Does Disney cancel your ADR's if you cancel your trip?


DIS Veteran
Jun 22, 2007
Just wondering if Disney automatically cancels ADR's for the 90+10 rule if you cancel your trip. I want to make sure that I cancel my ADR's after I make them so that someone else can get them! I am not sure yet if the trip is definitely going to be cancelled, so I still want to make ADR's just in case. This economy is killing me:sad2: I basically am just not sure if the ADR's are automatically cancelled. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi lala,

First I want to say, I am sorry that you may have to cancel your vacation. :hug:

Disney will not automatically cancel them. You will need to ask to have them canceled with you call.

Also - if you could please give a little notice of your cancellations on our December 2009 Cancelation thread, that would be great. It could really help those that are looking for something they could not get that perhaps you did. :)
Hi lala,

First I want to say, I am sorry that you may have to cancel your vacation. :hug:

Disney will not automatically cancel them. You will need to ask to have them canceled with you call.

Also - if you could please give a little notice of your cancellations on our December 2009 Cancelation thread, that would be great. It could really help those that are looking for something they could not get that perhaps you did. :)

Thank you very much for the advice:hug::hug:
I will definitely post what I am going to cancel a few days in advance, if I do in fact have to cancel the trip. I am still not sure what I am going to do about that yet. My 8 year old daughter will be devastated if we cancel:sad2:


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