children under 6 at discovery cove?


<font color=green>WL Vet<br><font color=red>My AP
Jul 25, 2002
Hi Everyone!
This may have been asked before but I couldnt find it in a search- I have a 4 year old and we were going to go to Discovery cover one day during our Dec trip (we're going with my parents,my dh, the 4 year old, and an 8 and a 10 year old)
Do they have baby swap or something so we could all do the dolphin swim together? What about the snorkling areas? He'd be just as happy to paddle around while we snorkle- is that allowed? Will it scare the fish away?
We were there the year they opened with our kids - 2 of them were too young to swim with the dolphins. Unfortunately, you will have to get 2 separate swim times so one of you can stay with the kids. (unless they have changed something since we were there) However, the one who is with the kids can be standing right there on the beach watching the one swimming with the dolphins, taking pictures, etc. if you want. We had to do this when we went. My older son and I did the swim first while my husband stayed with the other 2, then he did the next swim time while I stayed with the kids.

As for the snorkeling - the young one can go in with you. It is just a swimming lagoon with fish. My young ones would not go in because it was cold water - quite a bit colder than the swimming lagoon. They also did not like the salt water! (the swimming lagoon is fresh water) As soon as I saw the huge stingray/man-o-war or something that was bigger than my husband, I decided I didn't need to be in there either, so it worked out! :eek:
I'll be honest...I wouldn't take a young child to DC. I left my 4yo with Grandma that day. There were lots of families there with little ones, but there's not really a lot for little ones to do there. As a previous poster said, the fish lagoon water is cold and salty. Even my 10yo swim-team-swimming DD got a little freaked out by how deep it is, even though she knew she couldn't sink with her wet suit on. There are lots of other fun things for a little one to do on a Florida vacation, but DC is a whole lot more relaxing and enjoyable for older kids and grown-ups. (I saw one dad trying do deal with a toddler who had to go potty NOW right while he was trying to video other family members doing their dolphin swim.)

DC was a special day for 10yo DD and me. 4yoDD got a Cinderella dinner alone with me, and 12yo DS got a day at Islands of Adventure alone with me.
Oh my - I disagree! My kids loved it there and still talk about it more than 3 years later. They loved the swimming lagoon with the cave to swim through. My daughter just kept the life vest on all day and loved to be able to walk into the water and "swim" anytime she wanted. She played in the sand most of the day - she was covered in it half the time! All the kids loved floating around the lazy river and looking at the neat stuff under the water. They also had a great time in the aviary feeding the birds and walking around seeing all of them. They even liked the stingray pool. I thought that would freak them out, but didn't - they even fed them!

I thought there was plenty there to keep them happy. They love the beach, though, and are happy to just play in sand and water - so maybe some young ones would get bored with nothing more "exciting" to do, but mine loved it and we had a relaxing day with the whole family.
Maybe it partly depends on how tightly strapped your funds are. I was really stretching the budget for 10yo DD and I to go; I sure couldn't imagine paying >$100 for a child who wouldn't be able to fully participate (and who would keep me from fully participating as well.)
That's true - especially if you were the only adult in your party, I can see where that would make it difficult. You don't have anyone to switch off with to do the dolphin swim and it would be hard to "get your money's worth" if you couldn't do the dolphin swim!

I guess it depends on the family, who's going, etc. I think it would also depend on the young child. Some kids that young are not going to be happy sitting on a beach or swimming all day - they want more action! I suppose each person has to judge their own child's personality in deciding if DC is good for their little ones or not.
I'm on the side that says leave them home.

Yes, they might have fun, but your day is spent revolving around them. A 4 year old doesn't understand how much money mommy/daddy are spending to make it happen. A 4 year old will barely remember the trip. A 4 year old doesn't stop talking, that's just the way they are.

DC is place you wanna go, where you can relax. Think of the Keys, a beach, drink in your hand, snorkling, floating around a lazy river.

Little kids like to control their parents by saying NO at any suggestion.
We took our 2 year old last time with us. Although he wasn't allowed to do the Dolphin swim at the end of our swim we had a word with the trainer. They then brought the dolphin into the shallows so that my son could stroke him. It really made his holiday. he also had a great time feeding the birds with fish., playing in the sand and paddling in the water. I say take them - we are coming back to discovery cove this year with our now 4 yr old son and he is already looking forward to saying hello to the dolphins again.

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


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