Nifty Fifty: The Great return of the Sauciers! - April 2022 TR

Ugh, sorry about the A/C! Hopefully all fixed up before the next heat wave!! I can't believe how many 80 and 90 degree days we've had in May this year; it feels WAY too early.

Such a bummer on the snack fails :( especially after waiting so long, that must have felt like a HUGE letdown. Poor Morgan; I wanted to give her a hug in this update!

Sorry about the snack fails. I think sometimes we yearn for something so much that we often get a wee bit let down by the reality. I’m sure that 2 years of waiting added to your expectations/disappointment but I’m glad you managed to get another ride or two and that Morgan got her candied bacon in the end (just a shame on the portion size and cost ).
The long wait really did add to it. I don't think Morgan cared quiet as much as I did on the size of it.

Darn snack fails! I have to say I think I just luck out every time I go to get a dole whip
We do make up for it later. We really should have gone to get a real luch but we were trying to save room for dinner. Looking back, sitting down with a "real-ish" meal would have been better.

I really need someone to sit and explain genie plus to me like I’m a five year old for both DLR and WDW….this 120 minutes rule thing throws me for a loop? Like what if you have ADRs or an ILL$
So, imagine you wake up at 7:00 AM and make a reservation for Jungle Cruise and the earliest you get is 3:00 - 4:00 in the afternoon. The 120 minute rule allows you to make another reservation before that 3 time frame. As that is a LONG time to wait.

So, from the time you made that reservation you have to wait 120 minutes and then you can make another one. So, if you made your Jungle Cruise reservation at 7:00 AM. You can make your next reservation 120 minutes after park open. So, 11:00 Am for a 9AM park opening.

If you made that 3 reservation at say 9:30 AM. Say you were like me and totally forgot to do it first thing. And you still got that 3 time slot, you would be able to make another reservation 120 minutes from 9:30, so at 11:30.

The easiest thing is to just go in and try and make another reservation, and the system will say the exact time you can make the next time. Does that make sense?

Disney's system will allow you to over lap ADRs, regular Genie + reservations and paid ILLs. So, it is up to us as the user to keep track of that. Same for Mobile orders.

Ah, bummer about the snacks. I do worry about foods living up to my memory of them. Hopefully, you'll be able to get your Dole Whip soon!
The egg rolls did live up to our memory! It wasn't the last time we got them. Just not the bacon... You win some, you lose some.

Such a bummer on the snack fails :( especially after waiting so long, that must have felt like a HUGE letdown. Poor Morgan; I wanted to give her a hug in this update!I
I felt bad, I knew how she felt. I almost got back in line for Dole Whip. But she said no.
The long wait really did add to it. I don't think Morgan cared quiet as much as I did on the size of it.

We do make up for it later. We really should have gone to get a real luch but we were trying to save room for dinner. Looking back, sitting down with a "real-ish" meal would have been better.

So, imagine you wake up at 7:00 AM and make a reservation for Jungle Cruise and the earliest you get is 3:00 - 4:00 in the afternoon. The 120 minute rule allows you to make another reservation before that 3 time frame. As that is a LONG time to wait.

So, from the time you made that reservation you have to wait 120 minutes and then you can make another one. So, if you made your Jungle Cruise reservation at 7:00 AM. You can make your next reservation 120 minutes after park open. So, 11:00 Am for a 9AM park opening.

If you made that 3 reservation at say 9:30 AM. Say you were like me and totally forgot to do it first thing. And you still got that 3 time slot, you would be able to make another reservation 120 minutes from 9:30, so at 11:30.

The easiest thing is to just go in and try and make another reservation, and the system will say the exact time you can make the next time. Does that make sense?

Disney's system will allow you to over lap ADRs, regular Genie + reservations and paid ILLs. So, it is up to us as the user to keep track of that. Same for Mobile orders.

The egg rolls did live up to our memory! It wasn't the last time we got them. Just not the bacon... You win some, you lose some.

