An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia/+ a Bit of Philippines- M is for Morning Stroll Through Ubud City (6/1)

Hiya I’ve been lurking but decided to come out and say hello. Love reading about your travels/ adventures and as usual your photos are stunning. I have a feeling I read one of your reports were you were studying to become a nurse and one of your life in the “stans” but that seems like such a long time ago. I need to go see where else you’ve been and lurk there even if just to see your photos :goodvibes
You look beautiful “all gussied up” for the wedding.
The contrast between your air bnb and your hotel suite must have been mind boggling to say the least! Glad you got to sleep in style for at least one night 😂
Looking forward to reading more.
You look gorgeous, my friend!!

I haven’t been to a wedding that grand or beautiful since my eldest daughter’s wedding and certainly not at anyone else's. It was simply put, over-the-top. The best part? All I had to do was show up!
That certainly is the best part!! Looking back, my wedding seems so simple compared to the grand affairs many of my friends and family members have hosted in the 18 years since, but I'm also glad we got married before the era of pinterest and social media, etc. existed. It was just a good ole fashioned wedding.

Excited to read all the details about the wedding!
Following along to this amazing trip report. I love your photos and how you really try to find beauty in the local life. I will probably never go to these destinations, so thanks for letting me "tag along" with you!
Ooh, I love the getting ready for the wedding photos! (Probably especially since it's been years since I've been involved in a wedding besides just showing up for something local as a guest. And who knows when or if my kids will ever get married!) It definitely looked like quite the experience!
Fire! You're on fire!

Oh. No. Just the Philippines in summer.
Not to spoil.... but this was just the beginning...
Oohhh... was this like a biker gang? Were they shaking down the resort for kickbacks?

Haha. Yeah, just l like that!
That's good!
I've had my passport withheld once. Got it back fairly quickly, but... yeah, it's unnerving.
That's a great way to describe that "WTH?!" feeling!
:laughing: I've never thought of that, but you're right!
It's a fun word that I use whenever I possibly can!
I'll never trust Google maps again!
They should have a tuk-tuk/trike option!
Nice photo of your girls.
I think it's my favorite from the ones I got of them.
I don't have that app. I guess if I start traveling again some day, I might have to get it. Until then, however...

Nope. :snooty:
It's a life-saver!!! We used it a lot this trip and I used it in Africa (Sierra Leone) and in Europe too.
Who was this from?

Wait... did you just steal some random stranger's pizza who happened to... what's-app you by mistake?
I guess the hotel had an all-day menu? I have no idea, but nope, she ordered all by her big-girl self. More on this later, but I was actually super duper impressed with how mature and self-confident she's become.
You can't go wrong with that!

Apparently... you can.
Exhibit A
Why not, indeed!
And... you quickly found out why not.
Very unfortunate. Did you tell them it was national margarita day? Perhaps they didn't get the memo.
I actually did tell them that when I ordered it. But sorry, NOTHING beats a fresh, housemade marg in Tucson!
Look at that smile! She sure looks happy. :goodvibes

(Not sure if from the resort or the stolen pizza.)
LOL!! It was def the entire scenario! And no, no stolen pizzas!
Just not feeling like you wanted to hang with a (I'm guessing) mostly younger group? Or...?
I guess so? And I'm a restless sort. Also wanted to make sure I took enough photos for this TR and my own enjoyment.
I especially like the one posted below.
That was my favorite of the lot as well.
No, I guess not, given the distance involved.
And $$$$$$$
Out of... how many? I seem to recall... 4 in all? I could be (and probably am) wrong.
5- Andrew, Rebekah, Michaela, Zachary, and Anara.
:lmao: That short one of the two of you waving!
That looks really good!
Hard to go wrong with fresh cooked Pad Thai!
Sleep... gonna have to think on that. Since you've already had one night's sleep, the jet lag might be slightly alleviated.
Hmm.. but it's hot... I'll say next to no sleep and gave up sometime super early.
We have a winner!
Ah. Snow, but not as windy. Got it.
I wonder if it's EVER snowed in the Philippines.
Really? It feels like you just got back... heh... did you maybe take just a little while to finish that TR?

Shut up.

Ah. Switched to Taco Bell. Got it.
Huh, now that you mention it, I never saw a Mex place in the Philippines, and not until I got to Bali.
I have been... three times. I have never been to a McDonalds there. Nor plan on ever.
Rice is pretty common though as a side dish. As is macaroni salad
Sometimes you just gotta have something right now. And that's what there is.
If they're as funny as the one of the two of you in the tricycle... bring 'em on!
More at some point....
But then they would have charged extra.
LOL!! Good point!
Then you done good... price-wise. I can't speak for comfort-wise
TBH, they really aren't that bad. Sure you get a bit bounced around, but it's really kinda fun. :)
Hiya I’ve been lurking but decided to come out and say hello. Love reading about your travels/ adventures and as usual your photos are stunning. I have a feeling I read one of your reports were you were studying to become a nurse and one of your life in the “stans” but that seems like such a long time ago. I need to go see where else you’ve been and lurk there even if just to see your photos :goodvibes
You look beautiful “all gussied up” for the wedding.
The contrast between your air bnb and your hotel suite must have been mind boggling to say the least! Glad you got to sleep in style for at least one night 😂
Looking forward to reading more.
And I'm so glad you came out of hiding to say howdy!! Always nice to see you!

