Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Mid-week training update


This has been one big fail of a week so far. :( I wrote earlier that on Sunday my groin was feeling pretty sore and tight, so I was worried about running on it Monday. So, we skipped that one. I had a 7 AM meeting on Tuesday, so we didn't run in the morning thinking we'd run that afternoon, but we had a front move through and it was something like 25 mph winds after work. Combine that with a still sore groin and we skipped again. This morning, Chris and I weren't up to it as he had a horrible time sleeping and was just exhausted. He's on a hard push right now to finish his dissertation and the stress and work are taking a toll. But, we are planning to run this evening after dinner. The groin is still a bit tender, but definitely improved. The more I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was the yoga last week that caused it. I hadn't done yoga in so long, I think I pushed some of the poses a bit harder than I should have (looking at you triangle pose) and that caused the strain. So, lesson learned to take it easier on the yoga and build back up to some of the bigger stretches.

So, question for you @DopeyBadger . Today's run was set for a HM tempo. I'm good to do that since I want some more speed work before our 15k race coming up, but Chris thinks it would be smarter to do either 4 at LR or 4 at EC (the two runs we missed on Mon/Tues). What do you think? Also, are we good to stick with our weekend mileage? We are scheduled for 6 & 7 on Sat/Sun.
Great plans! Homecomin' is the awesome. I will be there in just two weeks. The rest of the dining plans all are great as well. It is definitely hard to reign in on Disney trip planning sometimes.

I can't wait to give Homecomin' a try. I'm jealous you will be there so soon!
So, question for you @DopeyBadger . Today's run was set for a HM tempo. I'm good to do that since I want some more speed work before our 15k race coming up, but Chris thinks it would be smarter to do either 4 at LR or 4 at EC (the two runs we missed on Mon/Tues). What do you think? Also, are we good to stick with our weekend mileage? We are scheduled for 6 & 7 on Sat/Sun.

Do the 4 at LR since it should be the easiest of all the workouts. A healthy ZellyB will have a better race experience at the 15k, then a still suffering from a groin pull ZellyB. The extra benefits from any one single run is minimal, so doing Easy vs HM Tempo will have a negligible difference when viewed as a single occurrence. For this weekend, do 6 + 6 instead of 6 + 7 as this will bring the overall training load down a touch because of the missed training earlier in the week.
Do the 4 at LR since it should be the easiest of all the workouts. A healthy ZellyB will have a better race experience at the 15k, then a still suffering from a groin pull ZellyB. The extra benefits from any one single run is minimal, so doing Easy vs HM Tempo will have a negligible difference when viewed as a single occurrence. For this weekend, do 6 + 6 instead of 6 + 7 as this will bring the overall training load down a touch because of the missed training earlier in the week.

Got it, Coach. :thumbsup2

@Chris-Mo will be happy he was right. ;)
Working hard to not be stupid

The practically no training update update
As I mentioned earlier in my depressing mid-week update, there was very little running this week due to a nagging groin injury. We did go and run an easy 4 on Thursday evening and while it didn't bother much while running, Friday and Saturday it was pretty sore again. At times even walking was a bit painful, so deciding for once to NOT be stupid and push my luck, we've continued to rest my leg. I hit up the anti-inflammatory meds pretty hard this weekend and it is feeling quite a bit better today, although I'm still fully aware of it at times. Sigh. Our 15k is this weekend and my original intent was to really try to RACE this thing, but I think now, I'll try to ease back into running this week and just take the race easy on Saturday. We have a half marathon scheduled in April and I'd far rather be healthy and race that one than do any serious damage to myself right now. Ugh. It's really frustrating though.

So, in other less depressing news, I did binge watch both seasons of Stranger Things on Netflix this weekend and I was completely enamored. I especially adore Dustin.


Although honestly the whole cast is great. It's a great little show that is incredibly entertaining and if you are old like me and grew up in the 80s, it's basically a love letter to my generation. Anybody else watching it?
Hope you get back to your running self quickly!

We love Stranger Things and my husband usually hates any sort of sci fi. It reminded me so much of the movies I loved as a kid. Two Halloweens ago we went as Dustin and Eleven. Can't wait for the next season!
I hope you get back to 100% soon- I applaud you for being really smart about it! :)

And no to Stranger Things... I can't handle anything remotely "scary." :scared:
That sucks... I hope it gets better soon.

LOVE Stranger Things! One of my favorite shows.

It's improving, but man, sloooooowly!

Yay for Stanger Things fans!

Ahh man that stinks! Keep playing it smart and hopefully it'll payoff in the long term.

I know that it will. I'm just frustrated that I pushed too hard and ended up hurting myself. I know better. Sigh.

Hope you get back to your running self quickly!

