1, 2,3 how many scrapbooks can there be?


Feb 7, 2011
Wondering how people handle scrap booking for the family. I usually have a 12 by 12 book for my son, daughter and then a family one. Wondering if I should do a Disney 12 by 12 for each of us, or tone it back to a 8 by 8 for the kiddos. I make 8 by 8 for special occasions, but I wasn't sure if I'd be frustrated with not having enough space. :confused3
With it just being my husband and I and living so close that I do an album for each park and then sometimes a special one for certain occasions- I have an 8by8 for my 30th birthday trip and a 12by12 started for our 10th anniversary trip.

I would say that a family one of everything and then maybe a few pages in an album for each child for a trip but I suppose it depends on if the trip is a once in a lifetime trip or what.

:wave2: Hi!

Do what you think is best for you :)

I do a 12x12 for each kiddo,that has bdays, christmas, school stuff, my girls each have a separate dance album and then I do a 12x12 family album for things like easter, christmas, halloween etc these actually have lots of years in them since its just major events. Then I do 12x12 Vacation albums, Disney, week long road trips etc.

But in each kids album, I do several layouts from those vacations, i scrap chronologicaly so I just add them in. I do some of my favorite photos of them from that vacation, if its disney then I add their favorite character pics, and all the family shots.

My thinking is when I pass them on to them they will have a snippet from everything in their lives and wont tear apart or fight over the actual vacation and family albums and hopefully can divide them up equally :rotfl:

So now I scrap in 5 different albums for family events. :sad2: Scrapping is more of an addiction than a hobby anymore. :lmao:
I do not have a family album. I keep albums going for each of my three children like the previous post (I don't scrap everything, but pretty close). The older the kids get, the more I try to minimize (like more one page layouts instead of two pages, etc.) I then do a family vacation album every year (which often turns into more than one album when they are big trips like Disney or Disney Cruises). I also put a few vacation pages in their albums from the trips like mentioned above with only my top 8-10 photos of them from the trip. I figure when they are older and take their scrapbooks with them, I will still have the vacation scrapbooks for myself. They can fight over the vacation ones when I am dead, but they better not throw them out :rotfl: It would be a lot of work to make all of those albums for everyone?? I did recently do an 8 by 8 album of an anniversary trip that my husband and I took. It was fun to work with smaller pages for once, I just printed a lot of my photos smaller. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Michelle, isnt it funny that our biggest fear with our books is that our kids with A:take them apart or B: throw them out when we die?? DBF thinks I'm crazy to have that fear. haha. Glad I'm not the only one!
I do 12x12 for each of my children and then a separate album for Disney or special vactions. They can each have their own albums someday, as for the special ones, they can argue over those later. Right now they have about 10 each.

I'm not as far along on my scrapbooks as I would like, but my boys (twins) will each have their own albums (to include holidays, birthdays, vacations) and I do a family album for me. These are in chronoligical order.

However, we are going on our 1st Disney vacation (2 weeks long) in Dec and I will doing a special 12x12 album (maybe an 8x8 if I for some reason I don't get a ton of great photos) for each of them and I got a great deal on a Creative Memories Disney Picfolio album a couple of years back. That will be for me.

Hopefully my boys won't toss them when I'm gone :eek:!
Well, here is my list....

For each child I have a 12 x 12 School Album, 12 X 12 Sports Album, 12 x 12 Life Album (of which the eldest child must be completely caught up by April; Graduation the first weekend in June). The life album has birthdays, trips, special events.

I also have 12 x 12 albums for each of our Disney vacations.. (2-4 books each)

I will be doing 3 - 8x8 baby book albums for the kids (I don't want to part with the ones I did for them as a babies, this way they will have them at their homes when they are on their own).

I have done 10 x 10 business trip books for my DH when he travels.

I have 12 x 12 family albums (usually I highlight the kids' sports events for the season), life, trips, events...
I have a 12 x 12 Christmas album just a highlight of each year
I have a 12 x 12 Halloween album just a highlt of each year
I have a 8 x 8 Christmas tree album to see how we change up our tree every year.
I have a 12 x 12 project 365 album for 2009 that I love... I'm doing it again for 2012 but I'm getting a Becky Higgins set of page protectors to put it in this year since DD is graduating I won't have a lot of time but want to document everything...

I'm also doing a 8 x 11 lyric book for my DD's graduation to take to college (inspirational songs for her)
I'm also doing a 12 x 12 album for each of the kids' SENIOR years.. just to highlight all the preparations that go into the year... admission letters/ acceptance letters, Senior photos, etc...

I've also done many miscellaeous 8 x8 books for my DH and ABCs of Disney for everyone...(I'm doing a 1 2 x 12 ABC of Disney for myself for our 2012 trip)
I've got a series of 12 x 12 albums for each boy from birth onwards (funny how there;s fewer pages each year for DS(18)...), which have a single or double layout in each for Christmas, vacations etc. I have vacation albums (12 x 12 ) which vary from one to multiple vacations (depending on where we've been), a 12 x 12 "official" album for school photos, a family history 12 x 12 of DH's family (done while my MIL could remember who everyone was:rotfl:) and a couple of 12 x 12 Christmas albums. I aslo did an 8x8 "advent" album the year before last, 7x7 recipe book albums for each boy (for taking to uni/first home), a 7x7 "courtship" album for DH (OK for me really;)). I've also done an "annual" album for the past few years with family events through the year.

DH always says "why do you bother, the boys won't want them" but I figure their wives and children will be interested. Anyway I like doing it:goodvibes
since I only have one kiddo its a bit easier for me!

I do an album for general stuff each year
DD birthdays are seperate
xmas is seperate
santa photo's are seperate
DD dance is seperate
all WDW trips have their own albums
DLR trips were for a year when we lived closer we went 3-5 times a year, now will be for each trip
all other big trips have seperate albums
I do things simple. I have one album per year. So that encompasses all we have done that year, all birthdays, graduations, weddings, trips, christmas, etc. The scrapbooks are for me to document our family.

And they are in chonologicial order from Jan - Decemeber. So if you want to see my youngest birthday, head to the back of the album, since her birthday is Dec 27th, while if you want to see my other DD's go to the front because her BD is in January. :thumbsup2 My albums do get quite thick tho.

And I use the We R Memory Keepers :lovestruc page layouts, so it the photos are not scrap worthy, they still go in the album, just in those 4x 6 sheets. And only certain events get a 12x12 layout. I also like to the 6x12 or 12x6 layouts, those are fun. I also enjoy doing just a little embellishment on a 4X6 spot, if I have room, or use the 4x6 spot to journal.

The kids can fight after I am gone for whatever is there. :thumbsup2 It works for me!


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