Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

:) PollyannaMom, love how you put that "Camp Grandma." Grandparents are so important! I thank all of you who are grandparents for being such loving ones. As I have shared my own grandparents were so dear to me that is for sure.

:hug:Dazed and prayers for your son and you, as well, my friend. Aw thank you!

Dad is thankfully home and as an added blessing it's so lovely not to be cold in here!

Have a good afternoon, everyone please.
Thoughts and prayers to all in need.

The 3 of us were at the house today getting it ready for Junk King to come and take away what should be the last load of junk. We have it all gathered in 3 places ready to go next Saturday. Then next weekend it will be just younger DS and I as older DS has to work. We will get the house ready for the cleaners to come in the following weekend. It is heartbreaking to take down the pictures from the walls, papers and magnets from the fridge, and other assorted things. I am pretty much running out of mental and physical energy. I so need time to grieve properly and try to move forward a little bit. The house stuff is so draining and so daunting.

My sons agree that right now the condo place I toured is not home for me. I am keeping an open mind in case a unit becomes available as a resale. I figure that maybe if I see a unit all built and with all the homey touches that I may change my mind and find that it could be home. I do have an issue with no walking areas nearby. I keep thinking to just take something so the kids won't worry about me but younger DS said they would worry if I did that because I would not be happy. They want me in a place I will be comfortable and can make into my home. This will be where I live for the rest of my life or whatever happens so it needs to be my place. I will talk with the real estate agent when we contact him about selling the house. The person I have in mind has been in the business in the area for decades.

Older DS and DDIL are going out to dinner tonight and I will be watching the 2 kiddos for a bit. They are a handful and a half so I am preparing for it. I am a no nonsense kind of person so they will be surprised what they are not going to get away with. LOL!

Have a nice rest of the day.
I do have an issue with no walking areas nearby. I keep thinking to just take something so the kids won't worry about me but younger DS said they would worry if I did that because I would not be happy. They want me in a place I will be comfortable and can make into my home.

I agree with them. It's way too early to settle if the walking trails are important to you! I'm sure your kids really don't mind having you stay with them now in order to have a better place later.
Last edited:
Good Evening.

Just a quick hello. I hope all of you are well and warm. We are down to 26 degrees already. I am so thankful my grandson insulated our pipes last year after they worked on them.

My granddaughter thankfully never got really sick with the Covid, and so far the rest of the family has escaped it. It has been a week since she was diagnosed so prayers it stays that way, they are almost at the point where they should be OK. Then I found out my oldest grandson's other grandfather is in the hospital on a ventilator with complications from Covid. My youngest daughter then called to tell me her husband's grandmother is in the hospital on a ventilator with Covid also. I can almost understand why my mother is running scared. They were vaccinated so it is scary. I am not letting the fear run my life though.

I went out to look for side tables for the living room and found nothing BUT the one store we checked was right by Duck Donuts. Of course we had to get some. I am addicted to the Maple Bacon Donuts. I did find tables on one stores website with a 4-6 MONTH delivery time frame. They are very backlogged.. I'm not sure what I will do. I was thinking I might even look at Bedroom nightstands for the end tables. I am planning on doing away with the coffee table to open up the living room a little more, so the nightstand could be doable.

Oh well my husband is watching Football so I am off to headphones and the computer to watch TV for a bit.

Have a nice evening.
:grouphug:Prayers for all you know with Covid indeed! I hope you found something fun to watch on TV. You please take care of yourself!

I'm excited and so thankful to say I'm down to, thanks to God, needing puzzle contributions from only 3 states: Idaho, West Virginia, and Virginia. I have not received all of the other states yet but they are to come, I hope. Any of you know anyone in those 3 states? :)

Wishing each of you a peaceful good night.
We have our own tried and true chili recipe we’ve used for years, .....
Please share if you get a chance.

My offspring tell me that Gmail is more professional.
I've heard that. Mine is AOL and I don't plan on changing now.

