Confused about all this marriage stuff


<font color=red>all I can say is beer hurts when i
Oct 11, 2005
I'm really confused about all of this defense of marriage stuff our elected leaders are wasting our time with.

Is this the same marriage that 40% of end up in divorce?

Is this the same marriage that people don't even think about before having kids?

Is this the marriage you can go to Vegas, pound down a few drinks, get in the car, and do it in a drive through?

If so, why do we want to be a part of this?

I'll take the committed relationship I've been in for 10 years now, you can keep the paperwork and the church ceremony!

And one more thing.......anyone else think it's ironic that the Catholic church is jumping all over this? This institution is one group that should keep their mouth shut on same sex relationships.

Just my two cents! Now get off this board and write your Congress person and let them know how disappointed in them you are that they are even wasting our tax money on something this ridiculous! It's not going to pass, and we have enough other problems for them to handle!

Off my soap box now, back to Disney conversation!
And how about the hollywood marriages (a couple years at most) since we're all so into star worshiping these days - now those are some nice role models for "the kids".
wallyb said:
And how about the hollywood marriages (a couple years at most)

Oh, you mean like the Britney Spears 55 hour marriage.

Of course we all know that if two people of the same sex get married over here, it will destroy all the straight marriages over there. Now I just need someone to explain to me why this is true.
OrlandoMike said:
I'm really confused about all of this defense of marriage stuff our elected leaders are wasting our time with.

Is this the same marriage that 40% of end up in divorce?

Is this the same marriage that people don't even think about before having kids?

Is this the marriage you can go to Vegas, pound down a few drinks, get in the car, and do it in a drive through?

If so, why do we want to be a part of this?

I'll take the committed relationship I've been in for 10 years now, you can keep the paperwork and the church ceremony!

And one more thing.......anyone else think it's ironic that the Catholic church is jumping all over this? This institution is one group that should keep their mouth shut on same sex relationships.

Just my two cents! Now get off this board and write your Congress person and let them know how disappointed in them you are that they are even wasting our tax money on something this ridiculous! It's not going to pass, and we have enough other problems for them to handle!

Off my soap box now, back to Disney conversation!

Geez Mike...I'm sure we're on the same side about this, but just to be clear I REALLY DO "want to be a part of this". And as to "all that"paperwork and the church cerimony, I fear you're missing the point. My wife and I married last fall on our boat, not a church within miles and as to the paper work, we only needed to file our intention to marry and :wizard: "poof" we had a marrige licence.

If you haven't guessed by now I live in MA. I can tell you NOTHING has done more to bulster my feeling on inclusion in this worl then to be able to marry, with the sanction of my state, the woman I love.

Oh, and why is it ironic that the church should have an opinion about same sex relationships? I don't get it?

My point about "the church" or more correctly the Catholic Church is the following.........

They have spent millions defending corrupt priests....or should I say pedophiles. Who are they to say that I cant have a commited relationship with another man? Anyone who has had any kind of relationship with the Catholic church can attest that a large percentage of priests are gay, and a very alaming number are convicted peophiles. I'm not a great biblical scholar, but the phrase "Clean up your own house before you worry about mine" or "He who is without sin...." comes to mind.

In reality, yes, I would love to be able to get married, heck, I cant even adopt kids down here in Florida! Even though there are hundreds of kids stuck in foster care, living from house to house. It's just frustrating that our government is

1. Wasting time and money fighting this loosing battle.

2. Dispelling myths and rumors about us.

And 3. Blaming us for their falure at the institution of marriage.

I've been watching numerous news stations tonight, and from what I can tell, the majority of Americans are also fed up with this whole subject!
I keep hearing that the BIBLE says Marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman. It occured to me that I have heard this statement over and over but not once has anyone backed it up with a quotation.

So I decided to do a bit of research. Guess what? Nowhere does the Bible define marriage as between one man and one woman. Web sites in support of same-sex marriage will point this out, but more interestingly the sites opposed to same-sex marriage do not supply a biblical quotation that defines marriage as one man / one woman.