I'm positive you've read at least a couple of my reports, maybe even the Africa one? And I think you're right... maybe my first nursing school one. Those were the DIS days when there was a LOT more fun day to day chatter with tons of joking and roasting. Miss that!

Aww, thanks!

RIGHT?! What a world of difference! No wonder they were charging $200/night at the resort!
You look gorgeous, my friend!!
Thanks! I love that dress!
That certainly is the best part!! Looking back, my wedding seems so simple compared to the grand affairs many of my friends and family members have hosted in the 18 years since, but I'm also glad we got married before the era of pinterest and social media, etc. existed. It was just a good ole fashioned wedding.
Simple is really nice too! I've been to many smaller weddings and they are so nice. I don't think Mik had much control over the size, and the dollar went a long, long way over there, so it was like WAY more "everything" that even she thought it was going to be.
Excited to read all the details about the wedding!
Coming up soon!
Following along to this amazing trip report. I love your photos and how you really try to find beauty in the local life. I will probably never go to these destinations, so thanks for letting me "tag along" with you!
I'm super glad you're here and said hello!! It's just way more fun to make friends along the way and know that it's something people are even interested in. :)

I gotta be honest, and I'll do a more thorough opinion part after the wedding, but it was a little tougher in the Philippines. There are definitely some VERY beautiful spots and even in the midst of a big city, there is beauty, mostly in the PEOPLE, but yes, I do try very hard to make that my mission. :)

I'm so happy you are following along and don't be shy to drop a line!
Ooh, I love the getting ready for the wedding photos! (Probably especially since it's been years since I've been involved in a wedding besides just showing up for something local as a guest. And who knows when or if my kids will ever get married!) It definitely looked like quite the experience!
It was a busy day to be sure! But definitely interspersed with some relaxation too. The morning was pretty chill for me until hair/makeup time. I have 2 left to get married, but doubt either, or at least one, will ever. And that's ok!! :)
m positive you've read at least a couple of my reports, maybe even the Africa one? And I think you're right... maybe my first nursing school one. Those were the DIS days when there was a LOT more fun day to day chatter with tons of joking and roasting. Miss that!
I miss the days when I’d time to be on the Dis more. I’m not sure why that is as I’m definitely doing less “paid work” nowadays. I do look after my grandson after school and my youngest is still at school so between pick ups there’s less Dis time for sure. We definitely had some craic with eachother in the past so fingers crossed I can pop on more often and we can enjoy some banter again. I had a wee nosey at your tour of Italy and love how many places you discovered off the beaten track. I’ve only been once, to Tuscany, and loved it there. We stayed just outside Vinci. Beautiful place. We did visit Parc di Pinocchio with our two eldest ( 8 and almost 1 at the time). Happy memories
G is for: Grand Gala!

By 3:00 when the family did their photo session, most of the beach venue was set up. To say the least it was stunning! There were far more fresh flowers that I’d have ever expected, tons of tropical touches like bamboo baskets for light fixtures over the reception area, palm fans, a dance floor, a jumbotron TV, seagrasses for the aisles and chair backings, and a TON of freshly cut tropical green plants.



I’m not going to lie; the family photos were a little awkward. The families made their way down to the beach for our time slot in front of the backdrop they fashioned which really turned out lovely! But I don’t think the photographers knew or understood that while, yes, my ex and I were her parents, they kept putting us in the same photos and then having her stepmom trade me out. It was just weird. I have no idea what Mikki will do with those photos, but whatever. I’ve asked a few times for her to send me a few, but so far, she hasn’t. So, the photos I have for the entirety of this chapter were stolen off the FB pages of others, except the few that are watermarked.




(Dreamy, no?)

After photos, the ceremony started almost immediately. The weather was a bit cooler as they’d delayed it earlier in the day with the new time of 4:00- apparently, it was supposed to have started at 3:00. I thought that was a good move! It was a little breezy, just enough to keep us from really getting overheated. They chose to have a Catholic-infused/influenced ceremony with a priest, but was not a traditional Mass per se either. They did have “sponsors” which fulfilled a few roles like tying their hands together, doing the unity candle, and signing the document (which was fake because they were already legally married in Oregon a month prior).


(Those FLOWERS!)

I was happy that she did choose to have her dad and I both walk her down the aisle. I felt honored and touched. Mikki, I think was totally overwhelmed at the moment and cried all the way down the aisle. But she was an incredibly beautiful bride.


(Taken before the ceremony)



(Sorry these are out of order.)


(Don't let the smile fool you, she's crying.)

