Countdown To Spring!


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
With Spring officially starting in less then two weeks, I thought it might be nice to list some of our favourite Spring things! :)

I'll start with something fairly obvious, getting rid of the snow!!!! I'm looking forward to going to the mall without getting hoarse from yelling MUSH to the dog team! ;) :)


Next? :)
I want my pussywillows to bloom!

I want my backyard to stop looking like Pigpen's home!
Seeing my crocus's,daffodills,tulips etc. finally break ground!!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc ;)
The to open my windows and let that smell in. bright and cheerful.
Opening the windows for fresh air.....Going out in the yard to see who's poking thru the dirt.....WARMTH!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D
To put away my DARNED BOOTS!!!!

BTW - I noticed prior to coming here that the Flower and Garden Board has EXACTLY 1,000 posts!!! Isn't that grand!!??!?!!!

:bounce: :) :Pinkbounc :bounce: :cool: :p :Pinkbounc
<center><font size=6>Peepers</font>

I know spring cannot be far once I hear this sound. I love the sounds of nature and this is one of my favorites.
Opening the windows to let in a warm Spring breeze is wonderful! :)

I look forward to DH hauling out and cleaning off the patio furniture, so I can relax on it!! ;) :)

Tulirose, yes, I think it's GRAND!! :) I was hoping we would reach that milestone before the 1st Anniversary of the F & G, which I believe is approx. April 9th. We did it!!! :) :bounce: :)
Another Spring treat to look forward too. :)

Collecting the sap in the sugar bush,

to make delicious, Maple Syrup! :)

Yummy! :)
A special sound in spring for me has got to be Robins singing in the morning!:sunny: And, yes letting the warm breezes and bright morning sunshine stream through my kitchen windows.

Congratulations Snowwark!:bounce: :Pinkbounc
I didn't doubt you for a minute!:bounce: :Pinkbounc ;)
Grass... I really miss walking in the grass.:D
The pink delicate blossoms on my weeping cherry tree. I can't wait!!
This morning DH and I woke up to birds singing. It was SO nice!
Spring is very very near!
KIM!!!!!!! That is too funny!!!!!!!!:p :p :p :p :p

Now that it's almost spring? I think we skipped spring and went straight to summer.

Let's see - I love how all the amaryllis in our neighborhood have shot up in the last week or so. Many are blooming and it is quite a site to behold.

I love how green our grass is. It always looks so full and lush and green in the spring. Let's hope that lasts through the summer! ;)

I love the smell of all the orange blossoms. March is my new favorite month. You can smell them everywhere. It is such a treat to ride around with the windows open in the car, especially when you pass by an orange grove.

I love all the dragonflies that live in our back yard. They are beautiful shades of metallic green and they zip around like crazy.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY love the brown thrasher

who comes to visit me in the morning and the evening. I thought for ages that the song I heard was coming from a mockingbird until I caught site of this guy through my binoculars. He's got a MARVELOUS voice and puts the mockinbird to shame. :)
Maybe someday I'll get to experience the fragrance of orange blossoms, they sound wonderful! :) Maybe the song of the Brown Thrasher too! :)


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