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Everything has felt sideways since I first saw a thread on these boards (quickly deleted of course) talking about the horrors of revelations from former DIS employees. The Site Which Shall Not Be Named is a very rough place, so much **** throwing just because they can. I felt on guard and defensive reading the posts from Sean and Dustin. Were these usernames even actually them??

But as I read, so many red flags from my DisUnplugged viewing experience clicked into place. I've been keeping up with the news as best I can, but haven't posted until now. I think a part of my brain wanted all of this to be some terrible dream. An awful misunderstanding or outright lies. And not because I even doubted the stories (once I was past my initial shock and knee jerk defensiveness), but more because...who wants to feel they were SO duped?? So taken up with the false presentation.

But John Magi finally making a statement has forced it all to sink deeply in. The world of DisBoards, DisUnplugged, etc became my safe space during the pandemic. And now it doesn't feel safe. It feels gross and scary. I don't know if I can stay, but I don't want to go. The community here is wonderful and helpful. And I love Craig and Ryno on the podcast.

My head continues to swim with these thoughts. For Dustin, Sean, Charles, and all others who have been hurt: I hurt with you and for you. I pray that positive things can come out of all of this for each of you and not just pain from remembering and reliving your trauma.
I dare John and Kathy to read this post, particularly the third and fourth paragraphs, and continue to aggressively condemn the people who are posting about these issues.
My $0.02 is this is a toxic situation that was propped up and enabled by those of power in the organization. The crimes may have been done by a singular person but everyone that knew and was in a position to do something about it and choose out of self interest not to act is a coward.

The shows and the podcasts are being removed my personal feeds. I hope the victims find healing.
My $0.02 is this is a toxic situation that was propped up and enabled by those of power in the organization. The crimes may have been done by a singular person but everyone that knew and was in a position to do something about it and choose out of self interest not to act is a coward.

The shows and the podcasts are being removed my personal feeds. I hope the victims find healing.
They chose not to cause they had a endless money stream and gift stream.
John has to do what he has to do to ensure the business survives. Sure we can blame but but we must understand. The burden of being an executive of a company, all the pay and prestige that comes with it is counterbalanced by the sole responsibility that the company survives even if it means he can’t defend himself from the masses.

He is doing what legally and financially is required to ensure the company keeps running as normally as possible (people’s jobs depend on it) and he is doing his DL trip to project an image and keep clients calm.

Imagine he had canceled the event and posted a picture of himself at the courthouse with the caption “taking care of business.” Clients will be canceling their trips as fast as Monera will approve you for your DVC.
I get what you're saying. However, when you are the head of the company you need to be authority and the first to address the issue head on. Sure, they may be tied to what can be said legally, but something needs to be said not only for the preservation of the company, but for the well being of the employees too. Even if you legally cannot say anything, say that!

I can only imagine how lost the employees felt coming out with limited personal statements while their leader remained silent.

Imagine if he had addressed this days ago with the first few paragraphs and projected that leadership? My guess is the pictures of pretzels, sundaes, and hats wouldn't have received as much negative attention as it did today.

I will take crud for this opinion but for a week I’ve just scrolled. Said you know what everyone is entitled to their opinion of what happens. I too have been shamed from this site by several so let’s just do it again.

So frustrated what is enough for you? How many days have people said John needs to make a statement. He did it isn’t what you have decided he should/should not say so more of it. There really is nothing that is going to please you and honestly at this point you are the one that needs to look inside. This is my no means a stan for any of the leadership or handling of this awful discovery. However, short of a public stoning there is nothing that will appease you. Time to take a good long look at yourself. BTW there are several that “you” apply to and for the most part I’ve blocked them because well it is repetitive whining.

Well who knows if I am one of the blocked, but since you said your opinion, I will share mine.

Yep, I have said it for days I was waiting for an official statement because that is what leaders should do in a time of crisis. Not only to provide trust and stability for the team, but to address the issues with its patrons. Finally, it happened. And if he would have said those first 3 paragraphs days ago I can guarantee you my feelings on this would be different.

However, he didn't. This issue festered and kept getting worse. His employees even made statements, still no word from the leader. I am sorry, that is odd and unprofessional. Like I said in my previous posts, even if you cannot legally say anything, say that! And when he finally did say something he then went in on about posters that were mean. That is not what you do. If you have been a leader, you know to not make it about you. You make it about the well-being of the team and the company.

I don't need to look inside. If he said everything except the fourth paragraph, I would have been a lot more appeased than I am currently. I agree some of the remarks were awful, but I repeat, a leader doesn't turn this situation around to gain sympathy and he did.

