Homework for 2nd grader

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Great Minds think Alike - knew we had to be connected somehow - my mom was born and raised in Va. Strong Family Values!!

Please don't let this teacher take the magic out of your trip. School is almost over, the worst that could happen is that his report card grades could go down for the last quarter. When he is a senior graduating with honors, no one will remember or care what his grades were in second grade. Do as much work as you can with out stressing the kid or yourself out and let the rest go.Sounds like you have one terrific kid that deserves that trip.

jordan's mom
My third grader is going to miss the second to the last week of school.When we return he will have 2 days left.
Last year we went in April and had a couple of math sheets , some voacabulary WS , and asked to talk after he returned. It was mostly review sent home and finished it before we left.
He did have to stay in from recess for a few days to catch up but was not a big deal.

I am thinking this year the teacher might not bother sending anything home for homework..
how much do they really do the last 2 weeks of school any way? Any thoughts on this?
I am just now sending the note to school with the dats he will miss...
Also younger ds - Kindergarten- do they bother sending homework for make up at this grade?? He will unfortuantely miss at least 2 days for his adenoidectomy and tubes - then the 6 days for vacation about 3 weeks after the surgery. Hoping school district doesn't have a problem, he has already missed 4 days this yr for bad ear infections and DR appts..

Wish me luck!!

After what I just went through - I wouldn't bother telling the school in advance. I'd call the night before we left and leave a message on their answering machine/voice mail that my child was going to be out for x days.

Btw, I went through 2 sets of tubes with my son - it was easier for him to go through the minor surgery that it was for me in the waiting room. He was pretty much back to normal the next day bouncing off the walls.

Have a great trip

Here's hopping that all goes well with the teachers. While I certainly would not change trip plans now, you might have to do some working with the teachers as far as the third grader goes. In our NC school district, third grade (I have a 3rd grader too! ) is considered the toughest grade in all the school years. It is the first year they get letter grades and the 1st year they have to pass gateway test to go on to the next grade. In our school these test are given three weeks before school is out. In our school district, they also end the grading period BEFORE the last day of school so you might need to be aware that any work not done before the trip might not be allowed for credit. As you can tell from my other post ,I am very for taking kids out of school(we always do it) and I think that glewis1123's son is being treated very unfairly, and I do belive that a family vacation is as important as school. I think I would go talk with his teacher and make sure that you are comfortable with the results of his being out those last two weeks. I would not even give a thought to the kidergartener. We really messed up that year as we took DS out for our trip, then he ended up out a week for surgery, a week for the flu and also all thoses litttle colds and stuff. He was just fine and even got the "Cream of the crop award". Enjoy that trip ,just make sure that you have things settled so that you can have the best time.

Jordan's mom


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