Disney Animation and Pixar Animation In Jeopardy?

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I agree and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet lol. That being said, no matter which side you or I are on, I do think it's definitely an issue. I saw Strange World and it's woke to the extreme. Again - politics aside. Just facts... It's very, very woke and that might have to do with the flop. Or not.
What you said maybe true, but I'm avoiding the politics.
So my kids never asked to see the movies that flopped but I’ll tell you they’re already asking to see Elemental. I’ve had to look up the trailer for them to rewatch several times. So we’ll see.
I forgot to add this in my original post but I think Disney keeping these films in theaters longer rather than putting them on Disney+ after a month or so will definitely help. Many of the recent films did suffer due to Covid (Onward especially so) but others were more due to them being dumped onto Disney+ right away.
Onward was a sad, depressing movie. Disney went through a spat of movies dealing with death (also Coco, Soul, Pinocchio remake). Not sure why they thought they needed that many different movies covering the same depressing topic.
In the past Disney was king and always was king and the second popular animation studio that gave Disney a lot of competition was Warner Bros Animation because everyone used to say that Disney and Warner Bros were the most successful companies because they knew what makes an animated film a hit and Disney was happy with that praise. Warner Bros has had some great animated movies such as Quest For Camelot and other films while Disney is known for making high quality exceptional movies. But I think Disney started going downhill when they made Home On The Range as their return to hand-drawn animated movies and Home On The Range did alright but was not the success they thought it was meant to be. But when The Princess And The Frog came out it was truly the success that they achieved. But when Disney released Onward with Pixar I think Onward was gonna be a hit but when the pandemic started at the time Onward debuted in theaters Pixar thought it would be another failure like The Good Dinosaur was. I think what really kept Onward from failure was having Chris Pratt provide the voice of Barley and Chris Pratt was already well-known to Marvel fans as Star Lord from Guardians Of The Galaxy. But I truly think Disney wants to focus on cartoon series rather than movies and as you can see Disney+ already has new cartoon series waiting in the wings such as the Tiana series and the Moana series debuting in 2024 and if and when Pixar decides to end their relationship with Disney I think Disney will start an animation division by teaming up with Marvel and call themselves Disney/Marvel Animation because just like Warner Bros signed a deal to make new movies starring the Hanna-Barbera characters as well as Warner Bros characters with Cartoon Network and they have a successful movie division in their hands. But since everyone is Marvel and Star Wars crazy now Disney will focus on animated Marvel and Star Wars movies and series because that's what is the current trend with fans today
I agree and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet lol. That being said, no matter which side you or I are on, I do think it's definitely an issue. I saw Strange World and it's woke to the extreme. Again - politics aside. Just facts... It's very, very woke and that might have to do with the flop. Or not.
OMG they had a gay person....
that is not "woke" that is reality. So gay people existing in society and film are 'woke"? So tired of the people masking their homophobia or racism with silly buzzwords like woke.
and yes, call me woke or whatever... I will proudly wear that label, because if you find that having a animated character simply being gay or LGBT is an issue by just existing... not "doing anything" or having a "agenda" .... but by just being a character is a problem... then sorry not sorry... you have a problem.
OMG they had a gay person....
that is not "woke" that is reality. So gay people existing in society and film are 'woke"? So tired of the people masking their homophobia or racism with silly buzzwords like woke.
and yes, call me woke or whatever... I will proudly wear that label, because if you find that having a animated character simply being gay or LGBT is an issue by just existing... not "doing anything" or having a "agenda" .... but by just being a character is a problem... then sorry not sorry... you have a problem.
I don’t think that makes you “woke”, you sound more like a virtue signaler to me.
I don’t think that makes you “woke”, you sound more like a virtue signaler to me.
Awesome, thank you for the compliment!!
I guess being a virtue signaler means I value inclusion and diversity, and am not threatened by the simple inclusion of people of color or people who are LGBT in my films.... than yup... totally 100%. and THANK YOU for recognizing that.
Any other special codewords you want to call me?
Awesome, thank you for the compliment!!
I guess being a virtue signaler means I value inclusion and diversity, and am not threatened by the simple inclusion of people of color or people who are LGBT in my films.... than yup... totally 100%. and THANK YOU for recognizing that.
Any other special codewords you want to call me?