All of that said ... I am still here, giving it time, hoping he can turn this ship around because I care about the employees.
This thread moves way too fast. One of the problems they (ownership) has is they likely have legal issues that prevents them from saying anything even if they want to. The recent blog post proves it, they likely can't say much if anything right now.
I fully get being measured in their responses, but at the same time, that also means they shouldn’t be posting what amounts to trip reports on IG like everything is great. It’s a very bad look given everything going on.
I realize this is the internet, where nuance is in extremely short supply, but multiple things can be true at once...

  • You can agree that John needed to consult with counsel before releasing a statement AND believe that the statement still took way too long to be released.
  • You can agree that John, Kevin, etc. need to serve their current ABD clients (and prepare for the upcoming DIS event) AND believe that their social media posts were still tone-deaf.
  • You can appreciate the fact that John put out a statement (late, but still, he put one out) assuring people that Pete had been removed, that the company would still serve their customers, and that there were still good people working hard to maintain a level of service, AND believe that he should have omitted his personal pushback against those who have questioned/attacked he and Kevin, and should have, at the very least, acknowledged the victims who have come forward (and had their stories corroborated).
  • You can agree that this has all come crumbling down VERY fast, AND believe that attempts at deflection and redirection have been misguided at best, and deplorable at worst.
Again, everyone is entited to their opinion, and I certainly don't begrudge those who are angry about how everything has played out (or hasn't played out) over the past few days. Believe me, I've alternated between anger, sadness, and straight-up nausea. I'm just saying that there can be nuance involved.

My two cents. That's all.
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Ok - I wasn't going to get frustrated with the lack of an statement from the company - I figured they needed to consult lawyers or whatever.

But -- A blog post hidden under "uncategorized"? Not even in the blog feed on the home page or social media. It's clear they are trying to hide it.

I see it bolded under "Disney World News". I also see it in a bar directly below this reply window.


Given the serious escalation of the alleged offenses, I’m afraid there is no redemption path here. Burn it all down, salt the earth, move on, and rebuild elsewhere. This is not an ownership group that is deserving of support anymore.
Well who knows if I am one of the blocked, but since you said your opinion, I will share mine.

Yep, I have said it for days I was waiting for an official statement because that is what leaders should do in a time of crisis. Not only to provide trust and stability for the team, but to address the issues with its patrons. Finally, it happened. And if he would have said those first 3 paragraphs days ago I can guarantee you my feelings on this would be different.

However, he didn't. This issue festered and kept getting worse. His employees even made statements, still no word from the leader. I am sorry, that is odd and unprofessional. Like I said in my previous posts, even if you cannot legally say anything, say that! And when he finally did say something he then went in on about posters that were mean. That is not what you do. If you have been a leader, you know to not make it about you. You make it about the well-being of the team and the company.

I don't need to look inside. If he said everything except the fourth paragraph, I would have been a lot more appeased than I am currently. I agree some of the remarks were awful, but I repeat, a leader doesn't turn this situation around to gain sympathy and he did.

All of that said ... I am still here, giving it time, hoping he can turn this ship around because I care about the employees.
Agree with all of this. That 4th paragraph drove an unnecessary wedge between us. I think all of us could unite around the news of Pete's exit if it wasn't for that portion of the statement.

I understand why John/Kevin were hurt and offended but the people making those comments on social media are probably only going to get glee out of the fact they landed. It's better to rise above that kind of thing and steer the ship.
Umm …if my boss does what DW described, I’m looking for a new job in the morning. PERIOD. So you’re telling me you’d stay???

It is very easy to say that. I'll admit I even said that when watching stuff about domestic physical abuse. Why don't they just leave? How hard is it to walk out?

If only. It's not as cut and dry as we would like it to be.

Imagine, you are 24 years old. Remember being 24? You aren't as nuanced about the world. And you went through a lot of personal trauma, but finally thought you found a silver lining with a new dream job. And being 24 and naive you don't see the mind games your new boss is inflicting. You are being manipulated and gaslighted and you can't make heads or tails of it. You are told you are the problem. Remember, you're 24 -- not 34, 44, or 54. You are still impressionable and you begin to believe it is really you.

Finally, something clicks years later, your brain is getting out of the fog and you realize you need to get out ... and NOW. You lose everything and have to sell your personal possessions to make ends meet. And you do. And you survive. And you live to tell your story.