I felt bad, I knew how she felt. I almost got back in line for Dole Whip. But she said no.
It does make some more sense thank you. Just so complicated especially if you have people that don’t want to criss cross the park
Our air conditioning broke this weekend... and yes it was REALLY hot. Thankfully it has been cool this week and they are coming tomorrow to hopefully find the leak and fix it! I hope everyone has some fun plans for this up coming holiday weekend. We kind of do but nothing THAT exciting. Memorial Day weekend is always a crap shoot as to whether it will be good weather here in Jersey.
Oh, that is not fun! Hope it gets fixed quickly! Our weather is similar in southern Ontario. We have been everywhere from high 20's and humid to only being highs of 10 or 11. Next week it is supposed to be in the low 30's for 4 days! So hot for school!
We all shared the egg rolls and tried to decide what to do next. We each like one or the other, I liked the Reuben better, as you could taste the cheese more and Andy still liked the cheeseburger one better. I think Morgan liked the Reuben with me more and Gwen the Cheeseburger with Andy.
I still need to try those spring rolls!
It was about 11:45 and people were lining up for the parade. And Andy was getting antsy that we get across the way to make sure we could get to Haunted Mansion. I wanted to just find a patch of shade and let Morgan enjoy her bacon. But Andy just plowed ahead. There may have been a tiny bit of bickering....
Yep, hot, tired and disappointed can lead to a few cross words. Hope your day gets better!
The snack games at MK, it can be like the Hunger games. 😂
I really like the egg rolls and try to get them at least 1x a visit but I am not always successful.
I ate my last one in your secret spot, love that area!
We didn’t have a Dolewhip at all this last trip!

I hope your AC gets fixed soon.

Sorry about the snacks hit and misses. I have tried the bacon since Covid shutdown, but I did get the Rueben egg roll and really liked it.
I still need to try those spring rolls!
They are good. We have a local restaurant that makes Philly Cheesesteak and Buffallo Chicken Egg Rolls and they are really good as well! Andy and I actually went the other night and the restaurant made them smaller. Everywhere is doing the same price but smaller portions. It's not just Disney!

Yep, hot, tired and disappointed can lead to a few cross words. Hope your day gets better!
Sadly yes.. The whole day was a smidge rough around the edges but we still had fun and made the best of it. But it was probably the hottest day of our trip, plus the first real day back and busy. It was kind of bound to happen.

The snack games at MK, it can be like the Hunger games. 😂
Ha! So true!!! And with the seasonal stuff adds another layer to it!

We didn’t have a Dolewhip at all this last trip!
Dole Whip is hard to get anymore! I should have suggested we hop to the Poly to get dole whip!!! That would have been a good idea!

Sorry about the snacks hit and misses. I have tried the bacon since Covid shutdown, but I did get the Rueben egg roll and really liked it.
I was surprised that I liked the Reuben Egg Rolls. I thought for sure I wouldn't like them. But I think it was the amount of cheese in them.

What program do you use for your daily plan sheets? They’re so cool!
We just use PPT! All we do is look up the size of our iphone and set the page to that size. And then just put whatever you want on it and save as a pdf! I put all the info on the pages and then my husband makes them pretty.

Interested to find out where the "secret spot" is in MK;)
Don't worry, we visit a few times this trip.
They are good. We have a local restaurant that makes Philly Cheesesteak and Buffallo Chicken Egg Rolls and they are really good as well! Andy and I actually went the other night and the restaurant made them smaller. Everywhere is doing the same price but smaller portions. It's not just Disney!
Shrinkflation is everywhere, sadly.
Sadly yes.. The whole day was a smidge rough around the edges but we still had fun and made the best of it. But it was probably the hottest day of our trip, plus the first real day back and busy. It was kind of bound to happen.
Definitely.....There were times on Jack's bday trip last summer where I could have cheerfully pushed him off the resort launch into Bay Lake, lol! He did not handle August heat and humidity well.
Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a good work week. It was a busy 4 days for me. I am glad it is the weekend for sure! Our air conditioning is still broken! Thank Goodness we bought the window unit to hold us over.

