Airtran-Well, you all warned me but I didn't listen

My family from MD, VA, and MI all use AirTran and we've never had any problems. I love their low prices. I can get a nonstop 2.5 hr flight from MI to MCO for $170. We actually switched it up on our last trip to WDW and booked with Delta b/c my MIL got some kind of deal, but they cancelled our flight and our only other option was a flight with 2 layovers (not ideal with 3 kids under 7)! So we ended up going back to AirTran. I am going to book them for our March vaca again and keep my fingers crossed that we keep lucking out. At our airport, the daily flight times to MCO have been the same for years. I hope I don't get proven wrong!
My family from MD, VA, and MI all use AirTran and we've never had any problems. I love their low prices. I can get a nonstop 2.5 hr flight from MI to MCO for $170. We actually switched it up on our last trip to WDW and booked with Delta b/c my MIL got some kind of deal, but they cancelled our flight and our only other option was a flight with 2 layovers (not ideal with 3 kids under 7)! So we ended up going back to AirTran. I am going to book them for our March vaca again and keep my fingers crossed that we keep lucking out. At our airport, the daily flight times to MCO have been the same for years. I hope I don't get proven wrong!

For MD and VA I think you have been very fortunate with AT. Which airport do you fly out of? We have not had good luck with AT out of National.
For MD and VA I think you have been very fortunate with AT. Which airport do you fly out of? We have not had good luck with AT out of National.
I'm not sure which airport my dad flies out of MD. My sis has flown out of Norfolk, VA a few times with no probs. We and sev other members of our fam and some friends fly out of Flint, MI. It's a small airport, which I love because we never wait in line. And like I said, they fly the same times every day for years, so I think that might help account for their lack of flight changes. *knocking on wood and crossing everything that I'm not jinxing our next trip!*
For MD and VA I think you have been very fortunate with AT. Which airport do you fly out of? We have not had good luck with AT out of National.

For 2 years my dh commuted weekly on AT, Charlotte to Baltimore, a non-stop flight. His flight times rarely changed (there'd be an occaisional seasonal change of about 30 minutes and that was it). Plus, the flight was SEVERAL HUNDRED dollars less each week than what he had been paying previously on USAir.

After the Baltimore gig, he flew CLT to LAX every other week for a year. Again, no problems there, although the red-eye flight home only takes place seasonally.
For 2 years my dh commuted weekly on AT, Charlotte to Baltimore, a non-stop flight. His flight times rarely changed (there'd be an occaisional seasonal change of about 30 minutes and that was it). Plus, the flight was SEVERAL HUNDRED dollars less each week than what he had been paying previously on USAir.

After the Baltimore gig, he flew CLT to LAX every other week for a year. Again, no problems there, although the red-eye flight home only takes place seasonally.

Based on feedback on this thread, I'm beginning to think that the probability of AirTran changing flights has to do with the airport the flights are originating from. I have known several people that have had trouble with AirTran flight changes, but all of the cases were either flying out of DCA or PHL.
I am flying out of PHL. I used to take the same flights, all the time. I knew the flight numbers before I even booked them (same flights, same time). It seems , at least right now, AirTran is going thru a major over-haul and seriously limiting their non-stops to MCO. There used to be a much larger selection for people to chose from. Maybe if AirTran finds a schedule that works for them, and sticks to it, I could go back to their service. Like I said, I have been flying w/them for years, and never had an "issue" until this year. They changed my August return trip six times, and my departing time in Nov. twice.:confused3 My beef with them is if you don't know what your schedule is going to be, don't offer the flights until later. You can book on AirTran at least a month-4 months earlier than SW. Maybe that is why SW has less changes?:confused3
I am flying out of PHL. I used to take the same flights, all the time. I knew the flight numbers before I even booked them (same flights, same time). It seems , at least right now, AirTran is going thru a major over-haul and seriously limiting their non-stops to MCO. There used to be a much larger selection for people to chose from. Maybe if AirTran finds a schedule that works for them, and sticks to it, I could go back to their service. Like I said, I have been flying w/them for years, and never had an "issue" until this year. They changed my August return trip six times, and my departing time in Nov. twice.:confused3 My beef with them is if you don't know what your schedule is going to be, don't offer the flights until later. You can book on AirTran at least a month-4 months earlier than SW. Maybe that is why SW has less changes?:confused3

This is the root of an argument I tried to make a while back...AirTran has a bad business model. Become unreliable enough, and customers will go elsewhere, regardless of price. Yes, there is a line there somewhere, and many will still go with the lower price (and for some markets it apparently isn't a problem at all). But because of their policies, AT is limiting their customer base. If they hope to grow, this model ain't going to get it done. If they're content with serving a few markets reliably, then maybe they are fine.
This is the root of an argument I tried to make a while back...AirTran has a bad business model. Become unreliable enough, and customers will go elsewhere, regardless of price. Yes, there is a line there somewhere, and many will still go with the lower price (and for some markets it apparently isn't a problem at all). But because of their policies, AT is limiting their customer base. If they hope to grow, this model ain't going to get it done. If they're content with serving a few markets reliably, then maybe they are fine.

I have never had my Airtran flight change times more then a few minutes either way. I do always fly non-stop and that might help my sitaution, since no contacting flights to coordinate with. I personally don't like Airtran too much, but they are acceptable. The issue here is they may tick off 5-10% of their customers with changing times etc... but those 10% in todays world of blogging seem like 90%, everyone complains when they have a bad experience, but not alot of people speak up with good experiences.

I am glad people voice their concerns and I read those compalints, but unless it is a scam etc.. I keep my mind open and try things myself.
Had to laugh when I saw this thread still going. We have used Airtran out of Flint as have friends and relatives. NEVER a problem, just a great nonstop flight at a great price. Right now I am dealing with schedule changes with Delta. One rep said, "Sorry either these flights are available or we can refund your miles." A second call got me a much nicer rep willing to change by a day to get what we wanted (and what I booked months ago after days of checking and planning!!!) but also the warning "Don't get too worried about it, they may even change it back before you go." :confused: WHAT??!?!!?! Sorry, had to vent. :upsidedow


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