Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Awesome picture of the giraffe! He or she was really close.

Thanks! It was a really awesome opportunity to see one of them that close. It's quite clear that lack any fear of those trucks or the puny humans planted in the seats.

Sounds like a great week! You are being super smart with your knee, I'm glad it's feeling better.

50-miler?! YIKES!!!

Thanks, Shannon. :goodvibes

Yeah, 50!! Chris is tentatively planning on running one next February. I've got ZERO desire to train and run something like that. :faint:
And besides, you know at some point you're going to end up running a marathon right? It happens to all of us it seems. :P

ACK! If I ever did it would be the Disney one because then I could get another vacation out of it. (ACK, I can't believe I typed that...pretend like I didn't...let's just pretend like I didn't acknowledge a future with a marathon in it.)
Thanks, Shannon. :goodvibes

Yeah, 50!! Chris is tentatively planning on running one next February. I've got ZERO desire to train and run something like that. :faint:
He is awesome and crazy. I cannot see myself going beyond the marathon distance, so major props to him!! :worship:
ACK! If I ever did it would be the Disney one because then I could get another vacation out of it. (ACK, I can't believe I typed that...pretend like I didn't...let's just pretend like I didn't acknowledge a future with a marathon in it.)

Nope! It's here for all eternity for people to see. And since Shannon and I have both quoted you now you can't even go back and edit it. :D
Nope! It's here for all eternity for people to see. And since Shannon and I have both quoted you now you can't even go back and edit it. :D

Also, "I SEE YOU" sounded creepier than it should have. Oops!
Chris just sent me this picture


Sparkle mail!!! This should be my two custom Dr. Who skirts (yes, there are two Dr. Who skirts in there) along with another that I'm thinking of using for part of my half run in the Goofy Challenge. Can't wait to get home and see them!!!

EDIT: I really need to figure out how to resize these pictures on photobucket. That thing is huge!!
I saw that someone got a Deep Space Timey Whimey (sp?) and thought of you. Can't wait to see pics!

I got home last night to my fabulous new box full of sparkle. I'm a member of a Facebook group who are all SparkleSkirt fans. As such, there are various custom group skirts that come up. The custom list for SparkleSkirts is often very long, so you end up signing up for these skirts and they can take up to almost a year sometimes to become available. Nutso, right? Anyway, many months back, I discovered a custom group that was making a custom skirt based on the BBC series Dr. Who. As a sci fi nerd girl, I squealed in delight (in reality this was an internal squeal that could only be heard by my own delusional brain and perhaps any nearby dogs) at the chance to own a Dr. Who skirt.

For context and for those of you who don't know this Dr. Who of whom I speak...he is a time-traveling Time Lord from the planet of Galifrey. He travels in a space ship that looks like a blue police phone box called the TARDIS (it's bigger on the inside :D ). He takes on various human companions that join him in his journeys and every few years he ends up dying in some way shape or form but as a Time Lord he can regenerate into a new body. Thus, the reason that we are now on our 12th Dr. Who. Blah Blah Blah... anybody still with me? Bueller?

So, the skirt actually came from an individual who designed the fabric and had it produced. The original skirt (Timey Wimey) is in Tardis blue and has swirls in it along with writing in Galifreyan script. Yes, you heard me right. Someone actually created a written language for Galifreyan and there are generators out on the internet (because, of course there are) to translate real written languages into Galifreyan. It's this circular script with various other symbols inside the circle. The originator of the fabric translated various catch phrases from the show and interspersed those into the skirt. Which is actually really cool if you are a Dr. Who nerd girl. :wave:

After the original skirt was set up, the same creator made the fabric in black with the same script and a new skirt (Deep Space) was born and because I apparently am THE sucker born every minute I signed up for it too. :sad2: In my head I thought that I would get them both, decide which one I like best and sell the other. The only problem with that is I sort of love them both. :cloud9:

Introducing Timey Wimey, Deep Space and White Linen which came along for the ride.


Here's a close up of the pattern.


I'm thinking I can use the white linen for an homage costume to Donald Duck for the half marathon run portion of Goofy plus it will just be a good all-around versatile skirt. Tried all of them on this morning and they fit pretty well (although I really do need to shed a good 10-15 pounds to get back to where I want to be) and they are all perfect. :flower1:

Love the customs! I belong to the same FB group....no need to say more, right?!? So I totally get keeping them both. I own most of the peacocks b/c I just love the peacocks.
I know, I am an enabler too!
Hope the knee is getting better!
I totally don't get the Dr. Who stuff, but I like those skirts a lot! I would totally do the same thing - order both, intending to just keep one, and end up keeping both.

And I really like WhiteLinen a lot more than I expected...somehow I didn't realize that the fabric would be textured (DUH, "linen" is right there in the name) and I like the sort of sheen that is has. Only bad thing - I freak out every time I wash it! :eek: Hasn't gotten stained yet, thankfully.
Love the customs! I belong to the same FB group....no need to say more, right?!? So I totally get keeping them both. I own most of the peacocks b/c I just love the peacocks.
I know, I am an enabler too!
Hope the knee is getting better!

That's the whole problem with those groups, right? We all collectively convince ourselves that we aren't crazy. With these new skirts I'm now up to 15 skirts. That's way more than I NEED, but then I tell myself that it's okay since I do actually wear them all and there are lots of people out there who have way more than I do, so, yeah, I'm totally normal.