Customers from around the US responded. And they pointed to shortages of:
  • Cat food. “The pet-food shortage is real, and owners are scrambling,” The Wall Street Journal reported in December. Citing one pet owner: “It’s been a waking nightmare.”
  • Also, cream cheese
  • Dried pasta
  • Refrigerated cinammon rolls
  • and cold remedies, including products like DayQuil and NyQuil.
I know the pasta aisle was pretty empty and I've been twice looking for cinnamon rolls.
At the Kroger I shop at, Skinner pasta was out for about two weeks but the shelf is full again. It's a hit or miss on biscuits but there has always been cinnamon rolls. Sausage is hard to get sometimes. Another thing is Coffee Mate Liquid Creamer, the original one. DH likes to use it, I am content with adding milk to my coffee.

NJMermaid, welcome, hope your last three days of isolation is better each day.

Lynn, glad your medicine is all working out!

I got tested yesterday morning and received my results quickly this time. I am positive for Covid. For the most part, I feel like I have a sinus infection. I ran a low grade fever yesterday and woke up with one today but had a normal temperature for the rest of the day. My appetite is okay but I get nauseous at times. I will be isolating myself for the next week, Lou Lou can't go to preschool since I'm sick even though she has had Covid.

Yesterday, I didn't do much, the GK's spent a good part of the day building a Duplo tower taller than me. It kept them entertained. Then DH came home and they swarmed him. He took them outside to play a little and I went to lay down for a nap. I had told him before he went outside that I wasn't going to cook and fried catfish sounded good. I woke up at 6:30 pm, DH was taking a nap and DD wasn't doing a thing about dinner. Neither one had talked to the other, leaving it up to me, the sick one to make the call. Needless to say I was not happy. It's like sometimes if I don't do it, it won't get done. After making my displeasure known in a not too unpleasant way, I got my catfish and all is well. But guess who cleaned up the kitchen afterwards?

Today I have done not a thing but change the sheets on the bed. I have taken it easy and let things alone. It's hard for me to do but I feel like both DD and DH got to rest when they were sick so why can't I? DD did cook dinner and DH cleaned the kitchen. I'm going to leave it all to them tomorrow because on Monday I will have to be back to normal whether I feel like it or not because I have Lou Lou to take care of.
Good morning -

Up early, about a hour ago. At least the dog slept till 5 and not 3 AM this morning! I can't really blame him though, in truth I was tossing & turning and soon to get up anyway. Not a whole lot going on today. I need to go up to Marshalls/HomeGoods and the pet store later this morning. They all open at 10 so I'm hoping to get up there around then.

Keeping my eye on the news. This Russia/Ukraine issue looks like it's heating up. Sometimes I feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
My granddaughter thankfully never got really sick with the Covid, and so far the rest of the family has escaped it. It has been a week since she was diagnosed so prayers it stays that way, they are almost at the point where they should be OK. Then I found out my oldest grandson's other grandfather is in the hospital on a ventilator with complications from Covid. My youngest daughter then called to tell me her husband's grandmother is in the hospital on a ventilator with Covid also. I can almost understand why my mother is running scared. They were vaccinated so it is scary. I am not letting the fear run my life though.
I hope your extended family members fare well in their fight with Covid. As to the bolded, I agree it's a good sentiment, and a healthy way to approach it. Protect yourself, live healthy and get on with life in a way that best suits you & your family.
I got tested yesterday morning and received my results quickly this time. I am positive for Covid.
I hope things go quickly for you and you are feeling better by Monday morning. Enjoy your Sunday relaxation and I hope your symptoms don't get any worse.

Ok, time for me to get moving. Or at least get a second cup of coffee ::yes::
Good morning -

Up early, about a hour ago. At least the dog slept till 5 and not 3 AM this morning! I can't really blame him though, in truth I was tossing & turning and soon to get up anyway. Not a whole lot going on today. I need to go up to Marshalls/HomeGoods and the pet store later this morning. They all open at 10 so I'm hoping to get up there around then.

