Character pictures at finish of Half?


DIS Veteran
May 1, 2002
In my search of the photos I had noticed that some were able to have pictures taken at the finish with the characters in front of the Marathon Weekend boards. Are those the early early finishers or was that still available throughout and if so where?
No- I was one of the late finishers & had pics with Donald & Daisy. I could have done Mickey & Minnie, but I didnt have time to wait in the looooong line. There wasn't a professional photographer there when I did it, but DH took the pics. I found them when I was walking(hobbling by that time) over to the 5k area with the family.
I didn't pay any attention to where the 5K area was (visited the Merchadise trailer before catching the bus which was a wasted time for me since i never made it to the front and they didn't have the course postcards this year), I did noticed the 5K Volunteer check in since it was over by the Merchandise trailer. On the map of the Tent City the Merchandise Trailer is that blue box next to Tent 8.

Do you have the Event Guide & Schedule booklet? (small square one) Which way should we have gone to catch the characters?

Next year I'll stand in line for the characters but not for shopping. No worries though for Disney I did and will again buy all my stuff at the Expo and if they don't have it then oh well. But I really really want our pic taken with some characters immediately afterwards. We did get a nice pic of us on Sunday in our I DID IT shirts with our medals and Donald looking splendid so all is still good. :goodvibes

Thanks Tiffj!!!! Thanks for mentioning the lack of a photographer too, I'll use that to drag my Mom to the finish rather then letting her pace a hole in our rug at that resort LOL
When we came to tent city to see half finishers, we came through the parking lot. Donal and Daisy were there dancing in front of a bug wall with the marathon logos. The family meet area was behind this wall. I think it woul dbe easy to miss as a finisher, because it was on teh opposite side of teh bus stops and you would have just seen the back from the family meet area. I hope this makes some sense.
Totally understand! :) That will be perfect next year and makes perfect sense that it's by the Reunion area.

Susan and I did 3.7 miles tonight at a nice chatting walking pace. She brought her dog to keep us faithful to walking ;) Jogged a bit here and there and all seems to be recovering nicely :teeth: Wooohooo LOL

Thanks!!!! It's going to be a loooong year until Sept 1st then it will have flown by and I'll be in a new panic ;)


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