how much cash to bring?


Earning My Ears
Jun 7, 2001
we are debating on how much cash to bring while staying at the ASMu. we will be having the length of stay passes for 7 days and will be eating one sit down meal a day. we will be having breakfast in our room and counter food for lunch.
Can you charge counter food to your room or do you have to pay cash?
what can you charge to your room?
Is there a dollar limit?
And when you reach your limit can you pay it with a credit card and start over?
Hubbie doesnt' like carrying cash. What would you dis experts suggest? thanks for all your guys are greaaaat!:bounce:
I can answer how much we took,$100. aday for food for 3 adults. And a $100.each for suiviners per person per the trip.

And we took it in traveler checks. Now they have ones Both of you sign but only one needs to sign it, to spend it.

And thats all I know about!!lol!
We usually bring $100 for each day and I bring it in travelers checks. I always bring some cash to start off with also. Our last trip in January included our 23yr old son and we did spend a little more than that because we had some more lavish dinners than usual {Emerils... awesome!!}. When you check into your resort they will let you know right then how much you can charge to your room {it depends on your credit card}. If you exceed that amount , my undrestanding is that you need to go to the desk and sign on it on your credit card, they will get another line of credit for you. As far as I know all counter service is cash/travelers checks. At the end of our stay we pay for what we have charged to our room with our travelers checks and most times we have a little left over. Your plan sounds great!! If you have a more expensive sit down dinner each night you may need a little more than $100. After several trips where we did a nice sitdown dinner every night we decided not to do that any more. Takes too much time from having fun and actually became a chore. Now we only plan a couple of "nice" dinners and wing it the rest of the time.
I agree with about $100/day...and that was in addition to charging some of the extra stuff (Pirate Cruise, etc., etc.)
Since we plan a year in advance, we buy disney dollars at a Disney store near our home.
They will give you at least $100.00 everytime you go. We used it to pay for all our meals.
Disney has alot of very cheap restauarants, under 10.00 (fast food type) but you have to
really search for them, they are well hidden. I always buy the book by Birnbaum, i think
that's how ya spell it he list every restaurant in the book the least expensive to the most
expensive. We also have breakfast in our hotel, after seeing how much time we were
wasting on a large sit down breakfast. I then give everyone in our group 20.00 per day
in disney money for two meals, any change they get back is theres to keep and buy
whatever they want. We ususally end up spending only 6.00 for our meals.
We normally figure $50 a day per person for food and then add another $300-500 for suveners.
We charge EVERYTHING! We had a trip a couple years ago that we took $200 in cash between us, and came home with some! Most cash we spent was on tips and a bottle of soda or water from a cart here and there. Using a credit card is so much safer, it also gives you some consumer protections, and can easily be replaced if lost or stolen, within 24 hours, no questions asked (not always the case with travellers checks)

Also with a credit card (I know this from experience) if you show up at your hotel without it (lost stolen, etc.) the hotel manager can verify with Visa/MC/Amex etc. that you DO have a valid card and you DO have available credit and you WILL be getting another issued on an emergency basis. The hotel will then extend you credit. Not so with travellers checks.



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