"Fight Me, CRY-lo Ren!" and Other Tales of Mayhem! May 2016/Grad Trip Report! **NEW 7/5!!!

I JUST missed the chance to meet Rabbit when I was in Disneyland about 10 years ago.
Been wanting my picture with him ever since - you lucky dog!!
You must tell us your buzz lightyear secrets! I've never been a galactic hero :confused:

See Ya Reel Soon has a really good how-to guide on their YouTube channel! My go-to targets are the back of the robot's hand in the first room, the volcano in the second room, and the bottom of Zurg's ship in the third and final rooms. The robot and the ship are all worth 100,000 points per hit!

Ah, I am LOVING your TR so far! First off, congrats on graduation! Second, you and your friend are so cute! I love when people get REALLY into Disney, it makes me feel like not such a weirdo for being REALLY into Disney. Gotta love the DIS ;)

That stinks about all the rain your first night but you guys really made the best of it! And I always say, a rainy day in Disney is better than a rainy day at home! ::yes::

I'll be there in Dec staying at Beach Club Villas & we are definitely going to eat at Beaches & Cream (just made ADR's this morning actually!)
That grilled cheese w/ tomato bisque looks RIGHT up my alley...so yummy!

Looking forward to reading more! :goodvibes

Thank you! The actual ceremony was this morning, so it's been a busy couple weeks (hence the lack of chapters!). I think getting really into it is the best way to go. Really just fully immersing ourselves in the magic!

I agree!

So jealous! It's so delicious, I'd definitely recommend it.

Yes!! I said this as well! Right down to them bringing Paint the Night to WDW. That parade is amazing. I really hope they're working on that.

I hope so too! I know Disney is working around budgets and such with Shanghai but I hope this goes on the to-do list.

Just caught up!

When I graduated college people kept asking me if it was my high school graduation too. I guess I must just look young, I actually changed majors and ended up doing an extra year so I was even older than a college grad. :rotfl2:

My first time seeing a palm tree in person was also an amazing experience, I kept taking pictures of them and my boyfriend thought it was hilarious that I was so in awe of the trees, haha.

Ah, I can't believe you met Rabbit, good call with your veto power.

Later in the week, some girls thought we'd just graduated 8TH GRADE and were the same age as they were!! (That one was more insulting than flattering!)

She was so excited! I have to admit I was too, though I saw my first palm tree when I was six in Arizona. And then saw some more in Mexico a couple years later.

100% accurate. Glitter gets everywhere and it STAYS. Those kids probably sparkle for months after returning home.

There is still glitter in my things! Cassie and I were pointing it out even in the airport on the way home. That stuff is unreal.

That's a great wait for 7DMT! I hope I see something like that. I'm not that big on the ride itself, the seats are too uncomfortable for my liking, so I've given up trying to make a FP for it. But I'd also obviously never wait an hour in a standby line XD I really want to see the queue though. So here's to hoping for a shorter wait at some point during our upcoming trip!

It was! Especially because Cassie loved it and we only had FP'ed it twice. I'm 5'8 with thicker thighs so I was nervous about the seats, but I don't find them to be too bad. I'm usually so focused on the swaying that if my legs are uncomfortable I don't notice. The little games were really cool with the spinning barrels!

That is weird to me, too. Feels like the parade should be announced first, really. And the Pinocchio float always creeps me out. Also, they are remaking Pete's Dragon so I guess it will become relevant again - but then, they completely changed Elliot's design, so maybe not so much. I'd love for them to bring Paint the Night too, it looks gorgeous. But with how much that parade must cost to produce, and how they've been cutting corners in the US parks (#ThanksShanghai) I don't foresee that happening any time soon.

Hopefully it is a thing for the future. I'd love to experience that parade in person! But as long as it doesn't somehow boot Festival of Fantasy!

Yaaay! I'm glad to hear that. I like Pirates, but with the reports of the standing water filling up the bottom and the waves sloshing over the sides, we decided to skip it last November. Glad to hear we'll be good to ride it again now :)

It is way smoother now!

I loooove this Disneybound! I want that skirt!

H&M! :rotfl:

:eek: (We've yet to have that happen to us, throughout five trips in four years :sad:)

That's a great policy. Let the newbie lead so you don't overwhelm her/overwork her, but put your foot down when she's making stupid choices :laughing: (Of course, I'm kidding, it's not stupid choices if it's made from lack of knowledge we veterans have :P And even we veterans sometimes make stupid choices :sad2:)

Sheesh, you can meet Pluto out and about in like, half the parks. Obviously, Rabbit is a bigger deal! We actually got to meet him once in Christopher Robin's bedroom with Pooh. Our friend was disappointed cause we'd told her Tigger usually meets there, and he's her favorite, but we were bouncing up and down with excitement. She probably thought us a bit insensitive :laughing: But we had a special Crystal Palace breakfast booked for the next morning, so we weren't really ;)

We were so excited to see those gates open!! Me moreso than Cassie, of course. She was happy once she knew that Rabbit was rare and that we'd be seeing Pluto at dinner in a few days.