Day One: Wrapping up Magic Kingdom Morning

I left us off with Morgan finally getting her Candied Bacon. Once we finished our snacks, we headed to use our Haunted Mansion LL. Our first one of the trip! Haunted Mansion was a posted 45, but the line looked way longer than that.

We got in LL lane at 11:39 The line was past que but moved quickly. Probably 10 minutes to get in. They had a mini que set up outside just for LL to scan in. But we were In the stretching room at 11:45.

Haunted Mansion Photopass Photo
We clearly hadn't gotten our photo pass game back yet. We also didn't get Morgan and Gwen's picture.

Haunted Mansion Carriage
Haunted Mansion was amazing as always. And it felt good to be in air conditioning.

Haunted Mansion Ghost Portrait \

We went and used our LL for Ariel next. It was a posted 25 minutes. We got in line at 12:10 and were on the ride at 12:14.

Little Mermaid
Ariel is always a family favorite.

Little Mermaid

After our ride under the sea, we went to find something cold. The girls were fading in the heat. And I was hoping to give them a pick me up and then try and find the Easter Bunny...

We headed to Storybook Treats. There was no line! Woo Hoo!!! Morgan got the Snow White Ice Cream Cone, Lemon Dole Whip in a blue cone and white chocolate accents.
Snow White Cone
She was happy! Thank Goodness!!!

BUT.... Gwen wanted a lime float (aka the Peter Pan Float) but they didn’t have lime, so we asked if we could do Lemon and Sprite. They said they would ONLY make the lemon in the blue cone. Well, Gwen cried…. I was really starting to wonder if we were going to survive this trip! Were they both going to cry this whole trip!!

I offered Gwen other options for cold things, she didn't really want most of htem. But I went ahead and ordered a Mint Julip from Casey's for her.

It was 12:30 now, it was hot and crowded, so we took that as our que to get out of MK. I was slightly sad that we didn't ACTUALLY do any Easter things but I knew we def needed to rest! Otherwise dinner would be a disaster.

We headed over to pick up the drink and leave the park. I clicked we were here as we walked up.

They wouldn’t let us in to grab the drink till it said order was ready. Which sometimes takes forever. I think it gets lost in all the hot dog orders. So, we stood to the side in the direct sun.

Gwen was still upset. A Casey's CM noticed and asked how she could make Gwen’s day better.

She tried stickers. Nope....

She asked is she wanted some water. No...

She asked if she wanted lemonade. And I said we were waiting for 1.
She said hold on.... and left

She came back with 2! She was super sweet, told Gwen to cheer up and get out of the sun for a bit.

She took my mobile order number and had us on our way. It really was super sweet of her and did make Gwen's day.

We cut through the stores to try and stay cool. Gwen started to feel better with a little air conditioning and pixie dust from the Cast Member. She also saw the Porg plush she wanted but decided to wait, so she wasn’t carrying it around the rest of the day. So, the way to perk Gwen up is Sugar, Air conditioning and retail therapy!

A 50th Calvagade as it passed by. So, we ran outside to watch real fast

50th Anniversary Calvacade

Andy grabbed a bottle of soda on the way out and we headed out of the park at 12:57 to the monorail.

On a monorail at 1:05
At this point, we still needed to wear masks on transportation. And it was rough with the heat. I really don't know how people wore them all the time in the summer!

We arrived at the Grand Floridian at 1:21. We found a place to sit and rest a bit. It was pretty busy in the lobby since they had the chocolate egg display. We could only find 2 chairs in a random corner.

So, we took turns looking at the eggs and using the bathrooms and just resting.

Morgan and I went and looked at the chocolate eggs first.

Avengers Chocolate Egg
Morgan really liked this one and sent a picture of it to her BFF.

Treasure Planet Chocolate Egg

Treasure Planet Chocolate Egg

She also really liked this Treasure planet one.

