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We just had an interesting run in with a fellow MK guest who got up in my husband’s face about getting too close to him while walking by. 🤷🏻‍♀️ he was cursing and calling him names and insulted his cargo shorts 🤣. The dude was clearly hangry and the lady with him was yelling at him too to cut it out. I said to him this is not how people act at a family theme park and we all walked away. He proceeded to still yell at us as we walked away. All I was thinking was I don’t want to be featured on the Disney blogs for fighting in the parks.
What in the world did DH's shorts do to him?! 😂
We just had an interesting run in with a fellow MK guest who got up in my husband’s face about getting too close to him while walking by. 🤷🏻‍♀️ he was cursing and calling him names and insulted his cargo shorts 🤣. The dude was clearly hangry and the lady with him was yelling at him too to cut it out. I said to him this is not how people act at a family theme park and we all walked away. He proceeded to still yell at us as we walked away. All I was thinking was I don’t want to be featured on the Disney blogs for fighting in the parks.
We were in AK a few weeks ago, and the bird show by the tree of life was going on where they soar overhead but a little low ... a "guest" "adult" tried to jump up and grab one right next to me ... I turned to him and his wife and said: "and what exactly were you going to do with the bird once you caught it" ... he stammered and looked embarrassed and then his wife just started chewing him out ... enough said I guess ...
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We just had an interesting run in with a fellow MK guest who got up in my husband’s face about getting too close to him while walking by. 🤷🏻‍♀️ he was cursing and calling him names and insulted his cargo shorts 🤣. The dude was clearly hangry and the lady with him was yelling at him too to cut it out. I said to him this is not how people act at a family theme park and we all walked away. He proceeded to still yell at us as we walked away. All I was thinking was I don’t want to be featured on the Disney blogs for fighting in the parks.
When someone acts as that guest did, I always hope that once they regroup, they feel sorry they reacted so poorly.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day😊
We were able to ride it last month with the AP preview and enjoyed it. It’s not nearly as good as Guardians though in my opinion. I thought the ride vehicle would have been more uncomfortable than it actually was, it took the pressure off of my back and with a long day of being on your feet it felt good.

I get extremely motion sick so don’t do any type of coaster. DH usually has no problem with rides. Guardians knocked him on his butt! He was almost physically sick when he got off & said never again!
I get extremely motion sick so don’t do any type of coaster. DH usually has no problem with rides. Guardians knocked him on his butt! He was almost physically sick when he got off & said never again!

My husband has major motion sickness, so he can’t really tolerate anything over the Seven Dwarfs. But we found a nice cocktail that worked really good on our last cruise so he’s going to try some of those rides on our next trip in October.

He’ll be the dude with a fanny pack, sea bands on both wrists & ankles, covered head to toe with patches and blowing bubbles with ginger gum. 😜
We were in AK a few weeks ago, and the bird show by the tree of life was going on where they soar overhead but a little low ... a "guest" "adult" tried to jump up and grab one right next to me ... I turned to him and his wife and said: "and what exactly were you going to do with the bird once you caught it" ... he stammered and looked embarrassed and then his wife just started chewing him out ... enough said I guess ...

We had a cat--sweet boy, dumb as a post, but a love bug. Not such a good hunter, so it's a good thing he had a loving family. One day, he caught a bird--he was so proud of himself! He flung it into the air with delight! You can imagine the perplexed look on his face when it didn't come back down!
insulted his cargo shorts 🤣.
Clearly this guy hasn't found the usefulness of cargo shorts...okay yeah sure they aren't fashionable but great for shoving things into it ::yes:: I def. have loved it when my husband worn them to the parks and I wore some on our 2017 trip..yup I sure did.. it they were handy. I was a bit more fashionable in 2022 though

He's just envious ;)
Clearly this guy hasn't found the usefulness of cargo shorts...okay yeah sure they aren't fashionable but great for shoving things into it ::yes:: I def. have loved it when my husband worn them to the parks and I wore some on our 2017 trip..yup I sure did.. it they were handy. I was a bit more fashionable in 2022 though

He's just envious ;)
Male handbag.
We had a cat--sweet boy, dumb as a post, but a love bug. Not such a good hunter, so it's a good thing he had a loving family. One day, he caught a bird--he was so proud of himself! He flung it into the air with delight! You can imagine the perplexed look on his face when it didn't come back down!
Don’t feel bad. We had a girl cat, who was maybe a little smarter than I would have liked. She was an indoor cat who figured out how to open the screens if the windows were open to get outside. She was small cat of all of 7 lbs soaking wet. We used to have a crabapple tree and I kept finding crabapples inside the house. I thought the boys were bringing them inside until I saw the tiny teeth marks. The worst was the morning I woke up about 5 am for work and felt something under my feet in the hallway. I turn on the light. She had brought in about 100 earthworms. I fixed the screens after that. I will say she hunted prey with a high probability of success.
It was a crazy encounter and it happened so fast! We tend to walk in a single file line when it’s crowded at WDW since there’s five of us with my husband at the front and me in the back with the kids in the middle. I almost walked right by thrum til I realized it was my husband he was yelling at, my daughter thought it was two guys going to kiss she said later on after it all happened.

Cargo are definitely the best, especially at a theme park we have him hold phones, glasses etc when going on rides. Especially at universal where you don’t have to go through the metal detectors but you still have to put your bags in a locker. He becomes the designated holder of stuff. It’s a nice role reversal because it’s usually me with my purse.
For all you price is right fans, if you haven’t seen it I on Netflix it was a documentary called “The Perfect Bid”. So interesting about a guy who memorized all the prices of the items in the showcases and the ones you bid on to become a contestant.
I watched that too and that was a very interesting one! I love documentary!
Reader's Digest version, for those who missed my previous thread:

My oldest brother was a drug addict for decades. I haven't seen him since out mom's funeral in 2006. Great guy, I'm sorry about the direction his life went in. A couple months ago, his landlord reached out to my sister--at that time D was fighting COVID for the second time. He recovered, but a few weeks later was struggling. Back in the hospital, sepsis, he was in a coma, organ failure, plug was pulled.

At the time of his death, he wasn't in contact with the family. He was on methadone, disability, got food stamps, etc. On the good side, he was great friends with his landlord (nice guy!) and had dogs in his life. Sis and I spent decades worrying that we would get The Call--that he'd overdosed, or frozen to death under a bridge or something. So, the fact that he was clean, had a home, had food and clothing and friends--that means a lot. I'm saddened, but not overwhelmed with grief. Meanwhile, there's issues and complications and family drama that make the whole thing a bit comical. Added bonus, our mother was (unmedicated and) bipolar our entire lives, which is why nobody in their right mind would want to spend eternity next to her. Although I'm personally hopefully that she's whole in heaven in a way she couldn't be on earth.

Sorry, that ended up being longer than I planned.

Thank you for sharing and I am sorry for your loss. It's always a whirlwind of emotions to go through, no matter what the situation, but complicated family dynamics can always compound it of course. :hug:


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