From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 5

We did it and it was wonderful. Outstanding service. Beautiful island. Great food. Basically what I imagined a tropical island escape to be.

Sorry, don't have any pictures uploaded to share easily at this point.


Im reaching out ot my past fellow cruisers in hopes that some of you still visit this thread......
In PV my family and I did the resort beach getaway..... this time around we are booked for the Las Caletas Getaway.
Did anyone visit Las Caletas on this cruise?
What did you think of it?
Do you have any pictures to share?
Im reaching out ot my past fellow cruisers in hopes that some of you still visit this thread......
In PV my family and I did the resort beach getaway..... this time around we are booked for the Las Caletas Getaway.
Did anyone visit Las Caletas on this cruise?
What did you think of it?
Do you have any pictures to share?

We did it and it was wonderful. Outstanding service. Beautiful island. Great food. Basically what I imagined a tropical island escape to be.

Sorry, don't have any pictures uploaded to share easily at this point.


We did it as well, but I'm going to give you a different opinion than Dan. It was not our favorite excursion. It took a long time to get there (though we knew that up front) and to get back I don't think it was worth the travel time for the amount of time we spent on the island. It was chilly that morning and the beach did not get much sun while we were there. It stayed shady most of the day and therefore did not warm up much. If you are going during the summer, this may not affect you though. My husband did the kayacking tour and he said it was ok....just paddling out into the ocean and then back again. He did it mainly for the exercise. The food was just ok. I'm a pretty picky eater so it didn't surprise me that I didn't like it, but my husband eats just about everything and he didn't really like it either. There wasn't a lot of variety....i would have rather eaten on the ship. We were ready to go when the time came leave.

One good thing was the boat ride over was entertaining. The crew on the boat did a little dance in the front of the ship and kept your attention for the entire travel time.

Keep in mind, this is just our opinion. You may go and absolutely love it! And I hope you do. It just wasn't our cup of tea.

If you do go, one thing you should know is you can buy all of the pictures they take for one price (i think $30 or something). Had I known that ahead of time, I would have had them take more pictures of us. We didn't find out until we were on our way back. We kept refusing them when they asked to take our picture during the trip and it would have been nice to know we could get all the pics for one price (as opposed to buying each one individually, which is what I thought was going to happen).

Anyway, if you decided to go, I hope you have a wonderful time!! Like I said, this is just our opinion and by no means supposed to sway you to not go. Enjoy your cruise!!!
Well for those of you still reading this: I got a suprise this week. I went to give blood at red cross and the fact we'd stopped iin Costa Rica means you can not donate blood for a year from the stop! I was suprised. If you have a different experience, that's great but when i told her puntarenas, it was over! sigh.
Well for those of you still reading this: I got a suprise this week. I went to give blood at red cross and the fact we'd stopped iin Costa Rica means you can not donate blood for a year from the stop! I was suprised. If you have a different experience, that's great but when i told her puntarenas, it was over! sigh.

We ran into the same issue. Have to wait till next year to give blood!
I lived in Europe as military brat and am banned for life to donate blood. I have tried numerous time and the answer is always no. A friend of mine had a son die sudden and he lived in Europe as a child and could not donate organs.
I lived in Europe as military brat and am banned for life to donate blood. I have tried numerous time and the answer is always no. A friend of mine had a son die sudden and he lived in Europe as a child and could not donate organs.

Same goes for us. We cannot donate although we used to when we lived in the UK and would happily do so here.
Sorry for those looking for Jeff and I. We had to go offline for quite sometime. I'm done with school. I graduated. I can officially say I am an MSN now. Work has been nuts. They couldn't handle me being off for 3 weeks... not sure how they'll handle me being off for 3 months!

Congrats Jeff & Jen!
Just popped in an read the last few posts.

Harole Anne ... I hope you are holding up, how awful!

Jeff and Jen ... congratulations!

Corrinna ... a friendly hello from across the pond.

To those of you who booked the hawaii cruise ...well done! I am sure it will be fabulous!

On a personal note, our son, who I mentioned on the thread has a heart condition, had a Cardiac Arrest in his phys ed class in April. After 30 minutes of CPR, 5 defibrillations, 2 ambulance rides, 2 weeks in PICU to recover, 4 days in hospital for surgery, and 1 week in PICU for pericardial effusion...

He is fine!

He has a brand new mechanical aortic valve and now sounds like the crocodile from Peter Pan. He was playing tennis and kayaking 3 weeks post surgery

We are so glad that we have taken the family holidays we have! He declined his Make-a-wish because he said he's been on so many wonderful family trips, he is very lucky, and they should give the wish to some other less fortunate kid. The moral of the story the holiday if you can, because you just never know!

Again, Hello to you all and I will probably pop by the Hawaii Cruise thread and share in the excitement!

I'm sorry to hear about what your son has been through. That must have been really scary for you all, but wow, playing tennis and kayaking so soon after the surgery is amazing. What a lovely lad he is too to pass on his Make a Wish trip like that. He is a very special person.
Nice to hear from you and "hi" right back. OMG, you have been through a lot, but I am glad that your son is fine and he has a brilliant attitude.

Thanks to all of your caring concern for Harole Ann Harper though they were entirely unwarranted and her family is sorry for any concern you may have had for her as she still suffers greatly from mental illness. She is safely in a nursing home now where she will remain for the rest of her days. We, her family, are sorry that she played on your kindness but she wanted so to be something she was not.

Our beloved Ryan Boor passed away on June 20, 2012 and we are crushed heart and soul as he was the best part of our family and not a Disney fan at all, which is very ironic. He only went with his grandmother to try to make her happy because he was a wonderful man.
Our beloved Ryan Boor passed away on June 20, 2012 and we are crushed heart and soul as he was the best part of our family and not a Disney fan at all, which is very ironic. He only went with his grandmother to try to make her happy because he was a wonderful man and it cost him dearly. We are crushed by the loss of Ryan and relieved Harole Ann is finally getting some much needed help.
I'm so sorry to read your posts for both reasons. He was far too young to die and must be so very hard to deal with. It sounds like he was a lovely man and he is going to be missed by so many. I don't think I met him or Harole Ann on the cruise though I did interact with her on here. It is all so sad but if she is getting much needed help that is the main thing.


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