So all this fuss to amend the constitution is based on a lie.
What is even more frustrating OrlandoMike, regarding Florida adoption bias, is that same gendered couples can (and are) be Foster Parents! The last time I checked (I work in a social service capacity, but not with children) there were NO documentations of abuse, neglect or endangerment of children with same gendered foster parents. The numbers are startlingly high for opposite gendered couples.

I was listening to NPR today and there are any number of legislators speaking out against this attempt at manipulation of the constitution. The reporter seemed to think that there was little chance of it coming to pass.
OrlandoMike said:
My point about "the church" or more correctly the Catholic Church is the following.........

They have spent millions defending corrupt priests....or should I say pedophiles. Who are they to say that I cant have a commited relationship with another man? Anyone who has had any kind of relationship with the Catholic church can attest that a large percentage of priests are gay, and a very alaming number are convicted peophiles. I'm not a great biblical scholar, but the phrase "Clean up your own house before you worry about mine" or "He who is without sin...." comes to mind.

In reality, yes, I would love to be able to get married, heck, I cant even adopt kids down here in Florida! Even though there are hundreds of kids stuck in foster care, living from house to house. It's just frustrating that our government is

1. Wasting time and money fighting this loosing battle.

2. Dispelling myths and rumors about us.

And 3. Blaming us for their falure at the institution of marriage.

I've been watching numerous news stations tonight, and from what I can tell, the majority of Americans are also fed up with this whole subject!

Hey Mike....well put.

The whole priest scandal really rocked Boston!!! It was our own Cardinal B. Law who enabled soooooo much of the pediphelia (sp?) to go unchecked for so long. Of course as a result of this, the bastartd was promoted to the vatican!

Sadly, some people, rather than directing their anger at the church opted, insted, to confuse homosexuals with though they were one in the same. :furious:
As it is, the Boston Archdioses has opted to end its involment in the adoption and placement of childern so long as MA allows for gay adoption. The message, we'd rather let children linger in foster care then be adopted by gays....even though all stats demonstrate that gays in MA adopt the "hard to place kids", i.e older/non-white or with special needs.

Oh this freekin world...huh?!?

Take care,
A few years ago there was a documentary on a couple of guys down here in Miami who have taken in HIV baby's. These kids were literally one step away from the dumpster, as nobody else would take them. They brought some of them home, nurtured them back to health, and now have quite the "Brady Bunch" family going. Now that the kids are on a pretty good drug regime, and are undetectable in the HIV area, the state wanted to come in and put them up for adoption! It's been a few years, but I'm pretty sure Rosie got involved, and the two gentlemen (Saints in my book) still have all of the kids. The whole story is a little fuzzy in my mind, but one thing still sticks out....
These two guys were good enough to take these kids who were literally on deaths door, kids that had been abandoned by their biological parents, but once they were "healthy" the state wanted them back. This story is both sad and wonderful! If anyone has any more information on this story, or can fill in the blanks feel free to do so.
Fast marriage fact, MA is the state with the lowest divorce rate. I've seen a list of states by divorce rate, highest at the top, lowest at the bottom, and almost without exception it is all red then blue.

I suspect the Catholic Church's pedophilia issue is way larger than we know. I have a relative by marriage, that had a priest as an uncle. When he was a teenager he stayed with him at the rectory for the summer. There was a reunion week while he was there, and out of 20 or so priests, only 3 didn't hit on him (and one was his uncle).

I'd never bash Catholics, I know a lot of wonderful people who are Catholics (my parents included), but it is the business that is the Church that I have issues with.
I know this is totally immature to say but.....

I just wish catholics who want to legalize discrimination should go back to their own country. The Vatican is its own sovereign nation including a non voting rights placement at the UN. Go change the laws there and keep the church and state separate here in the USA



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