"Build A Pins"??


<font color=navy>Donkey-Huggin' DVC Member<br><fon
May 1, 2000
I'm not on the cutting edge of pin collecting (or anything else for that matter! ;) ) so I might have missed these being mentioned. My ds just handed me his new issue of "Disney Adventures" and on pg. 22, they have a little article about pin trading. At the bottom of the page, they have a little picture of two "background" pins with tiny pins of characters added to them. It says "Create 'Build A Pins', where you can select a background, choose your favorite characters and make your very own collectible."

We were at WDW last month and didn't see anything like this. Can anyone enlighten me? TIA!!
This is going to be opening in July at DTD in WDW The round buliding near the pin cart
Aaahhh! Thanks, Sue! Something else to look forward to in October! ;)


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