friday morning stop in!!!

Finally it's Friday, and I'm only working half a day then off to head out for a birthday celebration weekend in the city :cheer2: Bag is packed, just have to toss in my toiletries then we can head out. It is lightly snowing here again, ,even though it's still way below normal temperatures. But gauging the way my head feels, we are in for another weather front to start moving in. Hoping the forecast is right...and I will have warmer weather on my actual birthday. It's usually -400000000. The joys of having a January birthday.

I got to my nail appointment. Nails are looking nice and polished again. I also colored the sparkles in my hair last night. I feel like a new lady today. I am NOT ready to embrace those pesky sparkles that are in there now. I would probably look like Frank off of " Shamelss" :rotfl:

I hope you didn't get too much. Even those little skiffs make driving conditions treacherous.

I was up several times last night as well. I laid in bed as long as I could - waiting for the Advil to kick in. It still hasn't...might have to pull out the migraine meds to start to feel human again.

That sounds delicious!!! I am starting to really love a surf and turf meal! I'll replace the wine with a ceasar - Canadian version of a bloody mary. I can't drink wine. The heartburn, headaches and honestly, my whole body aches after drinking it. It causes too much inflammation in my system. I would love to drink it, but my body just doesn't like it. Even the low nitrate ones.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of those. I have zero room in my tiny house for one. Enjoy it!!! I have one gf who has one, and she posts all the items she grows in it. And here in winter when produce is extremely expensive - I would love to be able to cut out at least a little bit of what I purchase.

Well, I should attack this pile of papers, and get the sorted and spreadsheet completed.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!

Oh how exciting for a lovely birthday weekend....yep, our son is January outdoor birthday parties as a kid......

I`d miss wine if I couldn`t drink it.....I really would. Never gives me a headache, unless someone gives me a cheap nasty one, usually in a pub, but wines we drink all agree with me, I can imagine though those are nasty side effects.....

Yes, surf and turf is a treat.....wish i`d bought some lobster now........

Have a wonderful weekend pumpkin......
Good evening everyone. I have an update on the crazy family saga. Yesterday my sister got a call from our cousin. She is angry with us for sending her mother a letter demanding the return of our mother's money. She did say that my aunt will be sending a cashier's check when she is feeling better. My aunt allegedly had a bad reaction to a flu shot. We still aren't sure exactly how much money will be returned. My aunt and cousin again accused us of not caring about our mother. I guess they think that all we care about is Mom's money, but we just want Mom to have what is rightfully hers.

My sister also told me that Mom got a letter from a collection agency regarding an unpaid $1500 hospital bill from March. My brother reminded me that when we stayed with Mom for a week last summer she said that she had a bill that was over $1000. She said that my aunt had put the bill in a bag of papers that was in her closet. I looked in that bag and all over my mom's room and couldn't find the bill. My sister found a past due notice for the bill this afternoon. This is something that my aunt should have taken care of, but obviously didn't. Ugh, I can't wait until this is all resolved.

Charade........hope you don`t get too much of the cold stuff........
Not much at all. Just a coating. All of the streets were dry when I went to work this morning.

decided to take a ‘me’ day yesterday, @ home facial, the foot peel bags (anyone else use them, love!) & mask on hair. Cracked open some of the new ‘fancy’ tea bags the mr gave me for Christmas. Ahhh
I am not familiar with foot peel bags. I will research.

apologies to mr Chan but, that movie couldn’t hold a candle to the original
The movie wasn't very memorable. I like Jackie Chan in his action movies. I wonder why he chose to do this one.

same here. Music our fav value as to the pool & overall theming. I still wouldn’t categorize it as ’cheap’ by any means.
This will be our first time at Music. We've stayed at Pop, Movies, and AoA. I chose the preferred room this time. I am tired of being stuck at the back of the resort.

Finally it's Friday, and I'm only working half a day then off to head out for a birthday celebration weekend in the city
Happy birthday. I hope it is a super fun one.

Both my sister and niece have birthdays this month.


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