Forget Me Nots


DVC '97
Sep 30, 2000
Hi everyone,
I am used to planting veggies and herbs. I hope you can help me with forget me knots. My GF (Padalyn) had to put her cat of 16 years, Merlyn to sleep yesterday:sad1: . The vet gave us some forget me not seeds to plant in his memory.

I honestly do not know anything about them. She lives in a high rise and has a balcony, I have a house with a yard. How is the best way to plant them? Will they do good in a container at her place? If I plant them today, will they survive if I neglect them for 2 weeks in 2 weeks? I will be going away, and have house sitter that can water once/twice a week. My GF left today for the DCL Transatlantic Cruise, and I was thinking of planting them as a suprise for her when she comes home. Are they annuals, will they come up again? What do I need to know?
So sorry to hear about yr friend's cat, it's so difficult to part with furry companions!!

We have quite a different climate here--zone 4/5.
My experience is mostly with transplants & in the fall. I have sowed seed in the fall,also. Here they do come back, and some gardeners find they are envasive.
This can be curbed by deadheading when the flowers begin to go to seed.

In NH they like light shade, moist, but not damp, soil. I have simply spread the seed where I wanted it (under trees), followed by a light dressingl of soil & a sprinkling of water.
Forget Me Nots are such pretty, cheerful flowers. I think they would do nicely in a pot, perhaps one of those that is long & low?

Thank you. I think I put some in a pot on her balcony tomorrow. Since I am cat sitting the remaining two cats, I can do it pretty easily there. Someone will be checking her place daily while she is gone, so I can leave them a note to water the pot.


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