Camera for stop motion?


I went ahead and signed up for another kid!
Feb 13, 2010
Want to get DD12 a camera - nice and is good for stop motion animation. But on a budget around 400-500. I have a nikon dslr so if I get a nikon she can use my lenses.
ANy recommendations?
You can get a D3x00 for ~500, usually with a kit lens. At B&H, you might be able to get a D5x000 as a refurb for about the same.

Don't forget a decent tripod head!
Thanks. was actually looking earlier at refurbished D5500. Is that a "better" camera than the D3X00 line?

I know -- the accessories are key right!! :)
Well, over the 3x00, the 5500 has:
- a larger, articulated screen (this can be a big thing)
- builtin wireless
- touch screen
- more focus points
- bluetooth

Yeah, you can buy an add-on for the 3x00 to do interval shooting but the 5500 has it onboard. That's handy. For stop motion work, that alone would make shooting go a LOT faster.

Per dollar, even tho a refurb, I do think the 5x00 series is a better choice (I don't think the prices are that much different to justify the cheaper camera). The bracketing and wireless are really convenient too. And the ability to move the screen around, for stop motion, would be a big plus.
Well, over the 3x00, the 5500 has:
- a larger, articulated screen (this can be a big thing)
- builtin wireless
- touch screen
- more focus points
- bluetooth

Yeah, you can buy an add-on for the 3x00 to do interval shooting but the 5500 has it onboard. That's handy. For stop motion work, that alone would make shooting go a LOT faster.

Per dollar, even tho a refurb, I do think the 5x00 series is a better choice (I don't think the prices are that much different to justify the cheaper camera). The bracketing and wireless are really convenient too. And the ability to move the screen around, for stop motion, would be a big plus.

Thank you so much for the info. Truly appreciate it.


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