Geez, give the man credit for self preservation! A lot of people being abused never get out because they can't envision a way out, they are stuck in that fog.
I realize this is the internet, where nuance is in extremely short supply, but multiple things can be true at once...

  • You can agree that John needed to consult with counsel before releasing a statement AND believe that the statement still took way too long to be released.
  • You can agree that John, Kevin, etc. need to serve their current ABD clients (and prepare for the upcoming DIS event) AND believe that their social media posts were still tone-deaf.
  • You can appreciate the fact that John put out a statement (late, but still, he put one out) assuring people that Pete had been removed, that the company would still serve their customers, and that there were still good people working hard to maintain a level of service, AND believe that he should have omitted his personal pushback against those who have questioned/attacked he and Kevin, and should have, at the very least, acknowledged the victims who have come forward (and had their stories corroborated).
  • You can agree that this has all come crumbling down VERY fast, AND believe that attempts at deflection and redirection have been misguided at best, and deplorable at worst.
Again, everyone is entited to their opinion, and I certainly don't begrudge those who are angry about how everything has played out (or hasn't played out) over the past few days. Believe me, I've alternated between anger, sadness, and straight-up nausea. I'm just saying that there can be nuance involved.

My two cents. That's all.

Hi friends,

I've already posted this on another website but...

I’m still processing everything that has been revealed today. It’s been unfortunate timing with John’s statement on behalf of the company.

I will say there’s one thing that bothers me beyond everything. We keep squabbling amongst ourselves. We keep pointing blame to everyone else. We keep looking at excuses and accusations for everyone on the team.

While the nuance of inter company politics is very complicated, I want to redirect our focus. And I hope you’ll join me.

Can I make a bold statement? Pete Werner drugged and raped me. Let’s focus our anger on this man. He has resigned from all related positions of power he once held. But I can no longer tolerate his ability to escape this.

This man is the reason we’re having these conversations. If only for my sake, I beg you to redirect all anger, sadness, and hatred to this man.

I made this comment in the Patreon page under the latest “After Show”

I think it isn’t as easy to address it at this current time because of what possibly legally they are able to say and do. Since these allegations are on that website which I never heard of/existed and the public records about Amex, they can do so much I think. But I do agree it does eventually NEED to be addressed. No matter how difficult it will be for everyone. There should even be a dedicated episode about it IMO. May not have to be about the experiences of the 2 former employees have come out via the website, but also maybe from the perspectives of the hosts AND maybe former employees.

Idk how it will be at the Disneyland meetup. How awkward will that be? Will they be transparent at the event? Are people right now who are discovering this mess and have plans made to go to Disneyland for the meetup canceling them right now as we speak? Only time will tell in less than a week. My heart goes out not only the former employees but to also the current ones who got sucked into this mess without actually being involved in them.
Where can I read what happened?
Hi friends,

I've already posted this on another website but...

I’m still processing everything that has been revealed today. It’s been unfortunate timing with John’s statement on behalf of the company.

I will say there’s one thing that bothers me beyond everything. We keep squabbling amongst ourselves. We keep pointing blame to everyone else. We keep looking at excuses and accusations for everyone on the team.

While the nuance of inter company politics is very complicated, I want to redirect our focus. And I hope you’ll join me.

Can I make a bold statement? Pete Werner drugged and raped me. Let’s focus our anger on this man. He has resigned from all related positions of power he once held. But I can no longer tolerate his ability to escape this.

This man is the reason we’re having these conversations. If only for my sake, I beg you to redirect all anger, sadness, and hatred to this man.

Hi Dustin, I’m really sorry.. where can I read your statement? The other website?
Yep, you can’t just Google “Pete Werner” as there is an NFL linebacker with the New Orleans Saints who has that name (and I can’t help wondering if he is aware of his namesake’s shenanigans). “Pete Werner amex” also works.
You're right - I hadn't thought about it but now I'm sure that it came up so easily for me (and those who suggested it) because we were already there and had seen the pages - but if someone hadn't had that in their algorithm, it likely is/was harder to figure out. Good point!
@Dustin and @themando

Is there anyway to best support you beyond continuing to believe you both?

I know you may be unable to answer this but would you rather people still watch\support dis or not? Book with Dreams or hold off for awhile? I am trying to do what I personally can to stand with you both in whatever way you both see fit.

ETA- You have both been so brave to share your stories. Thank you. I am asking about what to do not to put you on the spot but because I trust both of your judgments because you know the people involved much better than I do. I don’t want to act on behalf of what I might perceive you might want and be incorrect.
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