Cass, Rob & Kira - WDW April 2023 - "Can't you just find my him?"

That is very helpful as my mom does have a hard time without being in relaxing areas especially with the ECV! Thank you! (We have only had experience with DLR and that is a whole different ball game)

I'm so glad I could help :goodvibes

Joining in! Love your report!

Thank you so much! :flower:


What a great start to a report. You all look like a ton of fun and how wonderful that your 16 year old not only still wants to go to Disney but wants to hang with Mom and Dad. Can't wait to hear more.

Awww, thanks! That's sweet of you! :goodvibes

I know, I am so lucky! She's a great kid and we have a great relationship! At 16, I wanted nothing to do with my parents and I assumed she would be then same but she loves doing things with both of us! :hug:

No swimming?? I don't know if I've ever read one of your reports where there was NO swimming :oops: Though like you said go go go so....

Yay for GotG!!! I'm not a huge thrill ride lover but I really, really want to do this one!

I know, right???! :eek: I don't remember the last time I went on vacation and didn't swim but I figured this was going to be our last family trip where I could go hard. Plus we only had 6 park days and the swimming thing just didn't fit in. But that's totally okay because this next trip coming up is going to be ALL about the swimming. :cloud9:

Definitely try it, there were only a couple of parts where I would say it was thrilling. The rest was just fun and easy! You will love it! ::yes::

You look so excited in your GOTG ride photo...and I know why. It's soooo awesome! I remember reading that about people getting sick, but I get motion sick and I really don't think this one is bad at all. Now if I rode it over and over and over...then I might feel it. hahaha.
I still can't believe you never swam the whole trip. It's so not normal.

I didn't feel like it was bad at all for motion sickness. Maybe the moon part, but that actually was my favourite part of the whole thing. :lmao:

It must have been tough on your knees though with all those stairs?

Soooo not normal but I tried to do as much as possible for the kiddo, since it was kind of like her first time. :rotfl2:

And I will get more than my fair share of swimming in starting next week. :cool1:

I'm glad you were able to ride GOTG. I wanted to love it, but unfortunately, it was a one and done for me.

Oh noooo! :sad1: Really? What did you not like about it?? :confused:
Oh my goodness, could she be any cuter with that purple droid? :love:

And look at you thinking ahead with both the platinum cooler and droid bag. Smarty pants ;-)
Oh noooo! :sad1: Really? What did you not like about it?? :confused:
It was the spinning. EE is the same. Most of it is fine, it’s not the roller coaster part. It’s that backward spin. Like your family, mine are big Marvel fans, and I love the Guardians. We were staying at the Yacht Club on the trip where I tried GOTG and I was glad because I could walk back to the resort and didn’t have to get on any sort of transportation! We were in the last row, so if I get up my courage, maybe I’ll try it again and ask for the first row to see if that’s better.
Wait, whaaaaaat? NO swimming? I must be on the wrong thread. ☺️

And btw….you get awesome kids when you’re awesome parents. Just sayin’. 🥰😍
April 3rd, 2023 Part 3

When we entered DHS, I had booked a DAS for Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway, so when we were done with all of the fun droid stuff, we headed over there.

This was Rob and Kira's first time riding this ride and I was excited for them, it's just such a great ride. Speaking of great rides, let me share a funny story with you. I think I've shared it before but it's something that Rob and I always think of when we are in this area of the park, so it's worth sharing again. :p

Back in 2013, when Kira was just shy of 7, we were at WDW and at DHS and we decided to ride The Great Movie Ride together. She asked what our next ride was and I replied "The Great Movie Ride". As we were getting off of the ride, and making our way out of the building, she yells, very grouchily and very loudly "That was NOT a great movie ride!!!"


That memory is forever etched into my brain and forever, henceforth, shall be brought up when we are in the vicinity.:rotfl2:


We had a few minutes to kill before our DAS time was up so we did some exploring.

Since Kira wanted to carry around Depot, Rob was sweet enough to carry Kira's little Eeyore bag. What an awesome dad! :love:



Unlike it's predecessor, Kira agreed that this was, indeed, a GREAT movie ride. :teeth: 🚂

When I first rode this, I had purchased a nice blue shirt in the shop at the exit but it shrunk when I washed it and it now belongs to Kira. In fact, she was wearing said shirt today. ::yes::

So, I was on the hunt for a new one and I actually found one that I love but like many of the other items that I liked, they only had XXL or bigger sizes. It's weird because it used to be that I could only find the smaller sizes like XS and S and not the bigger sizes and now it's reversed and all of the sizes I find are now way too big! Oh well, like I really need another Disney shirt, right? :rolleyes1


It was now time for Kira to build her lightsaber....errr scrap metal. :rolleyes:

Again, only one person is allowed to accompany the builder, I let the massive Star Wars geek go and made him promise me to take pics and video. ;)

He did well! ::yes::




Kira basically only took photos of the wildlife on this trip. She is an animal lover, that's for sure. :goodvibes



While they did that, I grabbed a large ice water and sat down and tried to cool off. ::yes::


Here's some pics of Kira's experience.









