Hollywood and Vine character breakfast review...


<font color=darkorchid>I am embracing the Turkey B
Jan 18, 2005
OK so I have 4 children- including a 3 year old that hates characters but really wanted to meet Jojo and Goliath. SOOOO we book the breakfast at H&V and hope for the best.... well first off the place was EMPTY! (we had an 9 AM time on an early entry day for MGM) We sat right down and Leo and June were already dancing. The way they work it is the Little Einsteins and Jojo and Goliath walk around spending plenty of time for pictures and hugs at the tables- and there are 2 full of Disney pep "singers" They were really upbeat and sang songs and danced around with the characters- sang all songs from the Disney channel not just those two shows. My kids were loving it.... well all except the 3 year old... Yep he was under the table the entire meal.(not loving the characters even if it was jojo)
Now on to the food- It was typical character meal fare- actually not too much of it.. mickey waffles, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, a fritata that was pretty good and some potatoes that were average. So food not so great but character interaction great. So this meal gets pirate: pirate: out of a possible 4 only for the character interaction and show.. the food was plain at best...more reviews coming after I get the laundry done...
Do you mind me asking how old your other three children are? My friend is worried that her nearly four year old won't enjoy this.
My children are 12(he was dragged out to dance and did!) 8 dd* she was trying to play it cool but got up to sing and dance, 3(under the table) and 18 month old loved it all.
I am happy to hear that the interaction was good.My DD2 LOVES JoJo and is telling everyone that she is going to Disney to see her.I am also taking my DD7 but am sparing my DS10 and DS9.
I have 2 DD's ages 5 and 8. Don't know what to do yet on this meal.
The interaction and singers entertainment sounds okay. They never watch Einsteins but really like JoJo.
I was actually hoping for a new (better) character meal to come along, but maybe this is worth trying.
Thanks for the report, us DIS'ers appreciate it. :wizard: princess:
When we were there it was just Leo and June but I hear that Annie is usually there as well. She just wasn't the day we were there. And if you kids ask where is...... the cm's say they had to go to school today-kind of cute.


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