2 quick questions about online dining ressies


<font color=deeppink>Well you're one step ahead of
Jan 8, 2008
1.) Does online dining open at 6am Eastern time?

2.) Is there a place where I enter my vacation reservation number somewhere while making the reservations online? I just played around with the site and didn't see where I would add that anywhere. I was told that was how I connected it to my reservation, but I only saw a checkout button. I plan on making all of our reservations at one time - will the times that I've selected still be there when I go to check out, or is it better to do the hardest first, check out, and then go back in and do them one at a time? I just want to make sure that we don't lose any by the time I am finished picking out all of our times, etc. I plan on doing CRT and Le Cellier the very first thing.


ETA: The reason I'm asking is because we have the dining plan on our package and we'll be making some reservations for places that otherwise a credit card and I don't want to be billed for something we'll be using dining credits on.
I think you have a 20 minute limit to book once you place in your cart. I would do a few that you really want first & then checkout.
You can log in but I don't think there is a place to put your itinerary number. Just use one name & phone number when making the reservations, but if you want to get them yourself later online you have to enter each confirm # and phone number for each restaurant. You can do more than 1 at a time but you have to enter in each number & phone number (copy & paste to each line would be quicker).

I think you have to enter your cc online for those places, I'm not sure how it works on the phone, so for those I would suggest calling since you can still use the same name & number, you can retrieve those online too (the ones you made on the phone).
I think you have a 20 minute limit to book once you place in your cart. I would do a few that you really want first & then checkout.
You can log in but I don't think there is a place to put your itinerary number. Just use one name & phone number when making the reservations, but if you want to get them yourself later online you have to enter each confirm # and phone number for each restaurant. You can do more than 1 at a time but you have to enter in each number & phone number (copy & paste to each line would be quicker).

I think you have to enter your cc online for those places, I'm not sure how it works on the phone, so for those I would suggest calling since you can still use the same name & number, you can retrieve those online too (the ones you made on the phone).

thank you!!
It depends on the location. I just booked Le Cellier online. Before booking, it pulled up a spot to enter my package reservation number so it would be linked. I have some that are linked and some that are not. For CRT, if you don't want to call you may have to be prepared to pay or at least call ahead, like now, and make sure your reservation is backed by a credit card. When I tried to book CRT online it wanted my credit card even though I had linked it to my ressie. I called though and she was able to fix it over the phone so I wouldn't be charged. I snagged both of these today for our Mat trip.
Entering your conformation number when making ADRs:


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