I loved this Potatoe one.
Potatoe Head Chocolate Eggs

Morgan and I went and switched places with Andy and Gwen so they could look at the eggs. It was a bit confusing as there was a line but it was hard to tell if the line was to see the Chocolate eggs or to get treats at the new stands.

Figment Chocolate Egg
This was Gwen's favorite Egg.

And of course this one!
Porge Chocolate Egg

Andy didn't really say if he had a favorite, but let's pretend this one was his favorite...
Up Chocolate Egg

All of the Chocolate Eggs were pretty amazing. And def fun to see. And just relaxing a bit was def needed.

While we were resting, we asked the girls what they wanted to do this afternoon.

They had 2 Options:
Option 1: I had grabbed a Soarin & Spaceship Earth LLs. So, I said we could just try and spend the afternoon in that area. We could check out the aquarium area and basically try to stay in air conditioning
Option 2: We could do the Easter Egg Hunt. I had said that the prize was those cups. But that we would have to walk all the way around the world showcase.

The girls decided they wanted to do the egg hunt. They really wanted the cups.... I did say they might not have the cups. But they still wanted to do it.

So, we chilled a tiny bit more, and then headed out.
Back on the Monorail

Coming up... Our afternoon in EPCOT
Sugar, air conditioning, and retail therapy cheers me up too! The heat really can be miserable. We visited Disney shortly after they re-opened in August 2020 when you had to wear masks basically all time, even outside and I have no idea how we did it in the heat. I guess we were just so excited to be there. Love that a cast member wanted to brighten Gwen's day. Those Easter egg creations are amazing -- such talent! I love the scavenger hunt challenges around World Showcase ... but availability of the prizes can be a challenge ... I hope your comment about maybe not having the cups isn't foreshadowing.
Travel Day

We had a very early flight. We were victims to Southwest changing flights on what seemed like just about everyone. And our choices were either super early or 2 in the afternoon. And I was pretty cure we would have gone crazy if we waited till the afternoon to leave!

So, we woke up at 3:00 AM!

We were 99% packed already, so everyone just had to brush teeth, throw charges in our bags and we left the house at 3:45 AM.

We live in the greater Philadelphia area, and the philly airport recently closed it's long term parking. THANKfully, since we were leaving Easter weekend, I had already booked off site parking.

We arrived at the airport parking lot at 4:16 AM
Don't they look excited?

This parking location, has shuttles that pick you up right at your car and bring you to your terminal. There was a handful of families waiting for the shuttle! A surprising amount for it being 4:30 in the morning! But we were on a shuttle to main terminal @ 4:27 AM

And let me tell you..... THE Terminal to check in was a MADHOUSE! There was both Southwest and Frontier the same area. Apparently, Frontier was WAY backed up but Southwest wasn’t thankfully. Southwest was making announcements that their customers basically needed to cross the Frontier line to get to the check-in desks. Once you did that there was no line!

We checked our bags in no problem and headed up to security. And was met with the next MADHOUSE.... the Security line!

It was super long. Andy and I had TSA pre-check but it wasn’t on our tickets. And Morgan being 13 needed her own. Which we didn’t realize until the week before the trip. So, it was too late to fix that problem. It went down the overhead to the parking garage and back to the security. But it was moving pretty steadily. They weren’t having you take off shoes or take anything out of your bags, so that helped keep the line moving. We thankfully had plenty of time, so we just tried to be patient.

We finally at our gate at 5:47 AM. We grabbed aMuffin for Morgan and a pre-made egg sandwich for Gwen from a stand where there was no one waiting. Andy and I were going to grab coffee somewhere else but ended up running out of time.

We really had just enough time to take turns using the bathroom and the girls to eat there breakfast.

We boarded the plane at 6:09 AM
The mask mandate was still in effect on our way down. Which was fine by us. (well, Morgan complained about wearing one)

Flight was fine, nothing special happened.

We landed with no issues and got on our first ride of the trip! The shuttle to the main airport IMG_0427
It was only 9:05 AM!

We booked a private car service it was Spring Break and I wasn't sure how easy or hard it would be to get an uber. And out of principle, I didn't want to use Mears... We booked Tiffany Car Service based on a friends recommendation.

