"Aunt Keli this ain't nothing but a dumb doll!"


<font color=darkcoral>We're smarter than the avera
Oct 27, 1999
My mom and I took my niece and nephew to the store the other day and were letting them each pick out a toy. My niece got the 'good luck doll' that she's seen advertised on tv.
Apparently the comercials show kids making wishes and the doll grants them. I had no idea my niece thought this was actually true when she picked out this doll but she did, very much so, lol.
She opened it up in the car on the way home and said "I wish my brother had a mohawk". I heard her saying this in the backseat (while sitting next to her brother) and a minute later she absolutely cracked me up by saying (In a voice full of disgust) "Aunt Keli, this ain't nothing but a dumb doll!" I started to laugh because it was just so funny but she was upset so I had stifle it pretty quick and offer a little comfort.
It still makes me laugh when I think about how disgusted she was when she realized she'd been tricked by the comercial. She's six and very dramatic.


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