That's awesome to have seen him in the room! I really miss that M&G. One of my favourite Disney memories was when Tigger pulled me out the back door when I was about 15 and we danced to the British Invasion together!

I want to try Beaches and Cream, and get that grilled cheese sandwich. I was thinking that, when that's to happen, I'd ask it without the soup or ask if I could replace it with fries or a salad, because I don't usually like tomato soup. When you're say you're not a huge soup fan, do you typically still like tomato soup, just not an overabundance of it, or not even really?

I do like tomato soup alright: I'm usually texture-based when it comes to being picky with food, so I wasn't thrilled that the soup at Beaches was chunky. That said, I ate almost all of it and sort of ate around the bigger chunks. It was spiced really nicely and was more creamy than regular tomato soup, which surprisingly was more of a turn-on than a turn off. You could always get it with the soup to try it, and if you don't like it there's more room for dessert? :rotfl:

I JUST missed the chance to meet Rabbit when I was in Disneyland about 10 years ago.
Been wanting my picture with him ever since - you lucky dog!!

I've been looking for him for ten years too! I have never seen him in the parks until this year! Good luck!!
Real-Life Update: Graduation!

Hey friends! I am currently working on the next few chapters of the TR and I'm hoping to get a more consistent posting schedule soon. It's been a crazy month especially with a certain Big Day having happened last week...

I am officially a university graduate! My alma mater (now that I've left it, I can talk about it safely) was a really community-based small university near Niagara Falls that I've been safely in love with for the last four years. I graduated with first-class Honours from the English Language and Literature program and I couldn't be happier with the school I attended.

My grandfather and his wife (not my grandmother, just so you don't think that I'm just particularly mean to my grandmother) came up to visit and attend the grad. Cassie's was a couple days ago, but the stars didn't align to have us in attendance of each other's ceremonies.

Just wanted to share a couple of the photos from the day! Regular updates coming again soon!


(Mischief Managed!)
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Hey friends! I am currently working on the next few chapters of the TR and I'm hoping to get a more consistent posting schedule soon. It's been a crazy month especially with a certain Big Day having happened last week...


Congrats on the Graduation!

(I can't help but say though - Hungry Badger sounds like an awesome place to eat at :rotfl: But then, I am a Hufflepuff at heart, so I have to approve)
First of all, I want to apologize for not updating this TR in over a month: June was a fun month with Graduation, but also a really difficult month for my personal mental health. To put a long story short: news of the Orlando shooting made writing and thinking about Disney and the Florida trip strangely difficult for me to deal with for a while. I'm so sorry for taking so long, but I hope that you guys can be patient with me as I get this show back on the road!

Chapter 5: The One Where Rapunzel and Flynn Lose Their Minds

This was where we made a really dumb choice.

Instead of taking the bus from the Beach Club, we decided to boat back to Epcot and walk to the monorail stop.

Almost two months later, I’m still wondering why we made that decision. Was it so Cassie could see the monorail? Was it because we wanted to see Epcot a little more? Were we out of our dang minds?

Regardless, soon we found ourselves on the other side of Epcot. We stopped for a few minutes to watch Alberta Bound, the new Canada band, which I loved because my family hails from the east coast and we love our fiddle music. We just missed a monorail once we arrived at the main entrance, so we were stuck on the platform for a good 15 minutes waiting for that to arrive. We also just missed the Zootopia one, which was a bummer. But we did get to see the outside of it, and it was adorable.


We then made our way over to the ferries, since the monorail to the Magic Kingdom from the TTC was down. We hopped on the boat when it arrived, and positioned ourselves right at the exit. We were trying to make Festival of Fantasy and were about half an hour away from the parade’s start.


Luckily we got through security quickly and into the park, and after I dramatically declared that there was no crying until we reached Frontierland, we made it just in time and got a rope spot across from Country Bears. It was the same place that Mom and I had watched the parade in the year prior, which was fun.

I went through my usual pattern of crying at the marching band, crying at the Grand Marshalls, and then immediately commenting to Cassie that being the FoF Grand Marshall is kind of my life's dream. When the parade actually began, the guy holding the Festival of Fantasy banner at the beginning winked at us as he went by, and given that Cassie is very happy with her boyfriend, I took that wink for my own. Thank you very much.

