How does one get an electric chair?


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Mar 25, 2003
and will insurance pay for it. I've been debating this since going to AZ and there not being any electric chairs in the mall. My arms are too short to push a wheelchair myself.

Does your insurance cover durable medical goods?
If so, do you have a Medical Supply company which supplies powerchairs?
I suggest contacting them to see how they would have you proceed.
It usually goes something like this:

1. Get an Rx from your Doc designating that you need an electric/power wheelchair including the diagnosis which requires the powerchair and a lift for your vehicle so you can transport the powerchair. Make sure these are written at the same time.

2. Take Rx to medical supply co., be fitted for powerchair. The person at med. supply should call your Ins. carrier first to confirm the purchase of the powerchair and to MAKE SURE they will be reimbursed and what your share of cost will be for the equipment.
The medical supply person will work with the doc to get the correct paperwork to the Insurance carrier. Doc will have to give reasons to support the purchase of a powerchair vs manual w/c.
Use of chair to increase your independence is a huge factor.

3. Make sure to request all the add-ons for the powerchair at the initial visit, so they may also be ok'd. Things such as
cup holder, cane/crutch holder, extra battery, removable/elevating leg rests, adjustable armrests, adjustable seat height., Oxygen holder, solid or inflatable wheels, front or rear wheel drive.......all very important accessory choices.

4. Electric lift for the w/c, choose one that you can use yourself and that will not be difficult to use. There are various options ranging from external/internal mechanical lifts to fully automated elevator lifts.

5. IMPORTANT... DO NOT TAKE A WHEELCHAIR HOME WITH YOU UNLESS IT IS PAID IN FULL. There are many companies out there that will give you a scooter or a powerchair saying that they will do all the billing for you, don't worry about it... well WORRY ABOUT IT! I have had a number of patients who use these companies only to find that the insurance WILL NOT COVER THE EQUIPMENT.. and then THEY ARE STUCK WITH THE FULL BILL FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.
Sometimes the insurance company will deny your claim for equipment the first time.. well try again, and try again! It is part of the game. Just get it in writing before you agree to take the powerchair home with you!

Do some SERIOUS searches for information on the web for electric wheelchairs, powerchairs, wheelchair lifts. That way you will have an idea of what you may need prior to your visit to the Doc and Med. supply.

I hope this gives you some idea of the procedure. If need be I can spell it out in more depth. Just give me a holler.

The above post was for PURCHASE of a POWER CHAIR...

If you just want to rent one for use on a vacation.. most insurances will not pay for this convenience~but it does not hurt to ask your own Insurance company.

Good luck,
I don't know what your needs are (how easily can you transfer, are you able to walk at all, do you need a joystick or alternate control), but you might also want to look into ecvs (electric scooters). They are less expensive than power wheelchairs and might be easier to get approval for. With a power wheelchair, a lift or ramp van is a necessity. With an ecv, it might not be.
I think insurance companies/Medicare are going to be looking at power wheelchair purchases a lot more carefully than they have been before - mostly because of the companies mamajoan mentioned that promise a scooter or power wheelchair with no cost to you and they get all the approval. There have been some stories about companies like that in the news getting wheelchairs for people who didn't need them; it's become a big business for unscupulous companies.

Also, if your insurance has contracts with several Durable Equipment companies, try to find out some customer satisfaction information before you choose your who to deal with. Our insurance had one company for power wheelchairs - they are a small, local company and are great with everything. For manual wheelchairs, the contract is with a large, national company and we are still working on getting everything right on a manual wheelchair that DD was fitted for last JULY.


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