Best place for Gym membership


DIS Veteran
May 13, 2006
With the weather turning cooler, I'm thinking about finally getting a gym membership to help spice up workouts during the colder months. I'm really lucky to have several gyms close within 5 or so miles of home, and I'd love to hear feedback about which gym is the best. I have a couple considerations that are important in my decision. First, price needs to be reasonable. I'll be the only one going to the gym, so that helps with price some, but I would really like to pay no more than $50/month if possible. Second, It would be nice if the club had a pool for me to use when I start triathlon training next year. The pool isn't a deal breaker, but it would be nice. I know the cheaper clubs don't have them. I'm really looking for somewhere to get in a workout where I can mix it up and not get bored.

The gyms near me that I am considering are:
  • Lifetime Fitness
  • 24 Hour Fitness
  • Planet Fitness
  • Snap Fitness

If you have been to, or go to any of these gyms please let me know what you like and don't like about them. I don't really have time to go visit all of them, so I'd like to narrow the list down before I make a decision.


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