Any meets in Oct/Nov?


<font color=teal>Is known to have Wizard of Oz mom
Nov 7, 2000
We were wondering if any of the DIS'ers were planning any meets in October or November? Since I've started using these boards, I feel like part of a huge family and although I'm generally an introvert I know I would love to come and meet people from the board. Everyone here has a way of making you feel comfortable and I've met so many nice people through pm's and board responses. It would be nice to put some faces to the names. Well, I'll keep checking the board for meets but if anyone knows of any, please feel free to PM, IM or just plain email lol. - Nancy

Hi Hadjii

There is a board called "Magic Meetings" here on the DIS, where people list meets they have planned and where you can sign up to be part of one.

You will find this board if you <b>CLICK HERE</b>.

I will be at WDW 11/27 through 12/5, so I probably will miss you.

Hadjii - A couple of us from the Collectors Board are having a meet on Oct. 28 at 11:00am at the Boardwalk pool. You don't have to be a pin collector to join us. We welcome everyone.

Nov. 3 at 1:00pm there is a meet at MGM by RNR coaster! Please feel free to join us!:D


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