Happy Packin/t-13 days/gettin ready to celebrate dance!


Thanks for the magic, Walt!
Jun 15, 2001
After what has felt like a school year old LONG weeks and a long weekend, I'm ready to celebrate some happy pre-trip moments with ya'll on the Dis!

I'm a middle school teacher and have had my toughest year in all of my short 15 yrs of teaching. We were warned about this group of students by the admin and 6th grade teachers, and they have lived up to their reputation, no matter how many we've qualified for Special Ed, how many academic and behavioral interventions we have done, of how many have moved out/in. I love my job and love a challenge, but they have just about done me in! Plus, we have had a brand new teacher evaluation program, that as great as it is, has meant a huge learning curve for us all and more to do to track our goals. Our building has a lot of new staff due to retirements and some move around within our district, so that has meant a lot of mentoring by us veteran staff and having some bumpy roads with policies and procedures. Three staff have been told they will not be coming back next year, so that tells you that they didn't have what it takes, and often made us vets have to work a lot harder to pick up their slack. Finally, we just finished with our state testing last week. I was very happy to see scores go up for those that really tried, but it's so disheartening to see the kids who didn't try or could care less, and have their scores obviously go down. I've never had that many kids be so apathetic despite my best efforts, but the apple doesn't fall far, so I did all I could. So here is to some pre-planning celebration time!

Packed shirts ands shorts today. Also, got my carry on bag ready....games and snacks for DD7, as well as some surprises, outfits to change into when we arrive, and any general park gear we may need to go off to MK as soon as we get to POFQ after ME drops us off.

Just waiting on one more iron on to come in the mail so I can finish my last shirt. Put a sparkle clear coat on the magic bands and they are lookin good!

Kind of nice to be planning a trip now nested of over Spring break. Everyone already took their trips but we are just on the verge of ours!!!!! Can't wait!


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