She did a great job and enjoyed her experience. Not as much as she enjoyed the droid building though. :rolleyes1


Lines were still long, I grabbed us a DAS for Tower of Terror for later, at Kira's request.


Kira had actually wanted a yellow kyber crystal but they didn't offer them at Savi's, so she got a blue one, because Rob didn't have a blue one yet and then afterwards, we went to Dok Ondar's to buy her a yellow one. She was also really hoping to get a black one but you can only get those by chance if you buy a red one. Chances used to be about 1 in 100 of getting a black one. I've read that it's closer to 1 in a 20 now but who really knows.


We found a quiet spot so she could swap her blue one for the new yellow one and open her red crystal. Sadly, she didn't get a black one. :sad:


Once she swapped in her yellow one, we went to take some photos.





I was posing her different ways but I'm not a photographer so we decided to get in line to take some Photo Pass pics once I got the ones I wanted.





My last pic below. Not too shabby I thought but not as awesome as the PP ones.


The line wasn't too bad, just two groups ahead of us. This PP photographer was fantastic. She took her time, did some awesome poses. What I didn't know was that you didn't even need to have a light saber because she had a few with her for people to take photos with so if you have Photopass and don't want to spend $220 on scrap metal, take the time and get some pics done. ;)




We got some with just her, then some with her and her dad and then some with just Rob. :darth:


Stay tuned to see how awesome the photos turned out! popcorn::
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So much fun! I didn't know you could swap out crystals. That's pretty cool. You got some great shots yourself.
My nephew did the lightsaber build when we went on our auntie/nephew trip 2 years ago. I remember the "ceremony" was wonderful (plus I am a member of Actors' Equity and this was shortly after the great pause so I was THRILLED to see some of my union peeps back to work!) Also, as a person who also suffers from depression, there is nothing like a Disney trip to bring out a smile, even if you haven't smiled in months. So glad to see Kira shine so brightly!
April 3rd, Part 4

So here's the photopass pics, which turned out great, I think. :goodvibes











Once we were done with the photos, we checked into the Cantina for our reservation. Rob and I made a quick visit here on our first trip to SWGE but obviously, this would be Kira's first visit. It's not really our thing, none of us like loud music and small, crowded spaces but we wanted to give Kira that full Galaxy's Edge experience and well, that included the Cantina. ::yes::

We sat at the bar this time, which was MUCH better than sharing a small table in the middle of the room with 6 other people. :rolleyes:

We walked in just as they were playing the Una Duey Dee song, where the power seems to go out and the servers do this interactive thing. It's a really awesome part but it's definitely loud and not the best time to be making an entrance. :p

The music in here is actually really fantastic. When I was making my vacation videos from mine and Rob's 2020 trip, I used mostly songs from DJ Rex's play list and I grew to really love them! They are so catchy and groovy, even a wookie would dance to them! :earboy2: :chewy:


We were tired and hot and sweaty and all of our senses were now on overload but we were having a blast. Rob and I enjoyed ourselves back in 2020 here but there was just something about having all three of us together, being able to finally share it with our kid. And she had had a great day, she was still on a high from building Depot and her lightsaber. She had this tired/happy look on her face and you guys know how much I loathe photos of myself, much less a selfie but I had my phone in my hand and I just wanted to capture this feeling and look on my girl's face and the moment we were in, so I took this and as weird as I look with the crazy lighting in this place, I absolutely love it. It really captured the moment. 🥰


We don't drink so we ordered some non-alcoholic drinks to share. We got the Blurrgfire, Jabba Juice and the Carbon Freeze. We also got a couple of ice waters.



I pretty much only drink water, with the occasional Diet Coke on vacation, so I have a hard time with sweet drinks but I did try them all. The Blurrgfire was the best, IMHO, as long as you didn't taste the stuff that was on the rim. :crazy2: :laughing:

Kira got a taste of it and had the best reaction. Thankfully I caught it on video so you all can enjoy it. Keep your eyes on Kira. :rolleyes1:lmao:

The lighting in this place is wild. I look like an oompa loompa. :rotfl2:



Once we were done with our drinks, we headed out. I think we were only in there for 20 minutes but it was fun and I am glad we did it. ::yes::

Rob asked for a pic in front of Kylo Ren's ship as we headed out.



It was after 9 and we were all getting hungry so we stopped off at Rosie's and shared a hot dog and some chicken strips between the three of us. Kira always wants her own fries though. Never touch a teenager's fries. :rolleyes:

Her and Rob each had a few bites of the peanut butter and jelly shortbread cookie thing but it was too sweet for Rob and Kira was full.