The parade was incredible, as it always is. And I always turn into a crying mess as soon as the music starts, and nothing changed.



When the Tangled float came along, Rapunzel spotted our Disneybounds and completely freaked out, which was so cute and also kind of unexpected! She got Flynn’s attention and we had a whole little mimed conversation of how we both had our satchels but I was lacking a frying pan. It was super adorable.

(A screen cap doesn't do it justice, so here's a video of The Best Moment of My Life.)

Apologies for the blurriness and shaky cam. You can tell every time they look at us because one or both of us giggles hysterically. #adults.

The parade continued, both of us on cloud nine. It was a gorgeous day!







My favourite part of the parade was that we were standing next to a family with two kids, about 13 and 10, and we were waving at the characters and they were waving back at us: mostly because we were surrounded by relatively unenthusiastic people. The mom of the family next to us started encouraging her kids to wave during the parade, which was met with the most typical teenage-boy stare I've ever seen in my life.

Chip and Dale walked right up to us at the end, and since it was so windy, all the characters from the circus float were just walking behind Minnie and Mickey’s hot air balloon, which I was surprised they had out in the first place.




Cassie loved the parade as much as I did, and as soon as it was done we hurried over to Seven Dwarfs for something else we both loved. Using our FastPass. AND WE GOT THE BACK CAR. So it was zippy and flew around and it wasn't raining and we weren't drenched and it was very fun.


We then made our way to Tomorrowland for a ride on the Peoplemover. (Which had a really long line? Since when?)

After the Peoplemover, we had what I can confidently say was the worst ride on Carousel of Progress I’ve ever experienced in my life. First of all, there were two six year-olds that wouldn’t sit down (and whose parents didn’t make them), which of course triggered the CM to shout over the PA system for everyone to sit down. But because she wasn’t specific, the parents assumed it wasn’t aimed at them, and we got the announcement another two times. This was just in the first scene.

Then, as the room started to move, a baby started crying, so the mother stood up with the child, the ride stopped, and the voice came over again, two more times. Cassie and I were in the very back, under the loudspeaker, SUFFERING from the noise. We were stuck there and had to listen to the first scene twice, but also listening to the second scene as the first scene was going on. Which created a great cacaphony of noise.

After that, the ride kept getting interrupted because the woman with the baby kept standing up and walking around the theatre to comfort the kid. Which we understood, but as Cassie pointed out, make a decision. Stay or leave, but don’t get up and walk between your seat and the exit enough times to make the nice Australian girl shriek over the loudspeaker over ten times throughout the ride. She eventually walked out the back door with the baby and the ride continued. (To this day, we have no idea where she ended up when she walked out of that door.)

We were thankful to be out of that great big beautiful tomorrow.

We had FPs for Space, so that’s where we headed next. I hadn’t been on the ride in four years, and I don’t remember if it went under refurb since then, but I enjoyed it far more than I used to. We were in the same car as a family whose six year-old was having her first day of roller-coasters ever! She’d tried Great Goofini and Seven Dwarfs, and Space was her third stop. After the ride, we found them and I asked how she liked it, and she jumped around with two thumbs up, so I think that was a strong yes. Cassie also loved her very first ride on Space Mountain, but did a little less jumping.

After Space, we decided to go grab some dinner. It was difficult because Cassie kept requesting something that was ‘not a cafeteria’ and I kept reminding her that we were in a theme park and every sit down place required reservations. Eventually, I had a eureka moment and brought her to Columbia Harbor House, which ended up being a hit!


(We were both a little hangry, I think, but the important thing is that we agreed and found a place and got some food and were happy campers for the rest of the day.)

I got the chicken and fish platter, and Cassie chose the fried shrimp. The chicken and fish were both shockingly good (the chicken was way better than at ASMo, and for theme park food, the fish wasn't bad!) and Cassie loved her shrimp. Both of us got seasonal cobbler as dessert and it was out-of-this-world! I don't remember what Cassie got to drink, but I got a frozen lemonade with a Mickey straw. Which perfectly matched the Liberty Square Snapchat geofilter.


As we sat at our table, we thought up our game plan for the rest of the night, but we already knew the first stop: we had a FastPass to meet our favourite princess!

Up Next, Chapter 6: The One Where There’s a Hole in Her Ice Cream
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I know why you went through EPCOT to catch the monorail, because who doesn't love a monorail ride? I love me some monorail, the funky smell alone makes it feel like home. (Gosh, I sound sarcastic in print. I really do like the monorail.)
Congrats on graduating! And getting noticed by your favorite royal couple!

