Alphawazdans Free Signatures and avatars (if possible)


alphawazup in vmk
Jan 24, 2006
Me Alphawazup and my brother aAphacrazydan are doing this

We can create Signatures of many things maybe even a avatar that matchs it if it is about the right topic

You can ask what We can do but mostly i can make signatures about

-VMK if we are given pictures
-Zelda games (i am really good at these)
-Other Nintendo Stuff
-harry potter

-we can try animation but not making any promises on that
-but can do almost anything not moving

-also when you get your piece of work that we created plz send back a PM to me rating it and any comment you would like to say and i will post them

just request them here and i will tell you if it is possible.

You don't have to pay but if you want to i will accept items or credits as payment

Since we am in highschool and busy alot of the time i can probably make them more during the weekend and les during the week

but We will try to help all
Costomers served-----Rating out of 10 (10 being best)---Coments

Hey Alphacrazydan is here to help with orders so just say our screennames and your order for whom ever you want to make your order
i would like an avy, something with like a saying about swiim, cause i like LOVe swimming, abd like those baxes that milabum has in her sige or something... something like that!!! thanks! mabey something flashing! thx
ok we will try to have those to you be the end of this weekend

swimmingneno-do you want an avatar and signature(also sorry but we can't animate or glitter but we can make a simmilar color comanation that will look like that)

Spongeblair-what do you mean by yellow avenger, i know who spongebob is but what is an yellow avenger
sorry we were busy this weekend but can you plz answer the questions and if you do we should be able to finish the signatures or avatars by next weekend


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