And then we headed to the Twilight Zone. :woohoo:


We lucked out and got the fabulous CM who slowly walked through the library, creeping people out. It was harder to do because it was so busy compared to the night before. As we walked into the library and spotted her, I looked right at her and slowly mouthed "We love you!" and she mouthed back "I love you" and she somehow made it perfectly part of her schtick. :worship:

We lingered in the library when the doors open so we could interact a little with her and as we left, Kira made a heart shape with her fingers for the CM and the CM did it right back to her. It was precious! :love:

I caught the tail end of it. ;)

LOVE HER!! I am so getting her name next week!

We decided to make scary faces on this ride. Rob looks downright confused , I look terrified and Kira is terrified. :rotfl2:


Kira did some shopping on the way out of the park....



And as soon as we were back at the hotel, she was playing with Depot. :goodvibes:rotfl:


Just a few steps today. :rolleyes::faint:


What an amazing, fun-filled, crazy day! ::yes::

Stay tuned for tomorrow's adventures...animals, real and not real. :p
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Oh my goodness, could she be any cuter with that purple droid? :love:

And look at you thinking ahead with both the platinum cooler and droid bag. Smarty pants ;-)

She sure loved that thing! :love:

Planning is one of the best parts. :woohoo:I probably spend way too much time thinking about upcoming trips. :rolleyes1:rotfl2:

It was the spinning. EE is the same. Most of it is fine, it’s not the roller coaster part. It’s that backward spin. Like your family, mine are big Marvel fans, and I love the Guardians. We were staying at the Yacht Club on the trip where I tried GOTG and I was glad because I could walk back to the resort and didn’t have to get on any sort of transportation! We were in the last row, so if I get up my courage, maybe I’ll try it again and ask for the first row to see if that’s better.

Dang, what a shame. :sad1: But I definitely feel more movement in that back row so hopefully the front row helps! 🤞

Wait, whaaaaaat? NO swimming? I must be on the wrong thread. ☺️

And btw….you get awesome kids when you’re awesome parents. Just sayin’. 🥰😍

Right? That's okay, the pool was filled with a lot of screaming kids each time we walked by, I was okay about missing that. ::yes:::p

Well, either way, she is so awesome and we are blessed to have her! :hug:

So much fun! I didn't know you could swap out crystals. That's pretty cool. You got some great shots yourself.

Sure can! I think they now have all of the kyber crystals between them, except for the black one. :thumbsup2

So much fun!! Those are awesome shots :love:

Not too shabby for an iPhone., right? :flower:

My nephew did the lightsaber build when we went on our auntie/nephew trip 2 years ago. I remember the "ceremony" was wonderful (plus I am a member of Actors' Equity and this was shortly after the great pause so I was THRILLED to see some of my union peeps back to work!) Also, as a person who also suffers from depression, there is nothing like a Disney trip to bring out a smile, even if you haven't smiled in months. So glad to see Kira shine so brightly!

Yes, the ceremony was cool, I saw it in 2020 when Rob built his. They did a great job with it. :thumbsup2

Depression is tough, Disney makes it a little better. ;)::yes::

Following along!

Glad you're here! :earsboy:

Those photopass photos are fantastic!!! :love:

Turned out pretty sweet eh? :goodvibes
April 4th, 2023 Part 1

Once I was done getting ready, like on most of our days, I got some fruit ready for Rob and Kira, just to keep the hangries at bay. :p


Rob went to get his coffee and was in search of chocolate croissants. He never found them here though. :sad1:


It was time to head to Animal Kingdom!



It's nice to see that trams are back here but it was pretty busy so we just walked.


We stopped to take our traditional photo of Kira here. I've taken one of her here during every trip except for her first one in 2007, She was just a baby then and while we did eat here on that trip, I never thought to take a pic.


You can click on the photo below to make it bigger.


Today she was wearing yet another shirt of mine that she stole. :rolleyes:

She's a big Winnie the Pooh fan and she had "borrowed" it from my closet a few years ago. I told her to keep it, I don't really fit into it anymore anyway. If you have read my old trip reports, you may recognize that I wore it on our Animal Kingdom day back in 2009, on her second trip. :rolleyes1




Kira and her wildlife. :teeth:


We had two pre-selects for this park, the first one was for Navi River Journey. Kira took these pics while I was taking video.





When we scanned into the park, I had grabbed us a DAS for Dinosaur. It was now time to ride.


I just love Kira's face here. I can hear her thoughts..."Uh, heck no!" :rotfl2:

I try to have fun with the ride photos and I think Rob just doesn't remember where they are. :lmao:


The park was SUPER busy. I had gotten us a DAS for Flight of Passage after Dinosaur but it was 3 hours until we could ride it. We decided to try the single rider line at Expedition Everest. This was the end of the regular line! Over by the Nemo show building! :scared1:



Getting some video footage. :p


EE was at 2 hours currently! :eek:



I checked the mobile order times and discovered they changed the look of it! It is better but it took a minute to figure out how it worked. It now only shows the ones with times available now. You have to switch to all locations at the very top if you want to order for later on.

Before leaving Dinoland USA, we had stopped at a Photopass area since there was no line and we had time to kill.



