

Feb 2, 2001
We are driving to Disney and it will take about 27 hrs. does anyone have any suggestions on stuff to bring to kept kids aged 14, 14 , 12 and 9 occupied?
You need the tranquillizers!!
For the kids I suggest:

gameboys plus extra batteries and maybe even a new game or two.

DC player with headsets

Books on tapes (library has lots for free) Happy Potter might be a good choice.

Books for them to read to themselves

If you go during the school year, have them do thier homework.


Lots of snacks

Fun candy (such as ring suckers, those dip and lick candy etc.)

Just keep reminding yourself that you will get there and it will be worth it!!!

Jordan's mom
My kids, age 8 and 10, could not live without their game boys and personal CD players. These are absolute MUSTS!! And definitely don't forget the extra batteries, you WILL need them.

Good luck, that is a L-O-N-G drive!

We took the game boys and candy. Actually, my sister made a box up for the kids. Filled it with lots of sugar! Thanks..sis!

A lot of the time though, the kids slept.

Funny how a long car ride puts you to sleep!

My kids were 17, 8 and 5.

a portable DVD player has been our saving grace on long trips. I rent a slew of disney DVDs and take some old favorites

also.. the books on tape are wonderful too.. we listened to several books that i had been meaning to read on a cross-country trip.

I also try to include some coloring books and crayons and I saw on a board that said try bringing a roll of alluminum foil (take out the sharp thing in the box) and see how creative your kids can be with it. My 2 year old LOVES to play with tape.. regular scotch tape. soi give her a roll to do whatever with.. wierd what will occupy them...

maybe try something like license plate bingo or Eye-spy



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