Keeping my eye on the news. This Russia/Ukraine issue looks like it's heating up. Sometimes I feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

I hope your extended family members fare well in their fight with Covid. As to the bolded, I agree it's a good sentiment, and a healthy way to approach it. Protect yourself, live healthy and get on with life in a way that best suits you & your family.

I hope things go quickly for you and you are feeling better by Monday morning. Enjoy your Sunday relaxation and I hope your symptoms don't get any worse.

Ok, time for me to get moving. Or at least get a second cup of coffee ::yes::
Someone is up early today! Having my coffee, too. ☕ How did you like sitting up on your third floor porch the other night watching the sunset? That sounded so nice! Glad the dogs are getting on well… Agree, have been following news on Ukraine. News seems to get more and more depressing every day! I am very sad about that young police officer killed in NYC, and a lot of other recent senseless violence.

Please share if you get a chance.
Will do. I just have to find it! We made it a month or two ago and did it from memory. Been meaning to hunt it down anyway. Chili recipes amaze me with how varied they can be but all are good, IMO! I hope you and your family feel better soon. 💐

Thank you for all of your prayers and good thoughts for DS. I think he is doing a little better. He wanted to tackle his room yesterday so we helped him clean it out and paint it, it looks really good and the Chi is better in there, lol. Was supposed to work on my own room this past week but this was more important. Plenty of time with this cold weather to do indoor stuff like that. I hope everyone has a nice Sunday. 🐥
eeping my eye on the news. This Russia/Ukraine issue looks like it's heating up. Sometimes I feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
This indeed is a big issue that needs to be addressed. I feel the same way about the world. Chris was my anchor to help me when my anxiety would be awry. Now I have to just deal with it. Not easy.

To all who are dealing with illnesses or loved ones who are hurting or if you are hurting yourself, thoughts and prayers to you.

It is a balmy 18 degrees here today with temps going up to 30. It will feel warm comparatively. We are having our family Christmas gathering finally. I am giving the stuffed dogs to the grandkids today. I keep my stuffed dog sitting on my bed. The night before last I when I woke up I found the dog on his head. I wonder how that happened? I know it wasn't me as I was facing the other direction. It is so something Chris would do so maybe he was saying hi. Comforting thought.

Have a nice Sunday everyone.
This indeed is a big issue that needs to be addressed. I feel the same way about the world. Chris was my anchor to help me when my anxiety would be awry. Now I have to just deal with it. Not easy.

To all who are dealing with illnesses or loved ones who are hurting or if you are hurting yourself, thoughts and prayers to you.

It is a balmy 18 degrees here today with temps going up to 30. It will feel warm comparatively. We are having our family Christmas gathering finally. I am giving the stuffed dogs to the grandkids today. I keep my stuffed dog sitting on my bed. The night before last I when I woke up I found the dog on his head. I wonder how that happened? I know it wasn't me as I was facing the other direction. It is so something Chris would do so maybe he was saying hi. Comforting thought.

Have a nice Sunday everyone.
Enjoy your holiday with your family today! :goodvibes Too funny about the dog!
Good 23 degree morning all. At least its not 0 like yesterday

@Kirby--Sorry to hear you tested positive. Let everyone else take care of themselves and the house today, and you get some rest and take care of YOU! Stepdaughter sounded much better on the phone yesterday when we called to see if she needed anything. I am wondering if her positive test was really covid, or just the 'normal' flu though, as she seems to be recovering awfully fast. I don't think its too easy to distinguish one from the other?

@Snowysmom--Definitely sounds like Chris is sending you signs all the time. He knows you need the reassurance that he is okay. Have a great time celebrating your Christmas today and I know the grandkids will all love the stuffed dogs.