The single rider line for EE was about 25 minutes, so not too bad. They had placed Kira with a family of 9 people just ahead of me but half of them changed their minds at the very last minute and left and they didn't place another single rider with her so I just joined her right before boarding the ride. :teeth:

I think the big family leaving caused some chaos and the CM's didn't know what to do. We both were about to be single riders all alone. :rotfl2:

Rob was a few rows up from us but on the same train. :thumbsup2




This was the one ride that Kira remembered quite well. Back on our last trip, she had found the courage to try it out for the very first time and ended up loving it so we rode it many times. :woohoo:

By the way, when you see me flashing the peace sign, it is meant as an homage to my kid. ☮️✌️

There was a time, not too long ago, when she flashed the peace sign to me almost every time I took her photo and she did it in most ride photos too, on our trips. So, it's my little way of bringing that funny little memory back. When we watch those videos together, we laugh each time she does it. 🤣😂


We were headed to Tamu Tamu for some Dole Whips but as we passed by my favourite photo spot, I noticed that there was a PP photographer and he was all alone!.







I am at my image limit, so we shall continue in the next chapter.

Stay tuned to see if we get those dole whips or not. ;) 🍦
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I made almost the exact same droid! just a different head! My biggest regret was not doing some photopass with my saber but it was getting late and we were tired.

One day I will fully explore Pandora
Catching back up! Can't believe how grown up Kira is now! I'm glad she loved GE and the Droid and lightsaber building! I'm so happy that Disney has the DAS for those guests that need it. Looks like a fantastic trip minus the heat so far.

Jill in CO
April 4th, Part 2

It was time for some dole whips! It was so hot and so humid, it was exactly what we needed to cool down a little. Rob and Kira went to get them and I went in search for a table. It took me awhile but I finally spotted a family leaving a table of 3, so that was perfect! People were trying to take my chairs, now I know how Rob felt the other day. :rolleyes:


Kira ended up getting a special brownie instead. I took video of our very melty dole whips but forgot to take pics. Oops. That heat just melts my brain! :p


We tried to make our way over to Satu'li Canteen for lunch but there were a gazillion people here! :crowded::scared1:

I have never seen crowds like this at WDW! I thought at first, maybe people were just getting out from the Lion King show but most of these people were actually trying to get into the line for the next show! It was like trying to leave MK as soon as the fireworks were done. We were taking baby steps and not getting anywhere fast.

Blech, I hate this kind of herding. :crazy2:


We finally made it over to Satu'li to grab our mobile order. Kira and I both had the kids hot dog meal and Rob got the chicken bowl. I was thinking of getting the chicken bowl too but it would have been too heavy and too saucy for me to eat in that heat. :scared:


It was now time to ride Flight of Passage. Kira doesn't remember this one either, so another new ride for her. :goodvibes

It sounds like that would be a good thing but with her anxiety, she has a hard time with the unknown so I always try to explain everything in detail for her. She's still anxious but it helps.


She ended up loving it, of course. :flower:

We still had some time to kill so we headed over to It's Tough to be a Bug, it was posting a 35-minute wait on the app. Kira said she doesn't remember it at all, so we thought it was a good choice. :thumbsup2


Kira's face when her dad takes her picture! :lmao:


Kira enjoyed it, well, definitely not the part where she got "stung" but it was a good way to kill some time. :rolleyes1


Our second pre-selected ride was Kilimanjaro Safaris at 4pm. Honestly, I thought we would be hopping to another park by now when I was making plans so I didn't think we were going to use it but the crowds that day were just insane. Kira didn't seem to be very thrilled about riding it, she suggested we just skip it, which was very confusing to me since she is a massive animal lover. I was trying to discover why she was not pumped about going on this and I eventually found out that she thought all of the animals were audio animatronics! :laughing:

I assured her that they were all very much alive and she was shocked and almost didn't believe me. Well, let's just ride and you can see for yourself! :p


I took video while she took some fabulous shots of the animals on her dad's phone. Her phone doesn't have the best camera, so she stole her dad's. :teeth:




When we got to the alligators, one of them had their mouth open and didn't move the entire time. The only way you could tell he was real was from his eye movements. Kira yelled out to me "Do you see WHY I thought they weren't real!!!???" :rotfl2:


We got to see a lot of real animals, which made my girl very happy!




She absolutely LOVED the Safari but by the time we got off, we were both VERY hot! :scared:

I had my fan on me the entire time, even while I was recording but the heat and humidity was crazy and not being in the A/C for such a long time was taking a toll on me.

Kira wanted to see the gorillas, so we very quickly walked through the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail. I got some video but it was just so hot, none of us thought to get pics but we did snap some of the meerkats.


We spotted Kevin on the way to Kali River Rapids, which was the last ride Kira wanted to do. I had grabbed a DAS for it after we rode FoP.


