Anyone doing the WDW triathlon?


DIS Veteran
Aug 5, 2003
I apologize if this has been discussed before? Just curious if anyone else is doing the triathlon in September. Having done the full marathon last year and the half this year, DH and I are ready for a new challenge! (More like a new excuse to get back to Disney :teeth: )

Anyway, I know absolutely nothing about triathlons, training, etc. I've bought a few books that I'm waiting to receive from Amazon, but other than that I could sure use some training tips, support, or advice on what to expect. Most importantly, is the triathlon a fun event like the marathon, or is it super-competitive like I imagine most triathlons to be? I hope DH and I won't be the only ones there who have no clue what we're doing! ;)
wow! thats brave!
I havent heard of it here on the boards.
I assume its running, biking and swimming?

I got my plate full doing the full next year but perhaps the year after! lol :cool1:

just curious, if swimming is involved, where would you swim there?
can't swim lakes ( chance of aligators....although, I think disney may have that under control, theres still a chance huh?)

then would it be a pool? :confused3

by any chance there a link to disney tri site?

I would love to learn more about it!

renee :flower3:
We aren't doing the Disney tri this year, but hope to either next year or the following. The swim is 1.5K, the bike is 40K, and the run is 10K. We went to the expo last September to look around and hear some of the speakers - very interesting!

If you want a shorter one to start with, the Danskin tri (women only) is May 14 at Disney. Last year's distance was swim 400 yds (in seven seas lagoon in front of MK), bike 9 miles, and run 2 miles through MK. I will be doing that one this year, and volunteered at it last year. For anyone who is interested in seeing how things work, volunteering is very rewarding and you learn soooo much!

Lynne (xterratri) is the one who has answered countless questions for me - try PMing her about the Disney Tri. I think she may have done it - I know she is doing the half ironman at Disney in May.

Hope that helps! :flower:
wiskband said:
wow! thats brave!
I havent heard of it here on the boards.
I assume its running, biking and swimming?

I got my plate full doing the full next year but perhaps the year after! lol :cool1:

just curious, if swimming is involved, where would you swim there?
can't swim lakes ( chance of aligators....although, I think disney may have that under control, theres still a chance huh?)

then would it be a pool? :confused3

by any chance there a link to disney tri site?

I would love to learn more about it!

renee :flower3:

Not sure if we're brave, or just crazy. :teeth:

There's not much information posted on the Disney site, but here's what little I found:


From what I'm told, the swim takes place at Ft. Wilderness in the lake. DH and I were concerned about alligators too, but the bass pro he went fishing with last week assured him it won't be a problem. I'm trusting (hoping) she knows what she's talking about! :)
crzy4pooh said:
If you want a shorter one to start with, the Danskin tri (women only) is May 14 at Disney. Last year's distance was swim 400 yds (in seven seas lagoon in front of MK), bike 9 miles, and run 2 miles through MK. I will be doing that one this year, and volunteered at it last year. For anyone who is interested in seeing how things work, volunteering is very rewarding and you learn soooo much!

Lynne (xterratri) is the one who has answered countless questions for me - try PMing her about the Disney Tri. I think she may have done it - I know she is doing the half ironman at Disney in May.

Hope that helps! :flower:

I wasn't aware of the Danskin tri, but that may be one I should check out too. Thanks for the tip! My only fear is doing it alone, I was counting on DH for moral support, but if it means an extra trip in May then maybe I can be convinced to go it alone ;)

I did PM Lynne as well as it seems that she's the go-to gal on this subject :teeth:

Thanks for your help!


I was worried about the gators in the lake, too. I participated in the 1/2 Ironman tri in 2004. No worries. Didn't spot one gator. Be ready to swim in disgusting water, though. Our swim was in Bay Lake from Ft. Wilderness.
Green, algae, etc. Nothing like getting a mouthful! :eek: Yuch!!

I'm doing a local sprint tri in May & then planning on doing Danskin next year. I heard it was a great event.
As already posted, I'm doing the Florida Half Ironman on site May 21st. The swim is also in Bay Lake/Fort Wilderness but it's before rather than after the summer when warm water temps tend to grow algae, etc. But I should also admit that the only thing in the water that would bother me are snakes, not plant life. Luckily, most living critters know to get the heck out of the way for a triathlon swim. All these crazy humans thrashing about, no gator and hopefully no snake would want to be anywhere near that.

I'm not doing the Danskin FL event at WDW because I already am flying to FL to race 3 out of 4 weekends anyway between St Anthony's international distance in St Petersburg, the 15 K Minnie Marathon weekend, and the Half Ironman. I also can't do the Sept race(or the DL 1/2 for that matter) because I'm racing Ironman Wisconsin Sept 10th.

About Danskin, it is a series and there is a Boston area event. It is the end of July. The races are cool in that there is an official last place finisher so it is never one of the entrants and they are women only. Very supportive. I haven't done one yet but have wanted to for years. I was at Ft Sam in TX last summer when the Boston race took place so I missed it but maybe this year.
:grouphug: send much LOVE with that whole swimming thing! lol

thats where I stop ( thinking about ever doing that!) lol :teeth:

I rent boats each time we go to wdw and that water look way to merky!
I am usually game for anything new but..............
that water freaks me out! lol
Not trying to scare anyone but alll I could think about is my brother in law saying ( when he first moved to FL ) is " first rule of thumb when living in FL, any body of water no matter how small, can contain an aligator". I think that will always stick in my head. I mean i am sure disney is on top of their saftey issues and trust that there arent any gators in there but canthelp but think that if i actually went in there that would be all I would think of!

then again i dont even like to ocean ( afraid of sharks ) lol. I know the chances are slim but cant help but think of it actually happening! :confused3

good luck to you all!
I am gonna stick to LAND! lol :rotfl2:

renee :wave2:


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