Which, they called literally as we were coming down the escalator. Good Timing! The gentleman helped us collect our bags, and walked us to the car. Which I wasn't sure where it would be parked, but it was parked in the middle area. And it was SO EASY! It was great!


The best sight to see!!!

We arrived at Coronado Springs at 9:50 AM.
So, from the shuttle at 9:05, we were already on property at 9:50. It was pricey but if you want to get there fast, a private car is the way to go!

Our room wasn’t ready yet, obviously. So, we pulled out just what we wanted for the time being and checked our bags with Bell Services. Bell Services is all outside for Coronado. We wandered inside and then back outside to finally find it.

The girls were ready to get this vacation started!

We grabbed a quick photo on the way back out to find the bus stop.


We found the bus stop, and I realized I left my mask in the suitcases that we just left with Bell Services. Thankfully I had a smushed up one at the bottom of my bag. And I found out too, that Disney was provided disposable ones as well, if you didn't have one once a bus arrived.

I also wanted to share our cheat sheet for the day.
I used to make these to keep track of the fast passes we had, and just like having them for each day.

We didn't wait too long for a bus, we were on a bus to Disney Springs at 10:19 AM and arrived at Disney Springs at 10:41 AM


We were taking in the sites and a nice person offered to take our photo. I look like a hot mess! Not sure what is happening with my hair here. But we were really just SUPER excited to be here AND starving.

We put our name on the list for Gideon’s first. Quoted us 60 minutes. Which was fine as we wanted to get lunch and do some shopping.

After we went into the Joffrey's right around the corner for an Iced Coffee for Andy and I to split. I don’t think we ever got coffee at the airport. Gwen posed with the giant donuts they have there.

It was almost 11. So, we decided to rope drop lunch!

Here is a clue where we ate, can you guess where we ate lunch?

Up Next Lunch!
You look great in the photo, and your whole family looks nice!
First I just want to say, how happy I am to see everyone here and following along. It seems like such a silly thing but it feels like so normal. Does that make sense? I love sharing our trip and hearing about your trips! So, please share all your thoughts!!!

Travel Day: Lunch

We only had 5 minutes before Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar opened. So, we decided to just sit on the couches right outside and wait. We joked that we were rope dropping at a restaurant. And a bar at that.

IMG_0427 by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
Morgan got her photo outside to share with her teacher. They had done a whole lesson on the movie and how it was made. And even talked about the restaurant in class. So, she joked that she wanted to see if she could get extra credit for eating here.

At 11:02 they opened the doors and we had our pick of tables. The girls requested the Diving Bell Table.
It was cool to sit at but a little warm. I don't think the air conditioning circulated well in there. But once we had cooled off from sitting in the sun it was fine.

The whole restaurant is really fun to see all of the decor.

We were really happy to be at Disney! But also a wee bit hangry since we had been up since 3AM.

We ordered drinks right away! The girls both ordered the Diving Bell
Simply® Lemonade and Watermelon
They were really good. Not too sweet.

I ordered the Cool-headed Monkey
Starr African Rum, Van Der Hum Tangerine Liqueur, fresh Lime Juice, Watermelon, and Pineapple Juice
This is always really good. You can really taste the Tangerine Liqueur in it, which makes it very different from most drinks.

Andy just went with a Diet Coke. The waitress joked with him about how she makes the best diet coke.

While we were waiting for our drinks, another CM came in for their shift and I heard them say to another worker, that they were surprised there was someone here already. Yup! Leave it to us to mess up the quiet time for the CMs.

Jock Lindsey's is basically bar food / appetizers, but that was fine for us for lunch.

Gwen ordered the Chicken on the Egg
Fried Chicken, Deviled Eggs, and Hot Honey Sauce
She requested no hot sauce. She LOVED these. It was her first time having deviled eggs but she enjoyed them. I tasted a bit and it was exactly what you would think it would taste like, deviled eggs with a small piece of fried chicken on top. I am sure the hot sauce adds something to it, but she loved it.