We love Stranger Things and my husband usually hates any sort of sci fi. It reminded me so much of the movies I loved as a kid. Two Halloweens ago we went as Dustin and Eleven. Can't wait for the next season!

What an awesome idea for a costume! I kept hearing about the show but just never took the time to watch it and then, of course, binged on it!

Oh man, that sucks. Hopefully the rest will help and you'll be back to 100% soon!

Thank you. It is getting better thankfully.

Sorry you’ve got some pain going on, but you’re being smart about it!

OMG. STRANGER THINGS. OB-SESSED. :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc Can’t wait for it to come back!!

I should have been smarter than binge watching the whole thing because now I'm stuck waiting!! But, we loved it so much!

I hope you get back to 100% soon- I applaud you for being really smart about it! :)

And no to Stranger Things... I can't handle anything remotely "scary." :scared:

Thank you. Stranger Things is a little scary, but honestly, it's not terrible. But, if remotely scary isn't good for you even then, yeah, might not be your cup of tea. :) But it really is good!
I should have been smarter than binge watching the whole thing because now I'm stuck waiting!! But, we loved it so much!
It worked out well for us because we had been meaning to watch it and didn't actually binge the first season until about a month before season 2 came out. We finished season 1 and they had just released the awesome season 2/Thriller trailer...so we got spoiled only having to wait a few weeks. And I don't think they have even started filming season 3 yet...I've heard it won't come out until 2019! :sad:
In Disney Trip Planning News

A question for you...
As we've been discussing our trip to Disney this summer, we were exploring our ticket options with the special Military Salute tickets. One option is a park hopper plus ticket that gets you obviously the park hopper tickets, but also entry into the water parks plus some other activities (mini-golf for example). So, given that we are going for 7 days and getting just the 5 day park hopper option, we've discussed getting the plus and maybe hitting the water parks on one or maybe even one and half days. Also then maybe hitting up mini-golf as well.

So, question to you guys, has anyone done the water parks? I've read up a bit on them and since my girls are teenagers, it appears that Typhoon Lagoon may be the better choice for older kids. Blizzard Beach seems to have more to offer little kiddos. Chris and I don't especially love water parks (although I do love a lazy river), but the girls do, and for once we know we can count on the weather being HOT, so maybe that would be a nice choice. Shades of Green does have a couple of pools, but they really aren't anything special, so maybe the water park would be fun. They do have some options to rent a large umbrella or cabana ($$$) that would make it more tolerable for me and Chris is we don't want to stay in the water all day.

Anybody done either or both of the water parks? Any recommendations or tips? What about the mini-golf? Anybody done those? Worth it to just do something a little different?

It worked out well for us because we had been meaning to watch it and didn't actually binge the first season until about a month before season 2 came out. We finished season 1 and they had just released the awesome season 2/Thriller trailer...so we got spoiled only having to wait a few weeks. And I don't think they have even started filming season 3 yet...I've heard it won't come out until 2019! :sad:

It's what I hate about all this really good TV out there. The wait in between is a killer! :sad:

Currently waiting with great anticipation the next season of Westworld. At least that is coming next month.
It's what I hate about all this really good TV out there. The wait in between is a killer! :sad:

Currently waiting with great anticipation the next season of Westworld. At least that is coming next month.
It's what I hate about Netflix and that we can't just pace ourselves when it comes to bingeing (sp?) shows. :sad2: Their shows are SO good and the wait between seasons feels like an eternity. We're tearing through season 2 of Jessica Jones right now. Haven't checked out Westworld yet, I'll add it to my list!
I can't help you with the water parks, but we did the Fantasia Gardens mini-golf and liked it a lot. I thought it was really imaginative, and while some of the holes were hard (mostly because you had to get the ball up a very steep incline for a few holes), it wasnt too difficult.
If you like mini-golf, I definitely recommend it. Super fun.
I've never done the Winter Summerland courses, so I don't know what those are like.
We did the water parks as kids and I loved them, but I also love the water and water parks.

If you are looking for relaxation days, however, I don't know that a water park would be. I personally probably wouldn't add them on if this was my trip. On my non-park days, I'd sleep in, hit the pool at SoG, go to Disney Springs (afternoon movie?), and maybe resort hop.
I totally missed your last post because my brain went straight to Stranger Things...

I haven't done the water parks OR mini golf at WDW...I'm not a water park person and I HATE HATE HATE mini golf because I am so bad at it! So I agree with @run.minnie.miles that I personally would use an off-day to resort hop or hit up Disney Springs.

As far as water parks and mini golf, any opinions I have are second-hand. My BFF, who is a local, seems to prefer Winter Summerland and Typhoon Lagoon, FWIW. :confused3


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