We popped into the bathroom at the entrance to Kali and I saw myself in the mirror. Yup, very hot! :crazy:

Kira was like...mum, you need to cool down! The funny thing is, during this trip, I didn't really feel my hot flashes! I was so hot ALL of the time, this trip was like one very large, very long hot flash. :rotfl2:


I would have loved to go on Kali but I was already starting to overheat and a lot of that ride is in the sun so I backed out and let them go. I held their bags and found some shade and put my fan on high and tried to cool down a little.

That safari had done me in! 🥴


They enjoyed their ride and they got a little wet, which made Kira's shirt look tie-dyed. :p


We hit up the shops on the way out, I needed the A/C. Spotted a few cute things here that I hadn't seen anywhere else yet.



And I scoped out the MB+, nothing spectacular.


Kira ended up getting a new bag, which she was hoping to use for travelling (the Disneyland one she uses doesn't have that strap that can be put around the suitcase handle) but it ended up being quite a bit smaller than her Disneyland one. Oh well, we will use it for something else I guess! I bought a thermos. This one was a little bigger than the one I had so I went to the bathroom on the way out of the park and washed it out so I could use it for the rest of the day and then I gave Kira the one I was using. Normally she prefers room temperature water, which is why she wasn't using a thermos but in this heat, the cold water was refreshing and very welcome.

We took the tram to save our feet. Once we got to the car, I reloaded both thermos bottles with ice cold water and some ice, Kira downed her Gatorade Zero and I put the ziploc bags with the ice all over me to cool down, while the A/C was blowing full-blast on me! It took 15 minutes for me to cool down. I definitely pushed it a little too far today. That safari really did me in. :faint:


On our way over to the Magic Kingdom, I got a notification from the Disney app to request to join the VQ tomorrow for Tron. :rotfl2:

Why thank you Disney, how kind of you to remind me. :rolleyes1:laughing:


Stay tuned for our very interesting experience of riding Tron Lightcycle Run on opening day. 🏍️:scratchin
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I'm still here and have been reading....just have had a chance to reply.
Loving all the pics. I am sad we didn't see Kevin, but we weren't in AK very long.
The light saber pics are so awesome!
It cracks me up that Kira thought the animals would be animatronics. It's amazing all the things she doesn't remember, but I guess it has been a lot of years.
That heat was brutal and I totally can understand how you over did it without meaning too.
April 2nd, 2023 Part 3

After SDD, Rob and Kira went on Alien Swirling Saucers together since the wait was now only 5 minutes.



We were now 90 minutes into the After Hours party and although wait times had gone down, they weren't as low as I had hoped they'd be.

Before this trip began, I had asked Kira if she was going to ride Tower of Terror. She said, quite firmly, NO!

She loves roller coasters, her fave is Velocicoaster and Rip Ride Rocket over at Universal but because of her anxiety, she has a hard time with rides where she can't predict where we are going. She loves the thrill, obviously, but she needs to know where the ride is going next. Even on Space Mountain, you can see the track and you can, for the most part, know which direction you're headed in.

She rode TOT back in 2018 and she also rode GOTG Mission Breakout in Disneyland in 2019, just to say she did them but she wouldn't ride again.

This made me pretty sad since TOT is my favourite ride. Well, Haunted Mansion is my actual favourite ride but TOT is a very, very close second. :rolleyes:

I was hoping to convince her to ride it just once so that I can ride it too.

As we were looking at the wait times and trying to come up with a plan, she said she would try it!



Yay!!! This made me SOOOOO happy! I just wanted to have that experience of riding it with her at 16.

So, we booked DAS for Rise of the Resistance and headed over to TOT.

On the way, I took the opportunity to get some pics of Roundup Rodeo, at night, with the lights on and no people!



I was so happy, I was practically skipping down this street. :rotfl2:



Look how pretty she is! 😍


And the real bonus, there was no wait!!! :woohoo:


I was all hot and sweaty and gross but I still wanted a pic of me and my girl and TOT. ::yes::


I love everything about this ride. It is THE perfect ride! :worship:





We had the BEST cast members that night. This one down below would put her hands on the little windows of the elevator as we were going up and it created this amazing, creepy effect! :worship:


Kira was scared out of her mind but she ended up loving it because it was the only ride at WDW that gave her butterflies. We've been doing Universal Orlando the past few years and she's used to big thrill rides so she was really appreciating the fact that it was thrilling.

We ended up buying matching hoodies. :teeth:

They didn't take those security tags off, Kira thankfully caught it at the airport going home as we were re-arranging our suitcases and we were able to get them both removed at the Disney Store at MCO. :rolleyes2


Her pics were all awesome because she was genuinely terrified. :rotfl2: She had to hold on to those bars on the seat each time. We tried to do funny things for the photos but she just couldn't because she was scared and had to hold onto those bars, it was awesome!

She loved it so much, she asked to do it again. :banana:





This time around, in the library, we had the BEST TOT CM ever!!!! :worship::worship::worship:

While we were all in the library, this CM moved really slowly around the room, getting really close to everyone, staring at all of the guests, creeping them out, it was the BEST THING EVER!!!