Morgan ordered Air Pirate's Cargo Loaded Pretzel
Prosciutto, Sliced Brats, Artisan Pepperoni, Smoked Cheddar, Black Diamond Cheddar, Caraway Pickles, Spicy Mustard, and Beer Cheese Fondue
Morgan was in heaven with this. She has just started to like prosciutto and italian cheeses, and she has always loved soft pretzels, so this was perfect for her. And to be honest, basically why we came here for lunch! She didn’t touch either dip, but I tried the beer cheese fondue and it was very beer-y. Which is why she didn't like it.

Andy and I decided to split 3 things.

We ordered the Club Obi Wan Chicken Wings
served with Lime Sour Cream tossed in your choice of Shanghai BBQ, Birds Eye Chili or St. Augustine Datil Pepper Sauce
We ordered the wings in Birds Eye Chili Flavor. The waitress had described it as a mild asian buffalo flavor. It was not that! It had a strong Ancho chili flavor. They were good but def not buffalo. And at first I was put off by the flavor just based on what the server had explained. But once I got over that, I really liked them.

I picked this item, as the steak sounded good.
Berbere Flank Steak* Flatbread
Romesco Sauce, Manchego, Arugula and Peppadews
This was a little disappointing. I was looking forward to it but it was just ok. It wasn't bad just not as good as I was hoping. If that makes sense.

And then we kind of picked this one as a last minute add on. And I am glad we did!
Nona’s Home-style Meatballs
Handcrafted Italian Meatballs, Sunday Gravy, Basil Pesto, Scratch-made Lemon Ricotta, Grilled Focaccia Crostini, Grated Pecorino Romano
These were the star of the show for us. They were really good! The lemon ricotta added a bit of richness to them but they were still not too heavy.

We were all very happy with our meal.

After our meal we headed out to do some shopping. We still hadn't gotten a text from Gideon's but we did have some shopping to do. Gwen was on a mission.

We headed to World of Disney. It was only 12:15 but it felt so much later to us.

Gwen was determined to get a Big Footie Plush. She has a collection of them from trips previously. And during our time away from Disney has made a list... A LIST.... of options she wanted to get while on this trip! And she didn’t bring her lovie with her on the trip.


It was good to see this guy again!!

It was fairly hot today, and I was melting just walking from Jock Lindsey's to World of Disney. I was also fairly busy for only being noon. Or maybe this area is just a pinch point.

But we headed into World of Disney. And Gwen headed straight to the plush!
The Porge Big Footie was hot on her list. They released this fairly close after our last trip. And Gwen loves porges. But that is not what she ended up with.

She found the Unicorn from Inside Out as a Big Footie and decided on that.

How amazing is she!!! He look of disgust and holding the coffee cup. I think she might be my spirit plush! Ha!

I wanted EVERYTHING, but decided just on a yellow t-shirt that I liked, since I could wear it on the trip. Andy and Morgan had looked around a bit but didn’t find anything to buy just yet. We did the mobile check out and it was so easy! A little TOO easy!

We went into Trend-D next. Morgan wanted a new phone case. Hers was starting to fall apart. She couldn’t decide which one she liked, so she waited. I think she was just tired from getting up too early and couldn’t make a decision.

Gwen and I got a photo with the giant orange bird while Andy and Morgan looked at phone cases.


And then I made Gwen pose in Mr. Toad’s car.
I tried to get Gwen to make a face like she was driving crazy and she really did not know what face to make.

I tried to get Morgan to hop on as well, and she didn’t want to play along.

We checked out the Pin Store next. Gwen found 1 lone Gravity Falls Magic Band. Which Morgan really liked it, so she decided on that for her one thing. Andy saw a green magic band he liked but wanted to see what else there was before getting it.

