Friends problem - different than others


DIS Veteran
Apr 7, 2004
Last March break (we do DVC in December) we decided to take a week in Florida without Disney (boohoo). At the last minute our friends asked us to drive their daughter down with us to meet up with them in Vero Beach. Then we went up the coast to St. Augustine and then spent 3 nights in an offsite timeshare in Orlando where we picked her back up and brought her home (whew). This year we were going to take our time getting down with a couple of days in Savannah, then we have a 2 bedroom timeshare booked in Orlando ($60/night got to take the tour) for 3 nights. We have talked to these friends and it looks like the daughter and her husband will want to come with us again so Savannah would be out because they can't afford it and they have to get straight to the parents in Vero Beach. Now we have to find something else because we don't want to go to Vero and then up to Savannah and then back down to Orlando. We are using our DVC points for Hawaii next week (woohoo!) and then December 2005 for a 2 bedroom to bring my daugher/sil/dgd. My question is - what would you do? Would you back out of taking these friends down and go with our original plan OR another option would be to borrow points ahead and get a studio to fill up the week OR should we be looking to stay someplace else for the extra days??

Sorry this is so long but I had to explain the whole problem. I appreciate all and any suggestions. I like to plan in advance and they just won't know for sure until the last minute - it's making me crazy - but I'm the one that brought it up. I hate letting friends down but then again it is our vacation too????
I wouldn't change my vacation just to make them happy.

Tell them you are going to Savannah and taking your original vacation.
I agree.

This is your vacation. They should make alternate plans, not you.
I agree with everyone else. It's your vacation! By the way you will lovvveee Savannah, so don't miss it. ;)
Did you promise or commit to taking them before making your plans? If so, then I would think you would need to take them. If they invited themselves or just assumed that you would take them, then I would never change my plans. If they want to come and you don't mind, then they need to adjust to your schedule. Good luck.

If it were me, I'd tell them your plans and ask if the parents can drive up to Savannah from VB to meet their daughter and SIL. Then you can either drive to VB after your Orlando vacation or the parents can drive the kids back to you in Orlando.

If the parents can't pick the kids up in Savannah, just tell them that it's too much extra driving on this trip and maybe something will work out next time.

Best wishes -
Originally posted by LisaR
Did you promise or commit to taking them before making your plans? If so, then I would think you would need to take them. If they invited themselves or just assumed that you would take them, then I would never change my plans. If they want to come and you don't mind, then they need to adjust to your schedule. Good luck.

::yes:: My thoughts exactly.

Unless your car is yellow, has black and white checkerboard trim, and a "Taxi for Hire" sign on the top....

:) Go on YOUR vacation and have a great time!!! Just tell them "I'm sorry, but our plans are different this year. We're going to Savannah instead. Tell your parents we said "Hello!" "
You could tell them the truth...that you made a mistake and you can't take them any further than Savannah because that's where you planned on vacationing. They could catch Amtrak in Savannah and i parenti could pick them up in Orlando...or there is always Greyhound...there ARE other options other than hitchin a ride with you.
Thanks everyone - I especially like CarolMN's suggestion because I would feel so guilty if I just said that we couldn't take them down. This way the ball would be in their court. The parents could come up to Savannah to pick them up or they could wait until next year.

On the other hand, we have never used our points in March because we like to avoid crowds. It might be a good chance to stay in a studio for a few days and test the water for future trips. Do any of you know what the crowd levels are like in the middle of March?

I did tell them that we could take them this year if they wanted to go but they don't seem to want to commit. Yes they want to go but they would have to save first and see if they feel like it etc. Then to top if off the parents don't know whether they are going to rent a house for the winter in Vero or bring their trailer down which might impact if they want to go or not also. I just like to have all my plans in place in advance. You all know what it is like trying to book everything at the last minute!
You can't let their indecisiveness affect your vacation plans. Just let them know that if they can work out anything around your plans then you would be happy to accommodate them. You cannot wait on them to decide what they are all going to do. That would drive me NUTS!
I think that perhaps the daughter and her husband should stay home and work for the week. If they have to depend on others to change their vacation just to transport them. If this couple was old enough to get married they are old enough to deal with the consequences.

If you don't want to go straight to Vero Beach DO NOT go. n Just outline your plans. Also, I assume this family spilts the gas cost???
THanks for the further explanation about their indecisivness. In that case, I would tell them what your plans are and offer to take them as far a Savannah. It just might help them "make up their mind".
Originally posted by goofy4dvc
You can't let their indecisiveness affect your vacation plans. Just let them know that if they can work out anything around your plans then you would be happy to accommodate them. You cannot wait on them to decide what they are all going to do. That would drive me NUTS!

I agree::yes::

I too would let them know your plans and what you are and are not willing to do to accommodate them. But definitely let them work around you, not the other way around.

Best of luck and pixie dust~*~*~*princess: *~*~*~*Hope it all works out:wave:
Originally posted by barb45
Do any of you know what the crowd levels are like in the middle of March?
It may not be Spring Break where you live, but it WILL be Spring Break some other parts of the country.
if friends of mine were driving all the way from Ontario to Savannah, 20+hours - with my kids - I'd be happy to drive the 3 or 4 hours (is it even that far?) to pick up said "grown-up" children.:)

I'd also be handing over gas money, and a gift certificate for you to use in one of Savannah's lovely, upscale restaurants...and thanking you again and again.

It's wonderful of you to do this...but you don't have to change your plans.

Have a wonderful trip!!:)


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