I took some video of it, she was sooooo good! I wish I got her name, I tried to read her name tag but it was dark and her hair was covering it. I tried to do a Cast Compliment for her but unless you have their name, it doesn't really work.

We saw her again but I never got her name. We even asked the CM's at the front of the ride but they didn't know her name either. So, if any of you know it, please let me know! Otherwise, I am going back to WDW in a week for work reasons and I will make sure to get her name and do the CC because she sooooooo deserves it! If I see the CM that did the hand trick, I am getting her name too! These are the kind of people that make Disney truly special. :lovestruc

Here is a still shot of her...



We headed back over for Rise, this was Kira's first time and she loved it! Her favourite part was this room with all of the stormtroopers. She loved trying to pick out the ones that were moving.



We got off the ride just a few minutes before the party came to and end and they were still letting people on the ride so we were all in agreement that we needed to ride it one more time. ::yes:: :teeth:



The first time, we headed to the front and this time we headed to the back, it's so cool how you can see us leaving Black Spire and then if you watch closely, as we arrive into the First Order ship, you can see some of the troopers gathering in that cargo bay room. :worship:



We had a vehicle all to ourselves!


One last selfie to close out the night. :flower:


We got back to the room just after 1am and we all passed out. Such a fun day!

This was our first After Hours event and it's tough to review it because what we experienced isn't what everyone would experience necessarily. Mickey & Minnie's was down the entire night, Rise was down for 45 minutes of the event and RNRC was closed for refurbishment. If all three of those rides were open, I think the lines would have been much shorter and would have been more enjoyable for everyone. I was VERY thankful for DAS that evening because there was no way I could have waited 1-2 hours in the lines for any of those rides. Slinky especially since there is no A/C at all, I would have passed out!

We had a blast and the experience at TOT was worth it for us but I think for most people who attended that night, it probably wasn't worth the money. We paid $444 USD for it, for the three of us.

Tune in tomorrow for our first time on Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind.

Maybe you never got her name because she's always been there.......spoooooky lol
April 4th Part 3

We parked at the TTC, took the monorail in and made it to the Magic Kingdom entrance by 6pm. We took some obligatory photos. :goodvibes


HEA is back!


Still some lingering 50th anniversary stuff.




Rob and Kira were starving so we headed to Columbia Harbor House. I like this spot because it's usually not too crowded, we can always find a quiet corner upstairs to eat and it has good air conditioning. ::yes::

Rob got the salmon, which will become his staple this week at MK, Kira got some chicken strips and I got some water.


Sadly, they don't have the good honey mustard here, like some other places. They only have that crappy Heinz stuff. :crazy2: My kiddo likes the 4 long strips, as opposed to the 8 nuggets that some places serve but she also loves that honey mustard sauce, and her and I both need an air conditioned place to sit while we eat, so it's hard to come by a place that has all three of those things. :rotfl2:

Us picky women, huh? :rolleyes1

I know many people are drawn to all of the food booths at the Epcot festivals but in all of my years of being at those festivals, I think I've only stopped once at one of those booths. I'm grouchy and picky. I don't like lines, or crowds or eating on top of a garbage can. I like to sit in the A/C, bonus points if it's in a quiet corner. :rolleyes::p

I had wanted to get some spring rolls but I also didn't want to eat before we went on Tron. Like I have mentioned a bazillion times already, I don't do well in the heat and often, when I eat, it makes it worse. I have a hard time regulating my temperature, even when it's not really hot outside. Anything above 18C/65F is hard for me. :scared:

If I had my way, I would only visit Orlando in December, January and February. And even then, during some of my previous visits in those months, it's been really hot! I was here for work last January and there was a cold front and it was FABULOUS!!! I had to scrape ice off my windows in the morning but I was doing it in shorts and a t-shirt and was very happy! :worship::rotfl2::cloud9:

Sadly, my kiddo can't miss school so in order to have these experiences with all three of us, it has to be during her school breaks. I will say though that we've been here in the Summer three times now, over at Universal Orlando and it was WAY less crowded and WAY less hotter than it was this week! ::yes::

I had heard that the new Tron store would only be open today for people who had the digital experience booked and that there would be a special Tron merchandise area open at Star Traders but I wasn't sure if they were going to have the entire selection available or just some opening day merch.

