Byetta question


Jun 21, 2004
I'm a type 2 diabetic and I've just been put on Byetta. The stuff works great for me. But is has to be refridgerated. We are going to WDW in February, and I was wondering how to keep the Byetta cold. I've never flown with needles and medicine that needs to be kept cold. I've never done the parks with this either. How do you do it? We aren't the type to go back to our room during the day. I can do my morning dose at the resort, but dinner is a problem. Any ideas?
Two answers to this.

One is check Byetta's Web Site. A little under a year ago they sent out a notice that, similar to insulin, the current in-use pen does not need refrigeration but it should be kept under about 80 degrees.

The other is go to and get a Frio Wallet. I have one of their double wallets so I can carry both a Byetta Pen as well as a preloaded insulin syringe (or two insulin bottles with the pen). It originally comes with crystals sealed inside which soaking in water will convert to a gel. The gel, as it evaporates, will keep the temperature inside the wallet at about 60 and will be good for up to 48 hours. There is a waterproof and insulated outer shell.

There are several people here that use the Frio wallets and I have only heard high recommendations and no complains. (And I have never had airport/TSA problems either.)
If you Google "Diabetic Organizer" or even visit a Walgreens or local pharmacy, you will find a myriad of diabetic organizers, wallets, and purses that have a special compartment that is designed to keep insulin and medicines cool. They use the aforementioned frio packs, and from what I understand, they are pretty good.

You can also take medicines to first aid to keep in the refrigerator there. (At least, I think you can).


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