@easyas123--I hear you on the furbabies waking us up at 3 am..mine have finally learned that I no longer get up that early just to feed them, and wait till 6 or 6:30 when I get around to it, lol. I felt like a burrito last nite, I had 2 up against one side of me, and 2 up against the other. Mr L still sleeps in his chair, says he can't get comfortable on the new mattress :(. He won't be in a good mood this morning as his beloved Packers lost their playoff game last night. My Bucs play at 3 today, so I still have a chance of at least 1 of my teams getting in the championship game.

Have a nice morning all

OIP (2).jpg
Good Sunday morning! :wave2:

lynxstch - no problem cheering for the Buccs, we are Tom Brady fans in our house. :cheer2: The Bengals won another exciting game. Just like last weekend, it came down to the last 3 seconds of the game. This is a huge deal in Cincinnati, all the commentators always seem to be for the opposite team, we're always the underdog, nobody expects us to win.

Wrapping up the last 4 hours of my 16 hour shift, almost there!:scared: Going to go down to the cafeteria in a little bit and grab some breakfast, that will keep me busy and awake for a while.

Nothing much else to report, have a good day. :flower1:
My granddaughter thankfully never got really sick with the Covid, and so far the rest of the family has escaped it. It has been a week since she was diagnosed so prayers it stays that way, they are almost at the point where they should be OK. Then I found out my oldest grandson's other grandfather is in the hospital on a ventilator with complications from Covid. My youngest daughter then called to tell me her husband's grandmother is in the hospital on a ventilator with Covid also. I can almost understand why my mother is running scared. They were vaccinated so it is scary. I am not letting the fear run my life though.

I went out to look for side tables for the living room and found nothing BUT the one store we checked was right by Duck Donuts. Of course we had to get some. I am addicted to the Maple Bacon Donuts. I did find tables on one stores website with a 4-6 MONTH delivery time frame. They are very backlogged.. I'm not sure what I will do. I was thinking I might even look at Bedroom nightstands for the end tables. I am planning on doing away with the coffee table to open up the living room a little more, so the nightstand could be doable.

Good healing vibes for all those sick.

We were looking for new furniture (living room set and dining room set) and had to say no to several I really liked (and that were in our price range) because of the delivery date. The ones we ended up with won't be delivered until March 1st (unless they come in sooner, but the furniture lady said it really isn't happening; that they are shipping stuff as quickly as they can, and the shortages aren't due necessarily to manufacturing, but to shipping issues).

For the tables, is there a furniture outlet near you? You might be able to find something there. We are going to the outlet store to find either a new dresser or a cube shelf for DH to put his clothes in, and a buffet/server type stand and a bar cart. I am losing cupboard space (but gaining a small pantry) but I'd like to have a place to put the wine/booze/glasses/serving dishes/etc that's out of the way.

At the Kroger I shop at, Skinner pasta was out for about two weeks but the shelf is full again. It's a hit or miss on biscuits but there has always been cinnamon rolls. Sausage is hard to get sometimes. Another thing is Coffee Mate Liquid Creamer, the original one. DH likes to use it, I am content with adding milk to my coffee.

I got tested yesterday morning and received my results quickly this time. I am positive for Covid. For the most part, I feel like I have a sinus infection. I ran a low grade fever yesterday and woke up with one today but had a normal temperature for the rest of the day. My appetite is okay but I get nauseous at times. I will be isolating myself for the next week, Lou Lou can't go to preschool since I'm sick even though she has had Covid.

It's hard for me to do but I feel like both DD and DH got to rest when they were sick so why can't I?

Quick healing vibes to you too. And yes, you should rest when you're sick, and if they have to scrounge for dinner or clean socks, then they can scrounge! I always fought off being sick and still ran the house or worked; until I remembered I'm a person too, and they can either help me out when I'm sick or I'm done caring for them when they are.

