"Auntie Mame" -- favorite quotes


<font color=deeppink>Another Konk Kooler please...
Sep 5, 2002
I just watched "Auntie Mame" again and I'd forgotten some of the zingers that are thrown about. Has anybody else seen it?

Two of my favorite witty little lines ---

Dwight Babcock: For nine years, Mame Dennis Burnside, I have done everything in my power to protect this boy from your idiotic, cockeyed nincompoopery.

--- and ---

Auntie Mame: Oh, Agnes! Here you've been taking my dictations for weeks and you haven't gotten the message of my book: live!
Agnes Gooch: Live?
Auntie Mame: Yes! Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!

Ginny ;)
Cracking knuckles...off the top of my head....shoot trying to remember zingers

"They had to cancel the party. The bootlegger couldn't come"

"Live, live, live"

"Braces on her Brain"
I love the bootlegger comment. Very funny!!!!!

Ginny :)
From Agnes Gooch-"I'm your sponge!" I know she has others, just can't remember offhand.
From Patrick's first fiance-"I stepped on the ping pong ball!"
Can you tell what my favorite scene is?
"NUTS" Properly placed when addressing Mr. Babcock. :rotfl:

That and the name of their estate... Upson Downs. :rolleyes:

I love that movie and Rosalind Russell was such a great actress. That part was made for her!
"it's my own recipie-tunafish, peanut butter and clam juice"-mrs. babcock (p.s. i did this as my first college production as we made the snacks as the recipie called for one night :goodvibes ).

"momma says the bubbles look like there coming right out of my head"-the babcock daughter.

"who are you"? (patrick)
"pageen ryan, unincorporated-and you must be 'the little darlin'"-pageen ryan (ultimatly the wife of patrick).

if you get the opportunity to read the book it is great (goes into detail about many more of mame's exploits). patrick dennis wrote several other books that are in a similar vein (with mame and auntie vera type characters).
LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie!!!

My favorite line is just after Mame puts a match to everyone's drinks (when she invites the Upsons and Mr. Babcock to an "engagement" party):

"Is everyone lit?" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
She was refering to a sculpter she had known.....

MAME: A divine man...such talented fingers. Oh, what he did to my bust

I love this movie and can re-watch it over and over...I've not seen it in a while actually and this thread brought back good memories of the film.. :flower:
I grew up watching "Auntie Mame" with my family, so it was natural that when my brother and his wife had the first grandchild, we christened my mom, the new grandma, Mamie! (Remember how the Upson's called her Mamie?). I love the "Are we all lit?" line too! I also love the secret ingrediant of the Upson Daquiri: "Honnneeeeyyyyyyy". :goodvibes

Thanks for the giggles, guys! Rosalind Russell Rocks!
Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.
Every time I watch it I pick up on another couple of zingers.... caught the "is everybody lit" one last night.

And "little Glory" --- stepping on the ping pong ball :rotfl: how dreadful!



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