It isn’t a code word and your response is so ironic it made me belly laugh. Thank you.
It isn’t a code word and your response is so ironic it made me belly laugh. Thank you.
you are very welcome. I am so sorry to disappoint you, but you are not going to trigger or insult me with what you think are your clever or insulting codewords. For whatever reason.... what you see as a deficit or a negative .... I see as a positive. so the more you want to compliment me, please go ahead.
It isn’t a code word and your response is so ironic it made me belly laugh. Thank you.
Oh and it also makes me happy that I could bring you some mirth and joy...I love making people laugh, sometimes people's lives are so grey and cheerless, it shows in how they treat others.... but, if I can bring some joy, that is cool, even when they think the joke is on me....
I agree and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet lol. That being said, no matter which side you or I are on, I do think it's definitely an issue. I saw Strange World and it's woke to the extreme. Again - politics aside. Just facts... It's very, very woke and that might have to do with the flop. Or not.
I just want to clarify my stance since I don't think I was clear. The part that I think is ridiculous and a nonissue is that LGBT people are in the film at all. People calling that "woke" makes me roll my eyes so hard to the point where I don't take anyone saying that seriously anymore. Just look at the comments on the article the OP posted. It's full of that as well as blatant homophobia. If you (not you personally, a general "you"), can't handle seeing LGBT people in a movie, that's a you problem and not a movie problem.

However, I do think Disney's approach is a problem. With movies such as Onward, Lightyear, the Beauty and the Beast remake and the Marvel movies that add LGBT rep, it feels like they're checking boxes in terms of diversity. They're not included because they serve a purpose in the story. They're just there for diversity sake. And Disney wants a round of applause for that low effort representation. That does turn me off as low effort rep doesn't please anyone.
OMG they had a gay person....
that is not "woke" that is reality. So gay people existing in society and film are 'woke"? So tired of the people masking their homophobia or racism with silly buzzwords like woke.
and yes, call me woke or whatever... I will proudly wear that label, because if you find that having a animated character simply being gay or LGBT is an issue by just existing... not "doing anything" or having a "agenda" .... but by just being a character is a problem... then sorry not sorry... you have a problem.
It's absolutely fascinating to me how bigots will see a movie or a tv show have a tiny bit of diversity and label something "woke to the extreme" or "political". Like sorry, but woke is not a thing that exists, it is not "an agenda" ppl have. And LGBT+ ppl existing in a movie is not "political". The words you are looking for is inclusive or diverse, but I guess admitting that would mean having to admit they are bigots. And we all know how bigots love to pretend they aren't.
Onward was a sad, depressing movie. Disney went through a spat of movies dealing with death (also Coco, Soul, Pinocchio remake). Not sure why they thought they needed that many different movies covering the same depressing topic.
It's like how they love making movies without a traditional villain and instead have twist villains or generational trauma as the crux of the story. Personally I'm a little sick of it as the twist villains in some movies aren't even done well. I would love to see a return of traditional villains. They're the best parts of many films.
I agree and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet lol. That being said, no matter which side you or I are on, I do think it's definitely an issue. I saw Strange World and it's woke to the extreme. Again - politics aside. Just facts... It's very, very woke and that might have to do with the flop. Or not.
Besides the one thing mentioned above, what else is woke in the movie? I don't plan on seeing it so genuinely curious what else jumped out at you.
Besides the one thing mentioned above, what else is woke in the movie? I don't plan on seeing it so genuinely curious what else jumped out at you.

I really wouldn't say it was "extreme" in that sense. Everything felt natural and not forced. There is the one gay main character, and a cast of varying skin-tones, but they come from a complete fantasy world - i.e. not Earth or any kind of Earth that we recognize. It is never mentioned at all - for them it is just normal. Otherwise, I guess some might bristle at the general ecological narrative because for some crazy reason that is lumped in too. The move is like any other allegorical fantasy - sure it has lessons, but I thought they were pretty subtle and well done compared to some movies that really beat you over the head with it.
I agree and I'm surprised no one has brought it up yet lol. That being said, no matter which side you or I are on, I do think it's definitely an issue. I saw Strange World and it's woke to the extreme. Again - politics aside. Just facts... It's very, very woke and that might have to do with the flop. Or not.

Yes the wokeness in kids movies is playing a big part. It does not need to be in children's movies. People have spoken up and don't want it. American Girl just put out a new body talk book and it has gender identity stuff in it and they are being flamed for it (for good reasons too).
Onward was a sad, depressing movie. Disney went through a spat of movies dealing with death (also Coco, Soul, Pinocchio remake). Not sure why they thought they needed that many different movies covering the same depressing topic.
My 6 yo loves onward we have yet to figure out why...lol
Disney is going to have to decide whether they want to pursue the LGBT+ inclusion in films, or take that sweet, sweet China market $$$$. Right now the LGBT stuff is subtle enough that it can usually be edited out for the Chinese audience, but that won't be the situation forever.

Not to sound like an old woman shouting at a cloud, but the more Disney is tied to China, the harder it's going to be to bring diversity into their movies.
Simple, Japanese anime uses 2-D animation. Not everything can be nor should be 3D animation. 3D creates a video game look and never ages well. 2D animation shows better expression and feelings
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