At the store yesterday: frozen fries completely wiped out; creamer was pretty empty; there were only 15 gallons of whole milk left in the case, but plenty of skim/2%; very few salads/bagged lettuce; still no Pillsbury rolls, at all; and the deli was short on meats and cheeses again. There was plenty of cream cheese and pasta, though. Very short on sales, though; mostly for stuff we don't use.

Keeping my eye on the news. This Russia/Ukraine issue looks like it's heating up. Sometimes I feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Indeed. Scary when the smaller countries (not the US or China) send equipment and people to the area to help; it makes it feel like it's gonna hit hard quickly.

Decided we are just staying in today. I didn't make the beef stew yesterday; we had lemon garlic pork tenderloin and stir fry ginger garlic veggies. When I'm done with this post, I'm going to go get the meat started. DH asked if I could roast the veggies instead of cooking with the meat, so really, it's going to be a beef gravy over veg. LOL I might make some pumpkin bread or something today.
He won't be in a good mood this morning as his beloved Packers lost their playoff game last night. My Bucs play at 3 today, so I still have a chance of at least 1 of my teams getting in the championship game.

lynxstch - no problem cheering for the Buccs, we are Tom Brady fans in our house. :cheer2: The Bengals won another exciting game. Just like last weekend, it came down to the last 3 seconds of the game. This is a huge deal in Cincinnati, all the commentators always seem to be for the opposite team, we're always the underdog, nobody expects us to win.
@lynxstch SoIL#1 is sad too; he loves his Packers. I'm happy that they lost, as I dislike Aaron Rodgers.
@footballmouse Didn't care either way about the Bengals game, but did root them on.

Simply because of being against KC (rivalry with Broncos)

I cannot stand Tom Brady. He's very good at what he does, but :crazy2: . Something about him sets my teeth on edge. His smirking, maybe?
...Tom Brady. He's very good at what he does, but...

I know what you mean. He used to play for "my" (only because I live here - I don't really follow football) team and I still just didn't like him for some reason.

I am kind of routing for the Chiefs, though. (It was the Bills who took the Pats out, after all. :rotfl: )
I know what you mean. He used to play for "my" (only because I live here - I don't really follow football) team and I still just didn't like him for some reason.

I have always been a Patriots AND Brady fan (since I was born and raised in MA), so I now follow, and root for both teams~~

I am kind of routing for the Chiefs, though. (It was the Bills who took the Pats out, after all. :rotfl: )
Good Morning and Happy Sunday,

I'm not a 🏈 fan whatsoever so it makes no difference to me who wins. I shall simply say I do hope that the team each of you roots for does well. You know I mean that sincerely :)

Hugs and healing prayers to all in extra need indeed.

I just watched Sunday worship which always calms my soul and puts me in an extra peaceful and reflective/thankful place. I wish that joyous calm. God's extra Peace and Presence for each of you this day and always.

Enjoy the day, friends. I'll check back later.
Good afternoon.

We all survived the night. Carter slept in the Pack N' Play in one room, DH slept in our bed, and Paisley, Tessa, and I slept in the queen bed in the guest room. Looking forward to my own bed tonight. Carter is a good sleeper and goes down easily. Tessa has never gone to bed well.

Those two eat constantly. I am amazed they are so thin. Tessa has gotten a little demanding and bossy, something her parents are working on, but she can be challenging. Carter is still pretty easy. Al in al, it went well.

I am positive for Covid.
That is too bad. I hope you recover quickly.

This Russia/Ukraine issue looks like it's heating up. Sometimes I feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Between the weather, COVID, racial tension, and impending war, I feel like we are living in the Old Testament or Revelation and suffering God's wrath and plagues.

We are having our family Christmas gathering finally.
Have fun, and enjoy!

I just watched Sunday worship
I have not had a chance to watch yet, but will.

Not much happening today. Washing sheets from the guest room and some towels we used. DH will watch football so I will too, and knit. He started a fire in the fireplace, which I am enjoying. And he is out picking up subs. He felt like them and I agreed. I don't feel like cooking so will probably defrost some soup for tonight.


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