Does anyone collect Department 56?


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Jan 19, 2000
I just bought another Department 56 house to add to my village and was wondering if anyone else here collects any of the Dept. 56 series. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dept 56, they are miniature villages, most with a Christmas scene. I collect the original Snow Village but would also like to start collecting the Christmas in the City series. We also have all of the Monopoly series. Any other collecting nuts out there?
I've always wanted to collect these, so last year Santa left our first one for us. He set it up on our coffee table. It's Ginny's Cookie Treats from the North Pole Collection. It might not have been the series that I would have originally chosen, but DD's name is Ginny, and it's REALLY hard to find anything with her name on it. I also make a gingerbread house every year for a fundraising festival here in town, and this building is a gingerbread house, so it seemed a perfect house for us. Hopefully we'll get another one this year.
Last year I was working in a store that sold them. I still work for the same company, but the store I'm in doesn't carry them, so I'll have to go to the other store to check them out.
I have some of the North pole series...I tried to sell them on ebay to no avail, I thought they would go like hot cakes..oh well there is always my yearly yard sale next summer ..I love them I just have NO ROOM for anymore Christmas stuff... They are so adorable..I almost got the Haloween version but talked myself outta it......hehehehehe:D
I have about 5 now, and I just love these houses. We had a sore move here in town and they were selling what they had left at 40% off so DH grabbed a few for me and put them away for my birthday in November so I am really looking forward to see which new additions I got.
Wow! 40% off - I would have gone crazy buying these up.
I collect the Dickens village houses. I have about 10 houses and various other pieces. Unfortunately I am not getting any more because the table I display them on is not big enough for any more. But I love setting them up every Christmas.
hey hockey mom! Was that when the Gallery closed? I didn't realize that they had the houses on too, or I might have gone down and checked it out. They are part of Browsers Nook which is where I work. I'm at the one at Portage Place.
I started collecting these in 2000. I have about 5 houses now and lots of accessories. My DH went crazy on Ebay last year before Xmas and got a whole bunch of people for the village.
Baboo, it was that store on Charlotte street, not sure of the name. All they did was move though, so I couldn't understand why they were selling them off. I can't wait to set up my new collection this year. All I have had previous years was a cheaper, smaller edition, always dreaming of the real thing.
I have 5 or 6 (?) of the Dickens Village buildings, and a few accessories. I have a new, small greenhouse type window in my kitchen, and I think I'm going to set them up there this Christmas. I think it might look nice if we get any snow, they'll be framed by it.

Kim :)
I bought my wife an inexpensive but very nice Santa's Village (not Dept. 56) from Costco last year. One of the first gifts I opened was a house from the Dickens Village Series. So now I am a new collector of Dept. 56. If you are ever in Banff, check out the Spirit of Christmas as the entire back of their sizeable store is devoted to Dept. 56.
When we were in DL in June they have a Dept 56 store at Downtown Disney, I thought I had died and gone to hevan. DH took pictures of me with my entire series all set up. :D
I just bought the new Scrooge flat that has the 3 ghosts spinning around Scrooge. It's great!



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