Has the flu hit your friends and family?


DIS Veteran
Apr 8, 2008
Flu is running rampant here (everywhere from what I hear). Has it hit your family? Your friends?
We have our flu shots, but I haven't heard anyone say if they are accurate to the strain that is going around, so I wonder how effective the shots will be this year.
Wishes for good health for all of us!!
Yes. Both my sons (16 and 18) were hit with Flu A the week after school started up back in August. It was BRUTAL for both. One ended up with pneumonia by day 4 and the other spiked a 106 fever and was put on Tamiflu just as he hit the 48 hour mark. It prevented him from getting worse. He was better 2 days later while his brother was still struggling for another 2 weeks.

The flu shot IS a match for both circulating strains this year, which is great news. Unfortunately, the shot was not yet available when my kids got sick. We did all.get flu shots a few weeks later, though. Definitely do NOT want flu A this year and my kids don't need to get hit with Flu B as well. So far, so good.
Getting shots with my college age daughter this weekend. Here’s hoping they are a good match for this year’s strain.
Yes. Lots of people we know are getting it. Our oldest kid came down with Flu A last week and it was pretty rough. Of course, symptoms started the day of his scheduled flu shot!
I can’t get the flu shot due to an allergy to one of the ingredients. I would get it if I could. I am still masking though, and since I am still looking for work, I am not out mixing with people as much. It’s been a few years since I had the flu. I was actually staying at AoA in a Cars suite, and very happy to have the kitchenette.
My daughter texted me last night from her dorm room that she had a fever of 102, chills, aches, sore throat and runny nose. She tested negative for Covid at a testing site on campus, but would have to go elsewhere for flu testing. She was coming home Friday anyway for Thanksgiving and said she might just come home today since she doesn’t feel up to going to class. Her boyfriend is already home for break and said he could go get her. Hope he’s had his flu shot.
Vince and 2 of his 3 kids have the flu. Natalie's 2 are out of school. She says they have 'colds'. She knows my thoughts on getting vaccinated and probably did not want to tell me that have/had the flu. :rolleyes1 I understand this tear is a good match on the covered strains.
I've had my shot, and have been fine so far. Nobody in my family sick, but many coworkers' kids have it.
The flu hasn't hit us as of yet (knock on wood). We have had colds come through though. We don't get the flu shots. We do supplement with elderberry, vitamin D and other immune boosting supplements in the winter months that work well for our family.
Not yet here. RSV is the big illness hitting here right now but covid is still the big one.
The flu and a flu like illness ran through my daughter's close friend group of 8 at college about 2 weeks ago.

She and another friend were vaccinated for flu and Covid and never caught anything, even though they ate and played games together the day before the group started getting sick.
The flu hasn't hit us as of yet (knock on wood). We have had colds come through though. We don't get the flu shots. We do supplement with elderberry, vitamin D and other immune boosting supplements in the winter months that work well for our family.

I am not trying to tell you what to do. But you may want to reconsider flu shots for JUST this year. We do all that supplementing too. My kids are SUPER healthy overall. They have managed to avoid covid all this time and haven't masked for almost a year now, and we spend a LOT of time at Disneyland among the crowds.

But they got this Flu A and it was SO bad. The strain circulating this year is extremely virulent and causes severe illness. My young adult and older teen son were sicker than they have ever been and my oldest spiked a fever so high the doctor had never seen that reading on a thermometer in her 25 years in urgent care. It was incredibly scary. I wish they had had a chance to get the flu shot but they got hit too early in the year to have that protection.

We got them the shots as soon as they recovered.
I am not trying to tell you what to do. But you may want to reconsider flu shots for JUST this year. We do all that supplementing too. My kids are SUPER healthy overall. They have managed to avoid covid all this time and haven't masked for almost a year now, and we spend a LOT of time at Disneyland among the crowds.

But they got this Flu A and it was SO bad. The strain circulating this year is extremely virulent and causes severe illness. My young adult and older teen son were sicker than they have ever been and my oldest spiked a fever so high the doctor had never seen that reading on a thermometer in her 25 years in urgent care. It was incredibly scary. I wish they had had a chance to get the flu shot but they got hit too early in the year to have that protection.

We got them the shots as soon as they recovered.
You know me from other posts....lol. I appreciate the concern, but we will never get flu or covid shots 😬
I don’t know anyone with the flu but covid most definitely. My daughter’s bf is a respiratory therapist at a hospital here and they are slammed with flu, covid and rsv. We were just talking about this yesterday. Our hospitals are full.
My trip is in a week....La La La La (fingers in ears). don't want to hear flu/covid talk. We had Thanksgiving last week, so we didn't get grandkid germs at the last min.

We've had all the shots within the last two months. Hoping it covers us. Or at least if we get sick at disney it's 2 days, not 2 weeks. Planning on wearing masks on plane and on at times at disney.
They are worried about a triplepidemic around here. Flu, COVID and RSV.

Something is going around at work. Don't know if it is Flu, COVID or something else. They are not keeping us informed, as they are supposed to, if someone tests positive for CVOID.
Covid seems to have largely disappeared around here. I will get the VERY occasional covid notification email from school but it's always just like 1 case here and there.
Flu and other illnesses ran rampant through my husband’s school a few weeks ago (he’s a teacher). A third of his students were out. His student teacher was out for a week with flu (not sure what type, but she tested positive). Nothing here, but we had our flu shots, so maybe that’s what’s saved us so far.


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