"hello" to all pin addicts (Oldtimers & Newbies)


<font color=navy>GOD BLESS <font color=red>AMERI
Dec 18, 1999
:goodvibes A special hello to NHMICKEY (Nat)

Hi to NHMICKEY (Nat), plus all pin addicts. Are there any oldtimers out there ????? Me john59 and DW shirley 38 started our addiction to DIS PINS back in the mid 70's. They were 29 cents at the Emporium.

My DW Shirley was a ferocious trader. Me, I just liked pins with really good definition.

NHMICKEY (Nat) was instrumental at putting my avatar 'THE HAT' on the Collectors Board. 'THE HAT' was 3rd generation. The other two collapsed. One mid 80's the other mid 90's. THE HAT was 260 pins themed out in sections, Cinderella, Lion King, etc, etc, etc. THE HAT is now gone.

My DW kept about 100 real toughies. Days gone by they were called the 'Holy Grails'. The rest of our collection is spread around to grand kiddies. They have created collages that are really inventive.

I am sort of retired. Nobody really retires. Moving from Philly to S Central PA I found the best job, non-job I have had in my career. A Girls' HS/MS Basketball Coach. Not a paid coach these days, but a volunteer. At almost 70 I still like to run with my LADIES. "hey coach. I need help" is still kinda neat.

A PICTURE OF 'THE HAT' (not the best)


My LADIES, listening intently. Coach knows what he is doing. SURPRISE ! ! ! & DEAR LORD, HELP ME ! ! !


Hello to you!!! :) We started trading a few years ago and have been addicted since. :) It's a great hobby and fun for the whole family. Love the hat! :)
Hi John - i do remember you and Shirley well - we traded a few times back in the early 2000's. Nice to see you posting. Please give my best to Shirley too. Caroline
I like your hat John! My question is this...I just heard about pins and want to know if looking on e-bay is smart, to find them. I've heard some are not true Disney pins. How do you know the difference?
Thanks for your help! :goodvibes
I like your hat John! My question is this...I just heard about pins and want to know if looking on e-bay is smart, to find them. I've heard some are not true Disney pins. How do you know the difference?
Thanks for your help! :goodvibes

There is a topic in this forum that gives you the names of the 'Best' Pin Sellers on eBay.

And eBay is a much much better idea than buying in the parks....for the sake of saving money.:lmao:
I like your hat John! My question is this...I just heard about pins and want to know if looking on e-bay is smart, to find them. I've heard some are not true Disney pins. How do you know the difference?
Thanks for your help! :goodvibes

Well I'm not John but if you follow the link in my signature you will find out eBay superthread with all kinds of info on eBay, scrappers, buying, trading, etc etc. :)

1st Hello to the Oldtimers---Forget that word----MatureTimers.

Is a Pin authentic ????? That is a really good question.

Since DW & I have not been in the Pins thing for probably 5 or 6 years, it was just getting tooooooo complex and costly. I can't really answer your question.

I have, a guess at best, probably 15 pins left that are stamped on the back 'The Walt Disney Company'. These guys go back to the 70's and probably the early 80's at the latest. I know they are authentic, because I bought them, but you do not know they are authentic. Again, I was never a Trader, I went for definition in a pin. I would say to myself, "SELF ----THAT PIN IS REALLY NEAT".

I am not even sure if they are in any catalog. They could be, but I am not sure. An example---My Favorite---Black Mouse Ears with a red band, gold etching, white background, that say's MICKEY MOUSE CLUB. On the back Walt Disney Company. I have seen a lot of variations, but if you lay a dime next to it, it is 2/3 the size of a dime. There are probably others, but this is the only one I have ever seen.

In fact, I have not seen this guy for awhile. It must be in this house somewhere, but I don't know where. YIKES ! ! ! !

Whatever you do, don't take this response as negative. We had a blast doing the PIN THINGIE and met some super people in Our Disney Pin Adventure.You gals, guys and kiddies, go have fun.
John - how are you and Shirley? I remember Shirley staying with me at BWV for one night at one of the first pin trading events! Ah, the old days, standing in line for several hours to get that LE 1,000 (and then trying to figure out how to buy a couple more for friends), getting up in the middle of the night to get the requisite bracelet, running around WorldShowcase in 100 degree heat a couple of times a day during the pin event to buy the pins and get the stamps you needed for the cards they would hand out (only if you had every stamp), those impromptu pin trading sessions at Leighton's cart on the Boardwalk and best of all, the friends I made during those first years. A lot of happy memories, my friend.

Another old timer came out of the woodwork recently - Caroline R. Back in the day she lived with her step sister in VA but is now living in IN. Can't tell you how delighted I was to hear from her

and now you!

Give Shirley a hug from me!

Cyn Sikora
:) Hi Cyn (Figment2)

A memory or 'Happening' I will never forget.

Pin trading at the Boardwalk till 1 AM. About 20 people from the Collectors Board with some down and dirty trading. It was a BLAST.

WHAT ????? DW Shirley you must be kidding me.

Off to the backroad of MGM (Studios) to get in line for must have LEs. Peeeeples milling around in the dark, laughing----just having fun till the Park opened.

The rent car we had was sooooooooo small, the only place I could try to sleep was in the trunk (lid up) of the car, with the back seat pushed forward.

At least my DW was not a stand alone addict, she had plenty pf company.


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