Let me start this whole Tron chapter with some backstory. When Tron Legacy came out in 2010, Rob and I went to see it on opening day and it quickly became a favourite movie of ours! We loved the music, the cinematography, the actors, it was just a great movie. Rob even bought us matching shirts (and hoodies) for us to wear to see the movie in the theatre but sadly my Extra Large shirt did not fit my extra large...ummm....bosoms, so I never got to wear it. :rolleyes2

As Kira grew up, she kind of got hooked on the movie because we watched it a lot and like her two music-loving parents, she is also obsessed with music and well, Daft Punk just makes amazingly catchy music! ::yes:: Eventually, her and Rob would watch it together without me and it kind of became their movie. So, all three of us are massive Tron Legacy fans so you can probably just imagine how excited we were when they announced that they were building this ride at the Magic Kingdom. In fact, during our last trip together, in 2018, we said that we would come back once it opens. Sadly, due to the crapshow that 2020 was, it was delayed but oddly enough, here we were for the official opening day. :hyper:

I had gotten up at 7am and purchased ILL's for 8pm. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it but since the ride had an almost two-month soft opening, and I have quick fingers, I was able to secure us a spot on opening day! We were stoked!!! :woohoo:

So, now that you know that we are huge fans and since many of you already know that my husband likes to shop, you can probably imagine that he was about to make a nice dent in this particular store. :rolleyes::laughing:


This is what he was after....the Tron MB+! I thought it was ridiculously overpriced at $65 but that's Disney for you. He ended up getting this one and Kira got the regular Tron MB. They also got matching shirts, the bluey-green ones that say Tron coming in 2023 but the better ones, in my opinion, were the passholder ones but since we are not passholders, we couldn't get them. Personally, I think it's so dumb for Disney to sell merch to only a certain select group, especially since they had paused the sales of annual passes for so long but whatever! :rolleyes2

I get maybe giving the passholders first dibs but why limit it? I've seen tons of passholder merch in the outlets, it's crazy that they wouldn't just sell it for full price to non-passholders! I was thinking of getting that black passholder shirt too until I realized that it was passholder merch. I liked it way better than the non-passholder t-shirt they were selling. I think that black shirt was $40, so Disney lost out on $120 just from us! Silly. :crazy:

Rob ended up getting three pins, a patch, the MB+, the t-shirt, and the digital disc, which is also a Bluetooth speaker. He was like a kid in a candy store. :lmao:


I had gotten us a DAS for Space Mountain when we went through the tapstyles. It was now time to ride. I had to pry my husband out of the store. :p


You can see that Rob was wearing his Tron hoodie. It glows in the dark. :p I have a matching blue one at home, that also never fit me, so it belongs to Kira now. :rolleyes:

Only Rob is crazy enough to wear hoodies in Florida in April. :rolleyes2✌️😆


We had some time to kill so we went on the Peoplemover, a classic! I always need to take a pic with my kiddo when we ride. It is a tradition that started with me and my mum when I was a kid. :love:



We were so excited, we could see it from the ride! Not long now! :hyper:


It was now after 8pm, our ILL time and we headed to the ride. Just a tiny bit excited. :hyper:



The whole esthetic vibe just works! I mean, it's gorgeous and very reminiscent of the movie. We loved it! We went back a couple of days later during the day and it's just not the same. You have to see it at night. Even if you don't ride it, just walk around the area at night. Every once in awhile, the blue flashes white and then turns to orange. It's sooooo pretty! It also helps that they play some of the music from the movie. You cannot go wrong with Daft Punk. :cool1:


Rob was kind enough to wear the GoPro on a chest strap for me so we would have some footage of the ride for my videos. It's the only way they legally allow you to record on this ride. I know many people just take their phones out from the little storage thing on the bike and film but technically, you aren't allowed to do that.

It took a minute to get the GoPro on and set to the right settings and then we entered the Lightning Lane line. I had heard that the VQ line that day was 1-2 hours! :scared:


We all loved the pre-show room where they "digitize you into the world of Tron". Loved the reveal of the track below! :worship:



We put our stuff into the lockers, which are just like the ones at Velocicoaster where you drop off your stuff on one side and then pick it up on the other side.



My excited, blue family. 💙



We all wanted to ride in the first row, so Rob and Kira went together first and then I went on the next train.


The ride photos here are awesome. When you get them. :rolleyes2

They take photos from both sides, which is great when you ride with someone you don't know. Rob put his hoodie up for the photo. :rotfl2:



They also give you video of both sides too. :thumbsup2

We rode this ride three times that week and I never got any photos or video of me. I ended up having to email Photopass and they just found my three ride photos and my last ride video a few days ago. I never did get video of my first two rides.


The ride itself is really great, especially the outdoor part, it's just wayyyyyyy too short. I feel like it was only half a ride. Rob and Kira said they were just fine on the bikes but as someone who carries some extra weight, the bike was super uncomfortable for me. All of the videos I've seen mention the whole calf issue. There is a pin that comes up and locks into place behind your knee and if you have bigger calves, it can be very uncomfortable and even leave marks and bruises. Well, my calves were just fine but my inner thighs were being pinched the entire ride! The bike seat, in my opinion, is very wide and I don't know if I just didn't spread my legs wide enough or if that's just the way it is for us pooh-sized folks but it was very uncomfortable! You literally have seconds to get into your seat and pull the handles down so that your seat locks and then once that happens, you are stuck until the ride is over, so my suggestion is to make sure you take some time, get as comfortable as you can before you lock yourselves in!