And, the knee is continuing to improve. I think it's going to be one of those nagging things that takes awhile to go away, but I'm clearly not making it worse by running on it, so I can tolerate the annoyance of it for now. Thanks!

I totally don't get the Dr. Who stuff, but I like those skirts a lot! I would totally do the same thing - order both, intending to just keep one, and end up keeping both.

And I really like WhiteLinen a lot more than I expected...somehow I didn't realize that the fabric would be textured (DUH, "linen" is right there in the name) and I like the sort of sheen that is has. Only bad thing - I freak out every time I wash it! :eek: Hasn't gotten stained yet, thankfully.

I like those skirts too because you really wouldn't KNOW it's Dr. Who related unless you just know. I really love the shade of blue and I have been wanting a black and white skirt, so regardless of my nerdiness, I like them just for their looks.

I have a black linen skirt, so I knew to expect the texture but had you not mentioned the shimmer on your thread I would have been surprised by that. But, like you, I really like it. I'm super paranoid about laundering it. I don't have one of those color catcher things, but I think I need to get one to be on the safe side.
@ZellyB the last time I washed WhiteLinen I seriously considered doing it all by itself in a tiny wash load...couldn't being myself to do it because it seemed so wasteful. But I was careful with what else I put in the load and used a color catcher.

You are up to 15?? I think you have passed me! :eek:
@ohMom would you please move this thread to the new training journal sub forum in the runDisney forum? Thank you!
Yeah, 50!! Chris is tentatively planning on running one next February. I've got ZERO desire to train and run something like that. :faint:

Which one is he planning on doing? Rocky Raccoon in Texas is a great one. Terrific volunteers, flat and soft trails, and usually cool weather.
TRAINING WEEK 3/20 - 3/26
SUNDAY 3/20 - Planned rest day.
MONDAY 3/21 - Circuit training. Still doing two circuits of each machine, but this time did work on pushing up some of the weights. Nothing too much because I don't want to hurt myself by pushing too far to fast, but I figure if I just gradually edge the weights up every week or two that eventually it will start to make a real difference. I usually finish my two circuits about 10 minutes or so before Chris finishes his weight sets, so I wrapped up with some easy walking on the treadmill. We often have weekly fitbit competitions with friends and family, so this gets me a little bit of a jump start on that.
TUESDAY 3/22 - Ran 4 miles with :90/:30 intervals. 10:46 overall pace, so this was a good run. I'm happy to report that my knee just keeps improving and that's a big relief. I do definitely find that sitting at my desk all day aggravates it, so I made myself get up and walk. I work at a hospital with two office buildings attached via skywalks. I have a route from my office over to one of the office buildings where I walk up 4 flights of stairs down and then circle back. It's right at a mile or 2000 steps. I'm going to try and do that twice a day as my schedule allows just to keep that knee moving.
WEDNESDAY 3/23 - Circuit training. Nothing too exciting here. Just a repeat of Monday's workout. Still consistency is key, right? I actually do think I'm starting to notice a tiny bit of difference in my body and strength.
THURSDAY 3/24 - 4 miles today at :90/:30. HOLY WINDY DAY, BATMAN!!! The wind was insane. Our 4 mile loop finishes on a pretty hefty uphill that also happened to be straight into the headwind. That wind definitely slowed us down with an overall pace of 11:11. That's okay though. I'll take it on a day like this. EEK! :tilt:
FRIDAY 3/25 - Planned rest day. Good Friday and Chris and the kids were out of school. Sadly I had to work. BOO!! Chris did come and meet me for lunch and then we had a quick happy hour with some work friends. We all hatched an idea for a quick weekend to Memphis later in June, so hoping we can make that work out. I love Memphis!!!
SATURDAY 3/26 - Plan was for a 6 mile run with an option to go to 8. I was feeling a little tired though, so I peeled off and stopped at 6. We again stuck with :90/:30 and I ended at an 11:03 pace. Not bad really although I pooped out a bit at the end. Our half marathon in Bentonville is just a week away and I thought it might be better to give the legs a break and go into the race fresh. I feel really underprepared for this run. I did a 10 miler probably 6 weeks ago and then the 15K a couple of weeks ago, but I usually like to have done at least 12 before a half race, but my knee sort of dictated some changes. I'm not worried about finishing, but I may need to scale back my goal time. I was not wanting to do anything super fast for this (with the killer hill at the end, I knew that wouldn't happen regardless), but did want to finish under 2:30. I'll still try for that, but don't intend to beat myself up too much if I'm slower than that. It really is just supposed to be a fun race.

Chris' parents are driving out to Virginia to visit Chris' brother, so we are dog sitting their dachshund, Bitsy, for a couple of weeks. Luckily all the dogs get along pretty well. The girls decided to take them for a walk since it was a nice day.

Decided to treat myself to some nice tulips for Easter Sunday. I love tulips in the spring!!!


Which one is he planning on doing? Rocky Raccoon in Texas is a great one. Terrific volunteers, flat and soft trails, and usually cool weather.

That's the one!! Our friend just ran the 100 miler there. I think that was his 2nd time doing that one and Chris and two other guys were there to support him. He finished in something like 21:45 or around that. CRAZY!!


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