The "one thing" is a rule was created a long time ago to help curb the can I haves…. Most of the time, if they ask for something, the answer is yes but it’s your one thing for the day. It really has made them think about whether they REALLY want the item or not. Granted most of our trips aren’t this long! And there are sub rules, like how many plush Gwen can get in one trip and obviously how $$$ something is. I highly suggest it! I have recommended variations to friends, one thing in each park or just a defined # of items. Whatever works for your family.

Andy liked the Hunter Green solid magic band but wasn’t sure he wanted it. So, I sent Andy and the girls to the Star Wars store, while I paid for the Gravity Falls Magic Band. While paying I got the text that we could come back to GIdeons!

So, I went and found Andy and the girls and we divided and conquered. Andy went to go BACK to buy the green magic band and I took the girls to Goofy’s Kitchen. Andy was to meet us at Goofy’s Kitchen.

It has become a tradition to do Make Your Own Treats at Goofy’s Kitchen and it had JUST come back. So, we wanted to do it even though we were getting cookies as well. When we got there, Morgan was bummed because they didn’t have the dark chocolate or her cinnamon sugar that she usually gets. So... she pretty much cried... Poor thing, teen hormones are real!!!!

She didn’t get anything, she was too disappointed. But Gwen did get her usual rice Kristen treat with milk chocolate, Oreo and 50th sprinkles.
They are different now. They use less chocolate, toppings are split top and bottom instead of top and sides and no drizzle. It was def a little bit of a dispointment. I would recommend only get 1 topping now, the extra cost is NOT worth it.

We were waiting for them to make Gwen's rice krispee and Andy was taking forever. He texted me to ask where we were. And I said in the back. Well, Andy went to Gideon's NOT Goofy's.... oops! We said to stay there, and we would meet him there.

We left Goofy’s at 1:20 and high tailed up to Gideon's. We g
ot in line at Gideons at 1:35. And It was HOT! Thankfully, we only waited 10 minutes to get inside.

So, we ended up waiting 2 hours before we could get in. But it was fine, as we had planned on doing the things we did in the meantime. Having the virtual line does really help!

It really is strange inside!

Morgan did love how it was decorated.


This is Gwen's face to look like the kids in the paintings.


The curved bookcases felt like we were in Nightmare before Christmas.

We ordered:
2 Peanut Butter Crunch,
1 Original Chocolate Chip
1 Pistachio Toffee
1 Bag of the Bites - Six-pack of bite sized chocolate dipped cookies
1 Peanut Butter Nitro Cold Brew
1 Buttercream Frosting
1 Peanut Butter Frosting
You order all the cookies at the cashier and I think as I was ordering, you loose track of what you are ordering!

When we were checking out, we asked if the portrait (right below) was Gideon, and the cashier explained that Gideon used to live there but disappeared. All the books in the store are/were his. And they just took over the space to sell cookies. A little strange of a story but whatever!...

We snacked on the cookies over the course of Coronado stay. Morgan liked the peanut butter crunch the best. Andy and I liked the toffee the best. Gwen liked her bag of the bites. Which was fun, as they quareter the giant cookies and then dip them in chocolate. But it's a mix of cookies, so it is a suprise what you get.

I loved the Peanut Butter Cold Brew!!!! It def lived up the hype!!!! Andy and I split it and it was filling!

At this point, we were very tired, so we decided to head back to the hotel even though we hadn’t gotten a room text yet. We figured worse case, we could hang out in the lobby or get our suitcases and get our bathing suits out and go to the pool

Up next, finishing up the day!
We usually drive to WDW, and if we get there in time before Jock's closes, we always go there! The outside seating by the lake is very pleasant in December--not sure how it would be when it is really hot.
Ach I’m sorry that Gwen got upset but it was lovely that the cast member tried to help. Sounds like you made a wise move by heading to the GF and cooling down in the air con a little. Those eggs look really amazing! I’m hoping the rest will help everyone’s mood :goodvibes
A cold drink, some A/C, and some shopping is really the way to cheer me up, too! LOL Poor girls, it's rough getting back in the swing of a Disney trip after so much time away. Glad they were both perked up and excited to try the egg hunt at Epcot :) I'm excited to follow along.


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