All said and done, it was short and sweet and the one thing that stood out more than anything else were their personally written vows. Both did a phenomenal job at keeping it authentic and you could really tell there was genuine love between them. I think it lasted a little under an hour and then everyone was free to hang out or do whatever they wanted until the reception at 6:30.

The wedding party itself, including me, were invited to a private happy hour at the top pool while Mik and Leander finished up a few more of their own photos before the reception. Anara and I headed up that way and found a VERY nice spread of goodies and we each had a cocktail. I chatted with Hannah, the bridesmaid I knew best, and Anara and I just relaxed, glad that the ceremony was over and the evening weather was perfect for a party.





I stopped by the pool thinking I wanted a few photos of myself near it and asked a random guest to shoot a few. Sadly, none of them are really in focus. Too bad too because I really kinda like a couple. Poop.


The music from the reception area started up to invite people down to the beach again, so I headed that way.




(The table centerpieces)


(My bouquet)

There was assigned seating and I was sat a table with people I’d never met and had no idea who even were. After a few minutes, I got the relationships vaguely down and it turns out that the gentleman next to me was a doctor of some sort, so we at least had something in common. We talked about California (I grew up there) and some other random stuff, but my mind was really not on the conversation to be honest. It was dreading the toast/speech I had to give.

The food was a real showstopper! The buffet seemed to go on for miles with loads of Asian dishes. But the real star of the show was the whole roast pig! She had told me a few weeks before the wedding that they spent more on that pig than they did on the cake. And yes, I did have a small serving, and yes, it was very delicious!



Did I mention they’d also, in addition to the small army of photographers, videographers, servers, coordinators (probably 50 or more people all told), hired a bona fide emcee? He was actually very good and kept the pace of the party going really nicely.



When dinner was winding down and people had been mostly served, he began the planned festivities starting with the toasts. I’d written out a nice little “I love you and wish you the best” spiel and it seemed to be well received. I was unbelievably relieved when my turn was over!!!

I don’t have a very good memory of the exact order of the rest of the things but do remember the cake cutting was shortly after dinner. It was a very simple cake, but I loved the little spray of dried flowers on it that coordinated with the reception area décor perfectly. They cut it for a few photo opps, but now, looking back, I don’t even know if they served it or not to guests? Maybe I just missed out on that entirely!


The dancing began with the Father-Daughter dance which they both thought was super cheesy by the looks on their faces. I could tell it was kinda awkward for them. Then they did the Bride-Groom’s first dance. After that, they did a Money Dance. I’m sure they loved that!!! Each was given a sash and some servers went around offering pins so people could give a little money gift by pinning it onto one of their sashes and they got to dance a little or just give hugs. I used the opportunity to give Michaela a hug and tell her I loved her one more time.



(See the sash full of cash?)

Sometime before the grand finale, each guest was given a little gift package with a bottle opener with their Micheala and Leander’s names on it along with a personalized photo of the guest taken that day. Mine turned out crappy and I think I may have even tossed it. To my shock, the videography team put together an extremely well done 5-minute video of a mixture of still shots and footage with music they played on the jumbotron. I could tell already that the photographers had done a jaw-dropping job for her. Truly, it was some of the best wedding photography I’ve ever seen.

After that there was the usual group free dancing. At some point right around 9:15, the emcee called everyone’s attention toward the water’s edge. I think it may have surprised a lot of folks, myself included, when a barrage of fireworks went off. Yes, you read that right! The reception ended with fireworks! I NEVER would have guessed that was going to part of this spectacular gala Michaela had planned. But, the very last thing that ended the reception/wedding was the emcee asking her if it was the wedding of her dreams and if they had anything to say to the guests. She teared up and said that the wedding was far, far more than she expected it would be or that she’d envisioned or planned even. I think even they were surprised at how incredibly grand it really was.

I stuck around for a little bit longer dancing but called it a night around 9:30. Yep, that’s me, the ultimate party pooper. Rumor has it that the bridal party stayed up until 2:00 in the pool doing shots and other dumb stuff that “kids” in their 20’s do. I slept actually not-to-bad for the first time since leaving the U.S.

Misc. photos I didn't know where to embed...




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I gotta get moving but your post popped up just as I’d corrected all the predicted text mistakes on mine 😂. Stupid phone ( nothing to do with me-honest) 😂
I couldn’t resist reading your post. All I can say is Wow! What a beautiful bride ( and groom). Looks like such a love-filled, happy day. The wedding set up is simply gorgeous and while you may have felt a wee bit awkward in the family group shots I think you look beautiful and I can clearly sense the love you share with your daughter. Will chat more later but just wanted to say how beautiful it all sounds and looks.
Cheerio for now 👋
Holy cow! What a wonderful wedding! The venue looks beautiful and the scenery - oh my. Such an elegant affair. You really cleaned up nice - very pretty. Your room at the resort vs the Airbnb was like stepping into another world. Thanks for sharing the story and photos!


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