A funny thing happened on my way to TDS in search of pins (My life is sooo much fun)


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
So today marks the day I turned super techno geek. Cool!!

The day started out like any normal day, I got up at the crack of dawn, went down to the barn milked the cows, gathers the eggs and fed the chickens…….. hold it hold it.

Wrong script, sorry.

The day started out like any normal day, I got up at the crack of dawn, 10:00AM, and went to the mall. Because of the adventure I had yesterday. I needed to replace a few things.

Needed was a new belt, the old one smells like my old gym locker and is twice the size it was yesterday, I need a new phone, old one not waterproof, and of course they should still have plenty of pins at the Disney store.

Well it has been a while since I have been to the mall, for one thing they are inside now, and not called flea markets anymore, also they are full of teenagers in various stages of weird dress.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable since my pants kept slipping, and the top half of my underwear kept showing no matter how many times I pulled them up, my dead cell phone kept pulling them down. (Must keep phone clipped on it's a man thing) Then I notice this was the norm and part of the cool statement teenagers are adopting, why a few of them even confused me as one of their own and said morning dude as they walked by.

With this I said cool! Took a chance, and went into the arcade. Mostly when I enter there fully dressed and hair well combed I'm regarded as one of the ancient ones and generally shunned like I had the plague or something.

Today was different I went in pants drooping hair mushed, and was honored as one of them. This was dream come true, I headed right to the Doom game… an older game yes but still a challenge the younger generation. I used the code words from a dead society, and even though the code was an older one it was good and still accepted I said, "Play me man" and the challenge was taken.

Scott the youngest of the pack at 13, their leader stepped up to the pad. Oh poor poor Scott, if only Scott knew that 5 years earlier I played Doom, designed my own levels manipulated code for the game, was networked for 3 days straight playing… until the wife said, and I quote " Its me or the game" I retired undefeated that night, and went underground. Rumors were started that I went to Australia and was training kangaroos to program newer harder levels to the game; I even heard that I married the girl from tomb raider.

Now it was me and Scott and the game… He smiled as he said I'll take it easy on you old man. Well what happened next was a victory for every body over 30, from the moment I hit the CD player and loaded Creed turned the volume up hit button A and hit a few keys Scott knew he was in trouble… It was over in a few minutes.

With pride I combed my hair pulled my pants up, and preceded to the Disney store. Back to people and places where I belonged.

As I entered the store I asked the CM where the pins were, and she immediately started to cry, then another one said oh no not again, and hunched down in the fetus position behind the counter. A male member came out of the back and said look mister we don't want any trouble. My goodness I said what happened to you poor people, then we hugged and sat around the campfire as they wept and told me horrors of the day before. They called it "The Day of The Pins" The story of the man who wanted all the number #1s, the rioting of the people behind him, the villager chasing him up to the jumbo screen TV in the back of the store with burning torches, him standing on top of the pile of stuffed animals yelling "Fire Bad Fire BAD" while holding a bag of pins. The poor CM that put on a lanyard for the first time ever, and was mobbed by the masses, she was not there she was still in therapy. Then they showed me the pile of burnt Pooh's.

You poor guys I said, then I hugged them all, and said. So! you got any pins left, and yes they had plenty of #2 through #6 no #1 or #7's,. This was cool cause I wanted Tigger and wife wanted Eeyore so I got lucky again. I Got my pins and said I'm off to get a phone and a belt. Hugged my CM friends one more time pulled up my pants and I was off.

Please note the order of priorities in my life #1 relive youth #2 get pins #3 get cell phone #4 fix pant problem.

I arrive at cell store and low and behold it was Scott standing at the counter, he immediately bows and say I'm not worthy man, I knight him and say cool! Scott will now help me pick out a phone since he knows everything about techno geek-Dom. I show the old one and tell them how I was on the Titanic when it sank, and that's how it got ruined. A small crowd had gathered and they went "Whoa dude awesome tale" I want the same as I have now, no way dude Scott yells you want the new Motorola series with the expansion Pac. So I ask Scott my phone is a year old what's the difference.

He smiles and say ancient one (an endearing term I'm sure)

Your phone has two way calling and a cell phone feature.

This one has two way calling, cell phone, email, web services, voice memo recorder, atomic time, three games, weather service, mp3 player, tells the time in London Switzerland, and Malaysia, GPS, temperature alert, heart rate monitor, can store 7 billion gigs of data, and is $30 cheaper then my phone. Well now let me think hmmm… okay new phone it is. Scott then programs phone and plays all the games in 30 seconds flat. I wave good-bye to my new geeky friends, and I'm off to get a belt.

As I enter Target my new phone rings playing the complete works of Beethoven and Stravinsky. It's the wife telling me (Not asking mind you cause I have been married over 16 years) to stop at the store and get a few things.

As I fumble around looking for a piece of anything to write down what she needs (cause my mind is too far gone to remember), and then it hits me. Donna go to Nextel.com and send me an email and just attach the list. And then we hang-up.

The belt section at Target is wild I could buy the leather belt for $39.00, or the black belt techno belt that has a phone clip, and stores 30 mp3's, and is compatible with my new phone for $12.99. A no-brainer here kids.

2 minutes later my phone lights up like a Christmas tree, I look at the display and low and behold you have mail, it's the list and even a smiley face with the message I heart you honey…. Awwwww this is sweet she found out I had pins.

And then as I was using the GPS to guide me 2 miles to the Publix, and while I was walking through Publix listening to my mp3 player phone, it hit me. Oh my goodness… I've turned into a Techno Geek. I pause for a moment, think Cool! And keep shopping.

This post is for Scott who made it all happen; keep it real in the field kid… techno geeks rule.


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