It was a nice smooth ride, nothing scary, no big drops. I wouldn't say it had any thrills, not like Space Mountain or RNRC. It was just fun! Minus the crotch pain. :rolleyes2

When I got off the ride, the CM at the front was screaming at us to get off the ride as fast as possible and get up the ramp as fast as we could! Wow, that's a little rude and overkill I thought. :scared:
As I was getting off, since I was at the front and the ramp is near the middle-back of the ride, I had to wait for the rest of the people on the ride to go up first. There was a little kid who had lost a flip flop coming off the vehicle, so that group was kind of slow to get off and another CM was yelling at them! I was like, what the frick is going on? Why is everyone being yelled at? Did I step off and enter the Twilight Zone??

Then I go up the ramp which leads you down the narrow corridor and the other door was wide open (from the other side of the track) and people were pouring out from there too! Remember us trying to get past the Lion King Festival? That's what it felt like! So many people, inching along slowly, all the while being yelled at by Cast Members. :eek:

By the time we got half-way down that long corridor, I had noticed the lights on the walls were flashing. Okay, I get it now, the alarm had gone off and we were all being evacuated. It makes sense now but man, that was a rude awakening! And really, maybe NOT yell at your guests?? I don't think screaming at anyone will make anyone go faster. :cool:

I finally made it to the area with the lockers and I found Rob and Kira and they both had a slight look of panic on their faces. Apparently, they were worried about me because after they got our stuff from the lockers, they were waiting for me, also not knowing what was going on, and they saw hundreds of people go pass them and thought they might have missed me or thought maybe something had happened to me. Once we were reunited, we walked further down the hall and there were CM's on each side of us, every 10 feet or so and they were all yelling at us to get out!

Even once we left the building, there were tons of them, on both sides, all the way down the ramp, all yelling!

What the heck! :scared1:

I stopped for a quick second just to put my fanny pack back on and I got yelled at!

"Keep moving, DO NOT STOP!!!" right at my face! Sweet jesus! This was not a pleasant experience!

We got all the way down the ramp, past the Tron Lightcycle Run sign, as the fireworks were being set off (you could actually hear huge bangs inside of the building, even as I was getting off of the ride vehicle, which really didn't help with the chaos because most people didn't realize what that noise was until they got outside and saw them) and I stopped for another second to grab my water from my bag and I got yelled at again!

Holy crap! Enough with the yelling already!😠

So, apparently, the fireworks had set off the alarm and the ride was evacuated. Although they had been running this ride now for two months, it's only been running during certain hours. I think this might have been the first time that they were running the ride while the fireworks were set off.

So, the high that we felt after riding Tron for the first time was definitely overshadowed by the unpleasantness of the evacuation. :worried:

We waited until the fireworks were done so we could cross over to ride Big Thunder, which we had gotten a DAS for after Space Mountain.

I had hoped to grabbed my spring rolls on the way there but apparently, the cart had closed at 7pm. :sad1:

I was starving, I had only had that kid's hot dog meal at Satu'li but it was late and still a billion degrees so I decided just to skip dinner that night.


The park was open for another hour but we were thoroughly exhausted so we just headed out.

We took the Ferry back to the TTC. So pretty!


Back to the resort. Here's a better view of the cute new mugs...




I was still debating on getting a MB+. After opening Rob's and comparing the two, I just decided to not buy one and just use my old band. I find the regular bands to be a little bulky and the MB+ ones were even bulkier. I wear my fitbit but it's really thin, whereas Rob is used to wearing an Apple watch, so it didn't bother him at all. Plus he liked how it lit up. I asked him if he knew that it would light up after a light tap and he said "No way!!!" It never did seem to work for him though. :rolleyes1:rotfl2:



Another long day with many steps. Time for bed! :faint:


The plan for the next day was to get up at 7am, try to grab a VQ and a midday ILL for Tron and a late night ILL for Guardians of the Galaxy.

Stay tuned to see how those plans turn out. :rolleyes1
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The ride itself is really great, especially the outdoor part, it's just wayyyyyyy too short. I feel like it was only half a ride. Rob and Kira said they were just fine on the bikes but as someone who carries some extra weight, the bike was super uncomfortable for me. All of the videos I've seen mention the whole calf issue. There is a pin that comes up and locks into place behind your knee and if you have bigger calves, it can be very uncomfortable and even leave marks and bruises. Well, my calves were just fine but my inner thighs were being pinched the entire ride! The bike seat, in my opinion, is very wide and I don't know if I just didn't spread my legs wide enough or if that's just the way it is for us pooh-sized folks but it was very uncomfortable! You literally have seconds to get into your seat and pull the handles down so that your seat locks and then once that happens, you are stuck until the ride is over, so my suggestion is to make sure you take some time, get as comfortable as you can before you lock yourselves in!
I'm glad you enjoyed it (well until the yelling started!)

How do you think the seats compare to FoP? I know larger people, and people with large calves, have had issues there also.


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