This is Us- Season six

True, but I looked at it different I think. I saw it as a "pipe dream, " like she didn't really mean it. She wanted them to have that sort of relationship but just couldn't.

The first time she mentioned skating was when the triplets were infants, so obviously not going to happen then. It was like she was dreaming of something that she knew would not happen. She bought the skates but never told Jack. She lined them up neatly in a box, knitted the blade guards and carefully labeled the box, then pushed them under the bed. Like she knew it would never happen, but she had the dream of it happening. I think that's what kept her going, the dream of having Jack and his family in her life, but she knew it was not going to happen, that the weekly phone call was as good at is was going to get. That was my take anyway, but I'm sure its way off! LOL!!
That's true. That is exactly how the writers wanted it portrayed. I just didn't like it. Sometimes you just have to forgive and forget and start new memories. Break the cycle. I know, easier said than done.
This episode served absolutely no purpose other than to hit us over the head AGAIN that this entire show revolves around Jack. They should have just called it "This is Jack."

Also, it's pretty clear that this show's time has come to end. They are just reaching for story at this point. This was absolutely a filler show, and feels like it existed just to justify a continued paycheck to Milo.
Also, it's pretty clear that this show's time has come to end. They are just reaching for story at this point. This was absolutely a filler show, and feels like it existed just to justify a continued paycheck to Milo.

As much as I liked the episode, I get this. Jack has no role in the current timeline and that is what we all need to see so they can resolve the current stories of Kate and Toby, Deja and Malik, Randall and Beth, Rebecca and Miguel, Kevin and Madison etc. So much to get through, but unfortunately none of it involves Jack so I guess they need to work in Milo somehow via these past timelines.
This episode served absolutely no purpose other than to hit us over the head AGAIN that this entire show revolves around Jack. They should have just called it "This is Jack."

I am always drawn to the episodes that lead to thinking about the trajectory of people's lives. I find that part of the show fascinating.

Often it is going back in time for that to happen - obviously - and that often includes Jack.
And he is part of the Us, in This Is Us. So no need for a title change.

In real life death does not stop that thought process. - of trajectories, it only expands it.


It could have been shot in any season, that I agree.
One of the writers/producers had just lost his mother so he decided to write this episode. It was a catharsis for him and maybe explains why it doesn't really fit in the whole scheme/timeline of the show.

Makes sense.

And I liked it from a male perspective. Daughters can weep, where I have seen one too many men feel like they need to stay stoic. When the loss of a mother, is the loss of a mother. It *may* have a different perspective, but it is a big loss nonetheless.
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That's true. That is exactly how the writers wanted it portrayed. I just didn't like it. Sometimes you just have to forgive and forget and start new memories. Break the cycle. I know, easier said than done.

I’ll say again that “forgive and forget” isn’t always possible coming out of abuse. I think his mom was too paranoid to be in the same city as his dad because she knew if she saw him, she’d go back. She kept her sons in that home.
As much as I liked the episode, I get this. Jack has no role in the current timeline and that is what we all need to see so they can resolve the current stories of Kate and Toby, Deja and Malik, Randall and Beth, Rebecca and Miguel, Kevin and Madison etc. So much to get through, but unfortunately none of it involves Jack so I guess they need to work in Milo somehow via these past timelines.
Milo has also directed a couple of episodes, so maybe they are getting his acting episodes out of the way first.
I also stand by my earlier comment that this episode was necessary to see what Rebecca does as it will most likely come back before the series wraps.
I also remember having the feeling of "I'm an orphan!" at my mom's funeral. It's completely rational, yet irrational--at that point, I was a 42yo mother of four, hadn't used my parents as a safety net in decades. But, it's that feeling that, even though you're past needing it, that safety net's gone forever.

I do think the episode makes you think about how you're shaped by your parents, for better or worse, and how their parenting shapes YOUR parenting, for better or worse. I still thought it was a little far afield from the premise of the show. But, I wouldn't be surprised if, when Rebecca passes, the Big Three say/think, "We're orphans now!"
It was boring and unnecessary for me, as well. As they tie up all the storylines, they may be running out of Milo Ventimiglia centered episode opportunities so maybe that was it.

As far as being mad at Jack, not me. I felt sad for him as he realized that an abusive childhood robbed him of an adult relationship with his mom. From the perspective of someone who has witnessed the effect of that type of childhood, I will say that if you haven’t been there, you shouldn’t judge the way the adult children of it cope. Some completely cut off the parents to escape it, others descend into their own addictions to cope, and still others try to keep some contact with say a weekly 6pm phone call.

Bottom line for me, our relationships with our children is on us not them. If we damaged them so much in childhood that they can’t keep stepping back into it, That’s on us. Jack struggled with alcoholism. Just because his mom wasn’t the abuser doesn’t mean that he could keep going back to all the memories she stirred.

My DH, who was a product of an abusive home,watched with me. We found the attitude of Camryn Mannheim’s character very relatable. At the passing of DH’s parents, their pastor and church treated us with a similar attitude. They saw them as a poor old couple. They absolutely couldn’t believe that out of 6 children, DH and 1 sister were the only ones in regular contact and the only ones who came to make arrangements and handle details. That regular contact was calls and long distance financial help. It was only visits when absolutely necessary.

If you can’t imagine it, be grateful. It takes a lot of work to live a healthy adulthood after that childhood. I’ve seen it.

I loved this episode, but I agree with you an all the rest. As somebody who is estranged from my father, I see a lot of realities in this episode.

I also think it’s another stone in showing us that Jack wasn’t perfect. And that they all really do look at him through rose colored glasses. The passing of his mother DID affect the entire family.

I don't know. His mom was constantly asking him to bring the kids, dangling the pond up the road as an incentive to visit. She wanted to see him and be close to his new family, she just couldn't be in the same town as the dad. Jack should have gone to her.
I don’t think you’re being fair in any of your comments regarding their relationship. She also cut Jack out. Despite their weekly phone calls, he didn’t know she had a boyfriend or a cat. Yes, some of that falls on him, but it also meant she kept up walls.

And as a parent of 4, who was expected to do the traveling to keep a relationship with my father, that gets old, quickly. It’s also unreasonable. A relationship is give & take and she owed Jack just as much as he owed her. A relationship doesn’t fall apart because of one person.
I’ll say again that “forgive and forget” isn’t always possible coming out of abuse. I think his mom was too paranoid to be in the same city as his dad because she knew if she saw him, she’d go back. She kept her sons in that home.

I read her as being afraid that if he found out she was back, he'd come after her and beat her up again.

There is something to the fact that she didn't get the boys out, though...and I think it's probably one reason for the distance Jack kept, whether he realized it or not. But I also think it was a lot harder (and it's hard enough now) for a woman with kids to leave back then.
I read her as being afraid that if he found out she was back, he'd come after her and beat her up again.

There is something to the fact that she didn't get the boys out, though...and I think it's probably one reason for the distance Jack kept, whether he realized it or not. But I also think it was a lot harder (and it's hard enough now) for a woman with kids to leave back then.

In no way am I suggesting that it was or is easy. I’m just saying that none of that was Jack’s fault. He was a victim. He had his own struggles once out of it, so it’s unfair to put the responsibility of a relationship on him. He called. He stayed in touch.


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