balloon rides?


<font color=coral>was having a blond moment at the
Nov 28, 2003
Has anyone ever done a balloon ride over the Napa Valley? I was wondering if there are tours to do that. :confused3
OK< a real stupid question but I have never been to CA, where is Napa Valley and how far is it from DL? If it is to far I might have to make that my next year trip, I would love to go there :cool1:
^Napa Valley is in Northern California, somewhat near SF. Disneyland is in Southern California, somehwat near LA.
We did it two years ago and it was the highlight of the trip. It took us three tries as the first two were "weathered" out. I'm usually afraid of heights and oddly this didn't bother me. The view above Napa is undescribable. totally peacefull and tranquil. :thumbsup2
i've done a couple and have a friend who works on the chase crew. most of the trips are set up such that the ride is divided into two parts. half the passengers load in and when their part of the ride ends they load into the chase crew's mini van and follow the balloon to the final destination. when the balloon lands it's loaded into the trailer and everyone goes for a champagne brunch (included in the cost).

you have to get up REALY early because the balloons fly first thing in the morning (i think you get to the take off place around 6 am)-and then plan on being done around 11'ish. the views are incredible-and if it's foggy in napa they tend to come over the hills to dixon and winters (it's not unusual to see half a dozen in the air over my kid's school on fall mornings).

it is a neat experience-you can look at the napa visitors website and get the company names/prices.
I've never been in an air balloon ride but I'll certainly love to do it. I don't know when....sometimes soon I hope.


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