collection advice

  1. shaggyrogersmademedoit

    Disney Tsum Tsum Plushies Collection - How Do You Display Them?

    I know that every Disney Tsum Tsum collector displays their tsum tsums in different ways, and I just can't make my mind up how to display my collection! I've seen people stack them like pyramids, use bookshelves as display cases, and have circular displays on their wall which look really cool. I...
  2. shaggyrogersmademedoit

    Advice Needed! Disney Collection, Sub-Category Star Wars - Where to Start/Stop?

    I collect anything and everything Disney related. So long as it's Disney, I want it! Even if I don't like the character or the movie/series. But recently I have been finding myself questioning where to draw the line, and that's because of the things that Disney have bought or now have streaming...

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