I'm typically an "every roller coaster is better in the front" guy, but sitting in the back row of the Mine Train is awesome. There's really no slow part when you're back there.

Can't go wrong with CHH, if you ask me.

I think being a CM at the CoP would be an awful job. NO ONE listens.
Congrats on the Graduation!

(I can't help but say though - Hungry Badger sounds like an awesome place to eat at :rotfl: But then, I am a Hufflepuff at heart, so I have to approve)

Thank you!

It contained a Tim Hortons, so it got the thumbs-up from me!

Welcome back......congrats on your graduation.

Thank you!

I know why you went through EPCOT to catch the monorail, because who doesn't love a monorail ride? I love me some monorail, the funky smell alone makes it feel like home. (Gosh, I sound sarcastic in print. I really do like the monorail.)

Right? It's a quintessential part of the Disney experience. Bonus points for being in a monorail car with unruly children.

Congrats on graduating! And getting noticed by your favorite royal couple!

I'm typically an "every roller coaster is better in the front" guy, but sitting in the back row of the Mine Train is awesome. There's really no slow part when you're back there.

Can't go wrong with CHH, if you ask me.

I think being a CM at the CoP would be an awful job. NO ONE listens.

Thank you! Really, we turned into a couple overgrown five year-olds. It was wonderful.

We're definitely Team Back. We were front car on Everest, and, well, when we get to that point the picture speaks for itself. We look like we're being hurtled right into the mouth of a fiery volcano.

It was a nightmare. We didn't think we'd get out of there until talking ovens were really invented.
Loving your trip report girl!! I was there the first through the 9th- and the Wednesday you guys arrived was a total washout! Glad you made the most of it though! It actually was my planned rest day so I feel like we kind of wasted the day since we couldn't swim! Your fun in the rain makes me wish I had an extra park day then!
First of all, I want to apologize for not updating this TR in over a month: June was a fun month with Graduation, but also a really difficult month for my personal mental health. To put a long story short: news of the Orlando shooting made writing and thinking about Disney and the Florida trip strangely difficult for me to deal with for a while.

It's completely understandable that you've needed a bit of time to find even ground again. I think so many of us associate Orlando with magic and a second home, and that was the furthest thing from magical or homey that could have happened. I've never felt unsafe being myself with my wife at Disney, other than the usual qualms I feel anywhere, and it was definitely jarring to know how close to home such terror happened.

Instead of taking the bus from the Beach Club, we decided to boat back to Epcot and walk to the monorail stop.

I think we all have those Disney moments, no matter how experienced we are, where we make an unusual and perhaps illogical decision :P Though it never feels illogical on the spur of the moment.

We also just missed the Zootopia one, which was a bummer. But we did get to see the outside of it, and it was adorable.


Aww that does look pretty adorable!

We then made our way over to the ferries, since the monorail to the Magic Kingdom from the TTC was down. We hopped on the boat when it arrived, and positioned ourselves right at the exit. We were trying to make Festival of Fantasy and were about half an hour away from the parade’s start.

Yikes, that's inconvenient. We've never taken the ferry (that's the one type of Disney transportation we've yet to take) but having to switch from monorail to ferry would probably stress me out while on a time crunch. Although the ride must be more scenic if anything.

Luckily we got through security quickly and into the park, and after I dramatically declared that there was no crying until we reached Frontierland, we made it just in time and got a rope spot across from Country Bears.

Sounds like a good motto :P And considering the time you made it in, that's great that you were able to snatch a rope spot! If Main Street is the more magical setting for the parade, I think Frontierland has a more relaxing atmosphere. Maybe because it's usually less crowded.

When the Tangled float came along, Rapunzel spotted our Disneybounds and completely freaked out, which was so cute and also kind of unexpected! She got Flynn’s attention and we had a whole little mimed conversation of how we both had our satchels but I was lacking a frying pan. It was super adorable.

That's awesome! It's always so cool to have those little magic moments, and I especially love when they happen to adults. Obviously children are the primary recipients of them (which there's nothing wrong with) but that's what makes Disney special. They recognize that everyone can use special moments.

After the Peoplemover, we had what I can confidently say was the worst ride on Carousel of Progress I’ve ever experienced in my life.

That does sound like it would have been a terrible ride. I would have been so annoyed in your place. Probably made quite a few passive aggressive comments at people not following simple safety instructions.

We were thankful to be out of that great big beautiful tomorrow.

Hopefully you got a better experience later on to make up for it, because it really is such a great big beautiful tomorrow.


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